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I am looking at the questions right now and I am itching to just go through them and answer everything I can. I just can't decide if that's a jerk move (because I am stepping in where they are hoping for Brandon) or a nice one (because I am providing answers)...

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I am looking at the questions right now and I am itching to just go through them and answer everything I can. I just can't decide if that's a jerk move (because I am stepping in where they are hoping for Brandon) or a nice one (because I am providing answers)...

I've had this same problem, just answer their questions. People appreciate it in my experiance.

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Thanks Argent


I want to ask this two questions:


1) To create an Hemalurgic Spike, Must something between Hemalurgist, the Spike and Victim has some Ruin's Investiture ?

(but to be honest I doubt about the Hemalurgist)

2)Does the Divine Breath's Healing works with someone without a Breath (like a Drab or someone not from Nhaltis) ?


(If the Questions are unclear, may you help me to re-write them more clearly ?)

Edited by Yata
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1) To create an Hemalurgic Spike, Must something between Hemalurgist, the Spike and Victim has some Ruin's Investiture ?

(but to be honest I doubt about the Hemalurgist)


I am not entirely sure what you mean here. Maybe you can explain the reasoning behind your question, and then we can rephrase it?

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I am not entirely sure what you mean here. Maybe you can explain the reasoning behind your question, and then we can rephrase it?

Sure, my though was:

For every Magic System you need 3 things (without using hack): A focus, an Intent and Shard's Investiture (physical, cognitive and Spiritual).

For Hemalurgy therefore you will need: Metal, Intent to make a Spike and Ruin's Investiture. But, where Does the Ruin's Investiture come from ? (I really doubt Ruin give a stream of Investiture every time someone creates a Spike like Preservation does with Allomancy).

I suppose in the chain: Hemalurgist->Spike->Victim someone must provide the needed Ruin's Investiture. (but I really doubt about Hemalurgist)

Of course if you use Hemalurgy on Scadrial's people everyone has Ruin's Investiture in their soul therefore no problem. But to use Hemalurgy on someone not from Scadrial (for example to Steal Strenght from a Roshar-Guy) you have to provide Ruin's Investiture to create a Spike. I think using Atium (pure or alloy of it) Spike you may provide the needed Investiture and you can't use "normal metals".


I talk maybe too long but this is my explaination.

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As people who asked multiple questions the last time Brandon did this got answers, I plan on asking three, sprinkled throughout the event:


1. #NOOKTalks Could someone bonded to a Seon and infused with the Dor use its Aon like Surgebinders use the Surges of spren?


2. #NOOKTalks Why can someone who isn't from Scadrial use Hemalurgy? Shouldn't they need Ruin's sDNA, like Allomancers need Preservation?


(My #2 is very similar to Yata's - I hope at least one of us gets an answer.)


Bands spoilers:

3. #NOOKTalks Can the medallions in Bands be used forever? That is, could you tap/store weight from one repeatedly forever?


Edit: You know, I'm going to guess that the answer to #2 is Connection, and while spiking someone you have a very strong Connection to Ruin briefly, and that's why it's sufficient. (Similarly, an Allomancer does NOT have any special Connection to Preservation when he burns metals, so he needs the sDNA.)


It's sort of like attracting a spren, only Ruin.



Edited by Moogle
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Well Moogle, may you help me to rephrase my question about Hemalurgy ? I am pretty sure it is quite unclear (Argent made that clear) :(


EDIT: The Chat is begun


EDIT2: "To create an Hemalurgic Spike, Must some agent (Hemalurgist, Spike or Victim) provide Ruin's Investiture ?" is more clear ?

Edited by Yata
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If I were to re-phrase your question, Yata (also please quote me so I get an email letting me know you're asking a question), I'd ask something like:


At some point during a use of Hemalurgy, is Ruin's Investiture involved?


But even that's pretty vague and confusing. Personally, I didn't think your question was too hard to interpret - at least for Brandon.

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If I were to re-phrase your question, Yata (also please quote me so I get an email letting me know you're asking a question), I'd ask something like:


At some point during a use of Hemalurgy, is Ruin's Investiture involved?


But even that's pretty vague and confusing. Personally, I didn't think your question was too hard to interpret - at least for Brandon.

"To create an Hemalurgic Spike, Must some agent (Hemalurgist, Spike or Victim) provide Ruin's Investiture ?" is more clear to you ?


Anyway I Got an answer to the other question:

Q: Does the Divine Breath's Healing works with someone without a Breath (like a Drab or someone not from Nhaltis) ?

A: Yes, this would work

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"To create an Hemalurgic Spike, Must some agent (Hemalurgist, Spike or Victim) provide Ruin's Investiture ?" is more clear to you ?


Yes. A lot more, in my opinion, but perhaps Argent would like to weigh in?


Speaking of, I just got my first Twitter answer. :D


Q: Why can non-Scadrians use Hemalurgy? Don't they need Ruin's sDNA, like Allomancers need Preservation?

