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Heir of the Void

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Everything posted by Heir of the Void

  1. Thanks. I'm really flattered. Like, seriously. I'm glad you like the stuff I came up with rather than recognizing it for a blatant attempt to cramp Cosmre principles into generic Sci-Fi tropes disliking them. As for the Cuirasseir and its relation to the Titanfall titans... I'm not going to say its a blanant rip-off, but its pretty much a rip off. Basiclly, they look like a combination of an Ogre from Titanfall and a KG-6 Slepneir from Aldnoah.Zero. The story behind this particular story goes something like this. I was playing Titanfall, disarming people in my Ogre, and generally being frustrated at my lack of Titan-mobility. Then I thought: You know, Heir, if your Titan was a Mistborn, the amount badass it would be would increase by at least a factor of sixteen. Then, I was browsing the internet, and remembered that Brandon planed a future Mistborn trilogy, with allomantic FTL. And If you can make a Allomantic FTL drive, you can build an Allomantic Robot. Then I decided to ruin Mistborn by turning it into a mecha anime or something. I really am sorry. Also, Chull is the fourm's replacement for a particular word that means donkey. The Mistborn people haven't discovered Roshar (yet)
  2. It either stands for United Scadrial Ship or Union Star Ship. I haven't decided which sounds better. What do you think? And what did you think of the story so far?
  3. So, I got tired of waiting for the Future Mistborn Trilogy, so I decided to write it on my own. Also, Robots. Have fun! Mechborn: The Final Frontier Kelwin Atheme felt the shift as the USS Weathering dropped out of FTL. The scientist swore that there was nothing to feel, but all Allomancers swore they could sense something. The Allomancy Drive that propelled the heavy cruiser was a miracle of modern science, and one that Kelwin had absolutely no understanding of. He knew that it worked by allowing a ship to move along lines traced between stars, like the canals between cities in the Age of ash. However, the lines between stars were a natural phenomena, and impossible to reshape. They were certainly convenient, though. “Attention all crew.” Captain Erikeller said, his voice echoing from the ship’s PA system. “We have arrived in the Survivor’s Hope system. ETA three days to arrival at Kelsierport. All crew, be on your guard. Captain out.” Kelwin sighed, then turned back to his Cuirassier. There were a dozen ‘ports’ named after the Lord of the Mists throughout the Frontier, none of them much more than small towns. Few of them even boasted space stations, let alone enough traffic to be consider ports. The major population center on this planet was large than most, a few million people, but still small by core world standards. As Kelwin looked up at his Cuirassier, it took his breath away, as always. Six yards tall, the humanoid war machine was painted in an white-and-silver color scheme. It was impossible to hide something the size of Cuirassier from the Mk. 1 eyeball under most circumstances, so the Scadrial Republic Special Forces didn’t even try. Instead, they colored their machines so that squad members could easily identify one another. Several panels on Kelwin’s Cuirassier, a Mk. 7 Ascendant Warrior were open, exposing the inner workings of the machine. Wires, bundles of synthetic muscle, servomotors, I-field generators, Allomantic amplifiers, and all the other components needed to operate the mighty engine of war were exposed to plain sight. Kelwin knelt down next to a leg panel and held up a OmniTesTer. A member of Special Forces, particularly MistOpps, would have mechanics for this, but it was a poor warrior who left the care of his gear to another man. There was too much Cuirassier for him to check it all, but he could spot check, and make small mods. “Hey, that are you doing, Kelwin?” Kelvin turned. It was Rayid, another member of his MistOpps squad. While Kelwin was tall and lithe, Rayid was short and compact. Rayid’s hair was brown to Kelwin’s black, and the jovial expression and laugh lines on his face were almost exactly opposite the serious cast of Kelwin’s features. “Just doing some last minute tune-ups.” Kelwin said. “I figured I could get some more yield out of the legs if I improved the synchronization between the servos and the muscles.” “Whatever works for you.” Rayid said. “Me? I’d spend the time in the simulators.” “Fair enough.” Kelwin said. “I can’t believe they deployed us for this, though. I mean, aren’t Cults generally something that local governments can put down?” “Not when they infiltrate the local government and subvert a large portion of the PDF.” Kelwin said. “That’s when you send in MistOpps.” Rayid shook his head. “But how did that happen at all? I mean, it just seems so...” “We aren’t the Final Empire.” Kelwin said, not looking up from his work. “Outside the Core Worlds, we leave the colonies well enough alone. Otherwise, the sort of people who sign up to from colonies would rebel. This is the drawback, but I think its the only way the system holds together without stagnating.” “Seems kinda stupid if you ask me.” Rayid said. Kelwin put down his tool turned to face Rayid, giving him a blank state. “Seriously, how are you still part of MistOpps? I thought you had to be at least somewhat smart to be in here.” “They just want me for my