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Clarification that if you are a Smoker, Smoking functions exactly like Tyrian rules except that Copperclouds can only be turned off or extended in the Day. This patches the nonsensical half-cycle rubbish we had ever since we changed Tyrian rules from having a N0 to starting on a Day Turn.

This neither confirms nor denies any role or alignment claims that any player may have made: this is just so everyone is on the same page.

Smoker decides in the Day -> Coppercloud decision lasts for the Day + Night (entire cycle)

If the Smoker is executed, for instance, if you may have managed to exe a Village Smoker recently, then the effects of their Coppercloud will still last for the rest of the cycle.

This should clear everything up I hope.

Thank you >>

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Hello, it is me, Kas.

<kel> asked me to step in and say that Wyrmhero is now going to be your GM from now on. Please pay him the utmost respect and tribute, and silence yourselves in his presence (or at least until the new thread is up). <kel> would also like to say that he loves his collection of knives and other paraphernalia, and wishes he had more. Please donate generously to the Knives for <kel> drive, for charity. In fact, please begin every post during the next thread by stabbing <kel>. Julius Cesar was reportedly stabbed 23 times - I think, with your help, we can break this record.

Thank you.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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6 minutes ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:


Look miss

The Turn is ended. Just because it came from Kas rather than myself doesn't mean I didn't duly deputise Kas with the authority to close the Turn. It is ended, stop posting before I strike you down with all my anger from having returned from dealing with a cockroach hostage situation >>

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Day Four: Medic, Heal Thyself

The same dream.

The same room, still wrapped in shadow.

Kesed started forward, heading for the doorway, but someone caught hold of his arm.

That, at least, was new, he thought, with some surprise. He hadn’t thought that this dream could surprise him any longer.

“Don’t move,” whispered that person. Kesed tried to turn about, to break free, but that person held him fast. The voice was maddeningly familiar, but Kesed couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. 

A few questions flashed through his head, but he asked the one that truly mattered. “Why?”

There was a note in that person’s voice that Kesed identified as sadness. Perhaps some regret. “Because if you go into that room, there’s only one thing that you’ll find there. Pain.”

It was the way he said it, matter-of-factly, echoing the dark, foreboding feeling in the pit of Kesed’s stomach that stopped him. Echoing the certainty that whatever lay before him in that room, it was important. And ugly.

Did he want to see it?

He didn’t know. Some nights, he badly wanted to. Knew he had to. It was the point of the sessions with the Heron psych, he figured. Sandhya’d taken interest in the dreams, the last he’d heard. He knew his evals were sent to her, but they’d always certified him as ready to perform what was needed of him.

“Have you ever,” the psych’d once asked him, “Wondered about how thoroughly incurious you are?”

“I know what I need to,” Kesed’d shrugged. Once, he’d’ve been on fire to know. But he’d learned that asking the right questions at the wrong time made him very dangerous. And sometimes, he’d learned there were questions you didn’t want to know the answer to. The trick was knowing what the right questions were, and when you needed answers. And when to ask them.

Maybe he’d wondered a little, about why he was too tired to think too much about these matters. But it never really seemed to matter, not when Sandhya always had another task, another job. Not when everything led him further and further away from his past, and from Whyren and how everything had fallen apart, so he didn’t have to look at himself in the mirror in the morning and wonder when everything had changed so much.

He swallowed. “I can deal with pain,” he said, roughly.

Sometimes, you had to face pain. The pain of reps performed well, of eking out just that bit more from your body, no matter how much flesh and muscle screamed. The pain of struggling to grasp and understand new concepts, things that you couldn’t wrap your brain around.

The pain of loss, of leaving. Of knowing that what had to happen had to happen, for a reason. Pain told you you were alive, that your body was healing, getting stronger. Pain, Kesed thought, in that moment, was the taskmaster; it cracked the whip and to live was to respond to pain. 

“Not like this,” said the other. A warning. “Not like this.”

He pushed forward, and—




“Do you think,” Kesed said, witheringly, “You could refrain from opening fire on another mistrunner without explicit orders to do so?”

