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38 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Fillfully erasing memories? She…couldn’t fathom why. Sure, neither seemed particularly helpful, but what if there was something useful there?

”Do what you wish. I do not think I am the one to tell you what to do with your own memories.”

Hmm. Not very helpful. Tsyan decided to hold off on erasing anything just yet. He glanced at the books she'd set down, each one big enough to have its own gravitational pull. And it wasn't everything, not by a longshot.

"The memories you remembered yourself," he said, picking up and book and moving it closer to him. "Seem like they'd be good for... certain uses. And the book of your other selves, good for figuring out your past."

Slowly though. It had to be process of elimination, right? A gold shadow showed you what didn't happen to you in your life.

At least, Tsyan was pretty sure of that. The last time he properly studied something, he'd probably been an underling in an oversized cloak.

He sighed. This was like hiring a whitespine to do your taxes.

He looked up at Clotho.

"You already know a lot. You know how you got here, some of your past life, your family. What exactly do you want me to find? All of your past? Every memory? Something specific?"

He turned back to the book. His knives were impatient weights on his hip. They wanted to be used.

"What I'm saying is, how will I know I accomplished the mission? It's not as black-and-white as killing somebody."

He looked to the two copper coins he was choosing between.

"And I'll erase them both," he said. "Who gives a rusting storm about New Hallendren economics, anyway? Like 98% of their trade is from glorified paints. And I'll need the space."

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18 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

He looked up at Clotho.

"You already know a lot. You know how you got here, some of your past life, your family. What exactly do you want me to find? All of your past? Every memory? Something specific?"

He turned back to the book. His knives were impatient weights on his hip. They wanted to be used.

"What I'm saying is, how will I know I accomplished the mission? It's not as black-and-white as killing somebody."

Clotho sighed. She had hired a thug to do scholar’s work. 

“I don’t need every memory. Most people don’t even remember everything. What I mostly need to know is this: I have been sent here to do something. I didn’t just fall into Alleycity. I trekked here, for a few years it would seem. For an isolated amnesiac to decide to risk their life to go here of all places, I would need to have one hell of a reason.”

”I could certainly leave this place, and give up on whatever I care here to do, but something, in the back of my mind, knows that I need to be here. I just need to know why.” 

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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

”I could certainly leave this place, and give up on whatever I care here to do, but something, in the back of my mind, knows that I need to be here. I just need to know why.” 

Tsyan nodded, kept nodding as he opened the first page of the first book she'd plunked down in front of him. One page of many. One book of many. And for what? To find a life-purpose you didn't even remember? At least it was a purpose. That was more than most people can say.

She had said she wanted a detective. Not a scholar. A detective.

"And after five years of these notes," he said, thinking. "You thought you'd hire a scholar to look over them again? To analyse the same way you analyse, except that they don't know nothing about you. Not nearly as much as you seem to..."

He gestured around vaguely.

"Know about yourself." He paused, playing with the first coppermind he'd taken out, the empty one.

"Leave me alone with these for a while," he told her, hoped she'd appreciate him playing her game before getting her to play his.

"But if you ask me what could help get results - make a list of people you think you remember in this city. Or... get your selves to, I don't know how it works. When I'm done here, I'll pay them a visit. Won't waste too much time."

He smiled. "I get around quick. And I can be persuasive... in the right situation."

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41 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Tsyan nodded, kept nodding as he opened the first page of the first book she'd plunked down in front of him. One page of many. One book of many. And for what? To find a life-purpose you didn't even remember? At least it was a purpose. That was more than most people can say.

She had said she wanted a detective. Not a scholar. A detective.

"And after five years of these notes," he said, thinking. "You thought you'd hire a scholar to look over them again? To analyse the same way you analyse, except that they don't know nothing about you. Not nearly as much as you seem to..."

He gestured around vaguely.

"Know about yourself." He paused, playing with the first coppermind he'd taken out, the empty one.


This man…

Of course she needed someone else to look over it. She had gone at this for 5 years, and failed to provide anything of use. And no, she didn’t want them to analyze this in the same way. She needed a new pair of eyes. Yes, she gets two new pairs every day, but they are not enough. Her secrets remain locked to her, lost by time.


