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  1. Wayne is a bloodmaker, and at the end of TLM he gains full mistborn abilities. Wouln't it make him a gold compounder? Why didn't he try to save himself filling up the metalminds before blowing up?
  2. They don't need to hide allomantic abilities, since the y would be able to control inquisitors. For the lord ruler, allomantic pulling is not the only way: you can cut his arms, and with a surprise strike it wouldn't be so impossible (kel keeps him busy with enhanced pulls/pushes, and he is very good with them, vin attaks from behind with enhanced pewter). I guess that most likley they would lose, but I expect that they might have a chance
  3. It would take some time to make the metalminds, and i guess sazed could store identity and investiture, but not supercharge them on the go. The scenario is simply Vin and Kel attacking Kredik Shaw with some praparation, any kind of coupunding would be easy victory for them.
  4. To create the bands you need a fullborn, which Sazed isn't.
  5. Full knowledge means they know that removing his bracelets would kill him, and they know that a duralumin enhanced push/pull is able to remove them if they catch him by surprise. They are the best fighters in scandrial, i guess that they would make it. I added knowledge for few days, because with enough time aviable to prepare spikes and metalminds it would be no match.
  6. it was too easy, I edited the post
  7. In your opinion, what would have happened if Vin and Kelsier attacked Kredik Shaw as happens in book 1, but with full knowledge about inquisitors, lord rules powers and weaknesses, and all metals properties (including bendalloy, duralumin etc)? EDIT: they found out few days earlier, no time to use spikes
  8. I remember him pulling the ship with allomancy, but no rope
  9. I am curious as well, might it have to do with his powers? Is it some specific trining not mentioned in the first books? In the flashbacks the author remarks how bad his aiming was in the early days when he first met Lessie
  10. Shallan had to remember lost memories, they speak truths instead of oaths, something tells me that design is able to make he remember
  11. Hoid is e very complex and mistrious character, but i guess that, in this specific situation, he bonded a cryptic to be able to restore lost memories. And it's suspicious that he makes design go away just before meeting "Rayse"
  12. I have the suspect that the whole thing was planned by Hoid, and he didn't bond a cryptic just by coincidence
  13. I suspected that on the Vin epilogue...
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