At least Jack Ladrian had had the good grace to look slightly abashed. Weasel simply shrugged. “You weren’t there,” he said. “Atari was ready to draw, and he’d been following me for the better part of the day. I was fairly certain he was preparing to murder me, and I’m not going to feel guilt for acting to save my life.”

“Cody Eight,” Kesed said, evenly, counting the incidents off. “You were charged with securing the suspect. And then he escaped. And now you use lethal force on another mistrunner without proper provocation.”

“I told you,” Weasel drawled. “Atari was preparing to kill me. I’m pretty damned sure about it. Jack and Vulture can back me up on this one. I’ll own up to slipping up with Cody, but Jack was there too, and we both thought we’d secured the suspect adequately.”

“You chose not to stabilise Atari, even after you fired that first shot,” Kesed noted. “He was no longer a threat to you, but you continued to ensure he was dead. Why?”

“I think,” Weasel said, meditatively, “I’ve had enough of your questions.” He grinned, teeth flashing. “I think I’d like to wear your bones. That should get me and the others out of here quite nicely, don’t you think?”

Kesed shot first.

He felt a hot shock of pain, as though he’d been punched. But it was only pain. Only ever the taskmaster, and he shot to kill. Two bullets right into centre-mass.

And still Weasel stood, and laughed, blood leaking from his wounds.

He staggered, but remained upright. “Did you think,” Weasel said, “That something like that could kill me, Arnkell?”

Kesed supposed the worst of the pain would come later. His hand went to his shoulder and came away bloody.

“I’ll give you this, I was meaning to kill you,” Weasel mused. “I don’t often miss. You’re fast, for someone getting on in years.”

Kesed smiled, more a baring of teeth, and pulled free the combat knife. “Perhaps they’ve upgraded the model since, but I worked on the first iteration of Project Replicant, SynthKandra. I know how to take down your kind.”

My kind?” Weasel whispered. “Do you think you’re much better than us, Arnkell? Do you think we haven’t heard about you? The researcher turned Heron hound. You go where they tell you, kill whom they tell you.” His voice shifted subtly, between breaths, and then Kesed was hearing the voices of some of the security officers he’d worked with. Redan. Matesh. “You’re little better than Sandhya’s knife, Arnkell. The only difference is you’re afforded a longer leash than us.”

“You killed them, then,” Kesed said. “Devoured them. Took their bones.”

“If you could be free,” Weasel said, “Wouldn’t you take every single opportunity you were offered?”

He cried out as someone slipped behind him and stabbed him in the back. Weasel jerked, flesh turning translucent for a moment, and Kesed caught sight of the Hemalurgic implants, all laced with red. The secret to keeping Harmony away and out of their creations had always been foreign Investiture, to guarantee independence.

“Heal this,” Whyren hissed, and stabbed Weasel a few times for good measure. The SynthKandra toppled forward, and began to lose coherence, the outlines of his form wavering and uncertain.

“The difference between you and me,” Kesed said dispassionately, “Is that I bring back-up.”




The improvised shock knife had taken not-Weasel by surprise, but it hadn’t stopped the SynthKandra from shedding the mistrunner’s bones and escaping.

He’d warned Kesed, Whyren thought. He paced the room as Snips undid the bandage and frowned severely at him. “You did a passable job, I suppose,” Snips growled, though his tone made it clear that he didn’t think highly of Whyren’s first aid skills.

Kesed’s blood on his hands. Sticky, drying. Whyren wanted to escape and find some washroom or other, to scrub, and to scrub until his hands were clean again. The fact that he knew this was a bad idea, going it alone, and that, if he were perfectly honest, the natural instinct was to feel concern, was the only thing that kept him in this room as Kesed stared at the wall and let Snips treat and bandage the gunshot wound.

At least he wasn’t going into shock, Whyren thought. Probably should have expected that.

Kesed shrugged tiredly. “Better I take the risk,” he said, likely in response to getting chewed out by Snips for recklessness. Whyren wholeheartedly agreed with the medic there. “Whyren needs to lift the security lockdown. We need his access. And I’m not an easy target.”

Of course he wasn’t, Whyren thought idly.

