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10 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Tsyan hopped out of the taxi.

"If you have a self that's any good at disguises, might want to switch to that now," he said to Clotho. "These people target outsiders like vultures to a carcass."

Now, to find a Nicro. Hopefully her thief-self would have some idea as well. He paused.

"By the way, you're paying for the taxi fare, right? Work expense and all."

Rolling her eyes, Clotho gave some money to the cab driver. She began walking away, with Tysan close behind.

”Gold doesn’t work like that, you know. I’m stuck with these two selves for the day, and while both of them are great at talking their way out of things, neither are masters of disguise.”

On to the task at hand: finding a nicroburst that’s willing to help.

Actually, she knew a nicroburst. Hopefully they’re still alive in this timeline.

”I know a place. He’s not particularly nice with outsiders, especially street nobodies, but a little talking and a few boxings can go a long way. He shouldn’t be far from here.”

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Feynah, mistwarrens 

Feynah rounded the corner weaving between alleyways to escape his pursuers, But it was no use, his pursuers knew where he was and would find him. The only way he could get out was by changing disguises.

Feynah currently appeared as a young man in his late teens to early twenties. He was wearing the clothes of a newsie.


To clarify he did not steal a newsie’s clothes. He is just wearing the clothes you would expect a newsie to  wear.

He had a bag slung across his chest and was running incredibly fast.

I’m gonna die, he thought.

Again, he ran around a corner. This time he was heading straight toward a well dressed woman who had just come out of her taxi.

Colors, can’t stop now. He thought, Maybe I can get away with the old man maneuver.

Instead of slowing, Feynah quickly speed up. Right as he made contact he quickly took off his hat with one hand while taking out a cane with his other. 

That’s gonna leave a mark. He thought as he quickly aged forward into his late sixties, adopted a hunch, and bleached his hair to a pale white. 

He looked down at the now prone woman he had just ran into and grimaced. 

“Are you ok young lady?” He croaked “I didn’t see who hit you. Um, let me help you up”

Feynah held out his hand as the gang members chasing him rounded the corner.

Although he now looked like an old man, his eyes betrayed how terrified he really was. He pleaded with his eyes at the prone woman not to blow his cover.

@Koloss17 @I think I am here.

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3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

"I know a place. He’s not particularly nice with outsiders, especially street nobodies, but a little talking and a few boxings can go a long way. He shouldn’t be far from here.”

Now, that was something useful. Tsyan smiled. It looked like the Mistwarrens had been the right choice after all.

1 hour ago, Stormlightsong said:

Instead of slowing, Feynah quickly speed up. Right as he made contact he quickly took off his hat with one hand while taking out a cane with his other. 

Suddenly, a figure slammed into the woman and Tsyan had both knives out, gleaming, ready to fight back. But there was no perpetrator in sight - just an old man with cane.

Tsyan looked around. Old men didn't just appear. He had to be a Steelrunner, or a teleporter or something. And these places, you had to wonder how an old person lived so long. Certainly not by being weak.

"Check your pockets, make sure everything's still there," he said to Clotho, knives still out. He went to ask the old man something but saw the look in his eyes. A desperate look.

A few angry people - they looked like gang members - turned around the corner. Maybe the old man had pickpocketed them first. Tsyan held his knives tight.

"What's going on?" he whispered, to both of them. The gang was coming closer.


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Clotho gasped. That hurt. When she turned, an old man had run into her.

Something’s not right.

Looking closer, Clotho saw desperation in the old man’s eyes. Something was off about him, but she couldn’t put her finger on what.

What looked to be crooks rounded the corner, and it clicked. This was a disguise of some sort. Would she humor the man? She decided it was worth the risk.

”Tysan, put down your knives. They’re not here for us.”

Clotho looked to an alleyway. “I think your culprit ran off there,” she said to the thieves, groaning slightly. It was probably nothing serious, but it hurt like Ruin. 

Watching the fools run in the wrong direction, she turned to the disguise artist. “Now what is all this about?” 


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8 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Watching the fools run in the wrong direction, she turned to the disguise artist. “Now what is all this about?” 