allomancy.” Rayid said. “As long as you know that.” “Anyway, the briefing is in like five minutes. The Major told me to come get you.” Rayid said. The Major, Athren Marell, was the commander of the MistOpps squad. His rank was really only Captain, but he received a temporary promotion to Major while shipboard. He was a hard man, but a good commander for the six-man MistOpps squad. Kelwin put dropped his tool and closed the hatch on his Cuirassier. “Let’s go.” [x] The four men and one woman of the MistOpps squad sat at a long table, facing ‘Major’ Athren, who stood in front of a holoboard, which displayed the layout of the major city of Kelsierport. “Alright, men, I won’t lie. We’ve got a tough mission ahead of us. A large portion of the Planetary Defense Force has defected to this cult. They’ve got at least a hundred tanks, and at least as many Cuirassiers. The legislature doesn’t want the collateral damage that the regular army tends to cause, so they sent us in.” “What’s our objective?” Theria asked. The sole woman in the MistOpps squad, she was exactly as lethal as she looked. She was short, but the legends said the ascendant warrior was also vertically challenged. She had brown hair, dark eyes, and high cheekbones, but her features came together to give her a predatory beauty. Kelwin was terrified of her. “We need to move in an eliminate the upper leadership of the cult, and destroy as much of there military equipment and war making ability as possible. Fairly straightforward, if challenging. However, there is another item to consider.” Athren tapped the holoboard, and it shifted to show an image of a gunmetal grey briefcase. “Recovering this is our second objective. I’m told that none of the weapons we’ve been issued can scratch the thing, so destroying it apparently isn’t a concern. However, we are to secure it at all reasonable costs if we have the opportunity, even if it means letting some of the cult leaders get away. Am I understood?” “Yes sir!” The MistOpps squad coursed. “Now, I assume you’ve all heard this, but since some of you have no brains to listen, I’ll go over it one more time. We will be approaching via orbital insertion, and landing just outside the city. From there, we will make our way in while the ship supplies us with air cover. Fourtanly, loyalist maintenance personable sabotaged upwards of ninety percent of the enemy air assets, so there is no real concern that they’ll be able to deny us air superiority. From there, we proceed to this compound in a park in the center of the city, where we eliminate the enemy leadership. After the cult refuses to surrender, the regular army comes in and mops them up. Are there any questions?” No one said anything. “Good. Now get to the simulators. There’s nothing like last minute preparation to get you ready for a combat drop. [x] Kelwin looked up at his Cuirassier. He was already wearing his pilot suit, complete with neural interface needles and Allomantic amplifiers, not to mention other... sundry... systems. Putting it on was an interesting experience, but one that all MistOpps soldiers learned to tolerate early in their training. By the time he turned twelve, Kelwin wore it like a second skin. He had swallowed metals until a lesser man would have felt sick, enough for hours of combat. “Looks like its you and me, girl.” He said, laying a hand on the machine’s lower leg armor. “Let’s go kick some chull.” He began to climb up into to the entry point on the Cuirassier. It was mounted behind the cockpit, with a single plate which swung upwards, allowing the control chair to slide out. The cockpit was already open, with the chair out. As Kelwin sat down, he tried really hard not to think about how crazy the action he was about to take was. He was going to drop several hundred miles from a warship, into the teeth of enemy anti-air defenses, with his only real defense against attacks being the hundreds of decoys and thousands of ECM ghosts dropped with the six man squad. Kelwin settled into his seat, and as his suit began to interface with the systems of the machine, the seat slid into the cockpit of the Cuirassier, the hatch closing behind him. He was plunged into darkness for a moment, which was quickly dispelled as the controls and panoramic monitors lit up, showing a dull grey. He took a deep breath as he tapped into the squad communication network. No one said anything for a few minutes. Kelwin took a brief moment to mutter a short prayer to the Survivor. I'm asking You Survivor, Kelwin began, to give me what You have left. Give me those things which others never ask of You. I don't ask You for rest, or tranquility. Not that of the spirit, the body, or the mind. I don't ask You for wealth, or success, or even health. All those things are asked of You so much, Lord of the Mists, that you can't have any left to give. Kelwin smiled. Give me instead Lord what You have left. Give me what others don't want. I want uncertainty and doubt. I want torment and battle. And I ask that You give them to me now and forever Lord, so I can be sure to always have them, because I won't always have the strength to ask again. Kelwin took a deep breath. But give me also the courage, the energy, and the spirit to face them. I ask You these things Lord, because I can't ask them of myself. Just as Kelwin finished, Athren began to speak over the intercom. “We’re coming up on the drop point in thirty seconds. I won’t count down, because none of you are