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Anniversary Game 9/Anonymous Game 13: Rebuilding Tyrian Falls


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4 hours ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Indigo explicitly voted Dingo, as Dingo pointed out, for posting with right-aligned text.

Yeah, I think that's pretty Elimmy behavior, don't you? I mean, Indigo can't find anything suspicious to latch onto, so he chooses to vote for something and focus on something that he doesn't like? 

At least I see it that way, so why don't you? 

Why do i choose to make something not game related game related? because everything that happens in the game is game related, and so there's probably in-game reasoning as to why it's happening. So taking it out and making it a meta problem is suspicious. 

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Anonymous Games
A few times a year, a game is run as an anonymous game. This can be a game of any format, and is marked as ‘Format #/Anonymous Game #: TITLE’. To avoid confusion with Anniversary Games (AGs), anonymous games are abbreviated as ANs. These games are generally signed up to privately, and at the start of the game each player is given one of our 30 anonymous accounts to post from. This allows players to change up their styles without seeming suspicious, try mimicking someone else, or otherwise play in ways that would be difficult if everyone knew who you were! 

The AN format encourages experimentation with new playstyles. SE meta also discourages persecution on the basis of playstyle, because that applies out-of-game reasons for in-game decisions and leads to the same people being exed repeatedly for bad reasons. I think Weasel was out of line for framing their vote as being because Dingo's playstyle 'annoyed' them. You could argue that not having a reasonable justification is a tell, but because in practice, votes cast on the basis of playstyle are usually NAI, it's better to treat that rationale as uninformative and unwelcome than to engage with it further. @Elbereth

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6 hours ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

[OOC: Is there a particular reason why you are interested in making a non-game related post specifically game related?

Why would I not bring it up in the thread? Indigo explicitly voted Dingo, as Dingo pointed out, for posting with right-aligned text.

He was voted on for a playstyle choice that annoyed Weasel, and Weasel proceeded not to find anything suspicious for the rest of the cycle despite reading the thread, so the vote stayed. I am responding to a player who chose to act on his annoyance by voting on a player and keeping the vote there for how the player chose to play the game. 

What do I hope to achieve? I'm drawing a line in the sand. I think this is a matter of principle. Voting on a player for a playstyle choice (not a particularly annoying one at that, with the player expressing willingness to accommodate) is at the very least abrasive and unfriendly. If done in a sustained and aggressive manner, it becomes bullying. We do not bully players for their playstyle choices. I will speak out against it when I see it. You are welcome to disagree.

The lesson I take away from AG7 is that going from zero to a full-out policy lynch is undesirable. The lesson I take away from AG7 is that the one point every single player in the game failed on is that no one told Ventyl that blackmail was unacceptable or made a clear statement about the matter. No one tried to intervene, until Orlok did. And by then, it was too late to keep the situation from exploding. You can argue the result was mod passivity. I invite you to speak to the GMs or the IM in your PM about their view about how proactive the mods can be in dictating community values.

Sure, Albatross. We can make this game not one of the bad AGs to remember.

That starts with you.

Do you choose to dismiss players who note that this is bordering behaviour unwelcome in SE and indeed, to try to wrap their concerns in game-talk by attempting to ascribe a read on the basis of this? Or do you choose to say it is just a joke? If it is a joke, it is one that landed poorly in light of Weasel's past behaviour.

Now that the issue has been resolved, do you choose to continue to make this an issue? Or do you choose to actually go find Spiked?

Community before game for me, every single time, without fail.

But of course, that is what Kasimir would say, and I am RPing as Kasimir, as you have so astutely pointed out.]

It does annoy me, I'll be straight up with that. Making me mad, not so much. But it's not going to come before anything that I actually find suspicious. I didn't find anything that really set off my alarm bells last turn, and weirdly enough, me being like this is giving me some information on you guys. I like solid confrontation about stuff, it gives me a solid village vibe. Elim tends to lean just kind of avoiding attention and controversy, so I find villagers are always the ones getting in arguments like this. 
So yeah, I'm not trying to be an arse, and if you want to continue playing all reverse, by all means go ahead. It will still annoy me, but I live with plenty of things that annoy me. I'm mature enough to handle it beyond day one where I didn't have anything else to work with. 
Edit: also, yes I see you guys thinking I'm suspicious somehow for not finding suspicious stuff day one. I'm sorry, but no matter the game, I ALWAYS take a few days to gather information before I can really start getting a solid read on people. I've never been the kind of person to do detailed analysis before about... day 3 usually. So, leave me alone. I got some information out of it, so I'm happy with the situation. I'm going to leave well enough alone personally. 
Edit: I apologize if this post came off as a bit more terse than I usually am. My family is being particularly aggravating today, and that may have come through in this post. 

