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Pronunciation Guide

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I'm pretty sure I remember Brandon once saying that names in the Central Dominance were French sounding in his head, making Kelsier "Kel-see-ay". Ever since I realized that there are loads of connections between Mistborn and the French Revolution, I've been pronouncing it as such.

I pronounced it Kel-see-ay, like the french pronunciation, and just thought I was saying it wrong & being pompous with it. So I tried to change how I read it.Then I heard Beandon say he wrote it with the french styling in mind, making the way I said it correct. That felt pretty good,I gotta say.

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Though Brandon doesn't really care about pronunciations, he specified at a signing that Jasnah is pronounced like the Greek or Hebrew "J" as a "Y" sound. So: "YAHS-nah". Also, when he says it (transcribing interviews teaches you these things tongue.gif ) it's "KAL-uh-din", not Aladin with a K in front. And he says Szeth as "Szeth". Not sure how else to explain it. It starts with an "s" sound but turns to a harder "z" sound in that same syllable. None of this is earthshakingly crucial to know, but, hey! There you have it.

Szeth was actually the easiest name for me to figure out. You just kind of hum while you kind of draw out the s into a z sound in the same syllable. Just make a short snake hiss with a z at the end of it, with no syllable change inbetween the two. It will kinda sound like Seth but you can hear the slight buzz from the z and the hum from your throat. Its actually really simple, much easier to do than expplain.

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  • 3 months later...



So, are you guys all saying Sazed with two syllables? I've always just said "SAYZD" or "SAZED": one syllable, exactly how it's spelled (the nickname is Saze, which definitely looks like one syllable, so I just pronounce Sazed like the verbification of Saze). My wife is reading through them and yesterday pronounced it SAH-zed, two very distinct syllables, "SAH" followed by "zed" (like Canadian "z"). That sounds so wrong to my ears after the way I've been saying it in my head all this time.

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So, are you guys all saying Sazed with two syllables? I've always just said "SAYZD" or "SAZED": one syllable, exactly how it's spelled (the nickname is Saze, which definitely looks like one syllable, so I just pronounce Sazed like the verbification of Saze). My wife is reading through them and yesterday pronounced it SAH-zed, two very distinct syllables, "SAH" followed by "zed" (like Canadian "z"). That sounds so wrong to my ears after the way I've been saying it in my head all this time.


Since he has a nickname it kind of implies that they wanted to shorten it to one syllable. I used to pronounce it that way too.


SAY-zed is the one I use now though. Michel Kramer says it that way too.


I've always said KELL-seer, even though it world it would be KELL-see-ay. But Brandon says KELL-seer too so I am vindicated.


I say ee-LEND VEN-chur. But based on the German pronunciation (it's an actual word), It would be AY-lind. I say it wrong though, because of Elendel and his nickname, El, the correct pronunciation is probably EL-end.


STRAWF (Straff)


day-MOO for Demoux. I'm confident in that one.


KAL-uh-din for Kaladin.


DAL-in-ar KO-lin (I think Brandon pronounces it ko-LIN though).


YASS-nuh for Jasnah. Confident that they have the J=Y thing there.


Shuh-LAWN for Shallan.


re-NAR-in for Renarin


AY-do-lin for Adolin


Suh-DAY-us for Sadeas, but I think Brandon says SAY-dee-us.


ZAY-hel for Zahel.


I've said ZETH for Szeth but Ninja Yodeler's sounds awesome so I'm gonna do that.


muh-RA-see (short a in the middle) for Marasi, but her nickname (Mara) means it's probably actually MAH-ruh-see.


I've always said sah-REEN for Sarene, but I think I like sah-REN-ay now.


RAY-oh-din for Raoden.


vih-VEEN-uh for Vivenna.



Oh, and SET for Cett.

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I used to say JAWZ-nuh (Jasnah) and SHALL-un (Shallan) until I heard Brandon do readings from the Stormlight books. Now I have adopted his pronunciations of YAWZ-nuh and shuh-LAWN. I also used to say SAW-zedd (Sazed) until I was reminded of his nickname "Saze", which only makes sense if his full name is SAY-zedd.


Raoden - RAY-oh-den

Sarene - suh-REEN

Gavilar - GAV-ill-arr (first vowel is the same as "cat")

Marasi - muh-RAW-see

MeLaan - meh-LAWN (first syllable partially a diphthong)

Szeth - ZETH

Kaladin - like "paladin" but with a K

Catacendre - kat-uh-SEND-ray

Cett - SET

Demoux - duh-MOE

OreSeur - ore-uh-SEUR (last syllable is like the last bit of "connoisseur" or "entrepreneur")

Kelsier - kell-see-AIR

Elend Venture - ELL-end VENN-chur

Straff - vowel same as "cat"

Scadrial - SCADD-ree-ull


Question for you all: do you say the first part of "hemalurgy" HEEM or HEMM? I can't decide which one I like.

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Well, since it's the prefix meaning "blood", there's no ambiguity there. It's the same syllable as the first in "hemoglobin".


That's the thing, though. I've never heard anybody say that aloud, so I don't know how to pronounce that either.

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The whole Sazed thing... I keep coming back to this. I just don't think that a nickname necessarily has to shorten the number of syllables in the name. Take for instance: Ike being a nickname for Dwight. A poorer example, if my name was "Flight" I could go by "Fly" (yeah, I know, they are just words not names, but it would work).


So for me, Sazed / Saze are still both one syllable names, Saze is just a more informal / nickname-ish way to say it. 

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  • 3 years later...

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