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And no one noticed Kaladin went missing?

S. Stormy

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I was wondering. So Kaladin was branded by Amaram, and his squad was killed. As we all know. At least I hope you do, if you're here. If not... sorry for the spoiler.

Anyway! How did no one notice that the famous Kaladin Stormblessed and ALL of his squad disappeared? I mean, even if he was killed in battle, people would probably hear about it. Also what did Amaram do to get Kaladin into slavery? Did he wait till a slaver came? If so, what did he do with Kaladin during that time? That leads to this funny imagined interaction:

Random Guy: Hey Highmarshal! How are you?

Amaram[loudly]: I'M GREAT!

Random Guy:  What's that screaming in your closet?

Amaram: OH! That? That's just my... pet chicken. Pay no mind.

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I imagine the story was spread that they all died. And those who knew the truth were smart enough to keep their mouths mostly shut. There are probably some hushed rumors about the truth around camp, but nothing that would be politically inconvenient to Amaram.

As for the conversation

Random Guy: Is your chicken . . . cursing you to damnation? 

Amaram : Some chickens can talk, haven't you ever been to a menagerie?

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Everyone around Amaram ran, and deserted him. Witch seems the punishment for that is slavery. Kaladin was placed with those. His squad was said to have attacked Amaram while the shardbearer was attacking him as well. Who Amaram “then swiftly killed.”
sense everyone ran from the shardbearer nobody except those really loyal to Amaram saw what really happened. 

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8 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

I was wondering. So Kaladin was branded by Amaram, and his squad was killed. As we all know. At least I hope you do, if you're here. If not... sorry for the spoiler.

Anyway! How did no one notice that the famous Kaladin Stormblessed and ALL of his squad disappeared? I mean, even if he was killed in battle, people would probably hear about it. Also what did Amaram do to get Kaladin into slavery? Did he wait till a slaver came? If so, what did he do with Kaladin during that time?

From TWoK Ch 51:


“Bastard!” Kaladin screamed as loud as he could.

“I couldn’t risk them telling what they saw. This is what must be, soldier. It’s for the good of the army. They’re going to be told that your squad helped the Shardbearer. You see, the men must believe that I killed him.”

“You’re taking the Shards for yourself!”

“I am trained in the sword,” Amaram said, “and am accustomed to plate. It will serve Alethkar best if I bear the Shards.”


“For saving my life, I spare yours. Five men telling the same story would have been believed, but a single slave will be ignored. The warcamp will be told that you didn’t try to help your fellows—but you didn’t try to stop them, either. You fled and were captured by my guard.”

Also, I don't think Kaladin was given to a Slaver. All we really know is:


Ch 2


“Ten times,” Kaladin whispered. “Ten escape attempts in eight months, fleeing from five different masters. And how many of them worked?”

“Well…I mean…you’re still here….”

Eight months. Eight months as a slave, eight months of slop and beatings. It might as well have been an eternity. He barely remembered the army anymore. “You can’t hide as a slave,” Kaladin said. “Not with that brand on your forehead. Oh, I got away a few times. But they always found me. And then back I went.”

Ch 43


He’d done this before. Under his last own er, before being sold to Tvlakv and being made a bridgeman. He’d given up on a quiet night after leading Goshel and the other slaves in rebellion. They’d been slaughtered. But somehow he’d survived. Storm it all, why did he always survive? I can’t do it again, he thought, squeezing his eyes shut. I can’t help them.

Tien. Tukks. Goshel. Dallet. The nameless slave he’d tried to heal in Tvlakv’s slave wagons. All had ended up the same. Kaladin had the touch of failure. Sometimes he gave them hope, but what was hope except another opportunity for failure? How many times could a man fall before he no longer stood back up?


So, if he had six slavemasters before becoming a Bridgeman (with the last being Slaver Tvlakv), it seems likely that Amaram either sold him directly to an owner at the next town, when stopping for supplies, or put him in a slave auction at that time.

Edited by Treamayne
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I like to imagine the ardents who are cleaning the blood off the floor as they hear muffled death threats from the closet. Or a guy is just filing paperwork in the next room and all of the sudden, "I'M GOING TO STORMING STAB EVERYONE"

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Amaram: "Ah, my uhh... Chicken... is a very strange breed. From an unusual area of Shinovar, they... attract a variety of negative spren. It really ruins the happy vibe of my office."

Random guy: "Who taught it these very specific curses that seem directed to you...'killing all his men'?"

Amaram: "The...uh...chicken seller...was a very profane man. I plan to be rid of this chicken once we reach the nearest town."

Random guy: "Why has this chicken killed a Shardbearer?"

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