"Leave me alone with these for a while," he told her, hoped she'd appreciate him playing her game before getting her to play his.

"But if you ask me what could help get results - make a list of people you think you remember in this city. Or... get your selves to, I don't know how it works. When I'm done here, I'll pay them a visit. Won't waste too much time."

He smiled. "I get around quick. And I can be persuasive... in the right situation."

People she knew…

Well, she was with someone who had spent years in the Alleycity underground. They would have plenty of names, but she was unsure if they would be alive or useful. She searched through her personal diary about the events she had had. She kept daily logs, and the especially long entries would be where she had left her house…

Within about 20 minutes, she had created two lists. One has lists of the people that she had met and why, and the other who her alter ego had met.

Her own lists included her semi regular contacts, such as her gold provider, her grocer, and the people she went to occasionally for writing supplies and repairs.

There were plenty of names, approximately 30 people long. Clotho wasn’t sure how many of them were useful, however.

Her other selves’ list was much smaller, with close to 15 people. They were much more relevant, however. Crew leaders, team members, even a few friends. Not all of them had names, as names were easy to forget. Her other self seemed happier, free. They had a life, and had made use of her flaws. Their life was dangerous, and they were far from living a good life, but at least it was something. Her own life felt so dull in comparison. 

“Here is your lists. One shadow that I am with has spent years in Alleycity as a thief, and they have become relatively connected. However, I would not have much faith in the usefulness of the people she had met. Some of them might have died, some might not even exist. None of them are people that I have personally met in this life.”

”Has anything caught your eye?”

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23 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

"Has anything caught your eye?”

Surprisingly yes. While Clotho had been making her lists, Tysan had been scanning through the books, storing the pages in his copperminds, and trying to make some sort of logical connection. He doubted he could solve this logic puzzle the conventional way, with just these books. There had to be some other way. Some links to the real world. He hoped the lists would help with that.

"A few things," he said hesitantly, gesturing to the books. Whatever he found, she'd probably found already. "I was looking through the summaries of all your selves. Well, not all. Just some of the younger ones."

He pointed to a paragraph on a page he'd opened. Fortunately for him, these notes had been organised precisely. He could learn a thing or two about that. His copperminds were such a mess.

"Here it says you have a self that got... mixed up in the party scene of Elendel University. Now, maybe that means you never went to university at all in real life. But then here, you have another self which seems to be... talented scholar, graduating from EU. And another self that looks like it ran away from parents and didn't get a formal education."

He paused, then looked up at her. "Either way, there a few mentions of Elendel University. Either you went or you didn't go. We should go there and find out."

Big institutions were pretty tight-lipped about their records, weren't they? Hmm. He'd have to figure that out later, if Clotho thought the idea was worth pursuing.

"You've probably thought of it already," he said, looking down at the lists. He was hoping there would be someone Clotho remembered who might have a firmer link to her past.

He pointed to a crew leader's name.

"I know where he operates. Even if he doesn't know you in real life, he must still hire the same kinds of people. Worldhoppers. Newcomers to Alleycity. He would know the kinds of motivations they would have to arrive here. You were rich when you got here. It must take a specific type of person to be rich and still end up in the underground as a thief. Maybe he'll have an insight. If he's alive."

He tapped his fingers on the table again. "One things for sure. You're motivation definitely wasn't money. An object of power, then? Secret knowledge? Revenge? Love? Anything ring a bell?"

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23 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:


"A few things," he said hesitantly, gesturing to the books. Whatever he found, she'd probably found already. "I was looking through the summaries of all your selves. Well, not all. Just some of the younger ones."

He pointed to a paragraph on a page he'd opened. Fortunately for him, these notes had been organised precisely. He could learn a thing or two about that. His copperminds were such a mess.

"Here it says you have a self that got... mixed up in the party scene of Elendel University. Now, maybe that means you never went to university at all in real life. But then here, you have another self which seems to be... talented scholar, graduating from EU. And another self that looks like it ran away from parents and didn't get a formal education."

He paused, then looked up at her. "Either way, there a few mentions of Elendel University. Either you went or you didn't go. We should go there and find out."