Kesed’s blood on his hands, again. The pure, utter terror of discovering the work that would make their careers so nearly destroyed. The unreasoning anger.

You stupid, bloody fool.

He closed his eyes against the ache in his chest.

Guilt, perhaps, after all these years. He didn’t have a word for it. Memory was strong here, like a fishhook lodged in his heart. You made what you thought was the best choice, at that time. We are as fishes, swimming in water. You could never leave the water, the current, the sediment, and make the decision detached from it all. Sometimes you regretted it, even if you knew it had been the best decision. Even if a selfish, sentimental part of you would have taken it all back.

“What’s the plan now?” Snips was asking.

“We go forwards,” Kesed said. “I think the SynthKandra are aware of us, and I don’t see any signs of hostile infiltration from another team. Solovey’s not located anything, which means that we’re primarily working against the SynthKandra here. We need to stop them, but we also need to end the security lockdown. We pursue both goals together. Solovey has access to the security feeds and has set alerts which should notify us if the system picks up any trace of a SynthKandra.”

It was the perfectly reasonable response, Whyren thought.

And then, once the lockdown was ended, they could worry about whatever was going to happen next. Whyren supposed it was time to discover if his utility to Heron Industries had sharply decreased.




Indigo Weasel was killed! He was a Taken Combat Medic!

The Day has begun! It will end on 6th May, at 0100hrs SGT [=GMT+8]! PMs remain open! May the Fourth be with you all!

Please do not post until I have reserved the second post in this thread. Thanks to Kas for helping me close the last Turn.

@Azure Mouse - If you fail to post by the end of this Turn, or communicate with the GM, you will be filter-killed or replaced.

Edited by <kel>
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Rule Clarifications:



Player List:


1. @Chartreuse Penguin - Jack Ladrian
2. Magenta Albatross - Mistrunner Infiltrator
3. @Salmon Meerkat - Vel
4. @Mauve Crocodile
5. Coral Swan - Atari Mistrunner Infiltrator
6. @Melon Dingo - AuRel
7. Indigo Weasel - Taken Combat Medic
8. @Azure Mouse - Hauer
9. Emerald Falcon - SynthKandra Field Operative
10. @Charcoal Hyena
11. @Oxblood Beagle
12. @Amethyst Scorpion
13. Fuchsia Ostrich - Cody Eight SynthKandra Hacker
14. @Ivory Dragonfly
15. @Amber Vulture


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Anyways, Indigo was Emerald and hopped in there N1. Fuschia wasn't Emerald, unless Emerald hopped into fuschia and fuschia hopped into Indigo, which isn't likely.

But yeah. Sorry I haven't been around more to fight for it, only really mentioned it to Amber before I think? Unless i mentioned it in thread, which I don't know. It was obviously not the real indigo after Indigo hit the swear filter- none of their actions lined up after that and especially not with them saying they were from here.

So at /least/ two kandras, Penguin. Indigo was getting enough heat that it was more important for them to move, but why are you saying just two? Why can't indigo have been a kandra from the start?

But it was Emerald, Indigo changed after N1.

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5 minutes ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

So at /least/ two kandras, Penguin. Indigo was getting enough heat that it was more important for them to move, but why are you saying just two? Why can't indigo have been a kandra from the start?

Because Weasel specifically flipped ‘Taken’ whereas Falcon and Ostrich flipped ‘SynthKandra’

Implying that Falcon and Ostrich started as Kandra whereas Weasel did not

I mean sure there could be a third Kandra somewhere we haven’t seen yet but idk about that. So two Kandra.

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11 minutes ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

Because Weasel specifically flipped ‘Taken’ whereas Falcon and Ostrich flipped ‘SynthKandra’

Implying that Falcon and Ostrich started as Kandra whereas Weasel did not

I mean sure there could be a third Kandra somewhere we haven’t seen yet but idk about that. So two Kandra.

