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Anniversary Game 7/Anonymous Game 9: From Embers, A Flame


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Ostrich - this vote shouldn't matter either way, since the lynch train seems to have been settled on Ostrich, but I want to avoid Lightweavy shenanigans.

Quick look at various players:

Azure Mouse - Moderate Strong Village - this will change to strong village if Ostrich is indeed evil. OK, Ostrich is an outed Elim, so I guess that makes Azure Mouse Strong Village in my book, then.

Scarlet Octopus - Slight Village - mainly because of their late vote on Croc D1, when the Elim team seemed to be trying to save him.

Sage Kangaroo - Slight Village - the Elims would have to be really unlucky to have a D1 lynch between two Elims, and Gecko seemed to want to save Croc over Kangaroo. But it's still possible, which is why this is only slight.

Sapphire Elephant - Neutral - I want to say slight Elim, but that's just me tunnelling at this stage instead of anything I can actually point to. It's unlikely both they and Gecko would incriminate themselves if they didn't have to, and I think they'd have removed their Croc vote earlier if they'd been an Elim trying to avoid suspicion. I intend to keep a closer eye on them going forward though.

Plum Rhinoceros - Slight Elim - One of the Silverlight Eight (along with Axolotl) who may have been roleblocked and therefore unable to perform the kill as Odium's Champion. I intend to do a deeper dive into both Rhino and Axolotl in the Night Turn (I meant to do it this turn, but I just ran out of time).

Opal Lion - Moderate Village - if they're an Eliminator, they are doing some serious deep cover.

Charcoal Hyena - Neutral, but I refuse to lynch - the poetry is hilarious, and I want to keep them alive to see more of it, I don't even care if Hyena's an Elim, tbh. :P

Uhhh... I'm obviously missing so many people from this list, but I can't think who they are at this stage - a lot of them will be neutral.

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2 minutes ago, Amber Vulture said:

Sapphire Elephant - Neutral - I want to say slight Elim, but that's just me tunnelling at this stage instead of anything I can actually point to. It's unlikely both they and Gecko would incriminate themselves if they didn't have to, and I think they'd have removed their Croc vote earlier if they'd been an Elim trying to avoid suspicion. I intend to keep a closer eye on them going forward though.


[OOC: Birb Bro they claimed Alcoholics Autonomous, you showed up late to the party, want some soju?]

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1 minute ago, Azure Mouse said:

[OOC: Birb Bro they claimed Alcoholics Autonomous, you showed up late to the party, want some soju?]

...I saw that, and my brain went "Yup, that's some pretty important info right there for Vulture to remember. Let's immediately forget it so that he embarrases himself when he starts typing up his reads list literally 10 minutes later."

Sigh. I should take notes, but then this starts to feel too much like homework, so... eh. I'll happily take some of that soju, thanks.

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Locke Tekiel sighed, but sat up at the bar and reached for another pint. He looked around for a friendly face, but found those around him cold, refusing to meet his eyes. Conversations whispered in the gloom of the old bar, and in his solitude Locke caught the odd word, but little more.

Oh for the days of his youth... Locke was growing old. He ached when he woke, now, and no longer had the energy or sprightliness he once carried. He had worn many faces, faced many a danger, stood and spoken to many a mob. He had slid daggers into the backs of friends, had personally led the lynching of near entire crews of those with nefarious intent, but never had he felt such weariness as today, sat alone in a bar, with nary a word of greeting in days.

Oh, how he longed for his youth - for the spirited discussions around the noose, for open plotting, and that sense of community - yes, Locke thought, it was that Connection, that sense of belonging that he missed. 

He rose, slowly, from his place alone at the bar, coughed and stepped up onto a small table, feeling for once a little of his old self return at his desire to speak.

Clearing his throat, Locke turned towards the whispering clusters of figures on the far side of the room, and spoke, growing bolder as he did so:

Evening all. The lynch seems settled enough - I’m not even going to start getting involved in that.

I’d also like to preface this to say I’m not asking for pity, nor condemning any individual player. I’m writing my thoughts up because I feel slightly saddened at the state of the game, and haven’t felt this way since a long, long time ago, where such behaviour was more common.

As is known to a great many of you, I am a neutral player. Invention, to be specific. A number of you can verify this - Azure Mouse, to name but one.

