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I may have found another worldhopper.


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I think Kliss, the informant from Mistborn, could also be Liss the assassin.


Both are described as being plump and having long hair, not to mention the similar names and the fact that both were involved in less... savory doings. Of course, the hair colors are different but she could well have dyed it.


The only problem with this theory would be her eyes, which are apparently different from Roshar's humans, but considering how no one, Demoux aside has been noted to have different eyes it might not be super noticeable.


What do you think?



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Yeah, what Kythis said. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be impossible to get a Shardblade even if you're not from Roshar - Taln was sent to the Shattered Plains with a cleaver-like one nobody even knew existed until then.

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I'm finding this hard to believe.It seems tenuous at best, with the main information you present being they have similar names and descriptions. This could be coincidence, although the way I interpreted Kliss was to be more fat than Liss. She makes a comment about needing a lot of food in her last conversations with Vin, but Liss I pictured more filled out than fat. Here's the direct quote:


Long dark hair, worn loose, and a plump, attractive figure made her distinctive in all the right ways.

I just see this more as Marilyn Monroe body type than overweight. 


Next, Kliss being an informant doesn't exactly equate to her turning into an assassin, after all, she was Scadrial nobility, and was able to function as an informant because of her social status and her reputation as the court gossip. Her connections were with other nobility, and not with the underground in Luthadel.


Also, Kliss, as far as the information presented, was entirely ordinary. She wasn't even a misting. The one worldhopper we know of from Scadrial was not only a misting, but an atium misting, which were created specifically by preservation for the final confrontation in HoA. He was also a close follower of Kelsier, which can explain his link to the greater cosmere. Kliss on the other hand, is a character who loses all her resources and power after the fall of the Lord Ruler and the Luthadel Nobility. 


Kliss also didn't use different characters to perform her duties. She was simply Kliss, the silly court gossip. She hid her intelligence and cunning under that, but that's entirely different from being able to fabricate different accents and characters, as it's implied Liss can do:


"You're the one payin'," Liss said, a faint Bav dialect showing through.

If it showed, it was only because she wished it. Liss was the most skilled assassin Jasnah knew.


Kliss also didn't strike me as very skilled. More lazy. Her workplace was the balls that were thrown where she lived the life of luxury, and found a way to make money through the easiest avenue possible. 


If you notice any lines that could hint at Liss being cosmere aware, it might change my mind, but nothing from the section jumped out at me about Liss being more than she presents herself as. 

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I'll admit it's rather flimsy, but it seems far too much of a coincidence. And I don't think worldhoppers actually need powers of their own - it's possible someone gave them a ride, much like how Shallan transported four armies to Urithiru.


Also, an assassin doesn't actually have to be skilled in fighting. If you can appear nonthreatening, no one will ever expect an attack, and that is something both seem to be. Casual, nonthreatening, and ultimately more than they first appear to be.


We'll need more information to clarify, for sure, but I think it's worth trying to ask how many worldhoppers we've seen from Scadrial so far.

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I definitely agree that there's something about her, and at least you have a theory. I'm just sitting here looming at her the way Adolin looked at Kal

"Yeah . . .you know." Adolin glanced away and shrugged, as if trying to act nonchalant. "That thing."

"What thing?"

"The thing...with the...um stuff."

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