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Adopt A Character!


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Hi all! It's me. My friend @MoHaam refuses to log onto the shard (for some reason. I have tried every day to bring him back on) And has quit the RP, he has, however given me permission to put his character up for adoption, If anyone wants to adopt his character, comment here. Anyone that for some reason or another won't be on the shard for a period of time can choose to put their character up for adoption. Here's MoHaam's character, I have asked him about any additions and this is what he told to write:


Name: Riathor Hasting

Investiture: Mistborn with Spiked Feruchemical Gold, can't compound. Also a third oath elsecaller. 5th Heightening and an aviar that grants heightened reaction time.

Relatives: Half-Brother of Devaan Sheonar, Uncle to Astiel Tekiel.

Appearance: Average height, lightly tanned skin, angular features, always wears colourful clothing.

Home planet: Scadrial (FE)

Age: 444 years old (as of the end of the 16YP)

History: His family assassinated in front of him, Riathor snapped and killed the assassin with the power of pewter alone. A kandra named MoHaam saved his life before he could succumb to his wounds. He wandered around the final empire until he found ruin's perpendicularity in the pits of hathsin, traveling around the cosmere until he became close friends with Devaan Sheonar, unbeknownst to the two of them, they were brothers. They found out after a strange deal with what appeared to be their shared father one hundred and fifty years later. 

Personality: Suspicious of most, but intensely loyal to anyone who gained his trust and respect.

Equipment: Wears padded leather clothes with a bright-coloured mist cloak with bladed tips, similar to that of Akrasia's. Used to own a type IV awakened blade known as Atius. Carries a roughs revolver named 'Ati's Hand' and uses his sprenblade. 

Character Relations:

Friends with Akrasia and Devaan. A member of the Canton of Combat.

What he's been doing: Riathor has been camping out at Patji for the past 8 years, after dealing with a phoenix in Taldain.


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Characters are a reflection of the RPer. They evolve to have unique styles and traits. That's a lot to take on. The greatest value MoHaam's character has is its history. I could foresee someone wanting to adopt the character to avoid the hassle of having to establish themselves in a situation eg. use him to do Canton business. I find it unlikely that someone will adopt him on a full time basis, because it's more convenient to make your own character. But I will pilot this program by editing the Character OP to advertise the opportunity (next time I’m on desktop). If this program generates interest I’ll do further edits to accommodate the need. 

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