Well one of us obviously can read

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So with 10 people alive, effectively 5 dead villagers, and a handful of in/low actives, this cycle should probably be treated like lylo regardless of if it is or not— The ratio is either 7:3 or 6:4 depending on whether you think one non kandra or two non kandras is more likely, personally I think it’s 7:3 but 6:4 would actually be lylo depending on kill blocks/whatever so what I’m getting at is that this turn is kinda important

Vulture I think is a good starting point, the elims would have wanted Swan dead yesterday with Weasel being also up for the exe and I’m sure e!Vulture appreciated me running into a Swan exe at full speed so that the could stop dancing around it— I think that looking at the other views of Weasel yesterday could be useful

Thinking about who WeaselFalcon hopped to— I think a lot of the possible candidates are catchable based on tone so I’ll be watching that closely in the mean time, but a focus today probably should be the non kandra(s)

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4 hours ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

Vulture I think is a good starting point, the elims would have wanted Swan dead yesterday with Weasel being also up for the exe and I’m sure e!Vulture appreciated me running into a Swan exe at full speed so that the could stop dancing around it— I think that looking at the other views of Weasel yesterday could be useful

Dingo is probably good as of D3 because they jumped on Weasel early and didn't go back. The exception is if Dingo's vote was removed and they knew that was going to be the case, but since Swan had been claimed to be Smoked Dingo would have known (if they were paying attention to Swan being the countertrain) that there was a decent chance their vote for Weasel wouldn't be removable. You voted for Swan which provided the momentum necessary to save Weasel. They jumped and you didn't even though you were the one getting the most suspicion N3 so I'd say if you're an elim it's likely you can't jump. Dragonfly ignored Weasel to vote for Swan and then didn't show up later, which I don't like. Vulture voted Weasel in a way that indicated they were doing so to avoid a tie while being suspicious of Swan, and then switched to Swan after your vote. You and Vulture were fighting enough that you're doing a good job if it's e-e. Weasel would have been important enough as a jump-capable Kandra and the vote was close enough until the very end that I can't believe Dragonfly, Penguin, and Vulture are all village.


As we walk, I put my hands in my pockets to feel the dots on the base of the signal jammer. Before I do so I store away the knowledge of how to understand them and make a mental note not to let myself find out. I trace the letters that I know spell jammer and as I let myself feel the rest of the message I find myself trying to decipher the unknown words. I remind myself not to do that and just concentrate on the texture, since it’s safer for me not to understand. I could read the instructions whenever I desired but I don’t want to, so what I’m doing is comforting and not dangerous.

Underscore breaks the silence by asking me a question. “So how long have you been a mistrunner?”

I know the answer to this but I open my coppermind entries to the section for responses to questions mistrunners ask me anyway. “Six years.”

Indeed, she asks me more questions, even though they should know most of this from Tamara already. “What sort of jobs do you run?”

“Solo scouting missions or support for larger mistrunner teams.”

“Ever had a long-term team?”


“Would you want to be part of one again?”

The answer to this one is no, and I’ve had to kill the few mistrunners who’ve ever asked me this. If I hadn’t already been ordered to silence everyone on this mission, this question would have signed the Terns’ death warrants. “No.”

“What do you want to do when you’re no longer a mistrunner?” That’s a new one. I make a new entry with this question in case anyone ever asks it again, then think about how to answer. There is no after being a mistrunner for me. I’ll keep running missions for Heron Industries until I’m killed. If I somehow survive long enough that I’m no longer useful I don’t know what will happen to me. That future’s so far off it’s never felt like a threat. Underscore keeps talking as I fail to answer.

“Any interests? Hobbies? Loved ones? What is there for you other than this?”

The answer to the last one is easy. There isn’t anything for me other than this. The other questions are more difficult. What interests are okay to have? “Yes,” I try, and when she looks at me like they’re expecting more I have to come up with something. “I was interested in bioengineering before becoming a mistrunner. Pharmaceutical.” That’s too much information, I tell myself. You’re just provoking further questions. “What about you three?” Asking people about themselves often helps me avoid answering personal questions. I have hundreds of profiles of mistrunners, most of them no longer alive, stored in my copperminds with all the information they’ve told me about themselves. It seems to work this time too.

