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Anniversary Game 9/Anonymous Game 13: Rebuilding Tyrian Falls


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[OOC: Oh that reminds me about my suspicions of Penguin. They’re a little less because Flamingo turned out to be spiked. But I can’t remember anymore why that made me distrust Penguin less. 

Also thank you Chameleon for the explanation of that. I can’t really say much in response to that because I don’t know what Albatross 1.0 was thinking at the time. But I appreciate the explanations. I don’t think that Croc’s thing there was a slip about me being an elim. But I think it was an attempt to throw suspicion at me. Or, I say me. I mean Albatross 1.0.

Oh also all those names in red keep making me think that people are actually voting. I forgot it was a night cycle. :P]

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2 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

[OOC: Oh that reminds me about my suspicions of Penguin. They’re a little less because Flamingo turned out to be spiked. But I can’t remember anymore why that made me distrust Penguin less. 

Also thank you Chameleon for the explanation of that. I can’t really say much in response to that because I don’t know what Albatross 1.0 was thinking at the time. But I appreciate the explanations. I don’t think that Croc’s thing there was a slip about me being an elim. But I think it was an attempt to throw suspicion at me. Or, I say me. I mean Albatross 1.0.

Oh also all those names in red keep making me think that people are actually voting. I forgot it was a night cycle. :P]

Just trying to advise the Coinshot, or give people that opportunity :P 

Thoughts on Scorp or Mouse?

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29 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

Just trying to advise the Coinshot, or give people that opportunity :P 

Thoughts on Scorp or Mouse?

[OOC: I know the reason why. I’ve just been busy with real life and forgot that and was very confused. I also didn’t read the thread title when opening it again. :P

I like Mouse, but worry about Scorpion.]

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Jeez this was not what I meant by “p-a-r-t-y” :angry: 

popping in to see people debating killing me at night without even explaining why I’m suspicious or giving me a chance to talk is definitely a great way to make friends and influence people and make them feel involved and invested in this wonderful community. Man I’m gonna go suck my thumb, that’ll show those jerks.

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16 hours ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

*Scop the orphan crawls out from the cesspit where he has been sleeping for the past several hours*

I just learned how to spell! Also it’s my b-birthday! So *hiccup* I vote we start with a P-A-R-T-Y

Wäre dieser nicht ein Übeltäter, wir hätten dir ihn nicht überantwortet. 

More seriously, I apologise for being vague as to the cause of my specific suspicion, and did not mean to exclude you from the discussion. During Day Three, when Lion, Flamingo, and Chameleon were all up for the Exe, you elected to break a 4-4-3 Lion-Flamingo-Chameleon vote in favour of a 4-3-4, bringing the votes from a tie between two eliminators to a tie between the eliminator Thug, who would survive, and a Villager. This vote remained until the end of the cycle. Since then, you have attempted to save Lion, another Elim.

Do you have any suspicions you would like to present for the village's consideration? I am always happy to find more reasons to shrek people :P 

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I didn’t really seriously attempt to save lion. I knew he was obviously going to get executed, and if I was evil I would have known it was useless to try to defend him. But in my view  it wasn’t very fun just piling onto a particular person unanimously. I voted for somebody else because I wanted more discussion. Whether I am evil or good, that is what I would do because that is a more fun way for me to play.

As for my votes, pobody’s nerfect. I voted for flamingo originally that day, he convinced me to vote for chameleon in private messages. Didn’t agree the logic for voting flamingo for not claiming  the first time.

I would probably go for one of the quiet people who jumped on lion without explaining.

im done. Farewell.

Edited by Amethyst Scorpion
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Day Seven: Theft and Death

Another night, another chance to follow the person Sidor deemed most likely to be attacked by the rogue Coinshot. One of them anyway, for she’d heard reports that Oleinda knew a second, as yet less murderous Coinshot. Tonight, Linaan’s target was Scop.

Name: Scop, Age: 4 or 6 or 5 or 8 or maybe 7, as it was his birthday today.  Parents killed by Spiked, lives alone.  Spiked threat level: High, which was why Linaan was out in the middle of the night watching him celebrate his birthday by drinking from his 8x8x7 triangular stacks of beer tall enough to obscure him from vision and singing along to Happy Birthday with his mom. She knew this last part because Ruin sang the final line in her head as well.

Just as that last ‘you’ was echoing in Linaan and Scop’s heads, the Coinshot arrived, right on schedule. Her keen feline ears heard the soft ‘plink’, ‘plink’ of clips on stone and craned her head up to the mist-covered sky just in time to see the first wave of coins smash into the shorter seven stack of beer behind Scop,  which suddenly accelerated, far more than they should have from just the impact of the coins. All 100 bottles were similarly pulled to Scop’s tiny body, forming an unassailable mass of metal.

“Such a talented boy,” Ruin said, the closest to sorrowful Linaan had ever heard him. “Almost a shame to lose him.”

Then to Scop, “Go on, son. One last time. Make mommy proud.”

Scop began cackling, interspersed with hiccups as he drained one iron-infused bottle after another. Time to play, Swanny *hic* swan! I’ll closhe my eyes and count to one one hundwed bottles and sthen I’ll find you. You too, kitty kat!

He drank the last few bottles, heedless of the coins futilely smashing into the barrier jiggling around him as he struggled to stand. “Nineshty nine *hic* bottles of-“ he was cut off as Linaan, finally in range of someone she knew was Spiked, wiggled from side to side and lunged into the barrier, claws fully extended. She effortlessly shredded the thin metal sides of the bottles, but was pulled off-balance by their wobbling orbit and her claws were denied the sweet taste of flesh.

