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A quick clarification: my point about the inquisitor creating Converts was that he can only create one convert per night, and only with spikes that were made the day before. So if we did kill another misting accidentally (which, or course, we did), then the inquisitor would have to waste one of his spikes. Whereas if we left Shimbles alive, after he had all but announced he was an important misting, the inquisitor would kill him in a day or two and then use his spike to create another convert.

Also, excellent write-up, Wilson.

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"I like the list. But It was not I who asked for it. I won´t pay! Hasslers! always trying to get into my pockets! It was ridge who asked for the list I tell you".



As a sidenote. I think several if not most of the people who voted for Shimble have joined a sort of an... alliance of their own. I do believe that such alliance are perfect for an inquisitor to work from.


I do believe an inquisitor would jump in joy to be able to join a such, and get both possible defensive support, as well as several offensive votes that he can carefully prod in the right direction.


The reason I know this is that I was, a while back, asked to join it by one of the members. I was not told the rest of the members thou, but as said, im fairly confident they agreed to vote together for shimble and thats what led to the mess.


And yes, I write this incase I die.. so the info is out there."

Edited by dyring
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That is scary. Because that's exactly how the Spiked won last game. I should know, I was one of the duped. Beetle got in the group and played us like an old country fiddle.

so I personally recommend not going forward with that anymore (to whomever is in there), but I can understand the desire to want to have a small, closed confidential PM circle. But that is an Inquisitor or converted's best friend, trust me. Especially considering if the results of that group so far have been nothing but sowing conflict in the group. (causing the majority to swing against the Mistborns wishes. That is probably the most counter-productive thing that can be done at this point, since anything Peng does is completely guaranteed to be free of the taint of Inquisitor suspicion)

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A quick clarification: my point about the inquisitor creating Converts was that he can only create one convert per night, and only with spikes that were made the day before. So if we did kill another misting accidentally (which, or course, we did), then the inquisitor would have to waste one of his spikes. Whereas if we left Shimbles alive, after he had all but announced he was an important misting, the inquisitor would kill him in a day or two and then use his spike to create another convert.

Also, excellent write-up, Wilson.

This is not necessarily the case. If Shimble was important, there was a good chance his death being as early as possible would be helpful to the Inq. Since he said he was important, the Inquisitor would have known he was either a Tineye, Lurcher, Coinshot, or Seeker. Sorry if there's anyone I missed there. If he was a Tineye or Lurcher, then he gets no real benefit from spiking with them, since one Lurcher is completely adequate protection for him. If it's the Coinshot or Seeker, then it's dangerous to leave them alive, since either could defeat him in one day by simple random chance. And killing the Lurcher early would allow him to kill off Peng and stop him before any momentum had been gained for our side. The risk of wasting a spike here is outweighed by the risks of leaving them alive.

List-master Wilson. You have done an admirable job in a very timely manner on my commission. I will be sure to go to your Guild first for any List-making services I am in need of. Thank you. As agreed, I will pay in the currency you preferred, atium, with a large tip in Up Votes.


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Hey Gamma... I didn't get into that group, I STARTED that group.  ;)


And just curious, but how many of you guys have been PM'ing each other? I actually haven't done a lot. We have the "old spiked group", but that was really more for fun than anything, especially since Mat hasn't shown up, and Aether and I don't know if we can trust each others. Has that been a big thing for you in this game?

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This time eddy was sitting alone at the bar. It seems that his drunken attitude made some suspicious of him. He tried to drink from his Brandy-bottle but found it empty. This is not good. Maybe it is time to let go of the boze. A walk would help but the damnation mists are still outside.

The bouncer tried to think of something to win his drinkindbuddys back, sadly his drunken mind was not the most compassionate. "Zo, the good nevz is that Sipkeface can´t go stabby stabby join doing on one of uz thiz night cauz doc, the poor fella, was not a misting, right?"

Eddy forgot his good intend and got hold of a random bottle at soon as he finished talking.


Wilson congratulation for making Eddy´s drunkeness funny even in a recap and the lists awsomeness as a whole.

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Wes scurried down the street glancing back over his shoulder to make sure the man wasn't following him. Being confronted by a stranger on the street was one thing but getting yelled at for doing nothing? Very strange. He did say he'd been watching us. Perhaps he worked for the inquisitor? No, that made no sense.

"Why would he accost me in the middle of the street if that were so?" The inquisitor had proved to be much more circumspect than that.

"Just another lost soul who'd finally cracked"

There were too many degenerates in this city. This inquisitor business needed to be resolved soon so Wes could get out of this detestable place and never look back

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"I like the list. But It was not I who asked for it. I won´t pay! Hasslers! always trying to get into my pockets! It was ridge who asked for the list I tell you".


Oops. *Fixed. In my defense, it was my first list of such length, and as such, I was bound to make errors somewhere. Of course, I would've hoped those errors wouldn't be about who had actually commissioned said list, but....things happen. I'm still not quite sure how this one did happen though.


List-master Wilson. You have done an admirable job in a very timely manner on my commission. I will be sure to go to your Guild first for any List-making services I am in need of. Thank you. As agreed, I will pay in the currency you preferred, atium, with a large tip in Up Votes.


