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feruchemical Godmetails speculation


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lerasium: physical toughness.

Sazeium:any feruchemical ability?

Rasium: emotions ?

Tanavastium:  self control ?

Cultivationium:physical maturity?

Mercyium: empathy?

Autonomyium:  rebellion?

Inventionium: creativity ?

Endowment: Fertility? ( Really not sure about this one but was the best I could come up with  As I can't think of any other physical emotional or spiritual way you could Endow someone or something?)


I don't any more guess. What do you think?

Do you have any better guess  or do you want to try and guess the ones I couldn't? 




Edited by bmcclure7
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This is a better fit for the cosmere board than the stormlight one.

These all do seem plausible but i don't think we really know about godmetals yet to really say much, sadly. We only know what one does feruchemically, what two do allomantically, and what two.5 do hemallurgically. I think that a metal storing fertility would honestly be quite useful, there's lots of folk tradition both for reducing chance of pregnancy and increasing chance, so the ability to do either at a whim would be great. Not the kind of power that's especially useful from a narrative perspective necessarily, it's not flashy, but I think it would help things run smoother. Having widespread unkeyed edglium minds would be soooo useful frankly so it's a shame that if this theory is correct it's constrained to a godmetal and not a normal metal that could more easily be mass-produced. What do you mean by "physical maturity" with cultivation? how would that be different than age?

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6 hours ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

not a normal metal that could more easily be mass-produce

agreed. Wakefulness as a Feruchemical power is similarly not that interesting combat- or epic-fantasy-wise, but sooo useful for everyday people. Though the flowers of edgli might be easier to cultivate or farm than for example Atium. Nalthis being basically the source and inventor of Antibabypillen would be such a funny bit of lore.

Minor Nitpick here @bmcclure7 what is Terizastium supposed to be? We can speculate on a few of the other metals being called Koravelliumium or Avastium, Edglium, Bavadinium, and we know Sazedium is called Ettmetal on scadrial. But who is Terizastium? Honor?


My speculations for some:

Tanavastium: I wonder if you can "store" something like Conviction/Faith/Oaths. Feruchemy already has Determination, but I wonder if you could store an oath, break it, and then tap again without losing your bond. Otherwise, I speculate Tanavastium to be something like self control too.

Mercy's Godmetal storing Empathy sounds crazy, and plausible. Having Inquisitor-like warriors who store their empathy is freaky. If they're unkeyed metalminds, it could even be a torture method to force someone to feel all that.

Bavadinium: either something like independence, where you're very in need of help and guidance while storing and don't feel constrained at all while tapping it, but that's quite boring. I would love if it was similar to Aviars and A-Copper, like storing Connections to shards and higher powers, basically becoming invisible, independent in a way. And later you can tap it, to increase attention on yourself.


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This question has been on my mind too, but it's complicated by the recent Atium retcon.  Now what we've seen as naturally occurring Atium is actually an Atium/Electrum Alloy and it's THAT metal alloy that affects Age.  It's become reasonably accepted that Atium's Allomantic effect is to invert the Power of the alloyed metal along the Internal/External axis, but I havent seen much conversation about what would be happening on the Feruchemy side. 

So the real question is what is the connection between Age and Determination?

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3 hours ago, Quantus said:

This question has been on my mind too, but it's complicated by the recent Atium retcon.  Now what we've seen as naturally occurring Atium is actually an Atium/Electrum Alloy and it's THAT metal alloy that affects Age.  It's become reasonably accepted that Atium's Allomantic effect is to invert the Power of the alloyed metal along the Internal/External axis, but I havent seen much conversation about what would be happening on the Feruchemy side. 

So the real question is what is the connection between Age and Determination?

 It seems to me that age comes more from the atium side not the electrum.  I suspect that pure alien will just be a more efficient form of what we have now. If you think about it age is literal entropy. So you're storing your body's own entropy which makes sense given that it's ruin's God medal. 

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11 hours ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

This is a better fit for the cosmere board than the stormlight one.

These all do seem plausible but i don't think we really know about godmetals yet to really say much, sadly. We only know what one does feruchemically, what two do allomantically, and what two.5 do hemallurgically. I think that a metal storing fertility would honestly be quite useful, there's lots of folk tradition both for reducing chance of pregnancy and increasing chance, so the ability to do either at a whim would be great. Not the kind of power that's especially useful from a narrative perspective necessarily, it's not flashy, but I think it would help things run smoother. Having widespread unkeyed edglium minds would be soooo useful frankly so it's a shame that if this theory is correct it's constrained to a godmetal and not a normal metal that could more easily be mass-produced. What do you mean by "physical maturity" with cultivation? how would that be different than age?

 Yeah that was my bad I actually meant the posters in the misborn board.  Sorry I posted this after 12 hour night shift. 

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11 hours ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

This is a better fit for the cosmere board than the stormlight one.

These all do seem plausible but i don't think we really know about godmetals yet to really say much, sadly. We only know what one does feruchemically, what two do allomantically, and what two.5 do hemallurgically. I think that a metal storing fertility would honestly be quite useful, there's lots of folk tradition both for reducing chance of pregnancy and increasing chance, so the ability to do either at a whim would be great. Not the kind of power that's especially useful from a narrative perspective necessarily, it's not flashy, but I think it would help things run smoother. Having widespread unkeyed edglium minds would be soooo useful frankly so it's a shame that if this theory is correct it's constrained to a godmetal and not a normal metal that could more easily be mass-produced. What do you mean by "physical maturity" with cultivation? how would that be different than age?