newbies, but its almost time. Remember the plan, stick together, and watch your backs. Sliver be with you.” The Captain of the squad was a Sliverist. It was a bit odd, but worshipers of the Sliver of Infinity made up a sizeable portion of the population, though not nearly as large a percentage as Survivorists, and also made up a disproportionate portion of the military. Kelwin had no problem with them, despite the long history of rivalry between Survivorists and Sliverists. As Kelwin’s mental countdown reached five, the ship began to shudder. It was deploying decoys. This continued for endless seconds, then the Captain's voice came over the intercom. “Centerline tube, automatic fire!” Kelwin felt himself slide downward, then he was slammed against his restraints as his tube shot out of the belly of the USS Weathering and into space. He struck atmosphere almost immediately, his pod rocking as it peeled apart in the air, slowing him down as it slough off burning-hot strips of thermal cermaic. One of the things that helps a drop pilot to live long enough to draw a pension is that the skins peeling off his capsule not only slow him down, they also fill the sky over the target area with so much junk that radar picks up reflections from dozens of targets from each man in the drop, any one of which could be a man, or a bomb, or anything. It's enough to give a ballistic computer a nervous breakdown - and does. To add to the fun your ship lays a series of dummy eggs in the seconds immediately before and after your drop, not to mention a few in the middle, some of which will fall faster because they don't slough. The get under you, explode, throw out chaff, even operate as transponders, rocket sideways, and do other things to add to the confusion of your reception committee on the ground. As Kelwin shot downward, he resisted the urge to burn copper. It would cause him to disappear from enemy radar detectors, but would no nothing to hide his thermal signature. If the enemy had Infrared systems looking upwards as well as radar, it would be as good as giving them a neon sign saying ‘SMOKER INCOMING’. That, in turn, would make him a primary target, and get him shot out of the sky. Kelwin watched his display as, one by one, decoys dropped off his screen. You could tell the difference between a hit on a decoy egg and an ECM ghost by looking at what happened next. A hit on a decoy would throw off a cloud of chaff; when ghosts were hit, they simply vanished. The shaking intensified as Kelwin hit the lower atmosphere. Some of the bombs dropped with the MistOpps squad were hitting the ground, destroying enemy anti-air guns with lethal accuracy. Missiles rocketed down from the Weathering, smashing into major enemy radar installations and blowing back to the World of Ash. As Kelwin reached the troposphere, his pod opened, releasing his Cuirassier into the atmosphere. He squinted for a moment as his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness on his panoramic displays, which showed the battle raging in the surrounding skies in brilliant augmented HD. His Cuirassier dropped, the path of his squadmates traced on his monitor. The mission called for them to be scattered over a one-hundred-square-mile area on the edge of the city, meaning that the MistOpps squad would be scattered over at least four hundred square miles, ranging from the city center to the suburbs. This was Kelwin’s third mission, and that was how the first two hand gone. If one listened to the veterans in the squad, that was how every mission went. Kelwin had no reason to disbelieve them. As Kelwin reached a mile above the surface, he burned copper and opened his parachute. Immediately, he blinked off of enemy radar. He fired his thrusters, pushing himself to the sided, just in case some sharp-eyed enemy radar operator noticed one of the thousands of radar contacts falling to their planet disappear, and decided to throw a missile at where it had been. Anti-grav would have been better than a parachute, but would have given off emanations that the enemy could have detected. Therefore, MistOpps went old-fashioned. At a hundred feet up, Kelwin detached from his parachute and burned steel. Immediately, the location and rough size of sources of metal on the ground appeared his mind. He pushed on one of the sources of metal, slowing the fall of his massive Cuirassier. Gently, Kelwin touched down. He looked around, the cranial sensor cluster that made up the ‘head’ of his Cuirassier swiveling in accordance with his wishes. That was the power of the Neural Interface Control. Kelwin had landed on a suburban street on the edge of the city. One of the nearby buildings was partially crushed from being used as an anchor for his Allomancy, and several plumes of smoke rose in the distance from bombs dropped by the Weathering. After a brief pause, Kelwin drew his weapon from his back-lock. It was a 1.75 inch autocannon, firing mass-reactive explosive slugs at a high velocity and rate of fire. The autocannon was a powerful weapon, made even more devastating when enhanced with Allomancy. Once it became clear that there were no enemies presently in the area, Kelwin pushed against a large source of metal in the ground, probably a water main or power line, and sent his Cuirassier surging into the sky. He used his Allomancy and thrusters to maneuver in midair, intentional setting a course that would be difficult to manually target. His thrusters fired