“None of us are full-time mistrunners,” Underscore says. “I’m a farmer. Or more of a gardener really since we don’t have farmland. I help tend the hydroponics systems, and like to collect melee weaponry from as many worlds as possible and read old literature from the early post-Catacendre era.”

Tamara goes next. “I do the most mistrunner work, but between missions I do a lot of renovation and repair. Someday I’d like to design and build structures that don’t require quite so much upkeep. I’m also one of the better dancers in our community, which ties in very well to mistrunning.”

“I met Tamara doing electrical work for the same building she was repairing,” Sal says. “I’m still an electrician, but in recent years I’ve branched out into a Cognitive Matrix technician. I love codes and ciphers of every kind. But we’re interested in you,” Sal concludes.

I cannot understand why this would be true, but luckily I’m saved from having to respond since we’ve reached the workshop. “Ah, we’re here!” Sal announces. “We’ll need to find an ammeter and ideally an ohmmeter to precisely calibrate the charge here.” She sets down a pouch on a nearby table and starts pulling out batteries and wiring. “Underscore, how many knives do you have that will accept a charge?”

“Twelve,” they respond, and starts pulling knives out of various pockets and sheathes across her armor.

“Are you going to stay here or do you want to help me look for supplies?” Tamara asks me.

I do want to go with her but I take a look over at the worktable where Sal and Underscore are still unloading the materials they already had. Tamara notices me looking. “They’ll be fine without us for a few minutes.” I look back at her to see that she’s looking at me intently. “If you change your mind about being part of a team, you can join ours. Or if you want to stop being a mistrunner altogether, we can set you up with something. There are plenty of other jobs that need doing, both in our community and elsewhere.”

This cannot possibly be something Tamara would offer me. I very clearly explained what I do for Heron Industries eight months ago and the harm I’ve undoubtedly caused to her and the people that she knows. Jade might say those things unknowingly, Tamara just playing a part for protection the same way I am. I manage to shake my head and she makes a face I recognize as disappointment.

“Well,” she says. “Let’s stick together for now at least.” She holds out her left hand to me. “Wouldn’t want any rogue Kandra to snatch either of us up,” she says with a laugh.

My fingers twitch slightly but otherwise don’t move, and she puts her hand down. Still standing next to each other, we head to the back of the workshop and begin heading down a hallway towards the storage area. Instead of her hand, I reach for the signal jammer in my pocket and access the memories required to read it. I can always store this memory away later. I read the first two words and continue on to the rest of the message. If you want to leave HI, we can give you a new life. With us, if you want. I open an entry in the do not access section of my copperminds but hesitate. There’s nothing for me outside Heron Industries. If I activate this jammer I might as well end my life before a security team can find me. But the Terns are offering me a new life, and the security lockdown means Heron Industries can’t send anyone after me until the lockdown is lifted. I’ve been dead before, maybe this time will have better results.  I reach my right hand out to Tamara without looking at her and I feel her take it. The warmth is comforting as I grab the signal jammer in my left hand and set my eyes to manual blink. I close my eyes and keep them closed, and in the five seconds before the backup cameras come online I pull the signal jammer out of my pocket and hit the power button.


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Yeah, I think Dingo is probably good for other reasons- yet to be seen if they're a possible convert. That post is enough for me to buy that you're still you. I'm basically 100% certain Scorp's still Scorp, If Vulture's evil I feel like they started evil. The lack of Tineye message makes me think Ostrich could have jumped into Croc. Still waiting to see if anyone else shows clearer signs of being different because I really regret not catching onto Weasel, I feel like I should have.

44 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Weasel would have been important enough as a jump-capable Kandra and the vote was close enough until the very end that I can't believe Dragonfly, Penguin, and Vulture are all village.

I'm alright with this, gives me a PoE of two. I probably should look closer at Dragonfly since I'm still sitting on a gut village read based on tone, but I'm ok with Vulture anyway.

44 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

They jumped and you didn't even though you were the one getting the most suspicion N3 so I'd say if you're an elim it's likely you can't jump.

Do you think I'm an elim?

Reread should occur later tonight. I'll happen...

Edited by Chartreuse Penguin
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55 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Dingo would have known (if they were paying attention to Swan being the countertrain)



I may or may not have been absent.


