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How to Access the Bands of Mourning - Connector Ferrings


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Note: Not sure if this should be posted in Mistborn or Cosmere Theories. Should I re-post to Cosmere Theories?


Early on in The Final Empire, Sazed establishes that no Feruchemist can access someone else's charges; many have theorized this to be because said charges are linked by spiritual connection to the Feruchemist. From the Bands of Mourning synopsis reveal, it can be assumed that the Lord Ruler's metalminds will play a prominent role in the upcoming book.


It has been confirmed that duralumin stores 'spiritual connection' and that it was a possible way to world-hop. If we assume duralumin storage could work to alter your Spiritual Connection to correspond with that of someone else, then a Connector Ferring could access the Lord Ruler's metalminds.


Speculation alert. Bear in mind that everything past the Speculation Alert is pure speculation, with no concrete evidence.


To figure out exactly how this could work, we need to know exactly how duralumin storage works. Is it like iron, where the moment you stop filling you return to your normal weight? Or is it like gold, wherein it takes your immune system time to recover even after you stop filling your metalminds?


First, the Connector would have to completely empty him/herself of spiritual connection. If this were like iron, then there would need to be far more duralumin to fill than if it were like gold, in the interests of keeping one's self completely empty. Then, something from the Feruchemist who filled the metalmind would have to be accessed - for example, blood, a bone, a hemalurgic spike created with the Feruchemist, perhaps the Feruchemist him/herself. As the Lord Ruler's metalminds were also Hemalurgic spikes, that portion can be skipped. With a hole inside the Connector where his spiritual connection was, spiritual connection from the object related to the Feruchemist would start dripping in, in the same way that a gap in a pond would quickly be filled by more water. After this, the Connector could access the metalmind.


If this were to happen, it would raise more questions - would said Ferring become Mistborn or a full Feruchemist? If not, would he be able to access the non-Duralumin metalminds, despite only being a Duralumin Ferring? If you filled a metalmind, then were sacrificed for a Hemalurgic spike, would the spiked be able to access that metalmind?


On another note, if anyone can find WoB to support this theory, that would be appreciated.


WoB Section




Did the Lord Ruler have any Hemalurgic spikes in him? It would seem he'd need to for Ruin to influence him, but it wasn't mentioned. Or did his bracers work as spikes?


His arm bracers, which pierced his skin, were his spikes.
Edited by TenzinKendrick
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What's really weird is that

the Lord Ruler's bracers were not just feruchemical in nature, but also hemalurgical spikes.  So, I don't know that you need any spiritual connection to use them--they already have a bit of the Lord Ruler's (or someone else's!) soul attached to them.

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What's really weird is that

the Lord Ruler's bracers were not just feruchemical in nature, but also hemalurgical spikes.  So, I don't know that you need any spiritual connection to use them--they already have a bit of the Lord Ruler's (or someone else's!) soul attached to them.



Thanks, I had no idea about the spikes. I'll add it to the theory

Edited by TenzinKendrick
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That is a nice theory, but do metalminds realy work based on some kind of constant connection? Since the only interaction between them and the feruchemist is when storing or tapping I always thought that there wasn't a connection, but that the feruchemical charge "remembers" its owner, wich is more related to the concept of identity

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That is a nice theory, but do metalminds realy work based on some kind of constant connection? Since the only interaction between them and the feruchemist is when storing or tapping I always thought that there wasn't a connection, but that the feruchemical charge "remembers" its owner, wich is more related to the concept of identity


You are correct that it is, at least indirectly, related to identity:

Kurkistan: Could an Augor Compound Health out of a goldmind if its proper owner messed with Identity in the right way?
Brandon: This is possible.
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What's really weird is that

the Lord Ruler's bracers were not just feruchemical in nature, but also hemalurgical spikes. So, I don't know that you need any spiritual connection to use them--they already have a bit of the Lord Ruler's (or someone else's!) soul attached to them.

I've seen this said a few times in forums, but can't find any evidence of this in the books. What's the source for it?

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I've seen this said a few times in forums, but can't find any evidence of this in the books. What's the source for it?


It's from an interview



Did the Lord Ruler have any Hemalurgic spikes in him? It would seem he'd need to for Ruin to influence him, but it wasn't mentioned. Or did his bracers work as spikes?
His arm bracers, which pierced his skin, were his spikes.



Edit:  Apparently this quote was already added to the OP but oh well here it is anyways.

Edited by Master_Moridin
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It's from an interview



Edit:  Apparently this quote was already added to the OP but oh well here it is anyways.

Thanks anyway; I had only added in the quote yesterday, even though the post itself has been up for a few days now. Upvote for your troubles

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