Colors, she knows. Thought Feynah, as he sighed with relief. Quickly turning around he stowed away his cane, put his hat back on, and readjusted his age back to his early 20s. 
Turning back to the lady, he made his voice at humble and apologetic as possible.

”I am completely sorry for that m’lady. it was necessary to ditch my pursuers.” he said, turning to what seems to be her bodyguard. “And do not worry. I did not take anything from her or your pockets.”

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Tysan put down his knives, watched the gang take off to another unfortunate section of the slums, and watched the "old man" turn into a twenty-something boy. Looked like a newsie.

"Should've let me at them," he muttered to Clotho. "Murderous low lives. It'd be a mercy to end them."

But they were gone now, and a disguise artist was here. Storms. You couldn't even take a breath without something weird happening over here.

"Then why were they chasing you?" he asked, pointing in the direction the gang had went.

Tysan had to admit, the "old man" had him fooled. He hadn't seen a disguise so good in a while. Despite the man's words, Tysan checked his pockets anyway. Everything still there.

"And what are you doing in the Mistwarrens with a power like that, anyway?" he asked, irritated. "There's bound to be guild or three who'd take you."



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22 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

"Then why were they chasing you?" he asked, pointing in the direction the gang had went.

“Oh, them?” Feynah said, looking in the direction the gang had went. “they’re just angry that I took some of their uniforms.” He held up his bag. It seemed to be full of clothes matching the colors and style of the gang member’s.


"And what are you doing in the Mistwarrens with a power like that, anyway?" he asked, irritated. "There's bound to be guild or three who'd take you."

“I wouldn’t want to go around telling people who I am” he said, somewhat amused by the question, “what kind of ruined the point, wouldn’t it. I think a man like you would understand being an assassin and all.” Feynah looks at his knives then up to the lady, “anyway, what is a fine lady like you doing in a place like this.”


@I think I am here.

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1 hour ago, Stormlightsong said:

“anyway, what is a fine lady like you doing in a place like this?”

“What is an old man doing in a place like this?” Clotho said, amused. “Besides, what is it to you why I’m here?”

Pondering the trustworthiness of what she assumed to be a con, she added, “unless you can help find what we’re looking for, of course.”

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40 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

“What is an old man doing in a place like this?” Clotho said, amused. “Besides, what is it to you why I’m here?”

Pondering the trustworthiness of what she assumed to be a con, she added, “unless you can help find what we’re looking for, of course.”

“well, I don’t know what you’re looking for. But I could help you for a price.” Feynah said. Then, leaning in, he whispered, “you’re a puzzle. you hold yourself like a noblewoman walk like a thief, and somehow I don’t think you’re either. I can help you If you tell me who you are.”

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2 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

“well, I don’t know what you’re looking for. But I could help you for a price.” Feynah said. Then, leaning in, he whispered, “you’re a puzzle. you hold yourself like a noblewoman walk like a thief, and somehow I don’t think you’re either. I can help you If you tell me who you are.”

Why is everyone interested in her behavior all of a sudden?

She turned to Tysan. 

“Would this guy be useful to us?”

She didn’t know what Tysan’s plans were after Nicrobursting, but she assumed he had some sort of a plan.

She did admit that his abilities could be…useful. They seemed familiar to her somehow, though she couldn’t place her finger on why. They types of people you find in the Alleyverse can be quite…unique.

@I think I am here.

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Tsyan, The Mistwarrens

He could tell Tsyan was an assassin. Could tell Clotho was more than what she let on. The disguise artist was clever, that was certain, but the smartest ones were the most likely to betray you, use you as a pawn in their games.

He turned to Clotho.

"Useful? He'd be more than useful, but there's things more important than that."

He turned to the disguise artist.

"For all I know," he said. "You being chased was an elaborate set up to con us once you saw us get out of the cab. So how do we know you can be trusted? What's your... uh..."

He waved his hand vaguely.

"...collateral?" It's not like they would be able to find him again if he betrayed them.

Tsyan stepped back, looking over the boy.

"And as for usefulness..." he said. He needed to project authority. How? He remembered Clotho's words.