“Bad girl! I know how much you want to slowly rip him to pieces and watch the steady drip, drip, drip of blood as his life pours out onto the ground, but this is his turn to play.”

Scop began screaming at the top of his lungs before Ruin finished speaking, running towards the center of town as fast as his tiny legs could carry him. He stumbled twice, tripped, and fell, but that didn’t impede his progress. He rolled onto his back, all one hundred bottles piling up as he pulled them into himself, the force propelling him forward.

“I’ll show you!!!” he shrieked to an audience of Ruin, Linaan, the Coinshot, and a growing number of villagers. “I’ll show all of you!!! I’m the greatshest *hic* Lursher there ever was!!!”

The Coinshot hovering overhead quickly descended to the ground and blended in with the gathering crowd as Scop began arranging the empty bottles into a makeshift pyre. “I’m nine yearsh old today *hic* the terror of Tyrian and mommy’s speshiallest little boy and I *hic* am *hic* never *hic* gonna *hic* die *hic* !!!”

A lit torch was ripped out of Onidsen’s hands and rocketed towards the pyre. When the flames hit the copious amounts of alcohol that had spilled out from Scop’s mouth all over his clothes and the bottles and the ground, there was a massive explosion that lit up the night. With a desperate yowl, Linaan threw herself in front of the crowd just in time to protect them from the hail of shrapnel that would have shredded them. The only recognizable part of Scop in the aftermath of the detonation was a single, badly mangled spike.


“Are you sure?” Oleinda asked, sitting up straight. Her house was warm, the fire in the hearth helping chase away the chill seeping in from the doorway where Afandor stood.

Afandor’s boots thumped hollowly on her wooden floor as he stepped inside. The door clicked closed behind him. “As sure as I can be.”
A surge of hope filled her chest. They were so close. Three Spiked had been found. Surely there couldn’t be many more. Surely their plans and schemes were breaking down. Oleinda stood, her chair scraping across the wooden floor, nearly falling over in her haste. “What did you find?”

“Guy was the key. He got away with a lot because no one thought he was worth watching. But a few people all had the same stories.” Afandor walked to her, pulling her into her chair once again. “We need to take our time on this one. If we fail..."

He didn’t need to say what they were both thinking. Someone might die if they took too long, but certainly more would die if they acted rashly.

“What were the stories?”

“He’s always had a pattern. Did the same things every day for years. Until just after the attacks last year. Those who noticed the change attributed it to trauma. Or stupidity.” He cursed his frustrations. “Anyway. A few months ago, people started seeing him at the bookshop. The one with their own press.”

“What for?”

“No one was sure. They thought he was lost, or maybe just liked the smells?”

“Bookstores do smell wonderful,” Oleinda admitted.

“I had a different theory. A lot of the metal they use in presses will make pewter. With the metal shortages, I thought Guy was trying to find a way to steal some of their lettering.” The chair creaked, signaling that Afandor had leaned closer. He was excited. That was clear enough in his voice. “I talked to the owner. He said they have had more letters go missing than normal, but he thought it was the apprentice losing them.”

“How does this help, though? Guy was the Lurcher, so they won’t need pewter anymore.”

“Unless they have another, but that’s not what I found. The shop owner has been keeping secrets. There were signs on the floor of a shelf being moved to the side frequently. I think the spiked are after whatever is behind that shelf.”

Oleinda hummed as she considered the situation. It would certainly make sense for someone as understated as Guy to have been used to inspect the bookshop, to find cracks in their security. But if he never found one, how would they? “What if they already got what they wanted?”

“There might be some clue, and I can’t just ask. People are suspicious enough with me going around asking questions.”

“You have a plan, I take it?”

“Of course.”


Oleinda listened from the rooftop of the bookshop. Afandor had set them down quietly on the wooden shingles, even using a cloth-wrapped coin to dull the sound of its impact. She heard nothing but the normal sounds of Tyrian Falls at night. Nothing came from the building below or the nearby streets.

“It’s safe,” she whispered.

Afandor seized her waist again and Pushed them from the rooftop to land on the cobbles below. Something clicked on the door. Afandor took her hand and pulled her inside the building.

The scent of books welcomed her like a warm hug. She had little use for books, but the smell always reminded her of her mother. She would spend nights reading stories to her from her favorite collections, often borrowed from the noble homes where she worked.

“This way,” Afandor said, voice still hushed, as he pulled her farther into the building. Then he stopped. “Here. Are you smoking us?”


“Good.” After a moment’s pause, he grunted. “I think the shop owner is hiding more than just a room. There’s a coinshot mechanism behind the shelf.” Something in the wall clicked, then wood scraped against wood. It was quiet, though. Dulled slightly by some kind of cloth.

Afandor released a low whistle. “He’s definitely hiding a lot more than just a room.”

“What is it?”

“Someone here is a—” 

Something exploded behind them, spraying splintered wood and metal across the room. Oleinda cried out as several pieces bit into her skin.
Afandor pushed her to the side and she stumbled, falling onto the hard floor. Wood pierced her palms just as shouts rang through the small shop. 

“Stop!” Afandor shouted.

Footsteps thundered across the floor, even more on the cobbled ground outside.

Then all went still. Oleinda was alone.


Afandor Pushed off the scattered metal from the bookstore’s door, chasing after the hooded figure. He hadn’t gotten a good look at the person’s face, but he had recognized the surprise. Whoever has broken through that door had not expected to find someone inside.