metallic plasma, like some energy weapons, allowing him to use steel to enhance their thrust. Kelwin covered several hundred feet on his first jump. As he lept through the neighborhood, he searched for transistor beacons that would give him the location of his squadmates. Radio communications were no good in the area of a coppercloud, so Cuirassier squads communicated with each other via ultrasound pulses and laser comms. Of course, ultrasound had a short range, and you needed to see someone to use laser comms, so coded beacons were left by MistOpps soldiers to allow their squadmates to find each other. Kelwin had just spotted a beacon broadcasting Rayid’s code when the fist tank shell split the air next to him. Immediately, Kelwin burned Iron and Pulled himself toward the ground, avoiding the next shell. His Cuirassier landed in a crouch, autocannon ready. Kelwin burned tin, and the clattering of the treads of the enemy tank became clearly audible to him. There were two of them, a few hundred feet to the west. Taking off at a run, Kelwin moved in the direction of the enemy tanks. He was outwitted at least ten to one, but two last-gen tanks were no match for an Ascendant Warrior piloted by a Mistborn. Instead of rounding the corner to meet the tanks, he launched himself into the air, flying over the two houses separating him from the enemy tanks. He leveled his autocannon as he fell, and fired a burst at the first tank, burning steel and Pushing on the rounds as they left his weapon. The shells sparked off the top of the tank, tearing gouges in its armor. It didn’t have an external I-field; meaning that the shells were able to impact it directly. Kelwin landed on the top of the tank, his Cuirassier mourning the turret like a surfboard, and burned Bendalloy. As the world around the eighteen yard diameter bubble slowed to a crawl, Kelwin emptied his magazine into the barrel of the tank’s cannon, then stowed his autocannon and drew his blade, three yards of ultradense, superhard, invested metal. He activated the power field surrounding the blade, a mechanical Automatic device that disrupted material around the balade. He stabbed downward into the turret, sparks flying as his blade ground into the armor of the tank. A tank shell struck the edge of the time bubble and exploded. It had too much mass-energy to pass through without triggering its detonation mechanism. Solid slugs were better for penetrating time bubbles. Smoke rose from the breach in the tank’s armor as Kelwin withdrew his sword, then jumped off the tank and fired a projectile from his right-shoulder Pile Driver into the side of the tank. The Pile Driver was an Allomaticlly enhanced hypervelocity short-range slug thrower mounted on the shoulder of MistOpps Cuirassiers. It fired a spike a high velocities, capable of penetrating take armor with a direct hit. However, given its bizarre ballistics, it was effective at about the same range as Kelwin’s sword. Dropping his time bubble, Kelwin sprinted away from from the stricken tank. Secondary weapons fire from the second tank sparked against his I-field, and he retaliated with a missile from his left-shoulder ordnance pod. As the warhead blasted into the armor of the tank, silencing the machine gun, Kelwin sprang into the air and swung his sword, slicing through the barrel of the main cannon of the tank. He Pushed the severed barrel to the side and jumped, thrusters flaring, clearing the main turret the tank. Kelwin landed on the rear side of the vehicle, sword out, and was cutting at its weak rear armor before the vehicle could even begin to turn around. He cut several gashes in the armor, then fired his Pile Driver into one of them. Jumping away as the tank exploded, Kelwin resumed his search for beacons. The enemy would register the loss of their tanks soon, and send reinforcements. He needed to get clear before that happened. CODEX: Cuirassier: A humanoid war machine, it can be linked into the spinal cord of an Allomancer to benefit from their Allomancy as if it were there own body. It was first developed and deployed in the late stages of the Succession Wars, as the numerically inferior but Allomanctically superior Republican forces desperately sought an advantage over their Collectivist opponents. The Cuirassier gave the Allomancer Special Forces a decisive advantage, leading to a series of decisive victories, contributing to the survival of the Union. Given the nature of the I-Field offsetting its disadvantage in armor, it became popular among both the regular army and Special Forces. Allomancy Drive: A system using both mechanical Allomancy and feruchemy to allow faster-than-light travel. Details are classified. I-field: Investiture Field: This system exists in two flavors, fitting giving its mechanical Allomantic origins. External fields function like the ‘Force Fields’ of science fiction, deflecting projectiles and energy blasts away from the protected object. However, high mass and low velocity objects are unaffected. Internal fields increase the structural integrity of a material, causing it to survive attacks it otherwise couldn’t. Internal Fields are generally stronger than external fields, and protect from all attacks, but lack the regenerative properties of external fields, given that some damage is usually sustained by the protected material. I-fields are easier to generate with an Allomancer connected to the generating system, but the details of this are classified.