"Unless you can show me something other than an obvious age-switch, I doubt your 'skills' will be any use to us."



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5 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

For all I know," he said. "You being chased was an elaborate set up to con us once you saw us get out of the cab. So how do we know you can be trusted? What's your... uh..."

He waved his hand vaguely.

"...collateral?" It's not like they would be able to find him again if he betrayed them.

Collateral, huh, Feynah thought, a metal mind would be a little too much, and I don’t want them to be able to control me with it. But…

”What about my name?” He said, “that’s some pretty valuable information.”

“the name’s Feynah,” He said, holding out his hand in greeting. “Though don’t be using it lightly. There are some people who would hunt me down if they knew I was here.”


"And as for usefulness..." he said. He needed to project authority. How? He remembered Clotho's words.

"Unless you can show me something other than an obvious age-switch, I doubt your 'skills' will be any use to us."

Feynah cocked his head, didn’t he just say I would be useful, he thought, well if they’re looking for proof they’ll get it.

Suddenly, his voice turned serious, and his hair turned red with anger. “Listen here,” he said, with a voice like daggers, “I ain’t your average con. I have trained with the best of the best: Kandra, Sleepless, Lightweavers, you name it. I can sneak my way into anywhere if I have enough time.”

@I think I am here.


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Tsyan, The Mistwarrens

A name. Tsyan supposed it was something. Hesitantly, he took Feynah's hand and shook it.

"Tsyan," he introduced himself in turn, realizing he'd never got the chance to tell his name to Clotho either.

"I won't be using it lightly," he said. "But its good to have it. Besides, you already knew my occupation, so you know there's a lot we can do with a name."

2 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

Suddenly, his voice turned serious, and his hair turned red with anger. “Listen here,” he said, with a voice like daggers, “I ain’t your average con. I have trained with the best of the best: Kandra, Sleepless, Lightweavers, you name it. I can sneak my way into anywhere if I have enough time

Not a demonstration, besides the red hair, but it was a claim so bold it had merit on its own. Tsyan looked to Clotho.

"You're the one who's going to be paying his fee," he said to her. "What do you think? You said the Nicro you know, or knew, or knew from another life, whatever, that he didn't take kindly to outsiders. Well now we have a local."

He looked to Faynah.

"And if you're good as you say, we'll have a 'local' no matter where we go. Hmm."

Edited by I think I am here.
Current Tsyan emotion: Decreasingly Gruntled
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15 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Tsyan, The Mistwarrens


Not a demonstration, besides the red hair, but it was a claim so bold it had merit on its own. Tsyan looked to Clotho.

"You're the one who's going to be paying his fee," he said to her. "What do you think? You said the Nicro you know, or knew, or knew from another life, whatever, that he didn't take kindly to outsiders. Well now we have a local."

He looked to Faynah.

"And if you're good as you say, we'll have a 'local' no matter where we go. Hmm."

“Well, I suppose he could be useful. Feynah, eh? Well, welcome to the job, I suppose. Do you need a down-payment like Mr. Assassin over here?”

Clotho was not afraid to use her money, but it was not an infinite resource. She didn’t make much in the way of money, after all.

”Well, for now, we have places to be. We’re looking for a Nicroburst. I’ll fill you in on some of the details as we head where he likely resides. And concerns you have? You’re not being hired for anything particularly dangerous, if that is a concern.”

Clitho, realizing that hiring someone in the middle of a street is probably not the smartest thing to do, added “Unless you have places to be.”


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A job? Feynah thought, could have it’s perks, but I’ll have to be cautious.

”i’ll help you,” he said, in a “you should be honored by my presence” way, “though, I have a few conditions.”

Feynah was very cautious, and always had back ups and escape routes, but he always liked making sure things didn’t mess up in the first place.

”first, you must not tell people unless necessary about my powers, and you must play along with each of my personas.”

It is always good for everyone involved to know the details. So when everything goes wrong, you can blame it on everyone else and run away.

“Second, I won’t need much payment, but I will expect free housing and food for the duration of my job.”

Always make sure you have the necessities, so you don’t lose any money in the event you have to get away.