He had been right, after all. Guy had been killed, so their careful plans to surreptitiously steal the shop owner’s stache of metals had failed. Brute force was next.

Guilt twisted at him yet again. He’d left Oleinda behind, but she could make her way home. If not, she understood that stopping the Spiked was more important.

The person ahead turned a corner, disappearing into the mist for the briefest moment. Afandor dropped a coin as he ran and pushed, reaching the rooftops just in time to see his quarry pull themselves onto the adjacent building. Pushing himself again, he lept forward.

But the shadowed person was fast. Faster than would have been possible for anyone not using allomancy. Soon, Afandor fell behind. His anchors failed and he fell beneath two buildings. Cursing, he dropped a coin and launched himself back up.

The spiked was nowhere to be found. Concealed by the night and the mists.

Cursing himself again, he pushed forward. Oleinda would have been able to still follow. Her hearing rivaled a tineye’s. 

Leaping from building to building, he watched those thin blue lines sprouting for his chest, trying to spot any sign of movement. Any sign of the spiked. He held little hope. There hadn’t been any lines leading to the shadowed figure earlier.

Just as he was about to give up and turn back for Oleinda, a shout echoed through the streets.


Aylia sat on the roof once again, writing out her message. Her warning. She couldn’t be too obvious. They’d find her if they knew. But she couldn’t stop. Not when she could give some warning.

After all, a tineye saw and heard much in the world that no one else could.

The faint stars above helped give her enough light to write, along with the tin burning inside. She’d finally found the perfect nib. The perfect pen to share her warnings with Tyrian Falls.

Something thumped onto the roof behind, startling her enough to make her cry out. Ink splattered across the parchment and she dropped her pen. The sound was almost deafening as it rolled down the slanted roof and hit the stones below.

But she was not concerned for her pen, no matter how perfect it was. It wasn't often that someone could sneak up so effectively while she burned tin. In fact, this was the first. That meant danger.

There was a figure cloaked in shadow looming behind her. Even her tin could not pierce the darkness which surrounded it. Aylia launched to her feet, the wood grain rough against her skin as she scrambled away. The shadow pursued.

She nearly made it to the edge where she could jump to her balcony when something pierced her side. Turning, she found a knife sticking out of her back, dark blood staining her clothes.


Amethyst Scorpion was killed by a Coinshot! They were a Spiked Lurcher
Charcoal Hyena was killed by the Spiked! They were a Village Tineye

Day Seven has begun! This turn will end Monday, January 16 at6:00 PM PST / Saturday January 14 at 2 a.m. GMT / 1 p.m. AEDT


Player List:


1. @Amethyst Scorpion - Scop Spiked Lurcher

2. @Azure Mouse

3. @Charcoal Hyena - Aylia Village Tineye

4. @Chartreuse Penguin - Donn Keihote (Insane)

5. @Coral Swan - Onidsen (Scholar, Caroler; has animal companion)

6. @Cream Tuatara - Willam (Terris Steward) Vanilla Villager

7. @Emerald Falcon - Luciel (sheriff)

8. @Fuchsia Ostrich - Koros (Secret Agent)

9. @Indigo Weasel

10. @Ivory Dragonfly - (Manic Ghostblood)

11. @Magenta Albatross -VarLeel

12. @Mauve Crocodile - (Obli-gator) Spiked Tineye

13. @Melon Dingo - Reverse (Glassblower, not psychologist) Village Smoker

14. @Mint Heron- Reneau (Former Obligator in denial) Village Smoker

15. @Onyx Flamingo - Agolac (Forgetful) Spiked Lurcher

16. @Opal Lion - Guy (Internet Speak) Spiked Thug

17. @Sunburst Toucan - Avil Ejir

18. @Pearl Chameleon - WitLees (Kandra barkeep)

19. @Plum Rhinoceros Village Tineye

20. @Saffron Iguana - Taltin Keriell (Undercover nobleman spy) Village Rioter

21. @Sage Kangaroo - (High Imperial) Village Lurcher

22. @Salmon Meerkat - Aurelien (Awake) Village Mistborn

23. @Sapphire Elephant - Ciril Yuanivori (Sleeptalking oversleeper)

Tineye Messages:


Can the truth change? Was ist Wahrheit?

The truth is that change is but a trick of perspective.

Imagine I were to look outside right now, and to say that ash is falling from the sky. Did I tell the truth?

Yes, I told the truth.

Imagine I were somehow transported to the other side of Scadrial, and I said the same thing. Did I tell the truth?

No, I lied. The truth is that night has fallen in this place on the other side of the world, the mists are out, and the ash mounts are calmed.

Did the truth change? It did.

But suppose for a moment that I could somehow be transported into the heavens, so that I could look down on this world from on high. I can see both locations, simultaneously. I can see the full picture, and so I know that some places have ash, and others have mist. I can clearly see exactly where ash falls, and exactly where mist reigns.

Did the truth change? It did not.

If you broadened your perspective enough, through all times and all places and all contexts, you would never truly see any change. Everything would exist preserved simply as it is.

But who can do this? Our lives are that of mere mortals. Our perspective is limited. Whatever we see, we see only in part. And in seeing less, we see something that Preservation does not. We see change.

That is because change is a trick of perspective.


Edited by Elandera
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A Coinshot kill...went through?

O schöne Zeit! O Abendstunde!

There are a few lines of inquiry here, but I think I will start with Ivory Dragonfly.

