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The Root Beer Bar


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"I think we've got just about everything...Could you bring streamers?" Brightness asked, smiling broadly, "In root beer brown and vanilla if you can manage it."  She lept off the table, rushing forward to give the queen a quick hug, "Thank you so much, your majesty! That would be fantastic!"


The duchess laughed and grabbed another mug of root beer. "I'm so excited for this party!"

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"Of course! Happy to help!"

Queen Elsa hugged the Duchess back. She didn't usually get hugs from fellow Newcagoans besides her sister, and it was nice.


She smiled.


"I am most looking forward to this party."


I bet this will happen at the party... :D

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Please don't wake me now...

I walked into the Bar, only to discover that Brightness Random had turned the walls pin--I shook myself awake, grimacing. I didn't grimace because of the hard ground, trust me. Just...the mental image of the Bar with pink walls...eegh. An involuntary shiver raced down my spine, all of my extremities twitching in turn.

I stretched my hands out to the sky,

I pushed my hands up into the cool evening air, each vertebrae popping in turn, swaying slightly with the lofty evergreens.

We danced with monsters through the night...

I groaned, feeling some freshly healed wounds reopen. That had not been a fun dance at all. Ah, well, some things just need to be done, regardless of the consequences. My journey is a personal one, not really something I can get help with. The air hissed out of my lungs in a sudden gasp as a new twinge rippled over my body.

I'm never gonna look back, whoah...

Unfortunately, that isn't an option anymore, I thought. I mulled over the events of the past week, thinking about the friends I left back at the Bar. I had left them after such a short time. I hadn't even as much as given a two weeks notice.

I feel it calling, outside my window;
I feel it in my soul...

I sighed, beginning to draw the Aon Tia in the air.

More to come later...edited for spacing issues... Edited by Snoopy
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Queen Elsa walked into the Root Beer Bar, wearing a new party dress. Behind her were four servants, carrying two baskets of root beer brown and vanilla streamers for the party, as Duchess Random had asked her to bring.


"Hello! I'm so excited for this party!"



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Brightness stepped out of the back room carrying a tray of clean mugs just soon enough to hear the queen's proclamation. "I know! This is going to be great!" she said, setting the tray down on a table. She poured two mugs full of root beer, wiped her hands on her apron, then offered one to the queen.


"Oh! You brought the streamers! Perfect..." she said with a smile, noticing the baskets, "Here, let's trade, root beer for streamers." The duchess looked around the room, taking in the wide space and high ceiling, then glancing back down to the baskets. "This... might just take a while..."  she said, feeling daunted.

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"Thanks for the Root Beer. This party is going to be root-tastic! I can ask the servants to help us with the streamers, and call for some more servants to help with the party. Would that help?" She smiled and drank some root beer.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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"Ah, yes! Thank you so much, Elsa," Brightness said in relief, "That would be absolutely... root-tastic." she said with a grin.


She glanced back to the breweries in the back. "Want a root beer float? I've not pulled the ice cream out for fear it would melt before anyone arrives, but I think with your particular set of powers it should be okay."

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The Queen chuckled and leaned over to Gerda who stepped on an ice cloud and returned a few minutes later with a whole group of servants, ready to help.

"Yes please, they look delicious. If they melt, I can easily sort that out. Ice powers are pretty....cool." She smiled.

"I can also advertise the party so we can get some more guests."

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"That would be wonderful, your majesty! The Bar's felt rather empty lately, so I'd appreciate the advertisement." Brightness glanced around at the servants, who were already finishing up with the streamers.  "Thank you again for all your help, Elsa. And nice pun, by the way. I do so love a good pun. Or a bad pun." she paused for a moment, musing, "Particularly the bad ones, come to think of it."


"Oh, here's a riddle for you!" the duchess exclaimed, " The answer's a pun, and I only just thought of it earlier today, so I've been hoping to test it out on someone." she cleared her throat, trying unsuccessfully to get over her excitement. "Okay, so, what color is an honorspren? You get three guesses at most, but I'm fine just telling you, if that's what you'd like."

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"The party looks great already! Will there be chocolate?" The Queen smiled.

You couldn't have a party without chocolate.

"I'll advertise the party in my signature and in Newcago. That should bring in some more guests. "

"You are very welcome for all the help, I am always happy to help a fellow Newcagoan. If you ever need anything, just ask."

She paused to think out the riddle. "Is it a red spren?" That was her first guess.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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"Yes, yes, yes, yes. Plenty of chocolate. Don't worry," Brightness assured, stunned by the thought of a party with no chocolate, "I just need to pull it out from the back room-" even as she said this, a servant disappeared into the back room, then reappeared a moment later with the first tray of chocolates. "Yes, here we are..." she said, popping a piece into her mouth.