Edited by Indigo Weasel
OOG stuff
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Because you know what, if you have a legitimate problem, actually solve it in PMs with the IM. Don't bring that into the main thread, because this is where the actual game is played

I don't care what the problem is how big it is how small it is because if it's a genuine problem then it's not something you should bring up in thread if you actually want to solve it. If you bring it up in thread you're bringing it up to get attention about it, you're bringing it up to seek approval or validation, to be backed by other people to make you feel valid about your opinion on the matter. 



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Takes a breath, slightly breaking the CR to remind everyone that we are all friends, that this is a game, that anonymous accounts make it easier to argue but that does not mean that people have ill intent (outside, of course, the elims ;)). If a vote was made in thread based on play style it is allowed to be discussed in thread. Be kind, love friends, collect happiness and take steps back if needed. Games are meant to be fun!

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[OOC for Seriousness: I personally think Meerkat (and others to a lesser extent) have far overreacted. It was (as far as I can tell) a simple placeholder vote because of an admittedly annoying activity. I'm fairly sure that if they had found a better suspect, they would have moved. Yesterday was pretty lax for targets in my opinion, so I can understand where they're coming from. I have a feeling that Meerkat was probably hoping for an easy uncontroversial AG, and so when he saw a chance that would be broken, he far overreacted. Real life could also be playing a factor in this, but I can't know what's going on there.

TL;DR:] Purple Rat annoyed and Katman upset. People angry bad so Guy sad.

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My t-take on this, n-not that anyone has to c-care about the opinion of a p-poor little orphan b-boy, is I d-don’t th-think the weasel fellow meant harm and the kerfuffle is a bit m-much. I m-mean y-yes it is s-silly to try to murder someone for looking funny and tipping to the right like that, but in the b-beginning we’re all j-just voting kinda randomly until something happens. I d-don’t think the weasel’s vote needs to be m-mean, I voted to murder a guy so that I could make a dumb joke about penguins. I w-would be upset if s-someone was t-tried to ruin things for me b-because of how I p-play but I d-don’t think th-that was the weasel’s intention. B-but maybe he should b-back off on talking about how a-annoying the p-post style is? Like that making it sound more serious than it should be? 

B-but to be fair I’m j-just a child so I don’t know if anyone should listen to me.

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Day Two: Flying in Reverse

Linaan crouched on a rooftop in far greater feline form. It didn’t matter if people saw her anymore, everyone had much bigger problems to deal with and an obvious Kandra was at least not Spiked. Or not Ruin’s servant, as her spikes made themselves very apparent as the voice of Ruin echoed in her head. He’d talked to her occasionally over the centuries, but since she’d fought that Spiked last night he’d been incessant. “Why do you persist with being that human’s pet?”

Her ears flattened and her tail whipped violently back and forth, but she said nothing. She’d long figured out that Ruin couldn’t hear her, or at least never responded to anything she said. “She worked for the Empire that held your people hostage for a millennia. She aspired to be the next High Prelan of Resource, where she would be compelled to uphold the Empire’s power. How can you trust that she’s forsaken that goal?”

Still, it was hard not to respond, even internally. “She was no more willing to work for the Empire than I was. She’s committed to making sure it never rises again.”

Ruin continued implacably, as he always did. “It would be so easy. Those claws of yours could shred that pretty little throat in one swipe. Or you could bite down on her neck just a bit harder and crush her windpipe. Doesn’t that thought bring you joy? Just that one simple step and you can sever the leash she restrains you with and gain the freedom you’ve sought for so long, the freedom you deserve as a daughter of Ruin.”

“Hisss! She restrains me with nothing. She has no leverage with which to coerce me. If I wanted to walk away I could do so at any time. I stay with her because I want to, because I love her, because here I have a community that treats me like a person and not a weapon.”