Big institutions were pretty tight-lipped about their records, weren't they? Hmm. He'd have to figure that out later, if Clotho thought the idea was worth pursuing.

"You've probably thought of it already," he said, looking down at the lists. He was hoping there would be someone Clotho remembered who might have a firmer link to her past.

He pointed to a crew leader's name.

"I know where he operates. Even if he doesn't know you in real life, he must still hire the same kinds of people. Worldhoppers. Newcomers to Alleycity. He would know the kinds of motivations they would have to arrive here. You were rich when you got here. It must take a specific type of person to be rich and still end up in the underground as a thief. Maybe he'll have an insight. If he's alive."

He tapped his fingers on the table again. "One things for sure. You're motivation definitely wasn't money. An object of power, then? Secret knowledge? Revenge? Love? Anything ring a bell?"

“I have certainly considered leaving Alleycity to return, but I never felt that the risks it presented were worthwhile. I had brought everything about who I was and what I had done with me, or at least I assumed I would. Yet the majority of my documents were stolen from me or destroyed on the trip here. If that happens again, I would be back at square one. Though it could be a large step forward, it would be too dangerous.”

Clotho had considered it many times, but never pursued that avenue. Not only did she not know if she could return to her time, she didn’t know if she could come back to the Alleyverse. And what if things went wrong? Though Alleycity was an unstable place, at least she knew that she wasn’t going to lose everything easily here. She had no such assurances with traveling back.

”As for why I have come, I don’t know. My suspicion is that I was to avenge someone. In my alternate histories, someone almost always dies. I react differently, of course, and it is never consistently the same person. But death and my past seem to go hand in hand.”

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23 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

"As for why I have come, I don’t know. My suspicion is that I was to avenge someone. In my alternate histories, someone almost always dies. I react differently, of course, and it is never consistently the same person. But death and my past seem to go hand in hand.”

It sounded morbid. But Tsyan supposed it had to be the truth. Death. Avenging someone. That meant someone had been killed. That meant...

"If you're suspicion is true," he said. "That means that either the person you're avenging, or the thing that killed them had ties to AlleyCity before you did, which is why you needed to come here."

He tilted his head to the side. "Have any of your younger selves been here? The Alleyverse? Maybe a self that got exposed to all this stuff before you did? We could figure out what was different about their life, and then maybe figure out what your connection to this blessed city is from there."

Hey! Turned out he wasn't so dumb when the conversation shifted to death. Tsyan's mind was also focusing on her answer about leaving the city. Risks, wasn't worth the risk.

"But don't you think leaving for Scadrial would sort all this out?" he pushed his reasoning. "It would be something concrete. Not just words. And you wouldn't be unsafe. You're hiring me, remember?"

He supposed maybe she didn't trust him enough - he had a sneaking suspicion she hadn't liked what he did to the butcher-shop manager - but, well, she had trusted him with her notes so far. And he was no criminal, storm it. He was an assassin.

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22 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

It sounded morbid. But Tsyan supposed it had to be the truth. Death. Avenging someone. That meant someone had been killed. That meant...

"If you're suspicion is true," he said. "That means that either the person you're avenging, or the thing that killed them had ties to AlleyCity before you did, which is why you needed to come here."

That was exactly her thought. That someone in the Alleyverse had killed someone that she once held dear. Perhaps they had since died. Perhaps…they were still waiting for her.


He tilted his head to the side. "Have any of your younger selves been here? The Alleyverse? Maybe a self that got exposed to all this stuff before you did? We could figure out what was different about their life, and then maybe figure out what your connection to this blessed city is from there."

Hey! Turned out he wasn't so dumb when the conversation shifted to death. Tsyan's mind was also focusing on her answer about leaving the city. Risks, wasn't worth the risk.

"But don't you think leaving for Scadrial would sort all this out?" he pushed his reasoning. "It would be something concrete. Not just words. And you wouldn't be unsafe. You're hiring me, remember?"

He supposed maybe she didn't trust him enough - he had a sneaking suspicion she hadn't liked what he did to the butcher-shop manager - but, well, she had trusted him with her notes so far. And he was no criminal, storm it. He was an assassin.