"That wasn't quite the answer I was looking for," she told the queen, "Though if I asked about Sylphrena, I think a "read" spren would be fitting, don't you? But no... two more guesses!"

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​(I have't really read WOR so I don't have much experience with knowledge on honour spren as I've only read WOK but I'll guess anyway :D)


Queen Elsa eyed the chocolate that the servant had brought out. She walked slowly, but then it turned into a little bit of a power walk. She popped a piece in her mouth before returning to the Duchess to guess the second guess. 


"Hmmm....Is it the colour of oaths?" She guessed.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Don't worry. You just need a very basic knowledge of windspren or honorspren to guess correctly. I did stumble upon this pun accidentally, after all. :)


"Nope! One last guess, your majesty." Brightness said gleefully, picking up another chocolate and inspecting it, "Here's a hint, though. The answer to this pun, the punch line, if you will, is a rephrasing of some information on Syl in the coppermind wiki: She normally appears as a young woman about a handspan tall, glowing with a faint blue-white light, but is able to take a wide variety of appearances, such as a ribbon of light or blown leaves."

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As the title suggests, this Bar (Guild) will be devoted to all kinds of Root Beer. (Ginger Beer included)

"Well," the fresh-faced newbie asks, "what does that mean for me?"

We will be brewing root beer, discussing root beer, writing novels, songs, and poetry about root beer, but perhaps most importantly, drinking root beer.

Root beer lovers of the world, UNITE!!!

We owe no allegiance to any other guild. We might however, set up breweries in other guilds, if they so desire. As a side note, anyone from any other guild is encouraged to have a dual membership with us. (Quiver, you are expressly prohibited from this provision.)

Rootians are neither encouraged nor discouraged from participating in fights.

Well, I shall begin the guild with a member list.


I would like a caffeine-free root beer fountain machine in the Guild of Arts, please. 

Please include:




Shasta Black Cherry Root Bear


Thank you!

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Welcome Devotion, to our humble guild!  ...Want some root beer?  ...Do Shards even drink root beer...?


@ChullRider, I would be honored to oblige. Consider it done. (I'll stop by later). I have three questions though,


1. Care to stick around a bit for the party? 

2....No A&W root beer?

3. Should I assume you didn't mean a root bear? :P  When I read that last request, I thought, Shasta Black Cherry Root Bear = A black bear/cherry tree named Shasta.  But don't worry. All our root bears are well trained and make excellent guard animals for your guild. :D

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Welcome Devotion, to our humble guild!  ...Want some root beer?  ...Do Shards even drink root beer...?


@ChullRider, I would be honored to oblige. Consider it done. (I'll stop by later). I have three questions though,


1. Care to stick around a bit for the party? 

2....No A&W root beer?

3. Should I assume you didn't mean a root bear? :P  When I read that last request, I thought, Shasta Black Cherry Root Bear = A black bear/cherry tree named Shasta.  But don't worry. All our root bears are well trained and make excellent guard animals for your guild. :D


1. Sure! I'll have some Mug root beer.

2. Sorry, I forgot to put that on the list.

3. No, I didn't mean to say a root bear.  :P

Edited by ChullRider
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Don't worry. You just need a very basic knowledge of windspren or honorspren to guess correctly. I did stumble upon this pun accidentally, after all. :)


"Nope! One last guess, your majesty." Brightness said gleefully, picking up another chocolate and inspecting it, "Here's a hint, though. The answer to this pun, the punch line, if you will, is a rephrasing of some information on Syl in the coppermind wiki: She normally appears as a young woman about a handspan tall, glowing with a faint blue-white light, but is able to take a wide variety of appearances, such as a ribbon of light or blown leaves."


"Um...This is quite difficult. Oh well. Is it a...light leaf spren?"


After the past two guesses, Queen Elsa had really no idea. She guessed anyway. 


She popped another piece of chocolate in her mouth and let it melt in her mouth. Chocolate was always amazing.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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  • 3 weeks later...

A few days ago I had a really weird bottle of root beer, is anyone else Familiar with Maine Root? I'm not terribly familiar with artisan root beers (although I have had Saranac soda) so I have to ask does anyone know if this is normal when branching out of the mass produced variety or is Maine root just unique?

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@Unhinged, I'd like to say that you've come to the right place to ask, but unfortunately I haven't had many opportunities to branch out. I can say that I've tried a few rather delicious artisan root beers, but I'm not familiar with Maine Root.


@Elsa, Not much is new around here. I'm just trying to keep my head above the water root beer in school.  ;) Thanks for asking, though! Have a mug of root beer and some chocolates. Hopefully once things calm down I'll be able to be a bit more active around the 17th shard. Then I shall bring root beer to all people!  :D

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