Evidence: Very suspicious D1/D2 votes. Lack of self-Lurching from Scorpion suggests that the other elim was not on to submit a kill. Soothing present on D3 vote fits activity profile of Dragonfly, and there are no other Mistborn or Soothers claiming responsibility for the Chameleon Soothe, which I find more likely to be from an elim Soother because two village Smokers have flipped, suggesting emotional Allomancy capabilities from the elim team. Dragonfly has been on the edge of suspicion the past few nights and has generally been ignored on account of an inability to submit certain Lurches, but since he's not the Lurcher...the bill might come due.

I still want to take a look at Mouse and Albatross but we'll see how things shape up from here.

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8 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

want to take a look at Mouse and Albatross but we'll see how things shape up from here.

Genuinely, genuinely asking: what connections to croc? Consistently arguing and sussing since D1 does not make for a connection to him, but your reasoning is desired. 

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2 minutes ago, Azure Mouse said:

Genuinely, genuinely asking: what connections to croc? Consistently arguing and sussing since D1 does not make for a connection to him, but your reasoning is desired. 

I was about to say "I'll PM you" but then realised -_- 

Will you forgive me if I (try to) go to bed and give you a complete breakdown in the next 24 hours, and you can propose alternatives in that timespan as well? :P FWIW, I don't really want to vote you out today. If I had to give you a tl;dr version it's basically: your entire D1 and argument with him, Croc retracting a vote on you D2 which he never placed, Croc retracting a vote on you D1 seven minutes to rollover, you and Croc flick-knifing the Heron wagon D2, a later post where you actually read him village. this is just off the top of my head and is a fairly extensive list, so you can appreciate why I've been agonising over your alignment the past 24 hours :P 

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16 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

Will you forgive me if I (try to) go to bed and give you a complete breakdown in the next 24 hours, and you can propose alternatives in that timespan as well? :P FWIW, I don't really want to vote you out today. If I had to give you a tl;dr version it's basically: your entire D1 and argument with him, Croc retracting a vote on you D2 which he never placed, Croc retracting a vote on you D1 seven minutes to rollover, you and Croc flick-knifing the Heron wagon D2, a later post where you actually read him village. this is just off the top of my head and is a fairly extensive list, so you can appreciate why I've been agonising over your alignment the past 24 hours :P

Sleep more important than the game.

it is clear why one could view this as elim, but allow a moment for a counter: Croc could have easily been setting up a misexe by making this one look suspicious along with him, should he go down. Later positive reads on Croc were due to a myriad of PM conversations shared with dear Meerkas as well as others in thread arguing that joking dismissal of RP was not a fantastic reason to vote Croc.



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Nice shot, Coinshot! 

Figure I'll jump back into the vote tallies from the early cycle now that we've got another Spike flip to see if there's more to gather from those.

While I'm at it, were we assuming one more Spiked at this point, then I'll note that Ivory Dragonfly and Indigo Weasel weren't online during the Night 6, as best I can tell, so couldn't have put in night actions, such as the night kill. Though we don't know that Scorp didn't have to put in the kill I suppose. 

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Once again recolouring the vote tallies from Days 1-2, and adding in Day 3 this time. (EDIT: Bah, stupid forums. Broke my formatting and it posted without it being ready. WIP getting this tidied up.)

So recolouring the vote tallies from D1 and D2, in case they end up useful.

Day 1

This is the tally of the first 12 hours of Day 1, all just random poke votes.


(1) Tuatara: Crocodile {1}
(1) Elephant: Tuatara {1}
(1) Albatross: Dragonfly {1}
(1) Hyena: Chameleon {1}
(1) Swan: Meerkat {1}
(1) Scorpion: Elephant {1}
(1) Mouse: Kangaroo {1}

Crocodile’s move from Tuatara to Rhino at just under 14 hours in marks the first vote with some basis attached. 
Swan opts for a poke vote at 20 hours in, while Weasel’s distaste for right aligned text prompts the first vote to take someone’s tally to two, at 23 hours in.


(0) Tuatara: Crocodile {1}
(1) Elephant: Tuatara {1}
(1) Albatross: Dragonfly {1}
(1) Hyena: Chameleon {1}
(1) Swan: Meerkat {1}
(1) Scorpion: Elephant {1}
(1) Mouse: Kangaroo {1}
(1) Rhino: Crocodile {2}
(2) Dingo: Swan {1}, Weasel {1}

At just under 24 hours, Tuatara shifts their poke become serious vote from me onto Hyena, tying them with Dingo, for complaining about no game discussion in thread without contributing any. 
Scorpion appears giving a quite late poke vote on a new candidate at 26 hours in/22 hours remaining.
At 20 hours remaining, Falcon votes Dragonfly for poke voting and then not referring back to it in later posts. 
At 19 hours in, Flamingo appears and poke votes Penguin for inactivity. Leaves us with a 3 way tie between Hyena, Dingo, and Penguin, with Penguin a result of two late arrivals with just poke votes.


(0) Tuatara: Crocodile {1}
(0) Elephant: Tuatara {1}
(1) Albatross: Dragonfly {1}
(2) Hyena: Chameleon {1}, Tuatara {2}
(1) Swan: Meerkat {1}
(1) Scorpion: Elephant {1}
(1) Mouse: Kangaroo {1}
(1) Rhino: Crocodile {2}
(2) Dingo: Swan {1}, Weasel {1}
(2) Penguin: Scorpion {1}, Flamingo {1}
(1) Dragonfly: Falcon {1}

At 18 hours remaining, Meerkat moves to Hyena, putting Hyena in the lead. 
At 16 hours, Heron votes Iguana for the comment about the new thread being a “crazy situation”. 
Dingo gives us our first vote tally as they vote for Chameleon for the mismatch between their claims of PMing everyone versus actually responding to Dingo’s PMs, doing this at 15 hours remaining. 
After the vote tally, at 13 hours remaining, Meerkat moves their vote to Heron due to their defensiveness in their vote, intentionally tying up Hyena, Dingo, and Penguin again.