A: Hemalurgy is built to be able to be used by anyone. It's about taking and breaking. Ruin doesn't care who does such things



The heavy implication here is that the Shard really can choose who can access their system - that, if Preservation wished, anyone could choose to burn metals. This relates to the Elantris AA which mentions something called a Shard's Decision.


Very strange...


(For future reference: I'm pretty sure people who do @BrandSanderson get answered more than those doing just #whatever. I'm going to do it for all my questions in the future.)

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Double post sorry.

List of cool questions:

Q:Does the Divine Breath's Healing works with someone without a Breath (like a Drab or someone not from Nhaltis) ? (mine)

A: Yes, this would work


Q: Could a Brass twin born compound to effectively be a human flamethrower? Also can a compounder store faster?



Q:For Terris names, is it safe to assume the first vowel is always long? (By Argent I think)

A: This is frequently the case, but it's not 100%


Q:Did you have the ending planned out for the Reckoners series when you started writing?

A: I had the ending of the first book well in mind. Once I finished it, I sat down and plotted the next two books

A: This is very common for me in a series. Writing the first book, making sure I have the characters and ideas down first.

A: Then I build a series around the ideas and themes that worked in the first book.


Q: If your could have any of the Epics' powers, who would it be?

A: Hm... I mean, Steelheart is invulnerable, can fly, and can shoot lasers out of his fists. It is hard to go wrong there.


Q: Atium is the best metal to use for hemalurgy. Does *burning* atium help you figure out where to put the spikes?

A: Anything that gets you a glimpse of the Spiritual Realm could help with placing spikes.

Q: Would flaring iron and steel also help?

A: No, not without additional help.


Q: Before Ruin and Preservation showed up on Scadrial, was aluminum already antimagical? Also, is AoL between stormlight 5&6?

A: Yes, AoL is after Stormlight 5. Specific timing will depend on how long I make the 5/6 gap once I get there.


Q: Are there any other time periods you would like to explore with the Mistborn series?

A: I'll be doing a 1980's level tech, and a future tech, in upcoming series. So you could say that there are. :)


Q: If Kaladin were to write a self-help book, what would the title be? Huge fan! Can't wait for Stormlight 3

A: Being a man, Kaladin would avoid writing anything, as it wouldn't be proper. :)


Q: "How, if at all, did the Wax and Wayne books alter your Cosmere plans? Thanks, big fan!"

A: They made me accelerate some cosmere and Scadrial events forward to that era.

It ended up working very well, so I'm quite glad that I did so.


Q: Are there any Epics who cannot die by old age?

A: No, not so far


Q: Why can non-Scadrians use Hemalurgy? Don't they need Ruin's sDNA, like Allomancers need Preservation? (Moogle)

A: Hemalurgy is built to be able to be used by anyone. It's about taking and breaking. Ruin doesn't care who does such things


Q: Will all 10 Stormlight books be relatively close time wise, or separate centuries like Mistborn?

A: They will be relatively close, time wise. Across twenty years or so, rather than hundreds.


Q: You talk about how changing types and lengths of books helps you. Plans for other non cosmere stuff like Reckoners?

A: I will have another Reckoners-like series that we will announce very soon.


Q: did the Ire form before the events of Elantris or do they form after the city is healed?

A: This is an excellent question! :) (And one I'm not going to answer yet, I'm afraid.)


Q: Do u have plans for a lurcher character? Orbiting a bullet/coin around them and back at shooter would be awesome

A: Some day, I'm sure I'll do a Lurcher character.


Q: Were there any people present at the Shattering of Adonalsium other than Hoid and the 16?



Q: Do you plan are having anymore full Mistborn in your books?

A: You'll have to read and find out! :)


I hope this may be helpful

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Sorry for not getting back to you with feedback about the question earlier, I got busy at work and by the time I got out my mind was still in it... 


Still, cool questions! The Terris names question was, indeed, mine. So Aslydin would probably be Ace-lee-din or something similar. I like worldbuilding tidbits like those :)

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Sorry for not getting back to you with feedback about the question earlier, I got busy at work and by the time I got out my mind was still in it...

Still, cool questions! The Terris names question was, indeed, mine. So Aslydin would probably be Ace-lee-din or something similar. I like worldbuilding tidbits like those :)

Aslydin isn't a Terris name ;). She seems to be originally from Roshar, Brandon has hinted at this. Edited by Blightsong
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Aslydin isn't a Terris name ;). She seems to be originally from Roshar, Brandon has hinted at this.


I still haven't seen a good argument why it can't be a Terris name, it works as far as I can tell, and where has Brandon hinted that she's from Roshar?


Alternatively it could be "ay-sly-din".

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Sorry for not getting back to you with feedback about the question earlier, I got busy at work and by the time I got out my mind was still in it... 

Nevermind....Sometime I forget about the time zone, I didn't think it was working time to you :)

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Q: Were there any people present at the Shattering of Adonalsium other than Hoid and the 16?



Well, there is that....  I still want to ask the question of what happens if a Shardholder dies and two people try to pick up a Shard. Anyone on the tour willing to help out?

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