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Don't read WoK out loud

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I wanted my sisters to read SA, so I volunteered myself to read it out loud. It's been three weeks, and we're on page 930. I'm considering making them read it or listen to the audio book, because STORMS my throat hurts. But it's worth it to see my sisters in the same Kaladin-flavored pain I was.

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4 hours ago, Casual Ati Enjoyer said:

I wanted my sisters to read SA, so I volunteered myself to read it out loud. It's been three weeks, and we're on page 930. I'm considering making them read it or listen to the audio book, because STORMS my throat hurts. But it's worth it to see my sisters in the same Kaladin-flavored pain I was.

Wow. I once tried to read a brother the first book in the Five Kingdoms series, and I couldn't get past the first few chapters. You have some serious commitment.

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14 hours ago, Casual Ati Enjoyer said:

Kaladin-flavored pain

how does this sum up WoK so perfectly

this 3 word phrase is one of the best things i’ve read on this website, thank you.

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You are doing the Stormfathers work! I know how hard it is to read out loud. I used to read to my dog to help me work on fixing my speech impediment. It is not easy at all but your are so committed! I wish I had that drive! The paint you feel is both the pain of glory and also your throat giving out. 

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