(0) Tuatara: Crocodile {1}
(0) Elephant: Tuatara {1}
(1) Albatross: Dragonfly {1}
(2) Hyena: Chameleon {1}, Tuatara {2}, Meerkat {2}
(0) Swan: Meerkat {1}
(1) Scorpion: Elephant {1}
(1) Mouse: Kangaroo {1}
(1) Rhino: Crocodile {2}
(2) Dingo: Swan {1}, Weasel {1}
(2) Penguin: Scorpion {1}, Flamingo {1}
(1) Dragonfly: Falcon {1}
(1) Iguana: Heron {1}
(1) Chameleon: Dingo {1}
(1) Heron: Meerkat {3}

At 10 hours remaining, Crocodile moves to Mouse for deflecting from answering Crocodile’s question, creating a 4 way tie. 
At 7 hours to go, Hyena is uncomfortable with the suggested early “hard” clear of someone by Tuatara
At 6 hours, Toucan makes a 5 way tie by voting on Scorpion, although it’s pointed out they seemed to be referring to Iguana, to whom they change their vote to within 20 minutes, but essentially agreeing with Heron’s suspicion. Still creates a 5 way tie.


(1) Tuatara: Crocodile {1}, Hyena {1}
(0) Elephant: Tuatara {1}
(1) Albatross: Dragonfly {1}
(2) Hyena: Chameleon {1}, Tuatara {2}, Meerkat {2}
(0) Swan: Meerkat {1}
(1) Scorpion: Elephant {1}, Toucan {1}
(2) Mouse: Kangaroo {1}, Crocodile {3}
(0) Rhino: Crocodile {2}
(2) Dingo: Swan {1}, Weasel {1}
(2) Penguin: Scorpion {1}, Flamingo {1}
(1) Dragonfly: Falcon {1}
(2) Iguana: Heron {1}, Toucan {2}
(1) Chameleon: Dingo {1}
(1) Heron: Meerkat {3}

At 5.5 hours, Hyena reluctantly retracts from Tuatara, seeming confused, before at 5 hours remaining proposes Kangaroo for lurking.
At 3.5 hours remaining, Tuatara removes Hyena from the 5 way tie to propose Flamingo as a new candidate without reason until prompted by Hyena -  for the different ways in which they talk about Penguin.


(0) Tuatara: Crocodile {1}, Hyena {1}
(0) Elephant: Tuatara {1}
(1) Albatross: Dragonfly {1}
(1) Hyena: Chameleon {1}, Tuatara {2}, Meerkat {2}
(0) Swan: Meerkat {1}
(1) Scorpion: Elephant {1}, Toucan {1}
(2) Mouse: Kangaroo {1}, Crocodile {3}
(0) Rhino: Crocodile {2}
(2) Dingo: Swan {1}, Weasel {1}
(2) Penguin: Scorpion {1}, Flamingo {1}
(1) Dragonfly: Falcon {1}
(2) Iguana: Heron {1}, Toucan {2}
(1) Chameleon: Dingo {1}
(1) Heron: Meerkat {3}
(1) Kangaroo: Hyena {2}
(1) Flamingo: Tuatara {3}

7 minutes before the end of cycle, Crocodile moves from Mouse to Kangaroo, maintaining a 4 way tie.
4 minutes before the end of cycle, Dingo moves from Chameleon to Iguana being uncomfortable with the vote, choosing Iguana for lack of involvement though they’re online - this puts Iguana in the lead.
1 minute before the end of cycle, Dragonfly ties up Iguana with Dingo, for Dingo “posting a lot with little substance”.


(0) Tuatara: Crocodile {1}, Hyena {1}
(0) Elephant: Tuatara {1}
(0) Albatross: Dragonfly {1}
(1) Hyena: Chameleon {1}, Tuatara {2}, Meerkat {2}
(0) Swan: Meerkat {1}
(1) Scorpion: Elephant {1}, Toucan {1}
(1) Mouse: Kangaroo {1}, Crocodile {3}
(0) Rhino: Crocodile {2}
(3) Dingo: Swan {1}, Weasel {1}, Dragonfly {2}
(2) Penguin: Scorpion {1}, Flamingo {1}
(1) Dragonfly: Falcon {1}
(3) Iguana: Heron {1}, Toucan {2}, Dingo {2}
(0) Chameleon: Dingo {1}
(1) Heron: Meerkat {3}
(2) Kangaroo: Hyena {2}, Crocodile {4}
(1) Flamingo: Tuatara {3}

Final Tally


(3) Dingo: Swan {1}, Weasel {1}, Dragonfly {2}
(3) Iguana: Heron {1}, Toucan {2}, Dingo {2}
(2) Penguin: Scorpion {1}, Flamingo {1}
(2) Kangaroo: Hyena {2}, Crocodile {4}
(1) Hyena: Chameleon {1}
(1) Scorpion: Elephant {1}
(1) Mouse: Kangaroo {1}
(1) Dragonfly: Falcon {1}
(1) Heron: Meerkat {3}
(1) Flamingo: Tuatara {3}

Main thing of note to me is that Penguin comes out of Day 1 looking pretty good - that’s a dangerous on Scorpion and Flamingo’s case to stay so long on a buddy given the length of time they were tied, and how close the final votes were.