17 minutes ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

Do you think I'm an elim?

*sighs dramatically* If you insist. Penguin.

Edited by Melon Dingo
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If no one's posted by the time I'm done with this, double post, oh well :P.

Basically what this is going to be is me reading through the game and commenting on anything that I find worthy of note. Maybe I'll look at VCs specifically afterwards or go back and look into things more collectively, but... don't count on it :P. This is primarily a reread and thoughts on said reread. Dunno if I have time for anything more in depth. Probably going to be a stupidly massive post as it is, the outline in my head calls for... seven spoiler boxes :P. I'll try to link everything to keep it tidy but that adds in effort on my part so give me some slack if that stops halfway through. Here's hoping this whole thing doesn't get deleted part way through.


  • First thing I'll mention is a possible village slip from Vulture? The part about calling all elims kandra, I mean. Initially I thought this was much more of a clearing thing, but thinking about it, early on this is certainly something an elim could mess up just as easily. Still figured I should put it out there, see if anyone else has thoughts about it. It went unmentioned D1.
  • Next, this vote from Beagle. If we're all in agreement about v!Scorp this strikes me as an opportunistic and easy vote to make, especially alongside no reasoning. Vulture and I had already voted Scorp, but we had cited our reasons for doing so. Vulture calls Beagle out on that in a way that doesn't really look e/e to me.
  • Rereading this is reminding me why I village read Vulture so strongly D1- we mindmelded on a lot of early things. That's messing with me.
  • Mentioned this earlier, but I still don't like this reads list from Hyena. None of the reasons provided are actually, yknow, reasons :P. Feels almost TWTBAW though. Like an elim would probably try harder. So idk.
  • I would discredit Vulture for this post and vote but I disagreed with Swan as well, as did Scorp. Oops. So maybe I can't justify an elim read of this, but Vulture was the only one to actually vote Swan for it.
  • This post is super interesting knowing that Falcon and Ostrich were both kandras (and are still alive, somewhere). Their shortlist of 'elim prob in here' is Village (me), ???, ???, ???, village, village. The ???s are Meerkat, Vulture, Dingo, and I kinda think it's safe to say there's an elim in there, though I also think Falcon would have made the point and shortlist regardless of the composition of the list, which would make it meaningless.
  • Found the post where I mentioned that a 4p team would mean 36% of starting players are elims, which to me confirms that there's 3 elims left. One non kandra, two kandra who won't be found by rereading Day One >>
  • As much as I village read Mouse's tone from their few posts, I can't ignore this vote which tied up Croc alongside Scorp and Falcon- possibly an attempt to save Falcon without being obvious about it.
  • Falcon apparently prefers Croc to Scorp as of an hour to EoD. Reads like v!Croc to me.
  • Similar to Mouse and Falcon, here Vulture votes Croc when Falcon is up for the exe. Noting that under the assumption of a 3p team, Mouse and Vulture cannot both be elims at this stage. Beagle also keeps their vote on Scorp. Here I don't think it's possible who's deliberately saving Falcon, though I think someone is.


  • The last line of this Beagle post feels like it misrepresents both Weasel and Vulture in a way that doesn't happen accidentally. Vulture in no way 'actively tried to prevent a D1 exe' and while Weasel did mention no kill as their preferred option it was clear the suggestion wasn't malicious and it wasn't ever pushed seriously.
  • Forgot to link it but on the first page N1 is on there's a Croc/Falcon interaction (where Croc claimed) that doesn't look e/e- feeling good about v!Croc at this stage.
  • Hyena here is misrepresenting Vulture the same way Beagle did- don't like it. One of those has to be village though, both if Vulture is actually elim :P. (Or if it's someone else entirely). But Vulture's early play is as good to me now as it was when it was happening. If they're an elim they kinda got me pocketed at this stage.
  • Still have no clue what Scorp's early schtick was but I'm very eager to find out post-game :P.


