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Posts posted by Elf

  1. 7 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

    Teach me your ways of having a competent life!

    I have to leave my house at 7am today, drive for 4 hours, and then stay at a college campus for a week. Today. It is 4:52am and I have not slept yet. This might be a problem

    there is no other trick other than the fact i am literally an old woman and cannot stay awake past 12 on most nights 

  2. On 05/07/2023 at 2:39 AM, CosmicShard8002 said:

    The weather is quite nice thank you very much, how’s the weather down there? Def interesting being a foot taller than pretty much everybody I go on a date w :| lol

    The weather is nice down here too! 

    Thankfully 4'11 is an, if unusual, not uncommon height in India 

    There were three girls in my tenth grade class who were the same height as me and there's many ladies in my building as well who are this height

    So whenever i go on a date they usually aren't more than 5 or 6 inches taller than me 

    I mean if you came here you'd be a titan. The average height for a man is 5'5 and for a woman its 5'0  

    My father is 5'5 and my mother is 5'2

  3. 4 hours ago, CosmicShard8002 said:

    Guys! I found more tall people!! I’m 6’8” and literally am the tallest person I know lol. I need help

    I am very 4'11 

    Hello Hagrid, how's the weather up there? 

    Sincerely- Dobby 

    (You are legit 3 inches short of being 2 feet taller than me)

  4. 4 hours ago, Robin Sedai said:

    I thought about taking sociology once, glad I didn't.

    Out of interest, what's so boring about it?

    Its just 

    Society but in a scientific manner 

    How various revolutions cause the emergence of sociology 

    Classical socio vs modern socio 

    Different theories for why certain social phenomena occurs  


    Maybe my textbooks is just bland

  5. On 6/27/2023 at 9:53 AM, Channelknight Fadran said:


    heheheheheh are you a night owl?

    On 6/29/2023 at 0:07 PM, The Sibling said:

    I mean, I guess technically I'm awake most mornings. But lately my sleep schedule has been awful. I've been going to sleep at 2-3 in the morning and waking up as late as possible... It's not good.

    bro i had a hard time keeping my eyes open at 10 pm last night and by 11 i was asleep like a rock 

    was up by 7 today

    i really like waking up early; you just get a lot more stuff done

  6. 13 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

    to me, it sounds like lesbian with aesthetic attractions to men.


    Thats....thats a thing????? 

    why do i look at defination and go- that actually might sum me up pretty well? 

    i need to do some thinking  

    (Also thank you for saying you all here to help me out, its means a lot *hug* )

  7. I am 

    Having a crisis 

    Dont think i like men 

    you know ive been doing some introspection cause pride month and all 



    I love Kaz I love Tom Riddle I love Thomas Shelby and Kaladin and Kelsier and Harry Potter and Jasper Dent and so many more. I love morally grey men soaked in blood and gore and the tears of their enemies

    But i think ive always wanted to be them rather than be with them you know? 

    Like i admire their resistance, their mental fortitude, their sass and lust for power and most of those things are qualities i want to see in myself

    (What does that say about my mental health)

    On the other hand ive always very much wanted to be with Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasely and Mia Corvere and Pansy Parkinson and Vin and Shallan 

    And if i admire fictional men with blood on their faces and loose morals 

    Fictional women with blood on their faces and few (If any) morals make me swoon 

    Most of my previous relationships have been with women and any time ive had attention from a man ive just 

    Hated it 

    Does that mean I can still look at Anthony Lockwood and go, damn he's hot? 

    Because even i feel he's hot, ive realised its just an observation yk 

    Its not the same thing i feel for, lets say- Inej Ghafa 



    Im confused 

  8. On 09/06/2023 at 7:13 PM, Edema Ruh said:

    Hello um quick question (shadow and bone season 2 spoilers I guess)

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    well his style was always described as quite flashy 

    I had this thought 

    I think the main gripe i have with the show (the crows storyline, we arent gonna talk about the alina plot) 

    Its that The Barrel, in the show, is portrayed as a....very dark and depressing place

    And sure 

    Book Barrel was dark and depressing too 

    But it was also...sinful. it was heady, indulgent, hedonistic. Thats why the gambling halls and...ahem....other establishments made so much money 

    It was a place to let go of all of your inhibitions and Kaz made it his business to take advantage of those loose morals 

    And show barrel just isnt that

  9. These days I am asleep by 11pm and awake by 7am

    I am trying to work my way up to asleep by 9 and awake by 5 but there is just too much noise in my house before 11 for me to able to sleep

    fellow morning birds, come hither 

    tell me all about your morning routine 

    mine is usually

    wake up at 7, brush teeth, have breakfast and coffee/ earl gray tea while reading, exercise.

    after exercising, wash my face and do skincare and then either read or study while listening to classical music

  10. okayyyyyy i hope this doesnt count as necroing because its my thread and i didnt want to make another one 

    Also @Kajsa :) and @Morningtide thankkk you because your advice made me feel more comfortable with writing again. i was probably just being dramatic. you guys dont have to read this, i just wanted to thank you.

    so here it is 

    TW: gore, war, death 

    its just something i came up with. might continue, might not 


    Rain shatters like ice crystals on the much-trodden pavement. The sky weeps for you, my love. 

    The world’s cries mingle with my own and I wonder once again. 

    Where did it all go so wrong?

    But maybe…maybe it was never right to begin with. 

    And I only see it now. 

    If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. 

    We are cautioned against fighting monsters, lest we become monsters ourselves. 

    But what if we were never any different?

