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Scenario: a Lifeless in Bridge 4


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Scenario: during WoR, when Rlain is still acting like a Parshman, Kaladin is given a new servant that looks kind of weird, has completely gray skin, and for some reason requires saying "Bridge 4" before and after an order before the servant will do anything, even rest. Kaladin, being Kaladin, attempts to befriend "Gray" as the other bridgemen have cleverly dubbed the fellow, as clearly Gray has had worse trauma than most, maybe he went and did something with the Nightwatcher and the Old Magic. Later, in Oathbringer when members of Bridge 4 are becoming squires, Kaladin pulls aside Gray and Hobber, the two most crippled bridgemen, to give them direct coaching on breathing in Stormlight. Hobber succeeds, the Light healing his soul-dead legs, enabling him to stand. Gray when ordered to breath in Light ______?

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On 7/18/2022 at 10:47 PM, LightweaverWannabe said:

He could be a squire though. But does using Investiture require Intent?

I assume it does...

But if it's a question of whether or not a Lifeless has enough "there" to even simulate intent by proxy (Command), you can reduce that further to the question: could you give a Lifeless a store of Breath? If so, could you then Command it to Awaken something else? (Like, if you wanted to disguise your own ability to Awaken?)

Also, as far as "squiring" goes, there also has to be a Connection to the specific Radiant, right? At a Spiritual level? That's a bond I'm even more uncertain a Lifeless is capable of forming.

Edited by robardin
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But could other people form an attachment to it? does it have to be a 2 way road? Like with Yesteel it seemed like he was more aware was that because he was influenced by the Perception of those around him? What I'm trying to get to is if he was around people who thought of him as a living being would he be able to act more like a human being?

Edited by LightweaverWannabe
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I agree with robardin that becoming a squire could be difficult but I think that a better way will be to give the lifeless a honorblade using them doesn`t require oaths or connection to a radiant so he should be able to gain access to surges with it.

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On 7/16/2022 at 8:47 AM, Duxredux said:

Scenario: during WoR, when Rlain is still acting like a Parshman, Kaladin is given a new servant that looks kind of weird, has completely gray skin, and for some reason requires saying "Bridge 4" before and after an order before the servant will do anything, even rest. 

I don't remember this character and cannot find anything searching my e-books. Can you give chapters where he is referenced?

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10 hours ago, Yumiya said:

I don't remember this character and cannot find anything searching my e-books. Can you give chapters where he is referenced?

There is no such character in the book. He is describing a hypotetical scenario.

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