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Zahel Speculation


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Ever since I read Warbreaker I have been a huge Nightblood fan. Now, with it being in Szeths possesion at the end of Stormlight 3,

Does anybody else believe that shardblades will not be a match for it? This may just be my hopeful superfan mind hoping, but I believe Nightblood will be too much for anybody to handle, and Zahel will be forced to Awaken Nightblood2.0 (Stormlight Edition) to take it down.

Possibly Awaken a dead shardblade and create something new?

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Here you go!



Q:  If Nightblood were on Roshar would he be a Shardblade?
A:  Yes, they are exactly the same thing. He is a Shardblade that is twisted and is a lot more powerful than normal.


Q:  How much more powerful is Nightblood than a a regular Shardblade?
A:  I haven't actually quantified that in my own mind so can't give an accurate comparison at this point. I will say that when he is fully consuming Investiture he can do some really freaky things


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Here is the quote about Nightblood being many times more Invested than a normal shardblade:


What would happen if Nightblood and a Shardblade hit each other?

Brandon Sanderson



Brandon has stated that Nightblood is, "orders of magnitude," more powerful than a Shardblade.

(and also sort of this)

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