Linaan dug her claws into her pads. Pain never stopped Ruin from talking, but it did remind her to stop arguing with a god too pathetic to kill a single human on his own. She was here on the rooftops to monitor Reverse, who’d narrowly avoided death earlier. Was his survival evidence that he was a servant of Ruin?

There he was now, a simple glassblower out and about at night when the mists swirled thick, when most people would be inside. He pulled a cart behind him covered with cloth. The windows he’d offered to install throughout Tyrian, or something more sinister? There was only one way to find out, and so Linaan leaped from the roof, hybrid leg structure letting her land lightly on her feet.

Reverse stopped abruptly and turned, had he somehow heard her? No, he was facing another figure just now coming out of the alleyway. The newcomer immediately turned to face her and put a finger up to their lips. Her ears flicked up in surprise just as Ruin’s voice invaded her thoughts once again.

“This time I intend to take a more... personal interest in my devotees’ success. Wheresoever they go, so too will go my vision, and my voice shall guide them to victory. This blessing shall be yours too, should you wish, once Sidor lies dead.”  

“I wish nothing from you,” Linaan hissed out, but his words had distracted her for the crucial seconds needed for the Spiked to drive a glass dagger into Reverse’s lungs and disappear into the mists. Investigating the scene found Reverse dying with one of his own daggers next to a wagon containing great panes of glass and blueprints for a memorial he’d never get to build, his murderer vanished without a trace.

“Make sure...to remember...all the dead,” Reverse wheezed out in his last breaths. “Immortalize us...in glass...mistwraith.”


Wind caught at Sage’s clothing as he Pulled himself from building to building. He was supposed to be out protecting. Helping people. Instead he was running. It was not so easy a task in a place such as Tyrian Falls. The buildings were short and few were made with an excess of metal. And if he pulled on the wrong nail or hinge, he’d create a projectile aimed straight for him rather than gain a good anchor.

He couldn’t afford to make a mistake. Not with the coinshot on his tail. Steelpushers always had the advantage in a chase like this.

He could hear the click of the coins as his pursuer dropped them for anchors. Sage kept Pulling. Always on the next furthest thing that would hold his weight. And always on the coins that came flying from behind.

They thudded against the plate on his back, one after another. A constant stream that was beginning to make his muscles ache and tremble. This coinshot was relentless.

And then Sage made a mistake. A single missed anchor while he was distracted by another barrage of coins. The nail flew at his chest. He released it before it got close enough to harm, but he began to drop into an alley.

Then something struck his shoulder, just outside his plate. He fell. Then he was Pushed. Whether it was the plate or coin driven into his shoulder, he couldn’t tell, but the coinshot was shoving him to the ground.

Pain erupted across his body as the coinshot seemed to drift to the alley floor.

“Wasing the wanting of protecting,” Sage said through gritted teeth.

The coinshot said nothing. They only held a coin out on their open palm.

Sage saw the blue line pointing to it, but it was fading. It was getting more difficult to burn his iron.

“Wanting the knowing the why of you,” Sage said as his vision grew dark.

Still, his executioner said nothing. The coin flew out of their palm and everything faded.


Oleinda heard the coins, then a dull thump. And then she smelled death. That was all she needed to know what had happened. Someone had taken a life.

There was little she could do to save the poor soul, but she could try to find out if they deserved it. If the spiked truly  had returned… Oleinda shook her head, refusing to believe it. There were always rumors. Always fears. Surely, that was the problem. People were afraid and paranoid.

But she couldn’t deny the taste of promised destruction on the air. The promise of ruin to come.

Following the smell of death, her walking stick collided with something unmoving in what should have been a clear alley. At least, it was one she hadn’t had difficult navigating before. The feel of the thing was solid, yet pliant. A body. The sound of the shifting fabric confirmed it. Oleinda knelt, her skirt growing damp with something warm and thick. Blood.

Carefully, she felt until she found the face. It wasn’t a familiar shape, but that wasn’t surprising. She knew few faces. But that’s not what mattered in the moment. She was looking for signs of what this poor soul could do or had done.

She could find no sign of a spike—no strange bumps or scars to suggest a hidden one, nor a large protruding one like she’d heard described in the eyes of Steel Inquisitors. So this was an innocent.