Clotho didn’t think this man was quite aware of himself. He might be good at killing, but he’s clearly not good at dealing with people when he’s not slitting their throats.

”Look. Scadrial is hardly an option. How many others have left the Alleyverse and come back? How many of those have actually returned even close to their current present? Given how sparingly little I know I’d the Alleyverse, I doubt that’s an easy thing to do. And if we can just pop through time, what’s to stop us from retiring to the Alleyverse to a time before we even left? I know very little of this place, and frankly, I doubt you do either.”

Clotho, cooling down a little, said 

“Unless you would like me to find a specialist in these matters, and have me introduce you to them, I doubt that visiting Scadrial is much of an option.”

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On 13.4.2023 at 7:58 PM, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Balance looked out over the skyline visible from the rooftop. It was bewildering, but there was a strange logic to it from the twisting alleys and the broad Streets to the low houses and the divided districts. He turned as he heard Markus open the door and come out. He was watching him warily, and keeping away from the edge.

"The motivator has been picked up." Markus said. "Are you able to track the new person as well, if I show you the area where the pickup happened?"

"I will be able to do that," Balance replied in his buzzing voice. "But we need to start higher." 

He spread out his fingers, and his eyes took on a blueish hugh. A platform of lines formed beneath him and Markus, which rapidly propelled them up another 300 feet, stoping so that most of the city was visible.

"What is the name of the place?" Balance calmly asked.

Mike, Mistkeep, above Wheelbarrow Street 14

Mike ignored the question and glanced around his eyes wide. He was flying. He was flying on some weird energy discus. With a laugh he fell to his knees and moved foreward, so that he could that a peek down. He stared at the city that was spread out under him, at the different districts that were so easily to distinguish from each other from that far up. It was easy to know where you were even when you stood somewhere down below on a street, but from here, some places looked as if the borders between the districts had been drwan with a ruler.

"He is a superhero." he had muttered to himself and glanced over his shoulder, up at the man standing there, eyes glimming a soft blue. Just like the movies. Mike stared at his calm face, at the self confident posture, recalled the buzzing voice. Whoever that guy was, he was strong. He knew what he wanted. No unemployed thief that used to belong to guild that no longer wanted to have someone like him. He had been cast out - again. They had taken everything from him, they had offered him up for experimentation and then, then they had thrown him away. Mike slung his arms around his upper body, eyes leaving Balance and going downwards again, back to the city. His home. The place where had been born and grown up. The place where he would die.

Feeling cold and alone he reached into his pocket and reached for his small device, checked it for news. Then he opened a map of the university district and with a quick movement of his hand projected it into the air between them. "Pick up was over here." he tapped the Failed Exam and colored the building green. "He has been spotted there," his tapped a small alley close to the bar and left a red dot. "There, on that corner and my newest sighting claims, that he is heading towards the Dominion." He drew a line along Edo Lane, the large street that would lead their target directly the Dominion's center.

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17 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Clotho, cooling down a little, said 

“Unless you would like me to find a specialist in these matters, and have me introduce you to them, I doubt that visiting Scadrial is much of an option.”

Tsyan, Clotho's Manor, Mistkeep

None of this bothered Tsyan. He stood up, pacing the length of the room. He needed to stretch his legs. Storms, throw him fifty years into the past, the future, toss him into a new AlleyCity, he didn't care. There was nothing for him here. The only reason he didn't move planets was because he couldn't imagine being surrounded by idiots who weren't aware of the cosmere, let alone the Alleyverse.

"I know enough of 'this place'," he muttered, passing a portrait, avoiding its gaze. "I'm not an idiot."

So, no Elendel. That was a shame. Even ignoring its importance to their investigation, Elendel was a nice place - full of arrogant lords and businesspeople begging to be knocked down.

"There must be a way," he said. "Maybe I go to Elendel and report to you, or..."

No. He could get to the university, but wouldn't know what to look for without her.

"... or we find someone who can access that kind of information from here, bribe or threaten them..."

That was something. Irritation panged in his skull.

