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LUNA's Poetry

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Where I keep my poetry 

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Rainy Days

I can really appreciate rainy days. Sometimes the sun is too harsh Or the snow too bitter. Give me days where the clouds,           like my eyes, Are overcast and the fog,           like my shoulders, Hang low. Something about bleak colors Cold earth, speckled windshields, That I embody. Melancholy Sympathizing with  Worms drowning in puddles Lacking the energy to save them. Empty bottles kicked beneath feet Only to be forgotten and left Sinking in the mud Ind



Poetry Idea: Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love I’m hopelessly in love with my best friend. Back then, my life was a song With the bright music that reminds you of your youth The one that screams “I’m wild! I’m free!” Like doves we stuck together Like ying and yang we were complete opposites But somehow always seemed to fit. Like the moon and the stars, We were works of art. And yes the moon had suitors but everyone must have known That I was just one rock In comparison to a billion suns. My words a jester’s nonse



Poetry Idea: Two Cents

Two Cents There are some things That I will never forget. Like the habit of asking “Two cents for your thoughts.” As if thoughts can be bought Using any type of currency. Since none of that makes sense, Here, take two. It may not be much But at least it means something. It’s always worth something If it’s coming from you. There are some things That will always survive In my mind like how Instead of two cents You always gave five Because you always sought To find what I’d hidde



Poetry Idea: Sunset

Sunset I’m surprised By the gentleness Of his lips against mine, Like the sun kissing the horizon. I can feel the colors Pulse through my veins; In my fingertips- In my toes. The kind of sunset You want to capture And never let go. The kind of sunset that is inspired By divine artists. The kind you can feel- Not just see. But I wonder- Can he feel the colors too?



Poetry Idea: Nostalgia

Nostalgia I saw three young children Jumping on a trampoline today And it made me sad Because I remember being that young And finding joy in small things, Such as trampolines, But now I am older And I find joy in nothing.



Poetry Idea: Everything Ends (rough draft)

Everything ends. There was a girl That was my best friend. Together we did so much. We went on coffee dates at the Starbucks downtown. And sent each other pictures of the clouds. We wrote poetry And lived for foggy days. We made awkward eye contact with boys to see their reactions Wrote handwritten letters with coded messages. But everything ends And I’m scared that now she sees me When she buys coffee at Starbucks But I’m not there. I fear that she sees me standing in the fog Or



Poetry Idea: 8 Deadly Sins

Three Little Girls Envy stood at the edge of the park With her pudgy arms folded Across her small chest. She scowled at the children Who sat in the sandbox And left no room for her. Lust kicked the grass And shrieked at those kids “I want it! I need it! I must have it! It’s mine!” Greed pushed and shoved, The girl with brown curls. She punched and bit The arms of the boys Until the sandbox was empty For only her use. Gluttony’s Feast and Sloth’s Defeat Gluttony arrived In the



Love Poem

You asked me to write you a poem. I’m sure that you hoped for a love poem So sweet that it makes your teeth hurt. I’m sorry but I can’t do that. I can’t write you a love poem. But if you let me I will write you a new sky, Describe to you in detail the way the clouds war In the moments before they’re about to cry. I can’t write you a love poem. Instead, I can write you butterflies. Butterflies that tickle your stomach In those precious seconds before Planes leave the ground, Befor



Letter from an Ex-Boyfriend Part 1

Jaiden, This must be very, very rough for you, And I’m sorry that it had to happen like this. Rest assured, this is hard for me too. Making the decision was something I did Because I thought it would make things easiest. College is already on its way, Life is changing, We are changing, Time is changing. We both knew this would have to happen sooner or later, And it does suck. But I want you to know that it was never Because of anyt



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