 Age is the opposite of physical maturity. Age is your body running down Falling apart through the entropy.   Maturity  It's about your body growing developing cultivating itself. It would be about either bring yourself up to an adult or if you're storing it ring yourself down to a kid level as far as your physical body goes. 

 Store age and you become an old man. 


Store maturity you become child.

Edited by bmcclure7
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It's generally preferred here for people to just do one big post responding to several folks instead of multiple posts back-to-back.

53 minutes ago, bmcclure7 said:

 Age is the opposite of physical maturity. Age is your body running down Falling apart through the entropy.   Maturity  It's about your body growing developing cultivating itself. It would be about either bring yourself up to an adult or if you're storing it ring yourself down to a kid level as far as your physical body goes. 

 Store age and you become an old man. 


Store maturity you become child.

Nope, Age and Maturity aren't separate things, and WOB states you could Compound age enough to revert to their childhood.







Hemalurgically, atium steals Allomantic Temporal Powers. But, that seems unlikely, since atium is a god metal. It wouldn't fit in with the rest of the magic system. Did Preservation, in addition to switching Cadmium and Bendalloy for Atium and Malatium, also switch atium's Feruchemical and Hemalurgic powers with Cadmium? Because it seems to me there's not a lot of atium Marsh can use to live for hundreds of years into the next Mistborn trilogy.

Brandon Sanderson

Preservation wanted Atium and Malatium to be of use to the people, as he recognized that it would be a very powerful tool—and that using it up could help defeat Ruin. But he also recognized that sixteen was a mythological important number, and felt it would make the best sign for his followers. So he took out the most unlikely (difficult to make and use) metals for his sign to his followers. But that doesn't have much to do with Hemalurgy's use here.

Remember that the tables—and the ars Arcanum—are 'in world' creations. (Or, at least, in-universe.) The knowledge represented in them is as people understand it, and can always have flaws. That was the case with having atium on the table in the first place, and that was the case with people (specifically the Inquisitors) trying to figure out what atium did Hemalurgically.

Their experiments (very expensive ones) are what determined that atium (which they thought was just one of the sixteen metals) granted the Allomantic Temporal powers. What they didn't realize is that atium (used correctly) could steal ANY of the powers. Think of it as a wild card. With the right knowledge, you could use it to mimic any other spike. It works far better than other spikes as well.

As for Marsh, he's got a whole bag of atium (taken off of the Kandra who was going to try to sell it.) So he's all right for quite a while. A small bead used right can reverse age someone back to their childhood.

But this was a little beyond their magical understanding at the time.

Barnes and Noble Book Club Q&A (July 8, 2009)


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1 minute ago, Quantus said:

It's generally preferred here for people to just do one big post responding to several folks instead of multiple posts back-to-back.

Nope, Age and Maturity aren't separate things, and WOB states you could Compound age enough to revert to their childhood.





I see well I guess that ones wrong not sure what cultivationium would do, maybe it stores skills or talents? An ideas?

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On 23.8.2022 at 8:34 PM, bmcclure7 said:

I see well I guess that ones wrong not sure what cultivationium would do, maybe it stores skills or talents? An ideas?

Koravelliumium? Avastium? Koravelliumium? Koravellium Avastium? We know the naming conventions, but adding -ium to someone named Koravellium feels funny.

Anyway, I can see skills. Age - Ruin is a pretty obvious connection. It's natural decay of your body.

So what would be natural cultivation? Hm. Growing, honing. The large part of skill aquisition happens in young age, like language learning, and later in life skills have to be trained much more actively (and by you rather than your parents and teachers). I could still see something like Growth, whatever that would be.

It might mean that you lose proficency at skills while storing, to later basically cheat years of training. If it's not just physical, you might behave like an emotionally unstable teenager for while while storing. But I like the idea of storing skills, like, Kaladin storing Growth would not know how to properly use a spear to block attacks, only stabbing randomly. While a less trained Soldier tapping Growth might be able to fight a Shardbearer, knowing how to strike in certain angles with their weapon even if they've only had it for a few weeks.

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22 minutes ago, Benkinsky said:

Koravelliumium? Avastium? Koravelliumium? Koravellium Avastium? We know the naming conventions, but adding -ium to someone named Koravellium feels funny.

Anyway, I can see skills. Age - Ruin is a pretty obvious connection. It's natural decay of your body.

So what would be natural cultivation? Hm. Growing, honing. The large part of skill aquisition happens in young age, like language learning, and later in life skills have to be trained much more actively (and by you rather than your parents and teachers). I could still see something like Growth, whatever that would be.

It might mean that you lose proficency at skills while storing, to later basically cheat years of training. If it's not just physical, you might behave like an emotionally unstable teenager for while while storing. But I like the idea of storing skills, like, Kaladin storing Growth would not know how to properly use a spear to block attacks, only stabbing randomly. While a less trained Soldier tapping Growth might be able to fight a Shardbearer, knowing how to strike in certain angles with their weapon even if they've only had it for a few weeks.

I like this one 

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