I heartily appreciate both the atium and my VERY large tip. The tip was far, fare more than I'd expected. And we would be pleased to aid you in the future (near or far) if ever you need our help again.


Hey Gamma... I didn't get into that group, I STARTED that group.  ;)


....Actually, I'm pretty sure it was me who started that group. By PMing both you and Maill at the same time. Which really doesn't put me in a very good light, all things considered. But we knew that. I still have misgivings about you and those voices in your head.


@Wilson: Proud of my you, young padawan. Thine glory shall soon out-pass mine if Though continuest as such!

I would never have become half the List-Maker I am without your stern direction, so even if I do surpass you, I will always remember my humble beginnings. (Also, I'm a padawan! Yes! All my dreams have come true!)


Wilson congratulation for making Eddy´s drunkeness funny even in a recap and the lists awsomeness as a whole.

You're very welcome. It was kind of a must though. It's so intrinsic to your character that you can't even have a recap without mentioning it. :)



prior to this post sanderson elimination accounts for 40% (71/177) of my overall posts, 41% (42/102) of my overall rep, 84%(42/50) of my personal conversations, and 92% (322/349) of my personal messages.

I don't even want to count mine. I'm fairly certain that all my categories are over 70% Sanderson Elimination.... Particularly my rep. I think that's closer to 85-90%. I mean, that last list alone is over 10% of my rep. And that's just one post.

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I just let you think that you started it. ;)


In all ernestness though, I concur in that it has been far too long since someone has died. Let the blood flow, baby! Err... Inquistorial blood, I mean. It's probably all orange from rust. Ooh, that would be cool.

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There were occasions in which Shiv liked to think of himself as a surgeon, of sorts. The jobs were quite similar, if you really thought about it and were willing to be a little creative. Analyze the patient for irregularities, keep them unaware and unfeeling of the process, take a sharp knife, cut in, and remove what needs removing.


It just so happened that instead of organs, Shiv was removing purses.


Slipping the blade through the strings, he caught it deftly as it fell, slipping away without a sound. The entire process had taken a handful of seconds - lets see a surgeon top that, ha! His crooked grin stretched across his face for a brief moment, the coin purse slipping into one of the hidden pockets within his new shirt. He always felt a bit better after a good run; it organized his thoughts, helped him see the bigger picture.


Whatever that picture was. Shiv still wasn't sure what was going on.


They'd been poisoned. There was something they needed to do in order to not be poisoned anymore. There was apparently a nasty hidden in their ranks, and they had to find out who it was before the bad got worse. This involved, apparently, deciding who among them was most suspicious, and thus, should die. 


No doubt about it, Urteau was weird.


Returning to the bar, he stepped up and tossed one of the purses to the bartender. "Having was to the was darking of the 'fore," he said, taking a seat. "Having the sadding for the riot right."


"This is for the night before, sorry things got so crazy."


Shiv smirked, running a finger along the edge of his eyepatch. He'd had experience with nasty before. "Wasing to needing as the fix, on the giving and grateful." He grinned, then frowned slightly. "Notting to not knowing the nasty?"


"Could probably use it to fix up the place."


"So do we know anything new on the bad guy?"

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Day 4 (Of Mists and Ash)


Lucy waited in the shadows until almost everyone else had left the inn. Dyring was trying to keep awake at the bar, intent on catching the culprit who kept vandalizing the place, but his head kept sinking lower and lower with each passing hour.


Quietly, she made her way to the door. She was just starting to feel some hope again. Sure, they had killed the doctor, but no one had died during the night. That could mean that the Inquisitor was sucumbing to the poison Modeft has infected them with. She didn’t let herself dwell on any other possibilities. It had been too long since she’d felt accepted and even now, with an Inquisitor amongst them, she held onto hope.


But with an Inquisitor among them, she still needed to figure out who she could trust. She felt a kinship to Peng. He had grown up abandoned, as she had. It was a fairly common story for the Skaa, but it took someone of strong mind and body to survive and if anyone could do it, it would be a Mistborn.


She barely made it out of the bar before her instincts kicked in. Something was wrong. She quickly ducked to the side, finding solace in the shadows and watched the night. The mists swirled around her, but after a ten count, she still didn’t see anything.


She still didn’t move. There were few ways that a young girl could survive the underground and none of them involved being bold. She trusted her instincts. They’d been honed to a razor’s edge throughout her life. But after waiting them better part of an hour, even she had to start to doubt.


Hesitantly, she stepped away from the wall and slowly, cautiously made her way to a small hideout that she had found. It was close enough to the inn that she could see anyone and everyone as they left or entered, but secluded enough to provide protection from the night.


She barely made it three feet.


Off to her left, the shadows and mist melted away, revealing a figure rushing her with a spike. She yelped in surprise and tried to run, but it was too late. The figure was on her in seconds, stabbing down with the spike.


The first one hit her in the chest and within the pain, she saw a vision of her past. It was of her mother and father being slaughtered by Inquisitors above them. She was only 4 years old and barely understood what was happening as her sister rocked her back and forth. They were hidden in a secret basement within their skaa hovel.