Then she found the vial. The cork pulled free easily enough, allowing her to smell the contents. The sharp tang of iron was easy enough to identify. A lurcher.

How unfortunate that would be in the coming days. Tyrian Falls had lost a valuable resource that night. But who had shot those coins? She couldn’t know, for they left no sign she could sense.

Sage Kangaroo was killed by a Coinshot! They were a Village Lurcher!
Melon Dingo was killed by the Spiked! They were a Village Smoker!

Day Two has begun and will end on Sunday, January 1st at 6:00 PM PST/ Monday, January 2nd at 2 a.m. GMT / 1 p.m. AEDT.

Player List:


1. @Amethyst Scorpion

2. @Azure Mouse

3. @Charcoal Hyena

4. @Chartreuse Penguin - Donn Keihote (Insane)

5. @Coral Swan - Onidsen (Scholar, Caroler; has animal companion)

6. @Cream Tuatara - Willam (Terris Steward) 

7. @Emerald Falcon - Luciel (sheriff)

8. @Fuchsia Ostrich - (Secret Agent)

9. @Indigo Weasel

10. @Ivory Dragonfly - (Manic Ghostblood)

11. @Magenta Albatross

12. @Mauve Crocodile - (Obli-gator)

13. @Melon Dingo - Reverse (Glassblower, not psychologist) Village Smoker

14. @Mint Heron- Reneau (Former Obligator in denial)

15. @Onyx Flamingo - (Forgetful)

16. @Opal Lion- (Internet Speak)

17. @Sunburst Toucan - Avil Ejir

18. @Pearl Chameleon - WitLees (Kandra barkeep)

19. @Plum Rhinoceros

20. @Saffron Iguana - Taltin Keriell (Undercover nobleman spy) Village Rioter

21. @Sage Kangaroo - (High Imperial) Village Lurcher

22. @Salmon Meerkat - Aurelien (Awake)

23. @Sapphire Elephant - Ciril Yuanivori (Sleeptalking oversleeper)

Tineye Messages:



Because of connection and the fact that we attribute emotions to animals, can you use emotional Allomancy on animals?

Brandon Sanderson

Depends on the animal and the situation, but generally, no.

-Lil Goat (Tineye) 






"Beneath the veneer of lies, a festering wound grows, feeding on the deceit that spawned it. Yet even as it consumes, it remains hidden, cloaked in shadows and half-truths. But the astute observer, armed with the sharp blade of analysis, can cut through the veil of deception and expose the rot at its core. Only then can the healing process begin, as the wounds of lies are cauterized by the cleansing fire of honesty. Be vigilant, dear listener, for the road to enlightenment is fraught with danger. Those who would deceive will stop at nothing to preserve their web of lies. But fear not, for with the right tools and the courage to wield them, the truth will set you free.

Ah, but what is truth, really? Is it a steadfast and immovable rock upon which we can build our lives, or is it a slippery eel, wriggling and writhing just out of reach? Perhaps it is a little of both. And perhaps, in the end, it doesn't really matter. After all, life is too short to be spent worrying about such weighty matters. Better to embrace the joy and absurdity of it all, and dance a jig on the grave of seriousness.

So let us raise a glass to the great mystery of existence, and to the absurdity of it all. Let us embrace the chaos and revel in the absurdity, for in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter if we tell the occasional fib? In the end, it's all just a grand game, played by the universe to pass the time. So let us play along, dear listener, and enjoy the ride."

PMs are Open

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I know that one! :ph34r:

28 minutes ago, Charcoal Hyena said:

[OOC: It's interesting how Dingo was killed by the Spiked. I might have expected that kill to be a coinshot one. 

Maybe they didn't realize the kills were differentiated and were trying to obfuscate which one was theirs? Having witnessed The Lord Ruler's clever trickery around his perported death, I am aware that such shenanigans are possible. 

18 minutes ago, Elandera said:

Everyone welcome Magenta Albatross 2.0!

I'm going to trust that the GMs and IM are working behind the scenes on the concerns raised last Night and suggest we move on from them. 

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VarLeel's existence was pain. They had lost track of time years ago, if not decades ago. They spent every waking moment in a pit, waiting for the next bit of terrible slop to rain down from above. Their captors no longer spoke or announced themselves. VarLeel's crimes had landed them here, but were not enough to make them completely deplorable.