It has been increasingly known that I am a neutral player; I have hardly kept it to myself. However, as it has become more widely known, I have felt a disturbing trend. Perhaps it is that this game is being solved mechanically, behind closed doors, but it feels to me like I (and a number of others not in the all important village trust circle) have been frozen out of the game. With the mechanical solving through roleclaims taking place in PMs, and the ensuing settled lynches in thread, engaging and even caring about the game has grown harder and harder. There is nothing those of us (village or neutral) can contribute beyond throwing our vote onto a player. 

To rephrase, and perhaps better articulate myself, it closes the game off to all but a select few. I’m sure those involved are having a great time, but at the expense of everyone else, I think. Perhaps the game has changed in my long absence from this site, but I remember once we made such an effort to keep the games fun for everyone, often above what was strategically optimal, whichever side we were on.

I may have lost my train of thought, and certainly have not articulated myself as well as I might have. I can only offer my frustration at the impotence I feel here as an excuse.

That all being said, I shall vote for Opal Lion. Opal personally has been a delight to talk to, when we have talked, but I think a closure of PMs and PM groups would reawaken this game.

Locke, having spoken, turned away slowly, and with a long sigh, returned to his drink.

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4 minutes ago, Amber Vulture said:

...I saw that, and my brain went "Yup, that's some pretty important info right there for Vulture to remember. Let's immediately forget it so that he embarrases himself when he starts typing up his reads list literally 10 minutes later."

"hey hey hey issa alright. you marked me down as neutral, so youre right after all! :P"

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4 minutes ago, Turquoise Gorilla said:

That all being said, I shall vote for Opal Lion. Opal personally has been a delight to talk to, when we have talked, but I think a closure of PMs and PM groups would reawaken this game.

Whoa whoa whoa

Hey hey

All you have to do is ask my dude, I was just thinking of closing them in a couple cycles maybe but I can't do that, now it won't be surprising ;-;


I mean if you asked I probably woulda said no, ya know, but hey
no need to try and kill me ;-;

Edited by Opal Lion
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[OOC: Sorry - I agree with the sentiment but not with the premises. Inclusion goes two ways: all players need to talk more in thread, simpliciter. And simply telling players to just do so also isn't going to work - categorically denying players the ability to handle sensitive information just means they won't talk about these things. In addition, it's hard to do that despite engaging other players in PMs if they don't want to be engaged. Zebra, for instance, has flatly stated to not be included in PMs. And I should not be needing to play 20q with people on what their hobbies or what their favourite superpowers are just to establish a rapport or to try to pull them in.

Funny, 'cause you know what I remember too? I remember a time in SE when we had games where Village trusts ran everything even without PMs, and it kinda sucked for everyone else in thread because all you had to do was follow the people who were more or less considered/read strongly Village. And that ain't great and that's still alienating for players. It's almost as though there's a bigger problem here.

If there's an issue with this, it's a meta issue. Lion has spoken of this. So has Axl. Meta issues don't get solved by fiat - they're meta issues because of player behaviour.

But hey, we like straightforward infrastructural solutions, don't we? :) ]


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Night 4: The Power of Mercy

Konion the orphan was surrounded. The vast sands of Taldain had proved a good meeting ground due to the capacity of Autonomy to keep the piece, but the majority still ruled.

"Konion," Tenth of the Dusk stated. The native to First of the Sun had found him quickly, after realizing the amnesiac Solemnheart could be placed aside in search of stronger prey. He was with the group, but sitting off to the side, with his glass. The rest stood in a circle surrounding the orphan. "You stand accused of treason against the council of the Children of Adonalsium and his Shards. You can't hide here."

"I never joined a council," Konion said shakily - and with no small degree of malice. "I was never part of this. I'm just a kid."

The gathered worldhoppers did not seem amused. Tenth did raise an eyebrow. "If not treason, then conspiracy. We know you hold Odium, or serve him. And we must know the truth."

Konion panicked. They couldn't... they wouldn't...

But Tenth would.

Konion reached for the power.

"No," said a voice. Tenth turned, looking at who interrupted proceedings.

Solemnheart was standing now. Taller, than before. Somehow brighter. Like he had just... changed.

"Your quarrel was with me, for I am dead," Solemnheart said in a quieter voice.

"That was before, Solemnheart. We say Konion has to die," Tenth replied.

"I say otherwise."

Solemnheart burst alight with power, forcing them to all look away or be blinded.

When they all opened their eyes, Konion was still alive. Solemnheart had vanished, leaving behind... only wisps of what was once something much more than they had imagined. Surrounding Konion. Protecting.

The power of Mercy.


Journal of Solemnheart – Last Entry, Day Unknown Post-Illumination, Location Unknown

If you are reading this, then I am dead.

