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Food Experimentation Foundation: A neutral ground

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Given the recent appearance of the Hemalurgy Free Bakery and the conflict between them and the Dark Alley, I feel that a middle ground is needed. Here at the Food Experimentation Foundation or FEF we believe in the furthering of what's possible with food, be it via Hemalurgy, any other kind of investiture, or even classic culinary techniques. There are no limits, our only goal is to discover what possible with food. This is a place for those who do not care for the furthering of the DA's reach, nor for the protection of those newcomers, but simply discovery!

Those that wish to join must simply say the oath: 

I will not spike for the sake of power,

I will not defend for the sake of respect.

Our current slogan is: FEF: Food For Thought.

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That is exactly the point of the DA. We have never cared about power, we only wanted to discover the limits of hemalurgy. Our scientists bakers, are devoted to the well being of our consumers, and if any harm would come to them, it is completely accidental*. Our goal is to use the knowledge gained, not for our own gain, but for the betterment of mankind**.

*DA Disclaimer applies.

**Mankind includes but is not limited to: Eldritch abominations, humanoids, any resulting Hemallurgic creatures, Shards and sentient investiture*.

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