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(Yes, I know that "Hello" is a singularly uncreative title, but I'm not sure it's even possible to be creative here, so I didn't even try.)

Hello! I am yet another new(ish) reader of the Cosmere. I first heard of Brandon Sanderson many years ago, but had always been reticent to read anything of his. I've been burned a few too many times by giant epic fantasy series that either stall out and don't see new entries or that carry on endlessly with no plan and an overall quality that trends inexorably downwards (you can probably think of examples of both). So why would I want to start reading a series that's... checks... how many books long and still ongoing? Well, I wouldn't, of course. Except that I kept on hearing more and more good things about it from more and more people, and eventually one friend was so sure that I would enjoy the (original) Mistborn trilogy, so I caved.

That was in late April, when I picked up The Final Empire for the first time. It's now mid October, and a few days ago, I finished Rhythm of War and, to the best of my knowledge, I am now up to date with all published Cosmere works except for White Sand (which I haven't been able to find a reasonably-priced copy of, so I'm waiting for the omnibus to come out). So I'd say that went well. My friend gets a little metaphorical "I was right" sticker from me for that recommendation.

There are a lot of things that I enjoy about the series, but my single favourite thing is that I actually feel as if I'm rewarded for paying attention. This is definitely not the sort of series that requires you to turn your brain off because all the logic will collapse if you think too hard about it. Instead I got to feel oh-so-smart and oh-so-smug for predicting things before they happened multiple times over.

Now that I no longer need to worry about spoilers, I think it's time for me to dip my toes into the fandom. My friend has been excellent about answering as many of my questions as he can, but there is a limit to what any one person can know. But with a whole fandom out there, that's so many more people I can annoy delight with questions about consequentialism in the Cosmere, entropy in the Cosmere, and "hey, did you notice that one cool thing?" in the Cosmere.

I also discovered today that I am very bad at yodeling with a shoe on my head.

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Welcome to the Shard! 

We cannot wait for you to annoy delight us with questions about weird stuff in the Cosmere.

55 minutes ago, SheepAreFluffy said:

I also discovered today that I am very bad at yodeling with a shoe on my head.

This is an important discovery.

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56 minutes ago, SheepAreFluffy said:

I also discovered today that I am very bad at yodeling with a shoe on my head.

I did not do this, though I should have.

Just now, FlowerGirl said:

I have to know, how exactly did this come about? What brings one to try yodeling with a shoe on their head? Just curious. :D

If you do not while creating a account, Rubix will own your soul and sell it for a donut.

Anyways, Welcome to the shard!

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1 hour ago, SheepAreFluffy said:

I also discovered today that I am very bad at yodeling with a shoe on my head.

Was it a stiletto heel? Is your skull okay? Was it a cool boot? Can I have a boot? I like fluffy boots. And I like other things. Do you like cheese? (THATS A VERY IMPORTANT QUESRION. ANSWER IT PLEASE.)

-Haly :D 

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

If you do not while creating a account, Rubix will own your soul and sell it for a donut.

Actually a bagel. Which is good. I like bagels more than donuts, so it seems a more worthy trade for my soul. Still, I like keeping my soul anyway. (And also like doing ridiculous things, apparently.)

56 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Was it a stiletto heel? Is your skull okay? Was it a cool boot? Can I have a boot? I like fluffy boots. And I like other things. Do you like cheese? (THATS A VERY IMPORTANT QUESRION. ANSWER IT PLEASE.)

It was a fluffy slipper boot. Which I think scores pretty low on the coolness scale, but pretty high on the keeping-my-toes-warm scale. And also pretty high on the balancing on my head scale, which I hadn't appreciated about it until today. And yes, I do like cheese. Very much. My favourites tend to be soft and smelly cheeses, but I enjoy most cheese.

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14 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Hi! What's your favorite magic system?

I'm going to say Forgery. Partly just because we've seen so little of it, and that sense of mystery always makes something seem just that little bit cooler to me. But it also matches up well with a lot of my personal tastes. I love magic that is more studied, detailed and nuanced, rather than the more intuitive, primal raw power of magic like Allomancy. I'm also really drawn to being able to change something's fundamental nature by rewriting its history, especially the ability of a Soulforger to change themself. There's definitely parts of myself that I'd rewrite if I had the chance. I also really liked that it had just barely enough in common with AonDor to feel that it was drawing off the same source and that the two formed part of a coherent whole, but that it was also different enough to feel like something totally new and fresh.

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