“And finally, if/when” he gave Tsyan a cold look, “a fight breaks out. Do Not, expect me to stick around.”

Getting injured is one of the worst nightmares of a disguise artist. It’s hard to hide from your enemies when you have a black eye.

”are these terms reasonable?”


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32 minutes ago, Stormlightsong said:


”i’ll help you,” he said, in a “you should be honored by my presence” way, “though, I have a few conditions.”

”first, you must not tell people unless necessary about my powers, and you must play along with each of my personas.”


Well, fair enough. She had similar desires, as her abilities were her own.


“Second, I won’t need much payment, but I will expect free housing and food for the duration of my job.”

Always make sure you have the necessities, so you don’t lose any money in the event you have to get away.

Her mansion was quite barren, and could certainly fit another guest. Would this be a comfortable arrangement? Likely not. But she could afford it.


“And finally, if/when” he gave Tsyan a cold look, “a fight breaks out. Do Not, expect me to stick around.”

Getting injured is one of the worst nightmares of a disguise artist. It’s hard to hide from your enemies when you have a black eye.

”are these terms reasonable?”

“These terms are more than reasonable. Do you have any places to be? We are heading to 438 Scrap Street, or somewhere around there. It isn’t far, but there will be time to fill you in on the job.”

This was not the worst of arrangements, and having a local is certainly going to be useful. He didn’t seem keen on backstabbing her, but she doesn’t know what is an act or not with this guy.

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10 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

“These terms are more than reasonable. Do you have any places to be? We are heading to 438 Scrap Street, or somewhere around there. It isn’t far, but there will be time to fill you in on the job.”


Hmm, what are my plans? Feynah delved deep into his memories, Oh, that’s right, I have none.

He shrugged and said, “sure, why not.” 

I still need to figure out what her thing is, but I can do that on the way. He thought.

“So, what’s the job?”

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1 hour ago, Stormlightsong said:

"So, what’s the job?"

Tsyan, The Mistwarrens

Tsyan began walking.

"Our employer here is looking for someone," he said curtly to Feynah. Ally or not, he didn't like crossing paths with someone as unloyal as the disguise artist seemed. If you couldn't fight, what were you?

"We don't know their name. Don't know their location. All we know is that they killed someone dear to Ms. Renoux. Our only clues are her gold Allomancy, and the stacks of notes she's kept detailing her alternate versions."

He gestured at the winding path ahead.

"We thought maybe a Nicroburst could give us more to work with. You know, using gold to peer into the Spiritual Realm and all."

He looked silently to Clotho. He hadn't told Feynah of the bigger problem - the amnesia, the seclusion - because it wasn't his to tell. He'd given the essential information. The rest was up to her.

"And I agree to your terms," he said to Feynah. "Though I'm curious why you don't need much payment. Food and shelter is fine, but you can those anywhere. Money is the hard thing to come by, at least if you want to do something in this city."

To Clotho he added:

"I don't suppose you have any idea what'll happen once you're Nicro'd? You may want to be ready with a spare vial - what you're burning now will probably all be used up."



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19 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:


"And I agree to your terms," he said to Feynah. "Though I'm curious why you don't need much payment. Food and shelter is fine, but you can those anywhere. Money is the hard thing to come by, at least if you want to do something in this city."

To Clotho he added:

"I don't suppose you have any idea what'll happen once you're Nicro'd? You may want to be ready with a spare vial - what you're burning now will probably all be used up.”

“I have absolutely no idea. Hopefully it won’t get me killed, and I sincerely hope it gets us closer to getting some semblance of an idea on where to go next.”

And of course Clotho had extra vials. She made sure to keep multiple in her at all times. The vials she drank were much more dense than most, as she needed much more. Gold burned quickly, so she needed to take a new vial every hour or so. 

The costs has wracked up, but she had managed to get a better deal in bulk. Turns out being able to jump across dimensions allowed for gathering an abundance of metals, especially when some worlds didn’t find value in it anymore.

“And as to why I act weird, I am a gold savant. So I’m constantly three people at once. It has its advantages, but it also has its…disadvantages.”



