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Kaladin's Scars


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Perhaps he doesn't want to heal his scars; maybe he's somewhat like Kelsier and they're almost a badge of pride, so the Stormlight leaves them untouched...

Pride, plus the mental picture of everyone bowing to the incredibly Lighteyed Knight Radiant, only to realize he has slave brands is hilarious.

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It must be subconscious, because I do believe he tried to fix them when everyone was getting the tattoos to cover their slave brands. 


I thought he wasn't trying to fix them, but rather just see what happened with ink in his skin if he absorbed stormlight.

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Yeah, the scars. Normally I'd have talked your ear off about Cognitive Aspects and perception and whatnot, but then The Lopen had to go and grow his arm back.


I've discussed this, but there are a few options.


0) The Lopen is really stubborn and actually still conceives of himself as 2-armed. Really stubborn. That still leaves Renarin, but it allows us to potentially ignore his case, if he's really a "squire" Windrunner who by all rights shouldn't have Regrowth.


1) Stormlight (at least for Radiants) is akin to Divine Breath in how it heals, managing to get outside the Cognitive definitions that other healing depends on and access something Spiritual. That still leaves Kaladin's scar's as weird, as I can buy them being a part of his self-image but not them being a part of his ideal self.


2) Regrowth allows for "specialized" healing that willfully violates the normal rules. My primary concern here is Renarin's eyesight, since bad eyes is actually the archetypal "magical healing can't normally fix that" example. He's likely Order 5, with access to Regrowth, so he'd be good there. There's still possibly the question of Lopen, but this gives us an out for why "normal" Stormlight healing oughtn't to heal chronic conditions.

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Um. What makes you think Lopen would be a Windrunner, Kurk? If it's the bit about sticking his cousin to the wall, I believe that's just him assuming that all Radiants can stick people to walls; ignorance, in other words.


Regarding the healing, I was pretty surprised. It's kind of a big deal, regrowing lost limbs, but Kaladin was able to heal limbs severed by a Shard- - well, I guess Honorblade now - by just using Stormlight, so it could be just that. We knew Stormlight can restore flesh, and saw it restore Spirit(web), so I don't know... I believe realmatics can support this, but my brain is a mess right now.

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Um. What makes you think Lopen would be a Windrunner, Kurk? If it's the bit about sticking his cousin to the wall, I believe that's just him assuming that all Radiants can stick people to walls; ignorance, in other words.


Running theory at the moment is that Lopen and the others who were glowing in Bridge 4 are the Radiant Squires mentioned in the epigraphs. They aren't a part of any Order, and have no spren, but can utilize stormlight for the increased speed/strength/healing.

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Yeah, the scars. Normally I'd have talked your ear off about Cognitive Aspects and perception and whatnot, but then The Lopen had to go and grow his arm back.


I've discussed this, but there are a few options.




You bring up the issues quite succinctly, Kurk.


Right now, I am just toying with Stormlight healing whatever you want it to. It seems to go a step farther than restoring you to you how you think of yourself (ie. your Cognitive Ideal). So I guess I'm going with the Stormlight-healing-as-Divine-Breath explanation.


Stormlight is pure Investiture anyways, so it's rather fitting. Kaladin probably just doesn't want his slave brands healed is how I would explain it. The chances of Renarin knowing enough Regrowth to fix his eyes are slim in my opinion.

Edited by Moogle
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Yeah, the scars. Normally I'd have talked your ear off about Cognitive Aspects and perception and whatnot, but then The Lopen had to go and grow his arm back.

I've discussed this, but there are a few options.

0) The Lopen is really stubborn and actually still conceives of himself as 2-armed. Really stubborn. That still leaves Renarin, but it allows us to potentially ignore his case, if he's really a "squire" Windrunner who by all rights shouldn't have Regrowth.

1) Stormlight (at least for Radiants) is akin to Divine Breath in how it heals, managing to get outside the Cognitive definitions that other healing depends on and access something Spiritual. That still leaves Kaladin's scar's as weird, as I can buy them being a part of his self-image but not them being a part of his ideal self.

2) Regrowth allows for "specialized" healing that willfully violates the normal rules. My primary concern here is Renarin's eyesight, since bad eyes is actually the archetypal "magical healing can't normally fix that" example. He's likely Order 5, with access to Regrowth, so he'd be good there. There's still possibly the question of Lopen, but this gives us an out for why "normal" Stormlight healing oughtn't to heal chronic conditions.

I think he just spends so much time making rude gestures at people with his "invisible" arm that he keeps the cognitive connection alive. Possibly to the point that his targets feel vaugly offended for no reason that they can see.
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I don't know where else I can say this, but...

Is anybody else kind of disappointed we only had half a chapter to look forward to a future of Lopen including Kaladin in on his one-armed Herdazian jokes?

Edit: And now Lopen won't even be making those anymore. *sigh*

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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