Just forgettable. They were pretty sure the captors had forgotten to feed them for a week at one point. It was easy to forget about the blob of flesh in a pit that could not speak.

On another incredibly long day or week or month, a presence appeared above VarLeel's pit. While they had no true sensory organs, they had been able to make rudimentary ears. This was a new step. Either that or a new kandra had been assigned to be VarLeel's warden. That did not matter, All that mattered was the slop that was to come. VarLeel spread themselves out across the entire floor of the pit, so as to not let a single drop of the food go to waste.

The familiar sound of the hole in the grate opening. A bucket clanking, letting its contents fall.


That wasn't food, it was bones.

Instincts that VarLeel had long since forgotten kicked in. They wrapped around the bones, eagerly tasting them and rearranging them. It was likely the bones of a small child, considering that their small amount of mass was enough to produce a functioning body. It took them far too long to actually produce the body, with how out of practice they were.

But VarLeel had been one of the best before they were imprisoned. It came back naturally.

Soon, VarLeel had a functioning child's body to themselves. They opened their eyes for the first time since their imprisonment. Colors flooded their vision, and they forgot to breathe for a moment. It was stunning, beautiful, magnificent. Oh how VarLeel had longed to sense the world in all of its glory again.

Now the next step, VarLeel thought. Their first real thought in an eternity.

Before VarLeel could ask why they had been blessed with bones, the stranger spoke. "Rise from your pit, VarLeel."

The entire grate had been lifted away while VarLeel had made their body. They slowly climbed out of the pit, looking around the prison. The stranger was a tall man in a long, black cloak. His face was obscured, and he seemed much taller than VarLeel. More than just the fact that VarLeel was in a child's body.

"Why...why freedom?" VarLeel said, struggling to remember how to form words.

"I have a task for you. One that only a kandra of your skills and reputation could achieve."

VarLeel considered this for a moment. And then decided to run. If they were to be free, they would be their own kandra, not beholden to any other person.

They barely made it halfway across the room before an overwhelming force of emotion and pressure hit them. They froze in place, their mind blanking, all control of their limbs fading. It felt like something in their very soul was in the vice grip. That man was no kandra. He was an allomancer. One of the ancient ones, or perhaps a mistborn. A dangerous man.

"VarLeel," the man said, walking closer to them, "you of all kandra should recognize me. I am the one that landed you here."

Memories came flooding back to VarLeel. Working for one of the early allomancers, Temen, in a bid to avoid destruction. The rest of the homeland had agreed to the Lord Ruler's Contracts. Fools, the lot of them. VarLeel had to forgo some freedoms to avoid the Contracts, but at least they had not been bound to only serve humans. VarLeel had been free to kill and mimic humans as much as they wanted. With some guidance from Temen, of course, who had agreed to help VarLeel avoid the Lord Ruler and his kandra, as long as Temen got a few favors. Before they were caught and imprisoned by the rest of the kandra, VarLeel had eventually betrayed Temen, leaving him for dead.

But here he was. Very much alive.

"How...how are you alive?" Just getting the words out was painful. "I thought I had killed you...and it's been at least a century!"

Temen just laughed. "You very nearly did kill me. And it has been centuries, not just a single century. But I survived your betrayal, VarLeel. And discovered the world, the cosmere, is so much bigger than just the Final Empire. I found my own way to immortality. Yet, now with Rashek dead, we need this world again. There are forces at play here far bigger than even myself and my organization. We need some answers. Everything is revolving around a little village that has survived against all odds. The very gods of this world have taken interest in that village. We need an expendable resource to figure out why. That's where you come in."

"Please..." VarLeel croaked out. "Just let me escape the homeland and I can pay you back-"

Temen knocked them out.

Some time later, VarLeel awoke to being tossed out of a carriage. It was the middle of the night, and the air felt chill on their naked form. They were near the outskirts of a village, though they went to run away from the village. Someone managed to get ahold of them, then proceeded to break every one of their bones. It did not hurt much, but even a kandra could not ignore all pain.

When they were done, the stranger, not Temen, dropped a corpse and a sheet of paper on the ground. "Her name was Lentha. You are to take her form, study the notes we took on her, and infiltrate the town. Each night you will return to this location and leave a report. If we do not receive a report every night, our task force will find you. And we will not be so lenient in the future. Understood?"