Day 2

At 10 hours to go, vote tally was:


(1) Chameleon: Swan
(2) Weasel: Dragonfly, Albatross
(1) Elephant: Toucan
(1) Heron: Tuatara
(2) Rhino: Meerkat, Rhino

9.5 hours - Rhino moves to Flamingo
9 hours - Meerkat moves to Heron (2 way tie with Weasel)
8.5 hours - Mouse votes on Rhino, Toucan moves to Rhino (3 way tie with Weasel and Heron),


(1) Chameleon: Swan
(2) Weasel: Dragonfly, Albatross
(2) Heron: Tuatara, Meerkat
(2) Rhino:  Toucan, Mouse
(1) Flamingo: Rhino

8 hours - Heron moves to Flamingo making a 4 way tie, Scorpion votes on Heron (Heron 1-vote lead), saving Flamingo
7.5 hours - Meerkat moves to Falcon, dropping back to a 4 way tie (Heron, Rhino, Flamingo, Falcon).


(1) Chameleon: Swan
(2) Weasel: Dragonfly, Albatross
(2) Heron: Tuatara, Scorpion
(2) Rhino:  Toucan, Mouse
(2) Flamingo: Rhino, Heron
(1) Falcon: Meerkat

7 hours - Chameleon votes on Heron, putting them back in the lead. (Slight sus on Chameleon for this)
5 hours - Meerkat locks in the lead by moving back to Heron.


(1) Chameleon: Swan
(2) Weasel: Dragonfly, Albatross
(4) Heron: Tuatara, Scorpion, Chameleon, Meerkat
(2) Rhino:  Toucan, Mouse
(2) Flamingo: Rhino, Heron

5 hours - Tuatara moves to Flamingo, tying Heron and Flamingo
4.5 hours - Flamingo votes Swan


(1) Chameleon: Swan
(2) Weasel: Dragonfly, Albatross
(3) Heron: Scorpion, Chameleon, Meerkat
(2) Rhino:  Toucan, Mouse
(3) Flamingo: Rhino, Heron, Tuatara
(1) Swan: Flamingo

4 hours - Tuatara moves to Dragonfly from Flamingo, putting Heron in the lead again
3 hours - Rhino moves to Dragonfly from Flamingo.
2 hours - Crocodile “moves” to Heron from the Mouse vote they never placed, locking Heron in first place
1.5 hours - Mouse moves to Heron from Rhino.


(1) Chameleon: Swan
(2) Weasel: Dragonfly, Albatross
(5) Heron: Scorpion, Chameleon, Meerkat, Crocodile, Mouse
(1) Rhino:  Toucan
(1) Flamingo: Heron
(1) Swan: Flamingo
(2) Dragonfly: Tuatara, Rhino

At this point, there’s likely little value to the subsequent analysis as Heron was locked in by this point, but continuing on anyway.

1.5 hours - Hyena votes on Flamingo.
1.5 hours - Ostrich votes Falcon, introducing a new target.
1.5 hours - Tuatara moves to Falcon from Dragonfly
1 hour - Hyena moves to Falcon from Flamingo, thinking that maybe the Heron train can be caught up to.
1 hour - Rhino moves to Falcon from Dragonfly.


(1) Chameleon: Swan
(2) Weasel: Dragonfly, Albatross
(5) Heron: Scorpion, Chameleon, Meerkat, Crocodile, Mouse
(1) Rhino:  Toucan
(1) Flamingo: Heron
(1) Swan: Flamingo
(4) Falcon: Ostrich, Tuatara, Hyena, Rhino

50 min - Hyena retracts vote from Falcon
31 min - Dragonfly moves to Heron from Weasel. This is where I get a little sus of Dragonfly again, as this is what stops the Falcon counterwagon. That being said, for it to truly be an issue, we’d need E!Dragonfly and E!Falcon, but I’m not sure I’m ready to truly consider two more elims.
24 min - Hyena votes on Falcon again
15 min - Albatross moves to Falcon from Weasel
12 min - Elephant votes on Scorpion

Final Tally


(1) Chameleon: Swan
(6) Heron: Scorpion, Chameleon, Meerkat, Crocodile, Mouse, Dragonfly
(1) Rhino:  Toucan
(1) Flamingo: Heron
(1) Swan: Flamingo
(4) Falcon: Ostrich, Tuatara, Hyena, Rhino, Albatross
(1) Scorpion: Elephant

This makes me feel good about Ostrich and Swan, bad about Chameleon, and undecided on how I feel about Mouse, Dragonfly, and Falcon.

[EDIT: Now we’re all properly formatted. Now to go work out D3 in another post. But boy do I wish the Shard still had a BBCode view in the editor… >>]

Edited by Sapphire Elephant
Stupid forum broke everything and posted early... >>
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For day 3: 

At 47.5 hours, Crocodile votes Swan.
At 45.5 hours, Meerkat votes Lion.
At 45.5 hours, Swan votes Flamingo.
At 45 hours, Flamingo votes Swan.
At 45 hours, Rhino votes Flamingo.


(2) Swan: Crocodile, Flamingo
(1) Lion: Meerkat
(2) Flamingo: Swan, Rhino

At 43.5 hours, Crocodile moves to Weasel from Swan. This puts Flamingo in the lead.
At 31 hours, Toucan votes Mouse.
At 31 hours, Scorpion votes Flamingo. This consolidates the Flamingo lead. Interesting choices from the Spiked here.
At 30 hours, Mouse votes for Flamingo.