"You told me you had limitless expertise," he said. "Don't you have a self that got stuck on the way over here and became a Shadesmar expert? Or a scholar?"

He paused. I'm not helping by complaining, he thought.

"I'm not helping by complaining," he blurted, then cursed himself. He looked to Clotho.

"Look, Ms. Renoux," he said. "I know I'm not what you wanted. You wanted a different perspective. But aren't you..."

He gestured vaguely.

"Aren't you all different perspectives? I just think I can help you with more than that. Look, you're hunting something - or someone - down. I've been doing that my whole life."

He stopped rambling, unsure how to get to his point, if he even had a point at all. Storming nobles. Making you feel dumb.

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Added a location tag and fixed some typos
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4 hours ago, I think I am here. said:


"Look, Ms. Renoux," he said. "I know I'm not what you wanted. You wanted a different perspective. But aren't you..."

He gestured vaguely.

"Aren't you all different perspectives? I just think I can help you with more than that. Look, you're hunting something - or someone - down. I've been doing that my whole life."

He stopped rambling, unsure how to get to his point, if he even had a point at all. Storming nobles. Making you feel dumb.

“Well, Mr. Tysan, can you track someone down without knowing who they are or what they did? I highly doubt it. And while yes, I probably had an expert of the cognitive realm, I can’t just summon them into existence. Gold shadows are mostly random, and I certainly can’t pick and choose which ones I want at any given moment.”

Theoretically, Clotho could continually change selves, but that was both disorienting and a waste of shadows.

” What do you propose we do?”

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18 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

"What do you propose we do?”

This woman. Tysan cursed, pacing back the way he came, again avoiding eye-contact with the portrait. They always looked like they were staring at you. Tysan didn't like being stared at.

"I proposed we go to Elendel," he said, which evidently wasn't happening. He looked to the lists of names. The crew leader - he was helpful for maybe finding Clotho's motive, but they already knew the motive now. Vengeance.

"Sometimes, they didn't tell me what my marks did," said Tysan, answering Clotho's rhetorical question. "For the high profile cases, they just tell you who you need to kill. The one job I got given personally by a Council member - it was like that. No explanation needed."

He turned to look at Clotho.

"And sometimes, we wouldn't even get a name or location. I had to assassinate a cult leader who was in Threnody... somewhere." Worst two months of his life. "So yes. You can say I have killed people without knowing their deeds or name. I haven't done much, but I've done that."

This was going nowhere. Pointless bickering. His heart still pumping with irritation, Tsyan wished he could pull a freight train into this conversation and end it. Not like he could. He needed -

He paused. Turned to Clotho.

"You ever been Nicrobursted before?" he asked. He had once, had almost broken every bone in his body because of it. But her...

"Gold is a spiritual metal," he continued. "You'd peer right into the spiritual realm if you did. That's got to give some sort of insight."

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5 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

He paused. Turned to Clotho.

"You ever been Nicrobursted before?" he asked. He had once, had almost broken every bone in his body because of it. But her...

"Gold is a spiritual metal," he continued. "You'd peer right into the spiritual realm if you did. That's got to give some sort of insight."

Clotho shuddered. Nicrobursting was dangerous, and was explosive. Who knows what would happen?

”Do you know a Nicroburst? I would want to know the risks involved, but at this point, it seems to be one of our only leads.”

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23 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Clotho shuddered. Nicrobursting was dangerous, and was explosive. Who knows what would happen?

”Do you know a Nicroburst? I would want to know the risks involved, but at this point, it seems to be one of our only leads.”

Risks, again she was talking about risks. But at least she agreed.

"No, I don't know any," Tsyan said, his tone serious. "I have a coppermind of old connections, but there's no way in damnation you're getting me to open that."

He leant against a wall.

"I know where we can find one, though. Central markets, Oasis City -

Was he even allowed in Oasis anymore?

"- and some sections of the Mistwarrens, they're filled with cheap Scadrian investiture-for-sale. There'll be somebody who knows somebody who has a Nicroburst in their employ. Only thing is, the environment is not exactly... pristine."

He raised an eyebrow. Where was the woman who threatened him if he failed the job? He wanted that one.