VarLeel seethed with anger. Their initial confusion had clouded their mind when they had first been freed. But now they were tossed straight into another prison. But what were they to do? This organization of Temen's was clearly well connected, had a lot of resources, and was dedicated to its cause. VarLeel could not afford to risk running for the rest of their life from this organization. Not yet at least. It was time to be the good little kandra.

"Fine. I'll do it."

The stranger grunted, and rode off in their carriage. VarLeel consumed Lentha's body, putting it together faster than they had put their initial form. They hid the previous set of bones and began to read over the notes about Lentha. There were shockingly few notes. Lentha was a simple woman, who kept to herself. She worked in an inn, but had no family here in Tyrian's Falls. She had moved here recently, after the roving koloss had destroyed her previous town. She had recently gotten into some minor altercations with patrons of the inn.

Well, Lentha thought, straightening her clothing, I guess I should re-acquaintance myself with the village. And make some amends.

[OOC: Apologies for the long RP introduction. I came up with a fun character idea and ran with it. Does anyone want to help catch me up on what I have missed?]

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Some thoughts post re-reading D1:

Train on Hyena dissolves soon after gaining traction? Suspicious. Tuatara leads train with a miniature gambit within RP between Willam and Aylia. An "altercation" that leads to a vote, which is then quickly moved to Flamingo as soon as the Hyena vote gains traction. Possible e/e distancing.

Continuing to re-read as the night goes on. Thoughts are slow, posts are slower

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The Lord Ruler taught me to suspect animosity more than I expect kindness. So, I’ve created this reads list where I argue why everyone is evil. It’s ordered from most to least likely to be Spiked though. It also only covers D1 posts because it was made over several sittings, and I didn’t want to keep having to update it to reflect new content. I invite everyone to refute my arguments as best as they can.

--Azure Mouse: Deflected my question about what was consuming their focus in the early stages of the game by suggesting they could have been parsing the roleplay, but when asked to provide receipts, they had little to show for it. Implied RL made them busy, but has yet to explain why they implied they had in-game things to organize.

-- Mint Heron: To introduce their Iguana vote, they used similar (copied!) reasoning to my push against Mouse but declined to vote with me on Mouse. They proactively undermine the quality of their vote to excuse its alleged weakness. 

-- Sapphire Elephant: Felt self-conscious pressure to explain exactly how they randomly chose their initial poke target. Deflected poke votes by stating their alleged policy to not interact with them. Took the time to figure out who hadn’t posted yet, which feels more like the by-product of elim activity than work a villager would set out to do. Regularly drops unprompted role advice to manipulate the masses.

--Indigo Weasel: Invites PMs to build their trust network, then declares PMing to be NAI to avoid scrutiny of their own behavior. Votes on Dingo for an arbitrary reason and emphasizes that it isn’t grounded in suspicion in order to justify its stickiness.

--Onyx Flamingo: Pokes the soft target of inactive Penguin, then backtracks without actually removing their vote. By undermining themselves, they reveal that their vote lacks intention.

-- Magenta Albatross: Made a nonsense post and wasn’t going to contribute more until they were pinged, which caused them to overcompensate by dumping a bunch of reads. Even if they had that post in the works already, why did they make the initial ‘eep eep’ post? The reads dump was also prompted by the elim team yelling at them to say something meaningful to establish a presence. New Albatross, I recognize that this is hard to respond to, so feel free to just say if you agree with the reads they dropped. 

-- Fuchsia Ostrich: Publicly announced they would PM everyone, which seeks to normalize their intentional spidering. Has used our PM exclusively for roleplay, which reveals a lack of game solving intention.

-- Sunburst Toucan: Weirdly announced that they’d been receiving PMs. Too easily persuaded to change from voting Scorpion to Iguana and didn’t add much to justify that vote.

--Amethyst Scorpion: Two hours after Elephant pinged the inactives, Scorpion appeared and cast a sticky, naked vote on Penguin, which responds to the pressure in an intentionally unengaging way, since Penguin was a fellow inactive. Reactive + hypocritical = evil. 