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10 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

“And as to why I act weird, I am a gold savant. So I’m constantly three people at once. It has its advantages, but it also has its…disadvantages.”

An Auger, huh. Feynah thought, that would explain the conflicting demeanors. Suddenly, he looked down at his clothes, looks like I’ll need to change.

Turning back to the group, he said, “I’ll be right back.” and then ran into the nearest building.


A few moments later, a young girl in her early teens skipped out. She had shoulder length, bright pink hair, a white t-shirt, and a knee length red skirt. She was still wearing the same bag across her chest though.

this is better. Feynah thought as she skipped over to the group. 

“You guys ready?” she said eagerly.

@I think I am here.

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On 19.4.2023 at 9:33 PM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

"As I said before, I am no hero," Balance said calmly. He created a large lense of planes of force, allowing him to zoom in on locations as Marcus spoke.

"Very well then, to the center of Dominion." Balance gestured and the platform vanished, instantly replaced by a chute that guided Marcus along the path towards Dominion. Balance ran through the air, platforms made of energy flashing briefly into existence every time he stepped.

Mike, Edo Lane, Flying, on his way to the center of the Dominion

I never called you a hero. Mike corrected him silently. A superhero was something completely different. But he didn't point out the difference, the pure fact that many superheros were evil and bad and liked to destroy, while heros were the good ones, like the old heros who had fought in the seven day war. There were some good superheros, too, he suspected, but he wouldn't count on it.

He shouted in surprise when he was suddenly flying through the air, falling, no gliding towards the Dominion. His heart tried to jump out of his chest when he looked down and noticed how far up he as, how deep he would fall the moment this thing, he looked over his shoulder, this chute, decided to take a break. His hands gripped his device in a death grip and squeezed his eyes shut, too scared to look down or somewhere else. You won't fall, you won't fall, you won't fall, he told himself again and again, only to grit his teeth when the chute made a slight jumpy motion. You will fall, his thoughts immediatly told him and he gasped, only barely suppred another scream.

You can't fall. The thought brushed through his fear, gently eased it away. You're a great swimmer. Joy rose in his chest when squid made a weird motion with his arms and legs, as if they were tentacles with bones embedded and opened his eyes again. She laughed at the air that brushed his face and repeated the motion, happy to be swimming again. You're not swimming, you're ... swimming.

"O-er e magetplash" he tried to tell Balance where to land, staring at the larger marketplace, that was located near the center of the Dominion. Edo Lane ended there and he hope to find someone there who had seen the on they were following. His tongue felt strange in his mouth and he tried again. "O -e" he managed, before he quickly shut it again. Squids obviously couldn't speak. Right. But why his mouth. Why couldn't she grab his arms, or a finger, why had she changed his mouth. His annoyance vanished when the chute made another bumpy motion and squid grinned in joy. Finally. It had been too long.

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11 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

this is better. Feynah thought as she skipped over to the group. 

“You guys ready?” she said eagerly.

Tsyan, walking to 438 Scrap Street, The Mistwarrens

If hadn't been for the bag, Tsyan would've figured a schoolgirl happened to run across the street to them at the same coincidental time that Feyanh disappeared. But no - the closer he looked, the more he could see faint similarities in the skull shape between disguises. If he hadn't known this was Feyah, the similarities would've been impossible to find, even for him.

"Impressive," he said honestly, now not knowing whether the newsie or the girl was Feynah's true form - if they had a true form. He doubted Feynah would answer if he asked. "You carry all your clothing in that bag of yours?"

He continued walking, burning iron, spotting lines pointing to things moving inside and between buildings fast, erratically. They were entering a part of the Mistwarrens where not all was exactly what it seemed. He couldn't explain it, but he could feel eyes watching them.

"I doubt it'll get you killed," he said to Clotho. He doubt she truly believed that, but it was worth mentioning. "A Nicro almost killed me once, but that was different. I hadn't been expecting it." He shuddered, remembering the injuries.

Finally he rounded a corner and came across a dark and dreary-looking street, lit only by the orange glow of a fire where a few people sat gathered. A ramshackle building sat behind them.