"Sound good? Or too 'risky'?"

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25 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Risks, again she was talking about risks. But at least she agreed.

"No, I don't know any," Tsyan said, his tone serious. "I have a coppermind of old connections, but there's no way in damnation you're getting me to open that."


Interesting. Perhaps a weakness to exploit?

Or secrets to uncover, just like me.


He leant against a wall.

"I know where we can find one, though. Central markets, Oasis City -

Was he even allowed in Oasis anymore?

"- and some sections of the Mistwarrens, they're filled with cheap Scadrian investiture-for-sale. There'll be somebody who knows somebody who has a Nicroburst in their employ. Only thing is, the environment is not exactly... pristine."

He raised an eyebrow. Where was the woman who threatened him if he failed the job? He wanted that one.

"Sound good? Or too 'risky'?"

“So long as this person knows what they’re doing, I would be open to it. And keep this in mind-you are under my employment, I’m not working alongside you. Would a crew leader take the mouth you’re giving me?”

Tysan needed to be kept in check. At least while these selves were active. The only leverage Clotho currently has over him is money and information, and only one of those will keep him from turning on her. She had to be careful.

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12 hours ago, Sorana said:

Mike, Mistkeep, above Wheelbarrow Street 14

Mike ignored the question and glanced around his eyes wide. He was flying. He was flying on some weird energy discus. With a laugh he fell to his knees and moved foreward, so that he could that a peek down. He stared at the city that was spread out under him, at the different districts that were so easily to distinguish from each other from that far up. It was easy to know where you were even when you stood somewhere down below on a street, but from here, some places looked as if the borders between the districts had been drwan with a ruler.

"He is a superhero." he had muttered to himself and glanced over his shoulder, up at the man standing there, eyes glimming a soft blue. Just like the movies. Mike stared at his calm face, at the self confident posture, recalled the buzzing voice. Whoever that guy was, he was strong. He knew what he wanted. No unemployed thief that used to belong to guild that no longer wanted to have someone like him. He had been cast out - again. They had taken everything from him, they had offered him up for experimentation and then, then they had thrown him away. Mike slung his arms around his upper body, eyes leaving Balance and going downwards again, back to the city. His home. The place where had been born and grown up. The place where he would die.

Feeling cold and alone he reached into his pocket and reached for his small device, checked it for news. Then he opened a map of the university district and with a quick movement of his hand projected it into the air between them. "Pick up was over here." he tapped the Failed Exam and colored the building green. "He has been spotted there," his tapped a small alley close to the bar and left a red dot. "There, on that corner and my newest sighting claims, that he is heading towards the Dominion." He drew a line along Edo Lane, the large street that would lead their target directly the Dominion's center.

"As I said before, I am no hero," Balance said calmly. He created a large lense of planes of force, allowing him to zoom in on locations as Marcus spoke.

"Very well then, to the center of Dominion." Balance gestured and the platform vanished, instantly replaced by a chute that guided Marcus along the path towards Dominion. Balance ran through the air, platforms made of energy flashing briefly into existence every time he stepped.

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6 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

I’m not working alongside you. Would a crew leader take the mouth you’re giving me?”

Tsyan nodded his understanding, smiling. There she was.

"No, ma'am," he said. Anyway, he was only giving mouth to the other two-thirds of her - he doubted the crew leader self would be as safety-concious.

So, he deferred to her authority. Almost. He grabbed a copper coin on her desk and tapped the tangled labyrinth of haphazard, unorganised information.

"Although, you're giving a very post-Hathlanian outlook on this employer-employee relationship. Comparing the workplace akin to a crew... flatters Survivorist tendencies, but contrasts with the tenets of Elendel freedomism, leading to a scattered result. And... a fractured nation."

Oh, yeah. He looked down at his coin.

Assorted Scacdrial political science concepts, the note read. And a few controversial thought experiments.

"Let's go," he said, scooping up his coins back into his pocket and walking towards the door. "Is there anything you want to take before we leave?"

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11 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

"Let's go," he said, scooping up his coins back into his pocket and walking towards the door. "Is there anything you want to take before we leave?"

