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Can you place more Breaths in an Awakened Object then you need to?

Like if you have 1,000 Breaths and try to Awaken a cloak that would only need 200 Breaths, could you instead choose to Awaken it with 500 Breaths?

And would this have any benefits, like the object might be able to handle slightly more complex Commands or something?

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It seems like the Command sort of sucks out the number of Breaths it needs for the given "spell" so I think you'd need to include the additional 


In a Lifeless specifically, WOB says it's a good way for them to not be a Lifeless anymore, which I think means they'd get revived to a more full Cognitive Shadow state of things, though we dont know what that would look like.  

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3 minutes ago, Quantus said:

It seems like the Command sort of sucks out the number of Breaths it needs for the given "spell" so I think you'd need to include the additional 


In a Lifeless specifically, WOB says it's a good way for them to not be a Lifeless anymore, which I think means they'd get revived to a more full Cognitive Shadow state of things, though we dont know what that would look like.  

So the 'Breath Cost' of an Awakening depends on both the 'Liveliness' of an object and the complexity of the Command?

So do you think it would be feasible to Awaken a Mistcloak and Command it to act a pair of separate arms? Perhaps pull a General Grevious and quadruple wield swords?

Edited by JustQuestin2004
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6 minutes ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

So the 'Breath Cost' of an Awakening depends on both the 'Liveliness' of an object and the complexity of the Command?

That's my understanding, which is more or less how they generally parse out partial bits of their own stores (and the trick they were keeping from Vivenna).  The original Command for Lifeless took 50 Breaths, then they worked out a single Breath zombie, for example. I suspect the actual wording went from a mindset of Physical Meat Animation to more of a Spiritweb Replacement concept once they began to understand realmics more.  

6 minutes ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

So do you think it would be feasible to Awaken a Mistcloak and Command it to act a pair of separate arms? Perhaps pull a General Grevious and quadruple wield swords?

Oh absolutely, Vasher does this with normal cloaks regularly (not with a sword so far bit but for grappling and maneuverability).  

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1 minute ago, Quantus said:

That's my understanding, which is more or less how they generally parse out partial bits of their own stores (and the trick they were keeping from Vivenna).  The original Command for Lifeless took 50 Breaths, then they worked out a single Breath zombie, for example. I suspect the actual wording went from a mindset of Physical Meat Animation to more of a Spiritweb Replacement concept once they began to understand realmics more.  

Interesting, do you think i'd be possible to put so many Breaths into a cloak (or any Type 3 Invested Entity? Or was it Type 4? I dunno) that it gains sentience? Like with Nightbood? And Nightblood only needed 1000 Breaths, though they did gain more Investiture over time so maybe that isn't the best comparison.

3 minutes ago, Quantus said:

Oh absolutely, Vasher does this with normal cloaks regularly (not with a sword so far bit but for grappling and maneuverability).  

I was thinking of someone doing this to wield more than 2 Shardblades, or perhaps Honorblades, at once and completely decimating anyone in their way.

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11 hours ago, Quantus said:

Oh absolutely, Vasher does this with normal cloaks regularly (not with a sword so far bit but for grappling and maneuverability).  

He also does it once with a set of clothes that does wield a sword in Chapter 56



Unfortunately, there were a lot of men. Maybe too many to fight. Vasher cursed, spinning between them, dropping another one. He bent down, slapping his hand against the waist of a fallen soldier, touching both shirt and pants, looping his finger around the colored inner undershirt.

“Fight for me, as if you were me,” he Commanded, draining the man’s undershirt completely grey. Vasher spun, blocking a sword strike. Another came from the side, and another. He couldn’t block them all.

A sword flashed in the air, blocking a weapon that would have hit Vasher. The dead man’s shirt and trousers, having pulled themselves free, stood holding a blade. They struck, as if controlled by an invisible person inside, blocking and attacking with skill. Vasher put his back to the Awakened construct.


10 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

Interesting, do you think i'd be possible to put so many Breaths into a cloak (or any Type 3 Invested Entity? Or was it Type 4? I dunno) that it gains sentience? Like with Nightbood? And Nightblood only needed 1000 Breaths, though they did gain more Investiture over time so maybe that isn't the best comparison.

I was thinking of someone doing this to wield more than 2 Shardblades, or perhaps Honorblades, at once and completely decimating anyone in their way.

Keep in mind that part of the "secret sauce" is probably a command that makes the breaths irretrievable. Both the "Single Breath" Lifeless command and the command to make Nightblood are like this. To have the breaths retrievable, the closest you can probably get is the command referenced in the chapter above.

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