"There's your 438 Scrap Street," he told Feynah and Clotho, pointing. "I'll stay back and hold guard. Probably better if Feynah does the introductions, if I'm honest."



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6 hours ago, Sorana said:

Mike, Edo Lane, Flying, on his way to the center of the Dominion

I never called you a hero. Mike corrected him silently. A superhero was something completely different. But he didn't point out the difference, the pure fact that many superheros were evil and bad and liked to destroy, while heros were the good ones, like the old heros who had fought in the seven day war. There were some good superheros, too, he suspected, but he wouldn't count on it.

He shouted in surprise when he was suddenly flying through the air, falling, no gliding towards the Dominion. His heart tried to jump out of his chest when he looked down and noticed how far up he as, how deep he would fall the moment this thing, he looked over his shoulder, this chute, decided to take a break. His hands gripped his device in a death grip and squeezed his eyes shut, too scared to look down or somewhere else. You won't fall, you won't fall, you won't fall, he told himself again and again, only to grit his teeth when the chute made a slight jumpy motion. You will fall, his thoughts immediatly told him and he gasped, only barely suppred another scream.

You can't fall. The thought brushed through his fear, gently eased it away. You're a great swimmer. Joy rose in his chest when squid made a weird motion with his arms and legs, as if they were tentacles with bones embedded and opened his eyes again. She laughed at the air that brushed his face and repeated the motion, happy to be swimming again. You're not swimming, you're ... swimming.

"O-er e magetplash" he tried to tell Balance where to land, staring at the larger marketplace, that was located near the center of the Dominion. Edo Lane ended there and he hope to find someone there who had seen the on they were following. His tongue felt strange in his mouth and he tried again. "O -e" he managed, before he quickly shut it again. Squids obviously couldn't speak. Right. But why his mouth. Why couldn't she grab his arms, or a finger, why had she changed his mouth. His annoyance vanished when the chute made another bumpy motion and squid grinned in joy. Finally. It had been too long.

Balance grinned at the rush of skyrunning. It had been far too long since he last did this. He glanced over at Markus. He seemed to be enjoying the slide, though he did not have the freedom of movement that Balance did. He was also changed some, though it seemed to be mostly internal. Over the sound of rushing wind, he heard Markus say something that sounded like "marketplace". That was their goal, then. He located the marketplace, and dropped the chute down to fifty feet above the street. He slid down a temporary curve to stay with the chute, and then they were at the marketplace. Standing still, he reduced Markus's speed and set him down safely next to him. 

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4 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

"Impressive," he said honestly, now not knowing whether the newsie or the girl was Feynah's true form - if they had a true form. He doubted Feynah would answer if he asked. "You carry all your clothing in that bag of yours?"

"Not always," Feynah said, "I keep some of it in stashes around the place."

Speaking of which, she thought, I should probably recover some to move to the residence I will be staying at.


"There's your 438 Scrap Street," he told Feynah and Clotho, pointing. "I'll stay back and hold guard. Probably better if Feynah does the introductions, if I'm honest."

"Why do you think I'd know them?" Feynah said, "I don't really have acquaintances. the less people who know me the better."

for this to work she would need a convincing reason to be here. Maybe being one of their sisters would work, she thought, but since Tsyan is staying outside I'll have to work with the lady.

she turned to said lady and asked, "by the way I don't think I got your name, I'll need It for my disguise." then elaborated, "I think It would be best to act as your younger sister. While inside you may call me Claire." 

being a child is so much easier, she thought, I may even be able to grab a few gold off this Nicroburst while he's distracted.

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35 minutes ago, Stormlightsong said:

"Why do you think I'd know them?" Feynah said, "I don't really have acquaintances. the less people who know me the better."

Tsyan, Near 438 Scrap Street, The Mistwarrens

Tsyan raised an eyebrow as they neared.

"You're going to be our local, though, right?" He looked to Clotho and back to Feynah. "Apparently this guy isn't too receptive to outsiders - if he's alive, that is."

He had better be. Tsyan wasn't walking all this way just to turn around and go to Central Markets. He scowled.

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