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Reportedly, all shards, if they happened to be on Scadrial, would be blind to metal. Since this would imply that (as has been stated by others on this forum) the various planets in the Cosmere have various focuses that affect the interaction of a Shard with that planet, I conclude the following:

I postulate that all shards, if they happened to be on Scadrial, would have the potential to take a physical aspect in the form of a "god-metal". The effect of burning a god-metal (based upon the two we know of) is to increase the spiritual connection of the burner to the shard whose metal it is, with some interesting side effects.

My question is this... If a given shard we know of was on Scadrial, what effects would burning its god-metal produce?

Known Shards- metal-effect

Preservation- Lerasium- increased ability to use Allomancy, grants mistborn status.

Ruin- Atium- increased ability to ruin effectively, limited ability to see and interact with future


Devotion- Aonaium?- increased power/efficiency of aons drawn, grants Elantrian status

Dominion- Skaium?-?

Honor- Tanavastium?- increased Surgebinding efficiency, possibly grant all Surges

Odium- Rayseum?- increased Voidbinding efficiency, grant all anti-surges (whatever they happen to be)

Cultivation- Anyone know cultivation's shardholder?- Increased ability to farm?

Endowment- Austreum?- Increased heightening from what ever Breaths you hold?

And now we get to the really fun speculation, what happens if you create alloys of the god-metals with each other?

Atium+Austreum-Increased heightening, and rip the Breath out of anyone around you?

Tanavastium+Rayseum-Universe Implodes?

Austreum and Cultivationum should create some really nice effects, the Shardic Intents seem to match up well.

Theorize! (I'll put anything interesting up here)

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I feel that, if they were to travel to Scadrial, they would likely be forced to create new, metal-based magic systems in line with their Intent. Their "God Metals" would probably increase one's aptitude for these, rather than any preexisting systems.

Also, Preservation and Ruin are far more diametrically opposed than Honor and Odium. I believe that Brandon has hinted at the existence of an Atium-Lerasium alloy, and if this is possible, then I fail to see any reason why there could not also be a Tanavastium-Raysium alloy.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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I don't know about this idea... is it actually based off something Brandon said?

However its fun speculating anyway. We know that allomancy still existed amoung the Terris population pre-Rashek, but only expressed in the occasional misting. So these shard-metals wouldn't always necessarily bestow the magic system - just spiritual links to the respective Shard.

Question - How would Lerasium/Preservation work on Sel? Would it also be based on regions?

Edited by Shrike
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You keep assuming that the god metals will grant use of a magic system, though that's most likely not the case. Yes, Lersasium gives you allomancy, but Atium does not. Non-allomancers cannot burn Atium, and Atium in no way gives you hemalurgic powers or abilities. In all likelyhood the other god metals would do their own unique thing rather than just being another world's Lerasium

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You keep assuming that the god metals will grant use of a magic system, though that's most likely not the case. Yes, Lersasium gives you allomancy, but Atium does not. Non-allomancers cannot burn Atium, and Atium in no way gives you hemalurgic powers or abilities. In all likelyhood the other god metals would do their own unique thing rather than just being another world's Lerasium

But non-allomancers can use Atium as a spike, then again they can use any metal in a spike :P But under this model we wouldn't expect burning atium allomantically to give you Hemalurgic abilities since Allomancy is Preservations system, and since we when used hemalurgically Atium allows you to steal anything it is actually quite like Lerasium.

I think the jury's still out on this one, could go either way for me.

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