  • Probably a bad read but I almost want to clear the act of writing notes in notepad during rollover from Beagle :P.
  • Notable things from Vulture here: Bringing up Ostrich/Falcon outright, dunno if an elim would bother with that. I don't like how they voted me based off a little comment buried in another post, though.
  • Seeing the time that the Ostrich fake claim comes, I don't like the argument that it was made to save someone. The thread was... very anticlimactic. There wasn't anyone specifically in danger, it was a bunch of 1-1-1 ties, and I find it far more likely that the gambit was done this early because there isn't a gain to waiting. It works as well now as it does D5, why hold off till D5 when who knows what the gamestate is? I see no reason to choose Alb specifically, they had almost no reads as of this post.
  • People that instantly accepted said fake claim: Vulture, Dragonfly, Hyena, me, Croc, Beagle, Mouse, Swan
  • People that didn't: Meerkat, Weasel
    • I think that villagers are more likely to question it, so village points to Meerkat. Obviously with the skewed list that won't always hold true.
  • An elim probably doesn't post this, Ima be honest :P.


  • I trust Dingo's village slip. Forgot to link it, sorry :P.
  • Also forgot to link where Vulture pushed for the idea that the Ostrich plan was specifically timed, which I don't buy, but I do lean village on Vulture right now so I'm more interested to see if anyone else picked this idea up.
  • Kinda want to clear Hyena for this but don't want to at the same time, similar to the Beagle post at the beginning of D2
  • The fact that the first two of these are very likely lies makes me side-eye Scorp before I remember why Scorp is village :P. Though Ostrich picking Scorp as the 'contact' could be distancing :thinking:
  • I can tell that Weasel is Falcon, actually. Hindsight 20/20.


  • This is the first cycle where I started sussing Vulture more seriously, and I think that might be because their tone shifted for me in a way I really can't explain. I've said before that I don't think Vulture is a convert and if they're evil it's because they started as such, but I'm really starting to believe the opposite. So Ostrich could be Vulture, but I do like the thought that they're Croc who went inactive and didn't submit a message last night.
  • This further clears Dingo in my eyes
  • As much as I tone village read Dragonfly I don't like the lack of conclusions in this post, I would have thought that they would have had more of those.
  • Vulture's D3 isn't as bad as I remember. They did initially just vote Weasel when I convinced them not to, and they took some serious convincing >> To me in retrospect their turnaround was done in a villagery way. Vulture was the one who starts the Dragonfly suspicion and now that I'm rereading I agree with it.
  • Croc's single post tonally reads the same to me as their previous posts but I also don't trust myself to tell the difference between :)))))) and :))))))))))))))))))))))))


  • Enter openwolfing Weasel with Dragonfly and Meerkat as elim reads. Don't want to try to come to a conclusion because IKYK.
  • Noting here that the tunnel that Scorp and Vulture had on me this turn was fabricated, to try to convince Weasel not to hop. Which didn't work.
  • Yay for short threads I'm getting tired. But also post more
  • Still getting nothing tone wise as different. I should look harder. Later.

No, I'm not doing todays thread that took me an hour and a half as it is (c/ps the post again)



Tiers are ordered:

Dingo, Croc
Scorp, Beagle
Vulture, Hyena, Meerkat
Mouse, Dragonfly

I guess it boils down to how much you trust my derpish clears of Beagle and Hyena. I like the first one of those much more. Dingo and Croc are both village for many reasons, mechanical and tone. Scorp likely is but for me there's a lot more wiggle room. Vulture I hesitate to put higher up but they probably deserve to be above Beagle. Meerkat just hasn't had enough content though I am almost certain they haven't been converted. Mouse is inactive, and I can buy the Dragonfly case. Right now I have enough village reads and enough reason to read those people village that I'm almost just stuck because I'm wrong somewhere >> By my own rules Dragonfly and Meerkat can't be e/e unless Dragonfly was converted which I guess is plausible. Hyena is also a plausible convert.

Dragonfly. Second choice would probably be Hyena, who should be further down in my list due to their Vulture vote this turn. If Hyena gains any amount of traction I'd switch.

Edit: Wait Scorp's voting there lol

Dragonfly, Hyena.

Because I was smart and omitted this thread from my list Hyena is higher than they should be.

Edited by Chartreuse Penguin
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