I do not ask you to mourn for me. In all likelihood, you probably killed me, and with good reason. Or perhaps you have found this in the aftermath, or some number of years have passed. Perhaps you found this abandoned after I took my own life - it is surprisingly easy for someone of my condition. In any case, I believe an explanation is in order.

I still do not know who I was. I am still Solemnheart, and no one else. However, I know how I am.

I was researching an anomaly in the Cognitive Realm, near a star system that had been inhabited but remained unInvested. Something had been happening. Something bad.

I had not even heard of the disaster on Sel. All I knew is that two forces suddenly collided on all three realms. One black, one gold. And a white one watching.

That was when I died.

 I should have wondered more about my vision. For all my research, one piece of information eluded explanation. Sequentially, Devotion and Dominion were Splintered before Odium tracked down his primary target. And yet, I saw Ambition Splintered first.

This part I do not know, I was only told it by… one who was perhaps not the best empirical source. I had died, and yet I was persisting. My physical body was gone. And yet my Cognitive Shadow remained, far beyond when it should have faded to the Beyond. Invested, somehow.

And then a kind, old man appeared to me. This I did remember, although it was fragmented. He looked surprised to see me, but not unduly so. He said it was unexpected and yet… Fortunate, in some way.

He named himself Odium.

I will not lie. I was not pressed to serve Him. I was not compelled. I followed Him willingly, because although my mind failed to hold the details in its restructuring, He told me exactly what I was.

I am… a Returned. Or, not exactly. A Returned is a being resurrected by a tiny piece of Endowment, who could survive forever if a small amount of Investiture was given to them. Instead, I am sustained by many large pieces; inconsequential to the omnipotence of a Shard, but infinitely more than the average Returned.

Endowment is now gone. And Ambition is unlikely to need their power back any time soon.

I have the ability to siphon Investiture, which delays my death for further time. Only a Shard could satisfy it indefinitely. So, Odium fed me, ensured that I will live for hundreds of years to come. I accepted this willingly, and yet my Ambition kept demanding more. And so Odium gave me that which He could not hold; that which He could not afford to have; that which would forever put me in His debt and make me of eternal use to Him.

A sense of Mercy. 

A Shard was mine.

 So I record this, inserted in the back cover of my journal, as a confession. I lied. I stole. I killed. I became the one of the most powerful servants of the most dangerous force in the cosmere. I served Odium in every possible way, and did so willingly. But I also record this to satisfy my scholarly tastes. As someone flooded with the power of a Shard and influenced by the washback, I am something new. A… Sliver, I will call it. A Sliver of Ambition, along with the Vessel of Mercy. Perhaps even the Shard itself is bending to that emotion... becoming something new. Still a Mercy, until I have more than a Sliver of Ambition's power, but a much colder one. The one that considers it a Mercy to kill you myself, lest you suffer a torturous death at the hands of my master.

I do not know if after you have killed me I will find the release I fear and long, or survive for millennia to come off of the Investiture I have absorbed, so I leave this fruit of my research to you. I do know that Odium will have no further use for me. I truly wish I could say I was sorry, but I cannot. All I did was in the name of my own Ambition, for a game of Shards or for scholarly exploits. And for Mercy.

May the Gods Beyond have Mercy on your souls. For with my death, I fear I have taken Mercy from this world.

That is my tale.

-Solemnheart, the Son of Threnody



Fuchsia Ostrich (11): Amethyst Scorpion, Azure Mouse, Coral Swan, Ivory Dragonfly, Melon Dingo, Onyx Flamingo, Opal Lion, Quartz Zebra, Sage Kangaroo, Sapphire Elephant, Violet Axolotl
Plum Rhinoceros (3): Fuchsia Ostrich, Magenta Albatross, Saffron Iguana
Opal Lion (1): Turquoise Gorilla

Plum Rhinoceros was removed. They were Mercy on Odium’s Champion’s! Mercy has been removed from the game!

Pearl Chameleon has been replaced by a pinch hitter.

If you are interested in pinch hitting, PM me or Elbereth asap to let us know.

Night 4 has begun. It will end 13 January at 9 am MST. Get your orders in!