The spike came down again, this time drawing her back to a scene just a year ago. This time, she arrived too late. The Inquisitors had already finished their gruesome slaughter. It was the crew she and her sister had joined after the death of her parents. Shera, the Crew Leader, only accepted female members; as to provide them a measure of protection within the underground. She was strung up the same way Modeft had been. At Shera’s feet, Lucy’s sister’s body was impaled on a spear. She seemed to be reaching out for something….


Only the final drive of the spike mattered. Thus, the figure took careful aim as its victim seemed to reach out towards something unseen. With one final blow, the deed was done. The figure moved away, only to return seconds later… with a hook and a rope.




Dyring awoke from where he fell asleep on the bar. Sunlight was just streaming in through the windows. With a smile, he noted that his shield was still in place.


He went to wipe at the drool on his chin, which caused him to look down.


Written on the bar, barely inches from where he had slept was a message:


“Behind you,” it said.


Dyring feared turning around and yet he couldn’t stop himself. Eventually, his eyes finally caught sight of the wall behind him. Above his stash of liquor, a new message had been written.


25 Crew Members jumping on the bed

2 are traitors with spikes in the head

8 votes for the Doctor now the Doctor's dead

23 Crew Members with hands blood red



Dyring’s screams of rage brought everyone running, but no one made it inside. Hanging just outside of the entrance was Lucy’s body; strung up just as Modeft was….




Day 4 Begins! It will end 36 hours from now. I wish you all the best of luck!


Lucy was a SEEKER!


Updated Player List


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Maybe it was the alcohol dulling his sense of schock but Eddy was the first to start acting. He hefted her body from the hook and laid her body down. Then he faced the rest of the group.

"Zo, I´m avare zath I´m not the one with the bezt imabe but bebing up guys like spikeeye iz kinda ma job and thatz why I wanna know if any of ya know if not lucky Lucy here told anyone bezides Pengpeng what she can do to figure out that motive thingsy. Also Lord Boze, I want a drink!"

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Gamon stumbled through the door way, he had heard the screams and come running. He hadn't slept much, he tossed and turned in a fitful sleep, nightmares of being chased by spike wielding shadows. The dreams hit a little too close to home. And then he was awoken by the screams, and he knew already what had happened.

We lost another one.

He pushed his way through the gathering crowd in time to see Eddy, still slightly drunk and slurring from the night before, gently lowering down Lucy's body. She had been strung up in the same fashion as Modeft. All too gruesome and ominous.

We've been had, he thought. Losing two important Mistings two nights in a row? too much of a coincidence for me....

He excused himself and quickly ran outside to empty his stomach. It was going to be a horrible day.

The red sun blazed in the sky like a bloody eye, and ash began to fall.

Edit: Fixed to two*

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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"bloody tineye. How are we to find out who he is?"


Dyring was walking back and fourth at the bar.


"Who could the vandal be? It seems likely its him. But can´t be sure."


"Oh, and that inquisitor needs to be found too! Can´t be forgotten just cause its less important!"


"now. Lurcher, then seeker? Thats to much luck. I think its time to consider that either the inquisitor, or possibly the first convert was someone who have been given the information.


Or, that Peng should not be trusted after all. Now, it seems like noone was converted tonight(so the damnation tineye was wrong in addition to being a lowly vandal)


That means, yes. the second seeker."


Dyring climbs up on his bar, and yells


"Hey. listen up. the second seeker. We know your there. No, dont say anything, just listen among the rest.


Whoever you seeked tonight, if they turned out to be non smoked and neither convert nor Inquisitor. They can be trusted during the day.


So you, imidiately, tell them if you got a clear reading on peng. And have that person, being less of a target then you, Speak up! We need to get rid of the lastsuspicions there.


Then, Peng, get your sorry behind in here. It is just to much luck. either the inquisitor or the convert must be someone who knew of Lucy being a seeker. How many knew?


Someone is trusting the wrong person"

Edited by dyring
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bad news: dead seeker. this is very bad news.

Good news: the inquisitors offensive output is still limited to one death per night

bad news: this means that could have stopped this by lurching lucy instead of myself. GAH! STUPID SELFISH PENG!

In answer to the question everybody is asking, I don't think i told anybody about lucy. i'm gonna double check my PM's though to make sure i didn't let something slip


EDIT: after double checking, i never said anything about Lucy to anybody. 

Edited by jasonpenguin
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Herwynbe saw the bloody hook hanging in front of the bar, and the growing crowd, and his heart dropped. By the forgotten gods! not again... He approached with trepidation.


(A short time later)


Herwynbe sat alone, his drink barely touched. He had tried to console Dyring about the messages scrawled on the bar and the wall, but at Dyring's angry glare Herwynbe quickly retreated to the end of the bar, where he sat now.


"First a Lurcher, then a Seeker" He muttered for anyone who cared to listen, "It is all too possibly, even likely, I fear, that the Inquisitor gave up his Uber-Bronze power because it no longer has need of it. If it already knows who among us has been gifted with the power of Allomancy..." He trailed off, leaving his last words hanging in the air. Noticing his drink, he picks it up and takes a long draw from it.

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