-- Pearl Chameleon: Publicly announced they would PM everyone, which seeks to normalize their intentional spidering. Didn’t follow through, which reveals that they were drunk on both horneater white and the ambition of receiving the elim alignment. Maintained a sticky, unjustified poke vote.

--Coral Swan: Cast a naked, sticky poke vote and called it a Day. 

-- Plum Rhinoceros: Filter dodging.

--Opal Lion: Has yet to contribute analysis.

--Chartreuse Penguin: Has yet to contribute analysis.

--Cream Tuatara: Expresses inclination to vote for its own sake. Discounts potential village reads from mass PMer pool, which avoids narrowing the mix pool.

-- Salmon Meerkat: Parks vote on a side train. Concedes control of the voting to the Americans instead of pushing consolidation.

-- Charcoal Hyena: Votes Cham for confidently village reading me, when I am clearly a villager. Tried to poison the pool of people who sent everyone PMs by focussing on the possibility of there being elims among them instead of their likelihood of being village. Votes Kangaroo for crusading reasons.

--Ivory Dragonfly: Casts a late vote without much justification, sidestepping the whole consensus through discussion process the game is based on.

-- Emerald Falcon: agues that multiple elim PM spiders is unlikely because they might be prone to slip ups because they forget the source of their intel. That’s one of the weaker reasons for that, but one a current elim would be thinking about.  

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[OOC: Killer migraine last night with the aftershocks lingering. Threw off my revision schedule so I don't expect to be able to RP right now. This might mean I also require more time before I can do a deep dive into the thread and a proper re-read. Everything following is based off what I currently have, which is unsystematic.

  • V!read Tuatara. Tuatara being willing to V!read Croc publicly in thread early on is a good look in a low tempo cycle, where Elims do not necessarily have an incentive to kickstart discussion. It shows a focus on solving the game IMO and reflects a Villager solving mindset. On further reflection, I take the point about Tuatara's 'indubitably not Spiked' to be a good look for him - if E!Tuatara is thinking enough to write two sentences after that phrase further clarifying it and as a disclaimer, he is thinking enough to realise it looks bad and to delete it from his post rather than to keep digging. His clash with Hyena felt rather V/V to me, with Tuatara actively trying to bring information from his PM to inform a read of Hyena.
  • V!read Hyena. Hyena made it clear that she has been thinking about players consistently, what with her early RP-couched invitation to Tuatara to further clarify (after his bombshell statement), and her catch of 'indubitably not Spiked.' Making PMs as a substitute for solving is sus. That's not what Hyena is doing here. Again, the clash between her and Tuatara felt V/V to me, I think because it seemed like Hyena had been genuinely thinking about Tuatara.
  • V!read Croc. I am not certain of this one and it might bite me, but Croc's go-getter attitude is a positive, in my eyes. There's a world in which he is Evil, but it's not one I'm keen to explore at this point in time.
  • V!read Dragonfly. This is not a strong read, but I feel that Dragonfly's vote looks good - late, sus, didn't make sense, and little reason for E!Dragonfly to get involved in a V/V train. I qualify this read because that might exactly be why E!Dragonfly wants to get involved, but the gamble is: A. you look really bad if the player you voted for flips, and B. the usual order of priority is to lynch you first, then the CW, because the CW flipping Village doesn't really settle the question of your alignment. So this tips me a bit more towards V!Dragonfly.
  • If there is a Coinshot, light V read. If there is a Mistborn with Steel, I'm more eh about it but still lean V. I am not sure that the Elims decide to help us flip two of the lead C1 wagons this early. That might be a bit too informationally generous.
  • V lean on Elephant. I don't think being pro-Smoking is a position an Elim likes to consciously assume - compare to E!Wiz's reaction in LG90 on the N1 death of a Smoker. (Man, Tyrian games are rough on Smokers... This is the real Tyrian curse to break.) Not a strong read.
  • I am somehow wary to V!read Falcon because it feels like an effort clear and I am not sure why. Commit to looking at Falcon as soon as my draft is done.

I'm going back onto Mint Heron - I still don't really like the way they hedged that vote. It felt overly-defensive, as though Heron was pre-flipping Iguana.]

Edited by Salmon Meerkat
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blood drips from my fingers





who could have done this?

i think back to the events of the previous day:


[I hate that you can't use multiquote on locked threads. Ah well.]