(1) Swan: Flamingo
(1) Lion: Meerkat
(4) Flamingo: Swan, Rhino, Scorpion, Mouse
(1) Weasel: Crocodile
(1) Mouse: Toucan

At 26.5 hours, Toucan moves to Chameleon from Mouse.
At 26 hours, Rhino moves to Chameleon from Flamingo.
At 26 hours, Chameleon votes Dragonfly.
At 24.5 hours, Hyena votes Dragonfly.


(1) Swan: Flamingo
(1) Lion: Meerkat
(3) Flamingo: Swan, Scorpion, Mouse
(1) Weasel: Crocodile
(2) Chameleon: Toucan, Rhino
(2) Dragonfly: Chameleon, Hyena

At 23 hours, Crocodile moves to Lion from Weasel. Interesting they choose to tie up the Spiked Thug with Chameleon and Dragonfly in second place behind Flamingo.
At 18 hours, Falcon votes Flamingo. This consolidates the Flamingo lead. (Lean village on Falcon)
At 10.5 hours, Elephant votes Chameleon, putting Chameleon in second place.
At 8.5 hours, Rhino moves to Lion from Chameleon. This puts Lion in second place instead.
At 5.5 hours, Flamingo moves to Penguin from Swan.
At 4.5 hours, Weasel votes Chameleon, tying for second place with Lion.


(3) Lion: Meerkat, Crocodile, Rhino
(4) Flamingo: Swan, Scorpion, Mouse, Falcon
(3) Chameleon: Toucan, Elephant, Weasel
(2) Dragonfly: Chameleon, Hyena
(1) Penguin: Flamingo

At 3 hours, Chameleon moves to Lion from Dragonfly. This ties Flamingo and Lion. Interesting choice to put the Spiked Thug on the chopping block rather than vote Flamingo to increase the safety margin between them and Flamingo, even if they do low sus Flamingo in their post.
At 2.5 hours, Scorpion moves to Chameleon from Flamingo. This ties Chameleon and Lion and protects Flamingo. Considered together it works to put Lion up for execution as the the preferable Spiked execution target. Although actively putting Chameleon in danger does reduce my sus levels on them I suppose.


(4) Lion: Meerkat, Crocodile, Rhino, Chameleon
(3) Flamingo: Swan, Mouse, Falcon
(4) Chameleon: Toucan, Elephant, Weasel, Scorpion
(1) Dragonfly: Hyena
(1) Penguin: Flamingo

At 2 hours, Weasel moves to Lion from Chameleon. This gives Lion a two vote lead.
At 1 hour, Flamingo moves to Chameleon from Penguin. This does make me feel better about Chameleon at this point.
At 35 min, Mouse moves to Lion from Flamingo, giving up on the Flamingo train to double down on Lion. Still divided on Mouse. This removes Flamingo from threat, while consolidating on Lion. But if Flamingo was willing to put Chameleon under threat, why would E!Mouse consolidate on Lion rather than help the Flamingo counter wagon? Maybe we are in a V/V Mouse/Chameleon world? 
At 28 min, Ostrich votes Lion.
At 2 min, Swan moves to Chameleon.
At 1 min, Hyena moves to Lion from Dragonfly.
At 1 min, Swan moves to Flamingo from Chameleon.

Final Tally


(8) Lion: Meerkat, Crocodile, Rhino, Chameleon, Weasel, Mouse, Ostrich, Hyena
(2) Flamingo: Falcon, Swan
(4) Chameleon: Toucan, Elephant, Scorpion, Flamingo

So some interesting stuff happens, but I feel like I need to thing about it more >>

Edited by Sapphire Elephant
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Well, if you want a vote, let's go with Albatross. Looking at C1-3 votes has me feeling better about most of my previously standing sus's. Albatross and Ostrich I remember the least about, so that's likely where I'll look tomorrow. They're rank 5/11 for posts out of living players, but tied 8/11 for number of votes, with only 1 vote in the first 3 cycles, so purely based on stats is in that coasting under the radar sorta zone. I don't recall if they've had stated OOG reasons. Again, I'll check on that when I'm next on. 

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A list of villagers from most to least likely to be Village:

1. @Coral Swan Ich bin’s. I am a scanned Thug patiently waiting to die. I’m sure the Elims will be merciful to me eventually. :P

2. @Indigo Weasel Crocodile was attempting to put suspicion on him both D2 and D3, and the wagon failed to take off only because the village wisely chose not to bite. This is combined with a strong meta read which makes me think Weasel is playing inside very v!Weasel parameters, as well as village-helpful voting patterns. Notably, he has passed two reaction tests with flying colours. Focus on me suggests villager, since Elims would not waste breath going after me, and might instead try to pocket me. While I would like to hear more from him, I have strong doubts that he is evil in any sane world. 

3. @Emerald Falcon The Soothe on C2 came from Meerkat. As such, the Eliminators left the Falcon/Heron votes at 6:5 with no signs of using their own Soother, nor scrambling votes which were on side-wagons (Flamingo/Lion, both who seemed to be on at EoD) to save their teammate who was getting caught up in the Exe. Falcon has been a solid analyst when posting as well. E!Falcon worlds require entirely too much tinfoil to believe. 

4. @Chartreuse Penguin An OG member of Meerkat’s trust group. Penguin was attacked with two very sticky Spiked votes D1 and essentially hung out to dry. Assuming there is only one Elim left (which seems a reasonable assumption), in an e!Penguin world, the Spiked are saved by the last-second actions of…two villagers? Doesn’t make much sense. Has been a helpful voice in PMs, but hopefully should post more in-thread with them being taken down as well. 