  4. If you anticapte that being a problem, you can have them for free. You cannot start a community; this is suposed to be an experiment in isolation last ditch attempt to preserve human life without the budget for more than two person bunkers. Why else would you need to chose bettwen having an M16 or Netflix?
  5. Keep in mind that your probably safer in the bunker than you are outside, so giving it some time to cool off might not be a bad idea. Buying rooms takes up existing space, or at least that was how I was envisioning this. Youth and immune system only have to be bought once to affect your companion as well. Let's say the bunker comes with a straigh razor for free and whatever your least favorite feminine product is. Buying the bathroom provides you with things like electiric razors, shaving cream, and better feminine hygine items. And... um... no one gets pregnant in the bunker, I guess. Yeah. Lets go with that. Adding realism is OK, in fact, that's sort of the point. It adds new stuff to consider. To quote: "Gotta turn a liability in an asset whenever you can. That's the only way to survive.
  6. The rules for extra points are simple: 1 year = 10 points or 1 month = 1 point on easy mode. Keep in mind that while your husband might have a easy time of it now, you're probably taking a more realistic look at the situituion. It's easy to say you don't want netflix now, but after five years, you probably will... In other news, Gundum has moblie suits, Metal Gear has Gears, and Pacific Rim had Jeagers. I need to think of a cool name for a class of Giant Robots. Mistborn References allowed.
  7. This is whatever you want it to be. If anyone wants to start a RP based off of this, I could run one, but it was initally intended as a though experement.
  8. Not a bad list at all. A bit shot on space, but you could make it work. 10 years is a long time to store stuff, so feruchemist might work, but I might have to jack up the cost, given that you could spend the 10 years storing abribues and watching Netflix or whatever. Iike I've said before, this is suposed to be a difficult series of decisions. I wouldn't ditch the comapnion, as once you get out of the bunker, you might want someone to watch your back. Being a coinshot is debatably better than a weapon, as it provides both defense and doesn't run out of ammo, assuming you can find allomancer's steel, which is probably eaiser to make than modern-quality ammo. I'm going to say 25 points, given the behivor limitations needed to mantain the bond (with the possible sitpulation that you can't lash people into space). The you'd have to pay much more to get the Shardblade, though. I may need to raise the price on Feruchemist. 10 years is a lot of attibutes. Not a bad list. I'll coun't Omnibusses as one book, but you might want something else to do in the bunker. The Feruchemist thing comes with the basic combat metalminds, but not any made of precious metals. You're welcome, I think... Hey, if you think you can make it work, all the more power to you. Just keep in mind that going outside is not an option until its the only option, then it sucks. Have fun!
  9. I hope you like re-reading. You have just under 1 book a month. That might be less than fun. Your companion can be whoever you want them to be. I would use the D&D character generation rules to blance them in terms of skills, but really, they can be whatever you want in terms of personality, gender, looks, and so forth. I think that the only short point of your list is bunker space; 400 square feet is a bit small for 2 people for 10 years, though you have enough points left over to buy extra space once or twice. Even 900 square feet is a lot more breathing room, and I think an entire pound of pure gold could hold a considerable feruchemical charge.
  10. Well, the point is that there are supposed to be trade-offs. The time in the bunker is also kinda supposed to suck, to encourage you to leave. What have you already bought? I'll say that you can have a food network etc. archive for 2 points. That being said, I added an option where you can spend additional time in the bunker and gain 10 additional points per year, so there's that. You don't have to arm your companion, but I’d buy them either a weapon or combat allomancy. Then again, when I did this, I bought like 3 guns, so that wasn't a problem. I'd go without the bedroom and crash on the couch; ten years without a shower is a long time in a confined space. If you'd like to try easy mode, that's 12.5 points per year in the bunker. HARD MODE is 8 points per year. This is my list. I chose to spend 12.5 years in the bunker, for 125 total points. I figured that was enough time to give civilization some time to recover, but not enough for complex nations to form. Mistborn (Extremely potent in a post-industrial world where automatic weapons are rare and the resources to make aluminum or ceramic weapons basically don't exist) - 35 Companion (10 years without human contact is likely to drive me insane, and it pays to have someone to watch your back) - 20 More space x 3 (20x20 is cramped. 60x60 is much nicer) - 9 TV and Netflix (for not being bored) - 18 Bed and bath - 15 Meat vat - 7 Furniture - 5 Baking supplies and Kitchen - 9 Washer and dryer - 3 Survival kit - 3 Sword - 1 This is my Easy Mode list. As the OP, I feel that I am entiled to use this one (158 points total) Mistborn (Extremely potent in a post-industrial world where automatic weapons are rare and the resources to make aluminum or ceramic weapons basically don't exist) - 35 Companion (10 years without human contact is likely to drive me insane, and it pays to have someone to watch your back) - 20 More space x 3 (20x20 is cramped. 60x60 is much nicer) - 9 TV and Netflix (for not being bored) - 18 Books x 2 - 4 Holographc shooting rage (to practice allomancy) - 8 Gaming console - 2 Bed and bath - 15 Meat vat - 7 Furniture - 5 Immune system - 15 Baking supplies and Kitchen - 9 Washer and dryer - 3 Gold x 2 - 4 Survival kit - 3 Sword - 1 I'd like to take the gym, but with pewter, there's no real need to get prison ripped, and I can always do iso exercises and such. Hopefully my books, games, and companion can keep me entertained. I'm relying pretty heavily on my Mistborn asset for defense once I leave the vault, which I hope isn't a point sink. I'd like to take some ammo to use as a trade good, but hopefully my gold will be worth enough to overcome that. I'm young enough that the youth would be nice, but is unnecessary, and immunity to the poor sanitary conditions of the apocalypse is probably better. I’ll miss ice cream, though.