“Other than some notes on this conversation, I think I have everything I need.”

Clotho, scribbling some notes and grabbing some carry-able journals, picked up her dueling cane and began striding to the door.

He seems to respond better to the thief shadow. I should be utilizing that one more for this trip anyway.

This will either prove to be a very profitable change of events, or be quite the mess.

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15 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Clotho, scribbling some notes and grabbing some carry-able journals, picked up her dueling cane and began striding to the door.

Tysan, Outside Clotho's Manor, Mistkeep

Outside, Tysan took out his cell and dialled for a taxi. In other districts, you might have taxis or even rickshaws patrolling the streets, looking for cash, but this was Mistkeep. The air smelled crisp and the breeze cool against Tsyan's skin. He breathed deeply. It was good to be outside again, not buried under old wood and ancient paintings.

While they waited, he looked to Clotho, then back to the manor. A big manor. And one person.

"Must've gotten lonely," he said, looking back to the street. He didn't like company, but five years would drive him mad.

He looked at the quiet, quaint surroundings. Yes, taxis and rickshaws would've ruined the gloomy, noble Final Empire-era aesthetic.

"Do you talk to yourself? Your selves, I mean. Do they answer?"

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10 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Tysan, Outside Clotho's Manor, Mistkeep

"Must've gotten lonely," he said, looking back to the street. He didn't like company, but five years would drive him mad.

He looked at the quiet, quaint surroundings. Yes, taxis and rickshaws would've ruined the gloomy, noble Final Empire-era aesthetic.

"Do you talk to yourself? Your selves, I mean. Do they answer?"


”It…doesn’t work like that. While I can think their thoughts, that can’t think mine. We can’t really converse, even though we see each other. It’s more of collective judgement than conversation.”

As Clotho looked around, she realized how much she had missed the air. She always had hits in the poorer areas, and never got to enjoy the world around her. She was always going between meetings with other nobles, too focused on how others viewed her actions than to take time and focus on her surroundings. She always spent her time within her manor, too caught up in the past to live in the present.

It did get lonely.

”My selves keep me company, in their own way. Always another secret to crack, always something to do.”

Realizing her company, Clotho said “I suppose having things to do would be nice for someone that never gets the opportunity?”


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13 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

"My selves keep me company, in their own way. Always another secret to crack, always something to do.”

Realizing her company, Clotho said “I suppose having things to do would be nice for someone that never gets the opportunity?”

Storms. It did seem lonely. Not even getting to talk to yourself. Maybe 'collective judgement' was better, but to Tsyan, it sounded eerie, like something high-born would do to skaa back in the day. Collective judgement. It sounded like a Vorin metal band.

He turned to her blankly when she asked the question. Was the 'someone' referring to him now? Or were they still talking about her?

"I suppose so," Tysan said and nodded meaningfully, though he really didn't know what he was supposing to.

"I used to always have something to do," he said then, hoped that was what she was asking. "Then, not so much. Then not at all. So yeah, it's nice. Reminds me of old times."

The taxi arrived in front of them. It looked out of place in Mistkeep. The driver looked friendly.

"Looks Makabaki," said Tsyan absently to Clotho. "Maybe from Emul."

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Makabaki. That’s a…non-Cosmere race, right?

Clotho had been in the Alleyverse for 5 years, but given her memory and seclusion, she might as well be new to it. Luckily, she was with a self that was quite accustomed to the intricacies of Alleycity.

”How long have you been here for?”

Clotho asked, as she entered the cab.

”you certainly seem to know your way around.”


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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

"How long have you been here for?”

Clotho asked, as she entered the cab.

”you certainly seem to know your way around.”

Tsyan, Outside Clotho's Manor, Mistkeep

Tsyan eyed her for a moment, wondered if this was the noble talking, or the thief, looking for information to exploit. Maybe it was both. But he supposed it didn't really matter. Tsyan eased a little as he entered into the taxi beside her.

"I was born here," he said, looking out the window at the empty manor behind the empty street. They were a pair, those two.  "Grew up here, somewhere around here at least. One of the Scadrian districts, probably."