Crocodile votes Tuatara

Tuatara votes Elephant

Dragonfly (hi) votes Albatross

Chameleon votes Hyena

Meerkat votes Swan

Elephant votes Scorpion

Kangaroo votes Mouse

Crocodile votes Rhino

Swan votes Dingo

The initial flurry of poke votes. Until someone flips elim, I believe this is all NAI.


Weasel votes Dingo

This is the first double-up vote, and the nature of it makes me lean elim on Weasel, whose reasoning was simply that Dingo's post hurt their eyes. This would become a theme for them later.


Tuatara votes Hyena

The first vote with reasoning (huzzah!) Village points to Tuatara for getting discussion going.

Crocodile makes an alignment joke, which I would upvote if my dragonfly arms were big enough to press the upvote button.


Scorpion votes Penguin

Poke! *boop*


Lovely, then my vote stays until I find something that either annoys me more or actually makes me suspicious 

- Weasel

This is petty. At this point, Weasel is either a clueless elim or an even-more-clueless villager.


Falcon votes Dragonfly

Does Falcon understand what a poke vote is? Village points for terrible reasoning that never would have passed inspection if Falcon had been careful about what they were saying.


Flamingo votes Penguin

This is basically a poke vote, which is NAI, but the implication of "I'm not entirely sure what to do here" is that they're new to SE, which is useful for further analysis.


Meerkat votes Hyena

This seems reasonable to me, but since the votes are so spread out over halfway through the turn, if I were an elim I'd be trying to get some solid trains going. If Meerkat flips elim, I'd imagine that at least one of <Tuatara, Albatross, Swan, Scorpion, Mouse, Rhino, Penguin> is also elim. Of course, this is likely to be true anyway, statistically.


Heron votes Iguana

Heron second-guesses themselves about a perfectly sensible chain of reasoning. Lean elim.


Dingo votes Chameleon

Rereading this post makes me wonder what I was thinking with my vote on Dingo.


Meerkat votes Heron

Retracting my previous comment on Meerkat.


Crocodile votes Mouse

Honestly, due to the lack of cohesive trains at this point in the turn, I'm imagining either: a) a low-activity elim team or b) that none of the elims are in danger of being exed. Neither feel quite right, but this situation is kind of weird.


Hyena votes Tuatara

This is a follow-up of something earlier in the turn. Reasoning seems weak to me, though it is D1.


Toucan votes Scorpion

Toucan votes Iguana

Village points for new-player confusion.


Hyena votes Kangaroo

I don't really like their reasoning here, but I have to give Hyena some village points for switching their vote so often.


Now see, I'm not the person to try and make PMs with everyone in the first place. 

would I be someone to mass PM people if I had a teammate with the same tendencies though? Yeah, I would. There's a lot of manipulation that can happen behind the scenes, and depending on size of game/elim team it can be hard to coordinate enough with just one person. Not only that, but the different styles people would have to communicate, the different methods of gaining info, the different way of talking to people will appeal to different people. Someone who might not want to listen to me or open up to me might have a different reaction to a teammate. 

So the short answer is no.
But the long answer is that it depends on the person and regardless of the reason for doing so, there /is/ a strategic advantage from attacking from more than one side.

- Albatross

Village points for transparent analysis. I don't feel like there's been enough of that this game, what with all the RP happening.


Tuatara votes Flamingo

More diversifying of options -- although this makes me think that the dispute between Tuatara and Hyena earlier could have been staged e/e.


There is a conflict between my like of Penguin's name/character and my dislike for the lack of contribution/voting. So I tried to RP in a way that reflected that, and apparently failed.

- Flamingo

This is flawed reasoning. Inactive does not equal elim.


Crocodile votes Kangaroo

This feels very poke-y for 4 minutes until the end of the cycle.


Dingo votes Iguana

Breaking the tie at the last minute! Dingo =/= Alvron.


Dragonfly votes Dingo

This was based on an inaccurate mobile skim of the thread. Sorry, Dingo :<

Reads after re-read:

Lean Village - Tuatara, Hyena, Falcon, Flamingo, Toucan

Null+ - Albatross, Crocodile

Null - Meerkat, Chameleon, Mouse, Elephant, everyone else

Lean Elim - Weasel, Heron


Conclusion: Weasel

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