  11. You have been selected for a government program to survive the following apocalypse. You will spend the next 10 years locked in a 20’ x 20’ concrete cell, partitioned as you please, after which you will be released into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The bunker is lit by one florescent lap every 100 square feet, and features a sink with cold running water, a toilet, a cot, a microwave and an unlimited supply of hand soap. You have canned or frozen food, in an inaccessible storage closet, which is enough to last you exactly ten years. However, you have 100 points with which to improve your situation. Note that all bunker systems will fail after the ten years are up; the atomic slug powering them will only last that long. Bunker Improvements: Companion: A loyal compatriot with whom to spend your confinement, who will brave the horrors of the burn-out world by your side (unless you manage to alienate them). Design them like you would an RPG character. – 20 points More Space: Each time this option is purchased, the dimensions of your cell increase by 10 feet on each side. It’s still bare concrete, though. – 4 points Bathroom: A well-appointed bathroom, featuring a shower and bathtub with hot running water, an unlimited supply of body wash, shampoo, and deodorant, and a nicer toilet. Occupies a 10’ x 10’ area. – 8 points TV: A 52’’ TV. Once the bombs fall, it’ll be getting nothing but static, but you have a selection of 25 DVDs. – 2 points Gaming Computer: A next-gen gaming computer of your preferred manufacturer, complete with a 32’’ monitor and 25 Games. After the plague starts, there’ll be no internet to connect to. – 3 points Netflix: The complete collection. You must have a device to view it on. Once the magic returns, there won’t be any new titles added to the collection. – 16 points Books: Learning’ you some knowledge. 100 books, on any mixture of topics. How you know how to read. Wait... – 2 points Gaming Console: A next-gen gaming console of your preferred manufacturer. 25 games, or ten multiplayer games and an AI to play them with. Meat Vat: A vat for growing on type of meat of your choice, though the texture is a bit… odd. Produces 1.5 pounds off meat a day. – 7 points Bedroom: a 10’ x 10’ or larger room, featuring a comfy memory foam bed, an alarm clock, and wardrobe featuring a selection of clothing. – 7 points Furniture: Up to ten tasteful items of your choice, not including a bed or cooking supplies. – 5 points Hydroponic Garden: Throughout most of history, fresh fruit was considered a luxury, and now you can have 2 pounds of it, in any combination you like, per day with this 20’ x 20’ space. – 6 points Baking supplies: Everything you need to make an array of basic baked goods, skills permitting. Includes grain products on tap… somehow. – 5 points Kitchen: This galley contains everything you need to prepare whatever your skills and ingredients permit. – 4 points Holographic shooting range: Allows you to practice with any weapon you purchase without using ammo. 10’ x 10’ for range shooting, 20’ x 20’ for a kill house. Use this every day and you’ll be a badass (probably). – 8 points Gym: Get Prison Ripped. Contains as much exercise equipment as is reasonable for space allocated. – 8 points Washer and dryer: Self-explanatory. Plenty of soap. – 3 points Improved decor: Whatever you like in terms of fittings, walls, ceilings, and floors within reason, as so long as it supplies no mechanical benefit. – 3 points Survival supplies: Glock: A Glock handgun of your choosing, with 250 rounds of ammunition. – 7 points/weapon Shotgun: A Mossberg pump-action combat shotgun, with 250 shells. – 12 points/weapon M16: Any version of the US combat rifle, with 500 rounds of ammunition. Comes with a cleaning kit and spare parts, but not enough to build another rifle. – 15 points /weapon Additional ammo: More ammunition for one weapon, as much as you started with – 3 points/purchace Body Armor: Level IIA protection for your torso and limbs for everyone. – 5 points Sword: One extremely durable edged weapon, and everything you need to care for it. ­– 1 point/purchace Survival Kit: Fire starters, flare, compass, thermal blankets, 7 days of MREs, a camp stove, and a radio. ­­– 3 points Medkit: Contains everything needed to heal most wounds and aliments. – 5 points Trade goods: Your choice of gold (1 pound), silver (5 pounds), or Crystal Meth (1 pound). Try not to get clubbed over the head and robbed. – 2 points MREs: 1 month worth for everyone. – 1 point/purchase. Additional Goods and services: Note that your companion(s) receive the benefit of any of these you purchase. Youth: The faster you go, the slower you grow. You’re going so fast that when you get out of the bunker, your body is in the prime of its life, in the region of 17-25. – 10 points Immune system: With basic hygiene, you’ll never get sick. – 15 points Gunslinger: Han shot first, and so can you! – 7 points Misting: Eat metal, gain powers. Details here. – 5 points Twinborn: Gain a side of Feruchemy. No compounding. Detail here, list of aviable powers here. – 3 points Mistborn: Rule the night as a Mistborn. Details here. – 35 points
  12. Right after the battle of the tower, Dalinar's entire Warcamp is transported to Westeros. All the soldiers he lost at the Battle of the Tower are mysteriously resurrected, and the Bridgemen are still present. In addition, Dalinar's Shardblade, Oathbringer, has been mysteriously returned to him. The Warcamp appears five miles outside the city of Old Oak, near the Shield Islands in the Reach. Dalinar has 20,000 veteran Alethi soldiers, mostly heavy infantry with some archers, and a few hundred heavy horse. All the camp followers normally present in his Warcamp are transported with him, including five soulcasters. Notable persons present are Kaladin Stormblessed, Navani Kholin and her artifabrians, and Adolin Kholin, with his Shards. For purposes of this fight, Navani discovers a fabrial system that converts heat into stormlight, meaning that Shardplate can be repaired normally and Fabrials can be used, and any surgebinders can use their powers. Dalinar's soulcasters can produce a cube six inches on a side of gold, then cannot be used to produce gold or silver. Valyrian Steel weapons can block a Shardblade. For purposes of response, the Warcamp may appear either (1 When Ned is appointed the King's Hand or (2 When the War of Five Kings starts. Dalinar is struck my an odd urge to take the throne, but may make any political manuvers he sees fit, including alliances, marriages, deception, and so forth. He may join another side in the War if he decides that he cannot seize the throne on his own. Who wins the inevitable fights? Who hates whom? BONUS ROUND: Jasnah, Shallan, Szeth, and Wit come too. What happens now?
  13. Posted the first chaper on this site on another thread here.
  14. The first draft of my story, which is pretty much described in the thread title. Here's the commenting link to the google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u8G0eM0yCBMyiyJvhreHHO6TNoKXZ5EBhkufZ7JuMtE/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Glad to see everyone is enjoying this. I was a little worried for a second that the sequal wouldn't be as good. As always, Mr. Ahlstrom, it is an honor.
  16. Wow, just processed the fact that you're here, Mr. Ahlstrom. I'm honored.
  17. After an extended wait, It's finally here! THE WAY OF KINGS PART 2- THE SADESHANK REDEMPTION Adolin: Well off to kill the ChasmFiend. (The DISTRACTION for the CHASMFIEND FAILS. SEVERAL HUNDRED EXTRAS die horribly.) Dalinar: We must protect the civies. Quickly, charge the monster! Sadeas: Stupid civies, can’t even dodge a ChasmClaw. Elhokar: I’ve stubbed my toe! This is an assassination attempt! (The CHASMFIEND attempts to CRUSH the KING. DALINAR CATCHES the CHASMCLAW while FORESHADOWING. The CHASMFIELD cannot TAKE THE HEAT, and DIES) Dalinar: Looks like I made... ChasmCakes. Elhokar: Did you see me stub my toe! Someone tried to kill me Dalinar:... And that’s your first concern? MEANWHILE, at the WARCAMPS Kaladin: ALL RIGHT, MAGGOTS. LISTEN UP! FROM THIS DAY ON, WE’RE GOING TO BE THE BEST BRIDGE CREW ON THESE SODDING PLAINS. FIRST, WE’LL. Teft: Nobody cares. (KALADIN picks up and carries a PLANK.) Kaladin: (Muttering) This will show them. It’ll show them all! LATER (KALADIN visits an APOTHECARY) Kaladin: I’d like to buy some antiseptic, please. Apothecary: Can’t build bridge with no spheres. Why did the parshman cross the road? Kaladin: On second thought, I’ll make my own. MEANWHILE, IN THE DESOLATION Dalinar: Where am I? Is this another of those stupid visions. Little Girl: Daddy, I’m scared of the Voidbringers. (The VOIDBRINGERS attack. DALINAR picks up LITTLE GIRL) Dalinar: I danna want no trabble. (The VOIDBRINGERS attack. DALINAR beats them up with a LADDER. While doing so, His SHIRT EXPLODES, forcing him to expose his SAFEABBS) Knights Radiant: We’ll take it from here, citizen! Dalinar: Why am I here? Why is this happening THE ALMIGHTY?: THE FORSAKEN ARE FREE. Dalinar: What you say? THE ALMIGHTY?: THE PORTAL IS OPEN. THE DRAGON IS REBORN. Dalinar: Is he trying to say something? THE ALMIGHTY: 地獄、ばか。