He turned to her. "That's not why I know he's Emuli, though. I had to travel a lot in my job, and there's a sort of -"

"Actually, I'm from Tashikk," piped the driver from the front seat.

Tsyan paused, looked to the driver, had a quick instrusive thought about adjusting his position in the car so he could ironpull the car keys and send it straight through the driver's ribs, but he banished it in an instant.

"Close enough," he told Clotho. But it wasn't close enough; he was losing his touch.

"So, where to?" asked the driver.

Tsyan turned back to Clotho.

"You're the boss," he said. "Central Markets, they're filled with stalls, so we're bound to to find a Nicro somewhere, and a few other knick-knacks too. Expensive place, though, no matter what you're buying. Mistwarrens, it might be easier to locate a Nicro, cheaper too, but, y'know, it's no playground. There's risk. And as for Oasis City,"

He hesitated, then continued.

"I'm not sure how it's changed, now that the Mirrorshades are all that's left of the Ghostbloods. But we'll find what we need there. Reasonable prices. There's risk, but a different kind of risk than the Mistwarrens. Some opportunities too."

He paused to let her think about the options.

"Whatever you say."

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22 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

"I was born here," he said, looking out the window at the empty manor behind the empty street. They were a pair, those two.  "Grew up here, somewhere around here at least. One of the Scadrian districts, probably."

He turned to her. "That's not why I know he's Emuli, though. I had to travel a lot in my job, and there's a sort of -"

"Actually, I'm from Tashikk," piped the driver from the front seat.

Tsyan paused, looked to the driver, had a quick instrusive thought about adjusting his position in the car so he could ironpull the car keys and send it straight through the driver's ribs, but he banished it in an instant.

"Close enough," he told Clotho. But it wasn't close enough; he was losing his touch.

Interesting. So he’s a local, and have gotten in and out of the Alleyverse multiple times. That means he’s more of a man of the streets than she will ever be.


"So, where to?" asked the driver.

Tsyan turned back to Clotho.

"You're the boss," he said. "Central Markets, they're filled with stalls, so we're bound to to find a Nicro somewhere, and a few other knick-knacks too. Expensive place, though, no matter what you're buying. Mistwarrens, it might be easier to locate a Nicro, cheaper too, but, y'know, it's no playground. There's risk. And as for Oasis City,"

He hesitated, then continued.

"I'm not sure how it's changed, now that the Mirrorshades are all that's left of the Ghostbloods. But we'll find what we need there. Reasonable prices. There's risk, but a different kind of risk than the Mistwarrens. Some opportunities too."

He paused to let her think about the options.

"Whatever you say."

“Whichever you think will get us what we need. You’re the local here. I know a bit, and have a self that has spent some time in the Mistwarrens, but if you think Oasis City is where we will get the best results, then we should go there.”

”And you don’t have to worry about the danger,” Clotho said with a grin. “I’m more capable than you think in a rough situation.”

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10 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Interesting. So he’s a local, and have gotten in and out of the Alleyverse multiple times. That means he’s more of a man of the streets than she will ever be.

“Whichever you think will get us what we need. You’re the local here. I know a bit, and have a self that has spent some time in the Mistwarrens, but if you think Oasis City is where we will get the best results, then we should go there.”

”And you don’t have to worry about the danger,” Clotho said with a grin. “I’m more capable than you think in a rough situation.”

Tsyan didn't doubt that. He turned to the driver, and gave a vague address somewhere in the more Misting-heavy parts of the Mistwarrens. Oasis City was always there... but Tysan didn't want to take any chances.


A while later, they arrived, the clean skies and old, untarnished architecture of Mistkeep now replaced with the mottled greys and blacks of the Mistwarrens, meshes of old foundation and new scrap thrown together to create basic settlements. The sky was the colour of burnt iron, and outside there were a few small pockets of light where locals were gathering around fires, sharing stories.

Tsyan hopped out of the taxi.

"If you have a self that's any good at disguises, might want to switch to that now," he said to Clotho. "These people target outsiders like vultures to a carcass."

Now, to find a Nicro. Hopefully her thief-self would have some idea as well. He paused.

"By the way, you're paying for the taxi fare, right? Work expense and all."

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