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Shard Bearer

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  1. I personally think that the most powerful magic system Brandon has created is AonDor. It isn't very useful for quick fighting, which makes people underestimate it, but if you scratch the right Aons into a piece of metal, well, it seems like you could do anything. I have several thoughts, such as an Aon Daa gun? Maybe a device using Aon Sheo to kill people. You could make a shardblade and shardplate if you wanted too, and use any power that anyone in the Cosmere uses. You can also use it in most places, provided you create some new aons, as shown when Mraize uses a Seon in Rhythm of War. What do you think? how powerful could you even get before the Dor ran out?
  2. Brandon actually says in one of his book signings that Dalinar is only on the 3rd oath at the end of Oathbringer, and I don't remember him swearing any additional oaths in Rhythm of War, so I think it is safe to say he has only made the third oath. However, (spoiler for Mistborn era 1)
  3. The problem would probably be how much weight you would have to store per round. To make a bullet feruchemicly charged enough to not be pushed on, you would have to spend a log time filling the metalmind, and it would still likely be minor effected. When they figure out that the spearhead is the Lord Ruler's metalmind, it is said that the metalmind would have to be ridiculously powerful in order to seem like aluminum. Considering how often Wax uses the weight, this solution would probably just be wasteful. Also, when Wax uses the ceramic bullets, he remarks on how, when the Coinshot pushes on the bullet and the metal part comes off, he thinks he stopped Wax and doesn't try to dodge, making it easy to hit him, where if you shot metalmind bullets, it would just seem like you have an aluminum gun and the Coinshot would get out of the way.
  4. Also, it makes sense why you wouldn't find many deadeye spren in Shadesmar, because the spren follow the blades, and I doubt that there are many Shardbearers sailing or swimming about, so the spren would be in the ocean. It is actually suspicious that there are so many deadeyes on land. Looking at how many are just lingering around, there are probably hundreds of blades at the bottom of the ocean. It would be interesting if there were a bunch of shards in Shinover, though.
  5. But didn't Devotion and Dominion's powers make the Seons when they were Splintered. Would there be enough power left to create the Unmade. I think the Unmade were beings like the Stormfather that were corrupted.
  6. I feel like they would kill themselves before they got far enough to be a cognitive shadow. Didn't Mistborn say that just flaring metals a lot would make you unhealthy, and Spook wasn't doing too well in the end of Hero of Ages. If you burned Duralumin all the time, you would probably just die.
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