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Kindness makes an art thread, because why not?

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Indeed.  My art.  I'm okay with faces, if I have a reference for proportions.  Right now, my struggle is that I'm skilled enough to have ambitions, but not nearly skilled enough to make them happen.  For example, these could be really cool, but right now I don't have the skill to pull them off.



I'm back on my Silmarillion nonsense, so I thought, 'I'll draw Maedhros leading his troops!  I'll do a funny angle!  I can draw armor and people!'  Yeah no, not yet.

And then this, for Empire of Silence and subsequent books (I don't think this is a spoiler, it's pretty vague and my handwriting is pretty tough to read like this.


If you didn't know I liked the Sun Eater series, is this evidence enough?  I'd love to make a drawing following our main character Hadrian as he grows and changes, but I don't have the skill to do all that yet.

  What am I good at?  Mostly just faces.  Sometimes scenes.  I can also draw pretty nice looking dresses.  (The secret is that there's no legs)

Here's one of those:




Even this, which is the best example I'm choosing to show here (I have a couple better, but those have plans), has lots of room for improvement!  Hopefully I can show a few of those as I get better.

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I watched Sense and Sensibility, the Emma Thompson one, today.  As such, I drew a house because I don't live in the countryside, and I don't really want to live in Regency England, but gosh that cottage was pretty!



It's a little crooked, I wasn't being too careful to keep my lines straight and bricks even, but I like it.  I don't usually color things in, I don't have good colored pencils like I do normal gray ones, but it was definitely the right choice for this.

This may turn into a series of things and places that make me happy.  I am in desperate need of that, after the prolonged misery of school.  I liked learning, but a lot of the other things were not so great and I'm very glad it's over and I have time to myself again.  At least for a few months.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is one of my favorite character concepts for some reason: 'he's been in the woods for three years and hasn't spoken to another human in that same amount of time'.



He's not Beren, and he's not Tuor either - at least, I don't think so.  Anybody want to come up with a name for him?  He needs one, but I can't think of anything.  

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On 7/4/2022 at 4:56 PM, Spren of Kindness said:


You cannot deny my privilege of disliking [Coronel Brandon] as much as I simply adore...


...this cottage.


Disclaimer: I like Colonel Brandon.

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@CalanoCorvus, that's a good one, I like that.  Also, thank you so much for the art style compliment!  (I have a style?!)

@Channelknight Fadran what's an art trade I've been away?

New arts!


I've been on the road, and that means I've been seeing things that make me want to try drawing more landscapes. 


I've only drawn a couple things, because the roads are bumpy.  I might try to draw more from memory, but I also can't recreate the beauty well enough, so I may leave it in my mind.

Close ups:



I think this one turned out okay.  I really love the mountains, so I'm hoping to get better at drawing them.


This is not what I saw on the road.  What I saw was a large mesa with a relatively flat top.  But I have an active imagination, so I was looking at a lot of rock formations and mesas, and seeing the ruins of ancient cities.

I'm reading the Silmarillion.  I drew a young Maedhros.


I'm probably going to do thirteen more of these things. :blink:

I like how you can visibly see my braid technique getting better as I go.


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I had time this morning to finish up the Maedhros art I posted last night.



The idea for this came from an idea to do three portraits with groups of the Sons of Feanor: The Politicians, The Hunters, and The Artists. I guess instead, I'm going to do a Valinor and Beleriand for each of them.  That's... a lot of portraits.  Especially if I get into the greater House of Finwe.

Close ups:



This has better lighting, so I think the circlet has a little more detail.


I thought about giving him some sort of full-on braided updo, to be nice and practical, but hair is my cheat code, so half-up it is.  I think I did a pretty good job of keeping the right parts of the face the same, though Maedhros has a slightly sharper face than Nelyafinwe.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This one was frustrating for me.  Lots of reasons why.



I feel like this one ended up a little more cartoon-style than I wanted.  I was sort of going for realism, but oh well.  The important part is that it's on paper, so I can go back and redo it one day if I want.  I do like how you can see me getting more annoyed as I go, until the last box is the most vague rendition of 'he cast the Silmaril into the sea' possible.




I had to redo his eyes so many times.  The pencil kept being too dark, and it looked like he was wearing eyeliner.


I like to imply things in my art rather than draw them.  That is why the horse is implied.  Absolutely not because I've never drawn a horse and didn't have time to learn in the location I was in.

I wasn't even supposed to draw the bottom scene, I just had too much empty space.

Also, at the same time I started work on this, I found a bunch of pretty flat tree bark.  So I messed around with charcoal.



Edited by Spren of Kindness
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My emotions are very confusing, but hey, I can still draw!  (She says as she posts a drawing from a week ago, before the confusing emotions.)



First time I used a reference for one of the Feanorions.  I was planning to use two different ones, but the original Celegorm one just was not working.  I left the view of my character notes in there, though they're mostly illegible.  The most relevant one is that I think that in world, these portraits were done by Amrod during rare moments where Celegorm was relaxed and still.




It looks like a side shave, though it's just that section pulled back.


I dunno what I did differently with this one, but it didn't come out the same, a little lopsided.  Oh well.



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  • 3 months later...

To be honest, I kinda forgot I had this.


This is a part of a larger sketch I did, but the other half did not look good.



Why does he look so Elven?  Maybe it's just my style, but I dunno.

And this is a piece I did back in August that is part of some worldbuilding I was doing at the time.



For being a really simple design, the crown was really fun to draw.

I'm beginning to think it might be a good idea to sus out some good colored pencils, once I can budget for them.  I like grays, but I think color would help me out a lot.


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  • 2 months later...

Another day, yet a new concept!  



What's his name?  I don't know.  What does he do?  Work for the revolution by being a high-society flirt and semi-airhead.

And of course I noticed right as I was putting my sketchbook away that his earring didn't get the memo about the wind going away :P

The perspective is a little funky, because there was no way for me to get a lined-up picture, but I think it came out okay.


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  • 2 weeks later...

These are awesome, Kindness! Really good sketchies :D 

If you're looking for nice coloured pencils, I'd suggest starting out with Mont Mart if you want slightly cheap but good stuff - but if you want really nice pencils for a slightly more expensive price, I'd suggest having a look at Prismacolor. Their pencils have a nice even lay down, with beautiful colours that blend really well.

Linkie to Prismacolor beancles: Linkie

Linkie to Mont Mart beancles: Linkie

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  • 3 months later...

I went to Michael's for a birthday gift, and they had sketchbooks on clearance.  So now I have motivation to actually fill my current sketchbook, and by extension, actually practice my art.



Also, I have blending tools now!

What do you think this guy's name is?  I can't decide on one.


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