    What if to become a monster was the only way?

    My knees hit the pavement. I throw my head back and…scream.

    A scream like the death rattle of dreams dead and buried. A scream that swirls higher into the air, till it breaks off into a desperate sob, hands trembling, lungs gasping for air. 

    People look at me strangely. Let them look. They can never know your loss; they can never know what it is like to not possess a heart anymore.

    You took my heart with you, love. All that’s left is an empty, festering, gaping cavity. 

    When I close my eyes, I hear you. I hear your laughter, I hear your sweet nothings whispered between kisses at midnight.

    When I close my eyes, I see you- your smudged eyeliner, your chipped nail polish. The ebony curls that bounced whenever you walked. 

    When all the colours were black, you were the only one that lifted me up. That kept me going on. 

    Why then, was I not able to do the same for you?

    Desperation. Such intensity of despair and unholy terror that it left your teeth chattering, your heart racing.

    A level of panic that left you unable to function on even the most basic level. Something so rancid, it tainted you to the very core. 

    War was something terrible. Something bloody and cruel like an animal stuck in a trap. Willing to chew off muscles and tendons, willing to snap bones because it wanted to live. 

    Please god, let me live,” I thought as the scent of blood and agony hung heavy in the air. 

    “Please god…

    I couldn't escape. There was no escape. War was both the trap and the animal.

    “I don’t want to die…”

    But then your body fell near me, too much blood to be possible, and I was gone anyway. 

    I had to do it i had to do it i had to do it

    I didn’t want to lose you. 

    What a shame, I lost you anyway. Because now another memory assaults my mind’s eye. 

    The memory of red eyes that have no recognition of me. The memory of fangs dripping with sticky crimson, protruding over full lips. The memory of the dead bodies, puncture wounds in each of their necks; the feral expression on your face- the animalistic edge with which you held yourself.

    I scream again. I scream because it is the only thing louder than weeping. 



  11. I'm...not in a good place. 

    I feel bad, physically and mentally. Like really bad.

    I think part of the reason I'm feeling so bad is because I've realized i no longer like creative writing. And its because of my mother. 

    I've been doing creative writing since I was in the fourth grade. For me, its always been a way to express and let loose my creativity. Something that makes me feel better, something that helps me process what I'm feeling. It was one of the things that made me, me. 

    And sure you do something consistently for 6 years you're gonna get fairly decent at it. 

    Over the past few months, my mother has been telling me every single day how she can't wait to read the books I publish, how I'm going to be the best author ever, how I'm going to make so much money from it and be rich and famous. (Keep in mind, I have actively expressed that my desires do not align with this, that i do not want to be an author, i want to live a simple life as a professor surrounded by books and tea for the rest of my life. I want to help young minds find the power of the written word, and i want my life to be composed of bookstores, music, libraries and research.) (I want simplicity. I want peace.)

    If i was bored, she'd tell me to write. Random moments of the day she'd ask me why im not writing or how my writing is coming along. She'd brag to all her friends and all our extended family about how my writing is the best writing she's ever seen and I'm going to be rich and famous one day. 

    Writing, drawing, any creative work- these are intensely personal things. 

    And now...

    Now everytime i open google docs, i feel this pressure behind my eyes and it feels like I'm choking up. Whatever creative muse, if it ever existed, has been strangled and buried six feet deep. 

    And this hurts. It hurts so so bad. i feel like I'm actually grieving for this lost talent. 

    I'm kinda angry on myself for being so...naive as to ever show her my work.


  12. Spoiler


    Burritos with a bean, rice, and tofu scramble filling with homemade salsa on the side 

    So freaking proud of these. First thing ive made that ive eaten and gone damn that's delicious 

    i also tried to portion it out this time (cause i always make too much) and succeeded. Only the bean filling went to waste, and that too very little.

    Also finally made something other than pasta for once so thats a win

  13. On 29/05/2023 at 7:04 AM, Bondsmith-Edgedancer said:

    I've been feeling pretty terrible lately, and I have no idea what to do. I feel so lonely, even though I have no right to feel that way because I'm surrounded by friends, and somehow it's easier to post that on the internet for a bunch of strangers to see, then it is to talk to the people I love most. 

    If I may, it is completely possible to be lonely while surrounded by the people you love. 

    Alone and lonely are two very different things. 

    Sometimes the people you love, won't understand somethings about you. Sometimes you won't feel comfortable enough to tell them you need help or that you're not feeling good. Telling them means being vulnerable and that is a very scary thing. 

    Tim Kreider said, 


    “If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.”

    But it is a mortifying ordeal. And the presence of anonymity while venting to "strangers on the internet" may be what makes it easier. 

    That's okay too. What you are feeling is valid.

    Remember if someone truly cares about you, they will not shy away from helping. That has not been the case for me as of yet, unfortunately. But I dearly hope it is for you. 

    But again, you don't have to.

    And...how do I say this...you don't need a reason to be feeling down. Sometimes you feel down for absolutely no reason and that's valid too. Bad days will occur. Its not about making sure there are no bad days, but making sure you keep going in spite of them. 



    “It won’t be like that for me,” Kaladin said. “You told me it would get worse.” “It will,” Wit said, “but then it will get better. Then it will get worse again. Then better. This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you, Kaladin: You will be warm again.”

    I feel the same way you are feeling loads of times and a little TLC can go a long way. Maybe take some time out, listen to your favourite song, eat your favourite food, do a beloved activity. 

    This are just suggestions, in the end. I hope you feel better soon. Sending lots of hugs <33


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