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The Metal Arts... AND GUNS!


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I thought it'd be fun to post ideas people have for what could be done with guns and the assorted known abilities, given our now-complete Allomancy/Feruchemy Ars Arcanum, courtesy of Allow of Law.

There shouldn't be any Alloy of Law spoilers, though I'll assume knowledge of its Ars Arcanum and the term Compounding.

That said, I would love to see a Zinc Ferring (Mental Speed). We like to think about how good they'd be at math (and certainly, Zinc Compounders would probably be all of Scadrial's Teslas and Einsteins), but I can imagine them being exceedingly handy in a gun fight. Perfect accuracy and multitasking (aiming 2 guns independently of each other) and incredible abilities to predict an opponent. Probably boring to write from said character's POV, though, but would be cool as a close ally or recurring villain. If a Compounder, he wouldn't need to spend large amounts of time playing the fool (filling his metalminds).

I don't remember enough about Electrum in the Mistborn Trilogy, but I can imagine it being exceedingly useful in a gunfight to keep yourself where bullets are not.

I also think an Iron Misting/Steel Ferring (Pull and Store Speed) could be hilarious -- pulling metal objects in ridiculous arcs as you zoom around the battlefield, dragging bullets shot at you into people 50 feet away from where you were originally standing.

Have any other fun combos you'd like to see pop up? Fire away!

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A Tineye could not snipe unless is a Tin Twinborn because the noise of the gun would be too painful for his enhanced earing.

A Tin ferring could store only sight and so make the shot without need to enhance his other senses.

A Twinborn could either do the same as a Ferring but storing the sight much faster and make it even more powerful by compounding it.

or he could simply store earing while he is flaring Tin to make the shot so that he would not become deaf

Edited by None70
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I'm sure ear protection exists, and Tineye gunmen would use it liberally. But a Double Tin Twinborn would be an awesome sniper, no doubt.

I seem to remember Wanye has a thought about having not put his earplugs in, so it does exist. Book's at home, I'll edit quote and page number in later.

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Even with earplugs I suspect the report of a large gun would be troublesome for a tineye. But a very good one might be able to extinguish just as he pulled the trigger.

Honestly I see tineyes becoming less and less respected Allomancers as their sensitivity becomes an ever-greater liability in an industrial world - that or I imagine they'd basically wear earplugs and sunglasses all the time.

They'd make great customs agents, though. No bombs or drugs getting past a tin nose.

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Even with earplugs I suspect the report of a large gun would be troublesome for a tineye. But a very good one might be able to extinguish just as he pulled the trigger.

In my own head canon, it's a tineye who first invents a silencer. :D

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The first men/women in space will be iron Ferrings. Less weight, see?

The first space walk will be done by an Lurcher. Won't get lost in space if you can just pull yourself back to the shuttle.

Oh, and copper Ferrings will be banned from all spelling bees and game shows.

Edited by Sir_Read-a-Lot
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In my own head canon, it's a tineye who first invents a silencer. :D

...or at least gets a Zinc Compounder to invent it for him! :)

Since this is a no spoilers thread, I'll just say I think one of the most powerful combos is one we see in AoL!

Steelrunner/Pewterarm would be potent as well... lug around that big vulcan canon and zip to different firing points before your opponents knows what hit them

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The first men/women in space will be iron Ferrings. Less weight, see?

The first space walk will be done by an Lurcher. Won't get lost in space if you can just pull yourself back to the shuttle.

Oh, and copper Ferrings will be banned from all spelling bees and game shows.

either that or they will be x-rayed before entering to make sure they don't have any metal on them or in their stomach. Also, high schools and universities will use the same precautions to prevent copper and zinc ferrings from pwning everyone. Cue rage from copper ferrings made to actually study.

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either that or they will be x-rayed before entering to make sure they don't have any metal on them or in their stomach. Also, high schools and universities will use the same precautions to prevent copper and zinc ferrings from pwning everyone. Cue rage from copper ferrings made to actually study.

I don't think zinc ferrings would be such a problem for universities. Sure, they'll have an advantage on timed tests, but mental speed doesn't equal smarter. They're just faster at coming up with thoughts.

On a completely separate note, what would happen if you burned copper with memories in it?

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Real silencers aren't really anything like movie silencers. The real thing makes a loud sound into a not-quite-so-loud sound. It's still pretty damnation loud.

The "phutt" or "pwhiit" noise is pure Hollywood hokum, finest brand.

I think the Treatise Metallurgic (part of the upcoming Mistborn RPG) describes what happens if you burn copper with memories in it.

Edited by Inkthinker
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The silencer thing is something that everyone gets wrong, thanks for mentioning that, Ink.

I'd forgotten about the RPG book and how they would have more stuff we haven't seen yet, though I don't know if they'd have things related to Twinborn given that it doesn't have Alloy stuff in it.

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The silencer thing is something that everyone gets wrong, thanks for mentioning that, Ink.

Not necessarily. A gun shooting .22 rounds with a silencer make no bigger sound than of a book falling from a table. Not even that, really, depending of how good the silencer is.

Of course, a .22 caliber round is nothing but trivial for a coinshot or lurcher to defend himself from, but a sniper can get a kill pretty easily with it, if the target is unaware.

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