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Foreshadowing in The Way of Kings?


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SPOILERS for The Way of Kings.


I'm pretty new to the Cosmere, and having read The Way of Kings, I've found myself in a predicament. I read the acclaimed book about a year back and despite it's length, thoroughly enjoyed the title. However, after a year of life, college, and engagements, I've found myself in need of a recap. Specifically, a recap on the non-plot related events. Spoilers for Way of Kings follow:

Essentially, I completely remember the major plots of each character's perspective. Dalinar sticking it to the king, Kaladin making friends, Shallan making friends, all the good stuff. The recaps that I've found online have also enforced this, catching the broad endings leading up to Words of Radiance (of which I read the first ten or so chapters before my hiatus). However, I noticed some events that I considered to be very important were missing (at least things I assume will be important in later books).

Things like Wit acting all creepy and possessed, the face in the sky that Dalinar saw during his vision, the foreshadowing the Shallan may have a Shardblade (which I might be WAY off), those sort of events. The ones that I obviously remember and am excited to see how they will pan out in the future, but also make me scared that I forgot other foreshadowing and small scenes that will play a bigger part in following titles due to their irrelevance to the plot of the first book. Only as of now, after thinking about what I've missed over the last two days do I remember the re-occuring Parshendi wielding Plate and Blade.

So, my request is a list of things to re-read or a recap of events witihin Way of Kings that could be easily missed or forgotten but still will have plot relavane/foreshadow future books. Thanks a ton for the help!

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LOL agreed - it's IMPOSSIBLE to read that book without missing some important foreshadowing.  There is SO MUCH.  And it would be equally impossible for any of us to point out everything that's foreshadowing without spoiling a bunch of stuff that will be DELICIOUS for you to figure out yourself.

Most of us still regularly find MORE foreshadowing from tWoK every time we reread it, and then, when we read the other Stormlight novels, we say "oh, THAT'S what that paragraph from tWoK meant!"

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  • 8 months later...
2 hours ago, Robert_Rader said:

This is a very interesting book. I would like to read it soon. What will be your reviews? 

Have you read any of Brandon Sanderson's other works?

As far as The Way of Kings - You will probably enjoy it if you like:

  • Epic Fantasy long books (each around 1000 pages - give or take)
  • Hard Magic with rules and implications to/from physics and the natural world
    • More explanation is required, but the logic and implications are great
  • Non-Earth-like geography/ecology/weather
    • For example the world of this book has no axial tilt, so "seasons" are entirely unlike what you expect that word to mean
  • Multiple viewpoint characters - with each done as limited third person narration

That said, if you are new to Brandon Sanderson; while you can technically start with any series, this is not the series with which I normally recommend to friends for starting.

I would normally recommend them to start with either:

  • Elantris (if you prefer intrigue, drama and puzzles)
  • Mistborn Trilogy (if you have a preference for action)
Edited by Treamayne
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One important thing about the face in the sky is that he is referred to as the Stormfather, Kaladin has dialogue with him when he is left out in the storm.

Multiple times in TWOK Wit acts very prophetical, but on other times he just jokes around, it's seems like it's something he can turn on and off, or maybe he is possessed.

Shallan keeps referring to "burnt out eyes" a tell-tale sign of a shardblade, but I'm not sure who it belongs to, maybe it's in the family, maybe it's an assassin, but she says she killed her father, even though she never refers to him as having burnt out eyes so idk.

other than that, unless there are specific things you are confused about I don't have much more.

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