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That one giant spren


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Yay! Another theory! Cusicesh the protector the giant Spren that appears at exactly 7:46. I think this is because someone observed it coming at that time "the locals could use it set their timepieces" And as said in a different area of the book it talks about how when something about a Spren is observed it stays the same. Oh and the everstorm is, somewhat obviously I think, a high storm that will last forever, possibly a desolation.

Sorry "giant spree" was a typo, it was supposed to be giant Spren.

Edited by Qazxvy
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I wonder if the spren wards the highstorms away from the city somehow, at least to an extent. That would explain the name. Everyone who is nearby feels drained afterwards, possibly indicating that it's drawing power from the crowd to use in the process. I also think it's a composite spren, made up of all the spren of a certain type, hence the rapidly shifting, nonrepeating faces.

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It doesn't just have to be observed, it has to be recorded, and that record would have to still survive. But yeah it could still be true, could have been initially recorded and stored by someone like the guy whose POV that scene was written.

Edited by Voidus
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I also think it's a composite spren, made up of all the spren of a certain type, hence the rapidly shifting, nonrepeating faces.

But spren can change their shape, so it could still be one. As for the tiredness thing I have a few theories but I think i'll work on them more before I post :P

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Maybe this particular Spren needs energy to continue existing, and it knows that every day at that time people come so it drains some of their energy. Also I was thinking that for some reason maybe at that time of the day the people lose energy, so maybe it is some sort of an energy drain Spren, but that wouldn't make a lot of sense. I like the idea of it warding off the high storms though.

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I've had two separate ideas about this spren, although I'm not sure if they're any good. One is that it's just an oceanspren, and it's so large because Roshar just has one ocean, so there only needs to be one oceanspren. The other idea I had is that it might have once been the spren of a Herald. We don't know if they had any spren, but if this one could be bound it sure would have a lot of power. Maybe it's a Dawnsinger? They're also supposed to be spren.

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This thing is just so mysterious, it's fun to just ask questions about it.

So if Shallan draws one of the faces, does it get stuck with that one?

If someone sincerely but incorrectly writes the time down as 7:47, does it start to come up later? Does it average all the recorded times?

If they move the pedestals for the hands, do they start to move around?

Where are the faces from? Are they the people in the crowd? Are they the most protective people on the continent?

Where does the energy go from all the drained people?

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I can't answer that second one I think, you have to actually record the time for it to take effect so if someone just mis-remembered the time and wrote it down then it wouldn't do anything, as for averaging the recorded times I don't think so otherwise it wouldn't be so consistent, some people would have written down approximate times, recorded with something less accurate than a clock and so might have written say 8:00 but it always comes at the exact same time so I think it must just go off of 1 measurement somewhere, either that or it arriving at that time is just a fixed part of its nature somehow.

On the pedestals I would think that the hands would just reach down to the ground where the pedestals used to be, after all the pedestals were built for it so it must have had its hands in those same spots before they were built.

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It's towards, I like the idea of a rechargingspren :P I'm not sure about the tiredness thing, the only thing I can find that spren can affect is sticking things together (windspren), moving very small objects and the Nahel bond. So yeah, I'm quite interested in what's going on with Cusicesh.

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Maybe it's a spectaclespren. Maybe in the past people started showing up at that waterfront each day at 7:46 to watch something else, and they got the attention of a spren that's attracted to large spectacles. Over time the original source of the spectacle stopped occurring, but by then the spren had become a spectacle in its own right, so now it shows up everyday because it's attracted to the spectacle of itself showing up everyday. Which makes me wonder if that guy who's documenting spren has a category for self-fulfillingspren.

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I don't have a clue what type of spren it is, but I think there's an easy answer about both its size and the energy/emotion it drains from the spectators. It's eating. And it eats a lot, so it's gotten really big.

Speculatively, I would say that it is a perversion of the Nahel bond that gives honorspren sentience. One spren bonded with/drawing from one human gains enough to have its own thoughts and personality. One spren, drawing in a similar way from hundreds, would become more substantial over time, like Syl did, but have no defined intelligence or personality because it draws from so many disparate sources (different people).

Yes. Extreme speculation :P But with as little as we know about the Nahel bond, spren, and... well, everything, speculation is all we can do, right?

Edited by Truthless
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I like that (last) idea.

I have theorized that spren form when Stormlight binds to free cognitive aspects. The more spirit meets cognitive, the more sentient it becomes.

I'd say the Protector it's that big because it drains tiny parts of human's spiritual energy. We know that people feel drained after having visited it. And we know that drabs feel a loss of something, only more important than what people feel after meeting the Protector. And if the Protector has lots of tiny human souls inside itself, those tiny souls make up the Protector's personality, only with many many faces. So when he appears, all the faces he has collected over the years shift constantly.

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  • 1 year later...
Has anyone considered that pehaps Cusicesh the Protector is actually a Voidbringer, or some kind of cousin related to the Voidbringers?  Cusicesh the Protector seems to suck energy from people (perhaps thereby acquiring faces), all the while looking to the Origin - to the destructive highstorms, and I have a suspicion that the highstorms are not caused by good things.  Weren't there legends about the voidbringers stealing people's souls?


A side note: Cusicesh the Protector can be anticipated, and similarly so can the highstorms, with a certain degree of accuracy.  The Desolations, were also described as "regular in their coming, yet always unexpected".  
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I don't think its big because it drains people's energy. Because that would mean it should still be growing, and if it were bigger, wouldn't its arms be in different spots to make up for it? Then they wouldn't be on the pedestals anymore.


Also, he's called the "Protector", and I don't think draining people energy sounds very protective. What if something completely separate is draining them, and Cusicesh is protecting them from being drained any more? Maybe the Origin is draining them somehow?


Another idea, if he wards off the hightstorms, and if he is draining people, maybe people didn't originally gather just to watch him, but to give him their energy? And they simply forgot the purpose of the gathering over a long time? Maybe Cusicesh comes at the same time because the people used to come at that time?

Edited by Hathsin
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