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Kaladin unbound?


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Is kaladin an unbound surgebinder? He was using his surges and stormlight before he said the first ideal and as far as I can recall he was the only one to do so aside from the windrunner squire. Maybe this is part of the reason he was able to be awake and use his basic lashings in urithiru, he was able to use them before saying his ideals.

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4 hours ago, Iwishiwasafish said:

Is kaladin an unbound surgebinder? He was using his surges and stormlight before he said the first ideal and as far as I can recall he was the only one to do so aside from the windrunner squire. Maybe this is part of the reason he was able to be awake and use his basic lashings in urithiru, he was able to use them before saying his ideals.

 No he was able to stay awake cause he was close to the 4th ideal and because  His 2nd surge is unaffected by the tower's power

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6 hours ago, Iwishiwasafish said:

Is kaladin an unbound surgebinder? He was using his surges and stormlight before he said the first ideal and as far as I can recall he was the only one to do so aside from the windrunner squire. Maybe this is part of the reason he was able to be awake and use his basic lashings in urithiru, he was able to use them before saying his ideals.

First, Basic Lashings were the ones he could not use during RoW - he had access to Full Lashings and some limited access to Reverse Lashings (Ars Arcanum excerpt):



This type of Lashing was one of the most commonly used Lashings among the order, though it was not the easiest to use. (That distinction belongs to the Full Lashing below.) A Basic Lashing involved revoking a being’s or object’s spiritual gravitational bond to the planet below, instead temporarily linking that being or object to a different object or direction. Effectively, this creates a change in gravitational pull, twisting the energies of the planet itself. A Basic Lashing allowed a Windrunner to run up walls, to send objects or people flying off into the air, or to create similar effects.


A Full Lashing might seem very similar to a Basic Lashing, but they worked on very different principles. While one had to do with gravitation, the other had to do with the force (or Surge, as the Radiants called them) of adhesion—binding objects together as if they were one. I believe this Surge may have had something to do with atmospheric pressure.


I believe this may actually be a specialized version of the Basic Lashing. This type of Lashing required the least amount of Stormlight of any of the three Lashings. The Windrunner would infuse something, give a mental command, and create a pull to the object that yanked other objects toward it.

Keep in mind, each order is slightly different in how/when some abilities are manifest. For example, Windrunners have access to both surges from the beginning, but a Skybreaker cannot access the surge of Division until after the Third Oath; and in the Interlude Wyndle tells Lift that while she had access to the Surge of Progression with the First Oath, she didn't have Progression's Regrowth ability until after the Second Oath (WoR I-9):


“Your bond to me grants two primary classes of ability,” Wyndle said. “The first, manipulation of friction, you’ve already—don’t yawn at me!—discovered. We have been using that well for many weeks now, and it is time for you to learn the second, the power of Growth. You aren’t ready for what was once known as Regrowth, the healing of—”

Lift pressed her hand against the seeds, then summoned her awesomeness.

She wasn’t sure how she did it. She just did.


“You spoke of something earlier,” she whispered. “Re . . .”

“Regrowth,” he said. “Each bond grants power over two Surges. You can influence how things grow.”

“Can I use this to help Gawx?”

“If you were better trained? Yes. As it stands, I doubt it. You aren’t very strong, aren’t very practiced. And he might be dead already.”

She touched one of the vines.


“What do I do?”

“I . . . I’m not sure. Mistress, the transition to your side was difficult and left holes in my memory, even with the precautions my people took. I . . .”

She set Gawx on his back, face toward the sky. He wasn’t really anything to her, that was true. They’d barely just met, and he’d been a fool. She’d told him to go back.

But this was who she was, who she had to be.

I will remember those who have been forgotten.

Lift leaned forward, touched her forehead to his, and breathed out. A shimmering something left her lips, a little cloud of glowing light. It hung in front of Gawx’s lips.

Come on . . .

It stirred, then drew in through his mouth.

A hand took Lift by the shoulder, pulling her away from Gawx. She sagged, suddenly exhausted. Real exhausted, so much so that even standing was difficult.

Darkness pulled her by the shoulder away from the crowd. “Come,” he said.

Gawx stirred. The viziers gasped, their attention turning toward the youth as he groaned, then sat up.

“It appears that you are an Edgedancer,” Darkness said, steering her down the corridor as the crowd moved in around Gawx, chattering. She stumbled, but he held her upright. “I had wondered which of the two you would be.”

While we don't have all of the details yet, the phenomena seem to be linked to the Order Spren's consensual reality. In other words, if the majority of Highspren believe (consciously or subconsciously) that the Surge of Division is too dangerous for Skybreakers below the Third Oath; then the Order of Skybreakers is bound to that belief. Honorspren (and Windrunners) simply don't have those fetters, possibly because so many applications of lashings require Intent (and therefore training) and the Squire system they use is the mechanism for teaching and limiting Surge access (or the lack of such self-limits based on bond and the individuals involved - as we saw with Kaladin and Syl).

Edited by Treamayne
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11 hours ago, Iwishiwasafish said:

Is kaladin an unbound surgebinder? He was using his surges and stormlight before he said the first ideal and as far as I can recall he was the only one to do so aside from the windrunner squire. Maybe this is part of the reason he was able to be awake and use his basic lashings in urithiru, he was able to use them before saying his ideals.

To add to what's already been said, Kaladin could use surges before saying the first oath because he had a bond with Syl already. Dalinar used Stormlight while fighting the Parshendi in WoR, similarly to Kaladin. It seems that having a spren that intends to bond you can begin the Nahel bond without oaths, although the bond could be ended much more easily than after the Radiant swears oaths.

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