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Kaladin falling unconscious?

S. Stormy

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*stupid question alert*

Okay, so in Words of Radiance, Kaladin, after fighting Szeth the first time, falls unconscious randomly. Why?


Also in Rhythm of War, he falls unconscious after the fight at the well. Why?

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11 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Okay, so in Words of Radiance, Kaladin, after fighting Szeth the first time, falls unconscious randomly. Why?


In this case he burned a lot of Stormlight in a very short period of time, due to healing his arm being cut by the Honorblade Szeth was carrying. Also Kaladin was struggling with his oaths at the time, blurring his bond with Syl.

11 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Also in Rhythm of War, he falls unconscious after the fight at the well. Why?

In here the Tower, and the Sibling, had its mechanisms turned against the Radiants, putting them to sleep. The only reason Kal was up and about was because of how near to the 4th Ideal he was, as to his unique connection to Honor (even being splintered). You wonder then if he was resistant to the Siblings suppression of surgebinding, then why did he fall exhausted after his fight? The suppression also applied to his connection to Syl, adding this to the lack of Stormlight, Kal was in pretty bad shape. On top of that Odium was targeting Kaladins dreams, so the very little rest he got was plagued with nightmares on Braize.

Edited by Legui01010
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19 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

*stupid question alert*

Okay, so in Words of Radiance, Kaladin, after fighting Szeth the first time, falls unconscious randomly. Why?

Also in Rhythm of War, he falls unconscious after the fight at the well. Why?

18 hours ago, Legui01010 said:

In this case he burned a lot of Stormlight in a very short period of time, due to healing his arm being cut by the Honorblade Szeth was carrying.

Also note, in TWoK ch 67:


Arrows darkened the sky. Something hit him, an extended impact that tossed him backward into the bridgemen. He struck hard, grunting as the force continued to push upon him.

The bridge ground to a halt, the men stopping.

All fell still.

Kaladin blinked, feeling completely drained. His body hurt, his arms tingled, his back ached. There was a sharp pain in his wrist. He groaned, opening his eyes, stumbling as Rock’s hands caught him from behind.

A muted thump. The bridge being set down. Idiots! Kaladin thought. Don’t set it down…. Retreat….

The bridgemen crowded around him as he slipped to the ground, overwhelmed by having expended too much Stormlight. He blinked at what he held before him, attached to his bleeding arm.

His shield was covered in arrows, dozens of them, some splitting the others. The bones crossing the shield’s front had shattered; the wood was in splinters. Some of the arrows had gone through and hit his forearm. That was the pain.

Over a hundred arrows. An entire volley. Pulled into a single shield.

“By the Brightcaller’s rays,” Drehy said softly. “What… what was…”

“It was like a fountain of light,” Moash said, kneeling beside Kaladin. “Like the sun itself burst from you, Kaladin.”

“The Parshendi…” Kaladin croaked, and let go of the shield. The straps were broken, and as he struggled to stand, the shield all but disintegrated, falling to pieces, scattering dozens of broken arrows at his feet. A few remained stuck in his arm, but he ignored the pain, looking across at the Parshendi.

The groups of archers on both plateaus froze in stunned postures.

If you have read Mistborn:


You may be familiar with Pewter Dragging - TFE Ch 25:



Kelsier turned to face the girl. “This is not a time for subtlety. Stay close to me, try to keep up, and make absolutely certain you don’t run out of pewter.”

Vin nodded, suddenly looking a bit apprehensive.

. . .

“Vin!” Kelsier said. “Don’t extinguish your pewter. Keep burning it or you’ll fall unconscious!”

Vin shook her head, disoriented, trying to make out his words.

“Tin!” he said. “Flare it. Now!”

She did so.



then you can connect these events to realize that expending large amounts of investiture (either slowly over a long time, or large bursts all at once) take a physical toll. If you are already exhausted, it will only be worse. Not only do you experience the physical impact, but you also no longer have the investiture propping you up.

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On 04/08/2022 at 10:13 PM, Treamayne said:

then you can connect these events to realize that expending large amounts of investiture (either slowly over a long time, or large bursts all at once) take a physical toll. If you are already exhausted, it will only be worse. Not only do you experience the physical impact, but you also no longer have the investiture propping you up.

Exactly, also another example of this is Spook, though he is an extreme. Consuming large amounts of Investure can cause savantism (at least for allomancers). Wonder if that is possible for any other form of Investure 


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3 hours ago, Legui01010 said:

Exactly, also another example of this is Spook, though he is an extreme. Consuming large amounts of Investure can cause savantism (at least for allomancers). Wonder if that is possible for any other form of Investure 


It is... those who use Soulcaster Fabrials too long can start turning into the relevant Essence. It's in Kaza's Interlude in OB, and also in the part of OB where Azure has two people Soulcasting in an aluminum lined room to provide food supplies.

There's a WoB that Radiant Soulcasters don't suffer this as severely.

But in general I think being imbued with Investiture changes people, whether it's called savantism or not. Some effects are temporary and go away when you lose the Investiture (Stormlight's impulse to act, Voidlight's inflamed emotions, Breath's enriched perceptions) but others are permanent. Even after losing a Shard, a Sliver is permanently altered in some ways. Hoid's inability to harm living beings or eat meat is a result of formerly holding/being a Dawnshard.

Even the effects of being a Drab might be related - the Warbreaker Annotations say that Vivenna gets sick because her immune system was previously 'warded' by Breath and thus didn't develop the immunities it should have; that seems analogous to Spook's senses decreasing below normal human when he stops burning tin.

Edited by cometaryorbit
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