おそらくあなたはそれが良いアイデアと思われるものを作ることができる Dalinar: Maybe this means I should trust Sadeas! LATER (KALADIN lies in bed, listening to his FABRIAL-SDAT.) Kaladin: Do I get up? I should, but if I do, I'll probably get half the bridge killed. Rock: Stupid Wetlander. Can’t even get out of bed. Kaladin: I must keep training! How are the wounded? (KALADIN puts on SURGICAL GLOVES and a MASK. He proceeds to EXAMINE the wounded BRIDGEMEN, who he is carrying on a PLANK. Kaladin: I need antiseptic, or Mummy Rot will set in. Mummy Rot is the last thing we need. AT THE FEAST Adolin: The rock the king stubbed his toe on was definitely moved. However, all the Geologists we’ve consulted say that it was probably an accident. Dalinar: Storms! If only there were someone trained both in Investigating Murders and magic. They’d probably do a better job than us warrior-nobles. Harry Dresden: Here’s my card. I take paper or plastic. Dalinar: Do you take spheres? Harry Dresden: No. Elhokar: In light of the recent attempt on my life, I’m appointing the shifty who’d probably seize the throne in the event of my death to investigate the attempt on my life. Because we all know that soldiers make great cops. AT BRIDGE FOUR Teft: Breakin’ Rocks in the Hot Sun! Syl: I fought the law and, the law won. Kaladin: Enough singing. The last thing we want is to turn this into a musical. Now let’s pick some dandelions knobweed for my genius plan! Syl: I have some knobweed. (SYL blushes.) Syl: It’s not like I picked it just for you or anything. I-I just picked too much this morning! IN A BATTLE, LATER (DALINAR beats up PARSHENDI) Dalinar: Boom! Pow! Building kick! Explosion! (The PARSHENDI die.) Dalinar: I’ve kill so many of the inhuman monstrosities that murdered my liege. Now I feel terrible! AFTER THAT Gaz: Time for Chasm Duty! (The BRIDGEMEN groan.) Kaladin: I found a spear. (KALADIN does some advanced SPEAR-FU. PARSHENDI NINJAS come out of nowhere and attack him but he BEATS THE CRAP OUT OF THEM.) Teft: ...wow. Rock: So none of you wetlanders are going to question the fact that Ninjas just appered out of nowhere, and barely even fit in this setting. Syl: Its not like I’m impressed or anything... THEN Dalinar: I think I should abdicate, bro. (NAVANI removes her SHIRT. The revelation of her HAND is SCANDALOUS.) Navani: I think that’s a terrible idea. You know what might be a good idea? Getting over [REDACTED]. Dalinar: I don’t know. But if I did, would you be my wingman? (NAVANI pouts.) So, do you want more? Do you want to see me do mistborn, or Warbreaker? Will anyone help me with my story for NaNoWriMo here? Will I stop asking questions that nobody cares about? FIND OUT NEXT TIME, in THE WAY OF KINGS PART THREE- HALF-SHARD LIFE!
  18. By popular demand, part two is underway: THE SADEASHANK REDEPTION
  19. Looks like it could risk being overpowered, but it could be intresting. Maybe for a high-power campaign?
  20. That's a good point. It would foul up mutli-shot bolt-actions, at the very least. Opening the action after each shot might be nessary, if for no other reason than to clean the firing chamber. I think a shotgun would work, though I'm trying to limit it to single-shot weapons, which I think with the compression rule (no more than one compression per 2 seconds in the vicinity of the same componets) would greatly limit the shooting speed of weapons. Do you have any idea of the fire rate of a break-action shotgun, or something like that? The point is, I'm trying to force an artifical balace bettwen melee weapons and firearms. For example, with metal magic, metal plate armor can be made an buffed strong enough to resist at least black powder weapons, at least for a few shots, depending on the skill of the magic user. Any other ideas for how this could be enacted?
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