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Posts posted by Elf

  1. so in india in some famiies (like mine) we have a tradition that when a girl comes of age (think 17, 18) her parents gift her something like a real gold necklace or other gold jewelery that could become a family heiroleem (j have no idea how to spell that) for fututre generations 

    thankfully, my mom knows i do not really care for those things 

    so, instead she told me, that 


    since ill keep my books forever, and this would make me much happier, this is her gift to me


  2. Oooh I havent read that one yet! Ill put it on the list 

    Yeah I do get how there may not be much intersection between Sanderson fans and Murakami fans : D 

    I love his writing too! it feels like a fever dream almost, at times. And I love that. And the quotes are simply beautiful 

    I agree with you about Kafka on the Shore, but I think its nice to see an author challenge the boundaries of whats accepted and not

  3. hmm okay 

    im feeling really down right now 

    idk today's just been weird and i feel like i didnt really get to do anything that i wanted to do because of other people's interference. 

    also my younger brother got sick and im pretty sure it was because of me cause i was kinda taking him in my arms and like twirling him round and round (he really likes when i do this) and immediately he complained of stomach pains. so im feeling bad about that 

    And one more thing. Today my parents took my brother to the Opera House to see a play but apparently did not realise that going to an opera house and seeing a live production is something that i would LOVE. they didnt even ask me. Maye its kinda petty but ive been wanting to go to the Royal Opera House for ages and they knew it. And they still forgot about me

    Also you know, my family has a lot of drama that i dont really care about, but i feel like im being made a part of it anyway. i just want to read and study and listen to music and not listen to my parents problems or my sister talking trash about my parents. like sure, i kind of share her sentiments but i just dont wanna get so involved you know? 

    And with my sister its like her mood changes very quickly. and i mean very quickly. Like she could be laughing manically, and within 5 minutes she'd be near tears for absolutely no reason. its kinda exhausting to keep up with that. 

    i wanted to revise economics, practice for my art re-prelim, and finish reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, and re-watch Kill Your Darlings but I didnt get to do any of that. 

    Instead I had to listen to other people's drama 

    Its just i dont really care about what problems my parents are going through or how they feel about each other or i dont wanna listen to my mom complaining about my dad. I dont want to spend hours listening to my sister's trash talk  when i could be doing something much better. Does that make me a bad person?

  4. Um yeah 

    : D 

    I loved Kafka on the Shore but I can definitley see how it might come off to an outsider 

    For the people wondering what this is about- 

    Kafka on the Shore is about 15 year old Kafka Tamura who runs away from home because his father has proshesized that....Kafka will be like Oedipus

    And theres a lot of other...stuff too 

    : D 

  5. 1. Loving someone you know you can never have. Longing for them, dreaming of them, aching to hold them, but knowing your feelings will never be reciprocated 

    2. When the world beats you down, you stand straight. Because what you are hoping for is not a strength to beat others down or repel others, but rather a strength that allows you to quietly endure hurtful things and be stronger for it. 

    3. This quote- "I swear to you to think too much is a disease, an actual real disease"- Notes from Underground 


    You can take any of these or none of these! Up to you! : D no pressure 

  6. Has anyone read Haruki Murakami's books on here? He's on the list of my favourite authors. I see Murakami and I buy. 

    I have the following books of his- 

    1. Wind/Pinball

    2. A Wild Sheep Chase 

    3. Dance, Dance, Dance 

    4. Kafka on the Shore

    5.Sputnik Sweetheart 

    6. Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman

    7. Norwegian Wood 

    Of these I have read- Kafka on the Shore, Wind/Pinball, A Wild Sheep Chase, Dance, Dance, Dance, Sputnik Sweetheart 

    His books are simply amazing. I love his writing and the magical realism


  7. Quote

    Grimdark: a genre of fiction, especially fantasy fiction, characterized by disturbing, violent, or bleak subject matter and a dystopian setting.


    i just read the Jasper Dent series by Barry Lyga which is about a 17 year old boy whose father is the most notorious serial killer in America 





    its sooooo, soooo, sooooo, soooooo freaking dark and gory and violent and more so, because ususally in dark fiction you have a barrier you know. Like oh they have magical powers, or oh a 17 year could never be so smart and efficient and a gang leader, something like that. But everything that happens in this series could totally happen in our world. The characterization is spot on and you never feel that oh he's too smart for a 17 year old. nah he is smart but he acts like a teenager, a disturbed and damaged teenager. 


    its the most disturbing book series i have ever read and I LOVED IT 

    but im scared of reccomending it to others :lol:

    tangent over

  8. Okay Im almost finished with the first book of the Scythe trilogy by Neil Shusterman and you know that feeling you get when youve just found your new favourite book? the one that goes straight up to your best of the best list even before youve finished them? 

    when youve found a new character that you willingly give your heart and soul to and you know you're not going to stop obsessing about them for months? 

    The completely elated joy of a book that feels like it brought your soul back into your body, and set all the nerves in your body on fire? (the one you cant stop thinking about even though you have exams? :rolleyes:)

    Thats what I feel for this book!!!!!!!!! 

    oh I love Rowan (the main male protagonist/anti hero) so, SO much

    I love him more than i have ever loved Kaz Brekker, and if you know me then you know just how much i love Kaz

    please everyone read this book and i hope you love it as much as I do 

    And like one of the biggest enticing points about this for was that everyone is an antihero, like everyone 

    and none of it, for me atleast, in unbelievable. its all grounded in reality, and every character has their flaws, every character feels like they jump out of the page. they feel human

    (pls no spoilers because im only nearly finished with the first one)

    this book is...everything 


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