5. @Pearl Chameleon Votes have not been the absolute cleanest, but the Spiked’s clear preference for Cham over both Lion and Flamingo on D3 suggests v!Chameleon very strongly. Chameleon’s own shift to Lion reflects well also. Not quite as firm as the Falcon read, but unless you want to explain how we got three Spiked in the main wagons D3…quite willing to trust him for now. As with the others, would love to hear more.

6. @Sapphire Elephant A very solid contributor to vote analysis. Has been entrusted with vital information since C3-4 as part of the Meerkat group, and has not yet appeared to act on said information. Votes are a bit weirder—the Chameleon vote D3 is an eyebrow-raiser—but has given off a willingness to solve and a genuine interest in analysis which speaks well of them. Meerkat trusted a meta read of them—I know who they are, but cannot really say the same for my part. 

7. @Fuchsia Ostrich Has had spotty activity, but seems to take genuine solving interest when actually online. Unfortunately, has flown under my radar enough that I cannot say much about them. Their relative absence from the vital proceedings D2/D3 speaks mildly well of them, probably, though throwing a late vote on Lion D3 could be read badly. Introduced the Falcon CW on D2, which feels unnecessary for an Elim to do—the Heron vote was fine for their purposes. Basically the perfect definition of a moderate village read. 

8. @Sunburst Toucan Was folded into a trust group extension D5, and has acquitted himself relatively well. Confusion between Scorpion (elim) and Iguana (villager) D1 very much suggests village, though I am unwilling to fully derpclear in instances like this because we have already seen Elim willingness to attempt derpclears (see: Croc D3 acting confused about who killed whom). Solid and consistent analyst, relatively inoffensive vote patterns (did start the Cham train D3 and never hop off, though this was before Scorp and Flamingo jumped into it). D2 Rhino vanity wagon vote was also relatively stable. As a whole, Toucan’s profile is almost offensive in how thoroughly mild village it is. It’s almost a parody of a mild village read. Placing below Ostrich because I think his votes look slightly worse, but they’re functionally equivalent. 

9. @Magenta Albatross I am reminded of a quote from the late Meerkat, when I say that I can look at Albatross and simply be thoroughly confused at what the storms his evaluation of the gamestate is, simply because it’s so foreign to my own. This isn’t necessarily bad in itself—having some contradictory voices are helpful for keeping you out of azbantium-grade tunnels—but at some point you do wonder if he’s just Evil trying to push some wagons using refuge in audacity. Also has just storming weird connections to Croc, such as the one I highlighted last Night. I’m not really opposed to an Exe on him, especially since he seemed to have a bit of TMI in his read of Rhino and I’s clash during N5. The one thing holding me back is the lack of voting urgency in the cycles where you have the Elims as candidates in close shrekkings—he’s simply blissfully uninvolved, or pursuing lines like Weasel. Huh? You can argue the Spiked don’t need him, yeah, but it is just a weird look overall to have zero engagement with the main votes. Sitting at null minus. 

10. @Azure Mouse I might actually be leaning back into v!Mouse, but my brain is chewing on her alignment and posts like a dog with a particularly stubborn bone. None of the interaction makes sense to me. She’ll do things like give a more or less lightning-fast turnaround upon receiving the Croc scan to publish it with the thread (yes, I was the person one up the chain from her), but earlier, after suspecting him for two straight cycles, pretty much immediately follow his vote onto Heron, flick-knifing the train into the lead past Flamingo. Would e!Mouse be so bold? Idk. Then you have Croc taking her out of Exe contention with seven minutes left on D1, Croc being the one to have put her in Exe contention to begin with, Flamingo giving her a strong trust read for no discernible reason. Mouse stayed on Flamingo for a while D3, then abruptly took him completely out of contention by switching onto Lion. But she switched onto Lion and not Cham. Her Croc reads oscillate between suspicion and trust. At this point, there’s actually just too much contradictory data for me to sort what I actually think of it. Maybe it’s most likely that she’s a villager who had the misfortune to fixate on, and interact extensively with, an Elim starting D1. Maybe she’s an Elim, and the extensive interaction is intentional so she can “develop” a v read of Croc. Ultimately, she’s this far down mainly because I want her alignment sorted, but I also don’t really want to Exe her because there is scant reason besides a ton of interaction  I can’t parse. So. If the Seeker could sort this non-lethally, I would really love that :) 

11. @Ivory Dragonfly I have already detailed my reasons here. To what I’ve already said, I’ll add that Crocodile, when there was a decent Dragonfly wagon going D2, went to Heron instead of him. Dragonfly himself is responsible for more or less cementing both the Heron and the Dingo wagons. See also Meerkat and Rhino’s posts where they talk about him. Given the fact that Scorp wasn’t Lurched, I think he’s our logical starting point.

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Hi I'm sorry I disappeared I kind of spent the last 2 days rereading a series instead of doing... Literally anything else. 

Ok so PMs are closed, good thing I checked thread before I just started PMing people lol. 

I'm extremely surprised that the elim team isn't a team of 4. That's an extremely strong elim team. 

Well, regardless there's probably only one more eliminator left. There's 11 people, so that's 10 villagers to 1 elim. I'd say we have pretty good odds at this point. I'd be interested in pursuing ivory dragonfly or penguin, though I feel much less strongly about penguin after they actually answered my question. 

And I guess I'm morally obligated to trust you, Swan. sigh let's try not to screw this up. 

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