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Do A Metalborn's Metalminds Interfere With Their Own Allomancy?



If Wax were to wear an iron chest plate and fill it with Investiture, would he have a harder time Steelpusing because of the Investiture, or would it act more like a Radiant's own plate, allowing one to still use their abilities unhindered since it is keyed to their own Identity?

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He'd have a harder time Pushing on that item, but it would not have the sort of field effect that aluminum does to disrupt/shield nearby Investiture effects.  Im less clear on whether they could do it through an aluminum chest-plate; on one hand the effect going to the center of mass is more a perception illusion that can be trained past, on the other hand Perception and Intent are cornerstones of cosmere magics.  

It is possible that he'd be able to push on his own Metalminds easier than on somebody else's on account of matching their Identity coding,

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On 27/06/2022 at 1:49 PM, Trusk'our said:

If Wax were to wear an iron chest plate and fill it with Investiture, would he have a harder time Steelpusing because of the Investiture, or would it act more like a Radiant's own plate, allowing one to still use their abilities unhindered since it is keyed to their own Identity?

I think the latter is likely, but I'm not certain.

On the one hand, Investiture resistance seems to be linked to Identity - you can't easily Invest something that had been Invested by someone else.

However, when Wax picks up Kelesina's unkeyed goldmind, its steel line is thinner than it should be, indicating that it resist his Investiture. If the metalmind lack Identity, shouldn't it not resist Investiture?

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