Player List
1. Amber Vulture -  (Creative Cook)
2. Amethyst Scorpion - Mort (Deathspren)
3. Azure Mouse - Tenth of the Dusk/Kaikoa (Bounty Hunter)
4. Charcoal Hyena - Soren (Hobbyist (Poet))
5. Chartreuse Penguin -  (Bumblebee) 17th Sharder
6. Coral Swan - Enoras (Prophetic)
7. Cream Tuatara -  (Prophetic)
8. Fuchsia Ostrich - Konion (Unlucky orphan)
9. Indigo Weasel - Iadhain 'the Weasel' Ramer (Kleptomaniac )
10. Ivory Dragonfly - Eris (Decisive)
11. Magenta Albatross - Relas (Distracted)
12. Mauve Crocodile - Siena Ashao (Unlucky)Forger
13. Melon Dingo - Niru Drash (Insane-Egomaniac-Scholar)
14. Mint Heron - Nihalin (Hobbyist)Original Prudence
15. Onyx Flamingo -  (Excitable)
16. Opal Lion - Remy (Hobbyist)
17. Oxblood Beagle - Lady Orchid  (Gossip)Endowment
18. Pearl Chameleon -  (Compulsive Gambler)
19. Plum Rhinoceros - Solemnheart (Returned-Amnesiac-Scholar) Mercy
20. Quartz Zebra - Sophos (Bad Stormwarden)
21. Saffron Iguana - Vatorr Maj (Tinker)
22. Sage Kangaroo - Arleoxtai Ashvtet (Gossip)
23. Sapphire Elephant - Al (Drunk)
24. Scarlet Octopus -  ()
25. Taupe Gecko - Aurora (Bad Human)Elantrian
26. Turquoise Gorilla -  ()
27. Violet Axolotl - Sir Brockett (Elderly)

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[OOC: Scan could indicate issues with the scanner. But I doubt so. Rhino was on the cards for the execution D4 - I suspect the Investiture Action that was seen was Rhino using the Shardic kill (little reason for it to be Mercy's Shardic - who would Rhino even protect?), Odstrichium invested in another team member, and Mercy handed the Shard over figuring it was a liability anyway.]

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D1: Mauve Crocodile (OC)

mauve crocodile (5): opal lion, violet axolotl, onyx flamingo, amber vulture, sage kangaroo
sage kangaroo (4): turquoise gorilla, mauve crocodile, charcoal hyena, taupe gecko
onyx flamingo (1): sapphire elephant
turquoise gorilla (1): quartz zebra
scarlet octopus (1): mint heron
saffron iguana (1): azure mouse

N1: Mint Heron (Prudence, splintered and passed)

D2: Oxblood Beagle (Endowment, removed from game)

Taupe Gecko (7): Charcoal Hyena, Coral Swan, Ivory Dragonfly, Onyx Flamingo, Opal Lion, Oxblood Beagle, Saffron Iguana, Sapphire Elephant, Violet Axolotl
Oxblood Beagle (5): Azure Mouse, Fuchsia Ostrich, Plum Rhinoceros, Taupe Gecko
Opal Lion (1): Melon Dingo
Sapphire Elephant (0): Quartz Zebra

N2No one

D3: Taupe Gecko (OC)

Taupe Gecko (12): Azure Mouse, Charcoal Hyena, Coral Swan, Fuchsia Ostrich, Ivory Dragonfly, Magenta Albatross, Melon Dingo, Onyx Flamingo, Plum Rhinoceros, Saffron Iguana, Sage Kangaroo, Sapphire Elephant, Violet Axolotl
Magenta Albatross (2): Turquoise Gorilla
Plum Rhinoceros (1): Taupe Gecko
Saffron Iguana (1): Quartz Zebra

N3: Chartreuse Penguin

Edited by Opal Lion
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We must consider the possibility
That this saving was not a Shardic action, for you see,
Rhino could have Invested Ostrich in the night,
And the X trickled down to them, and they couldn't find another to fight.

However, because of Solemnheart's statement,
It could have genuinely been what we think it meant.
Maybe Ostrich is the Father of Hate
Or some other powerful entity we must face.

"I have a confession!" Soren cried as he stood upon his stage
That he'd constructed out of blood and sweat and tears of rage.
"I am Survival, third of the neutral Shards, and I come before you to say
"That I have nearly finished voting on my requisites. I'll be done by next day.
"I must vote for one last villager, but after that, I'll be free
"To throw my vote wherever I please.
"To verify my identity, there are many you can ask.
"Gorilla, Elephant, Dingo, Mouse, and Iguana are up to the task.
"I ask to be left alone to survive in the corner,
"Without being voted on or attacked and murdered.
"The Champions have no incentive for my death,
"So if you agree, I'll continue to draw breath."
The poet bowed and hopped off the stage of wood and metal,
Leaving the room in a flurry of flower petals.

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