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Heir of the Void

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Everything posted by Heir of the Void

  1. Now I just need to decided on a Mechanic for accessing Shadesmar. Should it just be an act of will?
  2. That's a novel hypothesis. How do you plan on getting your Soulcast poision into the water supply?
  3. I think I'm going to go with Vowforgers for the name. It is pretty epic. As for the Oaths, I just not sure. I mean, I'd like to follow the canon pattern, but the problem with that is that the Bondsmith oaths proably cover than. I made them vague and unfocused to prove a mesure of guided flexibility and to decrease the probability of the whole thiing being Jossed as we learn more about the Bondsmiths. My though process went something like this: 2. I shall set to right the wrongs of the world. This is an oath thew forces the Raidant to be agressive in the destrution of evil, while simultaneously allowing them to work with other orders without oath-conflict. 3. I shall not deny truth, even if it is painful to me. This one primarly refers to self-improvemnt, accepting an overcomming the flaws. An internal manifestion of the first oath, essentially 4. I shall lead others to create a better world. This is basically the Prime Directive, and prehaps should be swaped with #3, given its importance. 5. I shall stand in vigil against the darkness of man. This is the manifestation of #2 and #3 in others. An imporant aspect of leadership is the formation of those under your command to be the best they can be. So, essentially, I think the Divine Attabuites could be Command and Mastery. Command, obviously, and Mastery because its a stong catch-all for the devlopment of good traits and allows the flexibility. Or maybe Oh. Maybe the Divine Attabiutes should be Adapable and Leading? I'm starting not to be sure anymore. For the gemstone, I was thinking Spinel might work, as the color I was invisioning for this order was a silvery-gray. As for the Spren, a Sovereignspren is to a flamespren as an Honorspren is to a Windspren. Flame reacts to gravity and is the most primitvew from of acceleromiter, and flame is also a fundamentially transformative force.
  4. So, I lost a bet, and I need to create an order of Knights Radiant. From scratch. Which is FUN. The Spren of this order are the Sovereignspren, and the Theme of the order is Leadership, distinct from the Leadership of the Bondsmmiths in that the Bondsmiths are like Admirals, whereas these guy would be more like the Captains of particular ships. They also serve as liaisons to Vanilla Kings and organizations, and preform the wondrous and exciting task of herding the cats known as the Knights Radiant in the direction of the enemy. They're also handy scapegoats for the other orders when things go less than well, but that's neither here nor there. Essentially, they are Radiants who specialize in being NCOs/Junior Officers, while the Bondsmiths are General Officers or Flag Officers. They also serve as skilled advisors or whatever to vanilla armies when the situation demands it. I have no idea for the Divine Attributes. In any case, I've got the Oaths worked out, mostly and they are, in no particalar order beyond the first: 1. LBDSBWJBD 2. I shall set to right the wrongs of the world. 3. I shall not deny truth, even if it is painful to me. 4. I shall lead others to create a better world. 5. I shall stand in vigil against the darkness of man. The Oaths are intentionally broad, so as to allow them to work with the other orders. On paper. Sometimes it even worked. In any case, their Surges are Gravitation and Transformation, because they are the coolest becase they are the only ones we know anything about becaue they are thematically appropriate. What I need to figure out is the mechanics for their soulcasting (And their name). Lightweavers tell their spren a truth (forcing them to confront unpleasant aspects of themselves) and Elsecallers close their eyes (sacrificing their sight while in use) to Soulcast. Sanderson says prices for magic is always good, so I'm trying to think of a good mechanic and appropriate cost for their Soulcasting? Ideas?
  5. Your plan is... certainly not was I was expecting from the first post. I only spent about two hours or so setting it up, and I knew I was forgetting something. In any case, its certainly well thought out, and might even bet storming insane enough to work. That is, of course, exempting two minor details. 1) We have no idea how greatshell reproduction works, and from what we've seen of shellbeasts and their freaky biology, I'm not sure that their reproduction is binary sexual. In fact, I'm not ever sure... BRAIN BLEACH! 2) Greatshells require a symbiotic relationship with some type of spren to grow as large as they do without obliterating the ecosystem or crushing themselves. I don't know if they would be able to reproduce, properly develop their gemhearts, or grow to pupating size without these spren. I'll allow this, but no one else can bread greatshells. I'll say that they are... 35 points apiece, and come with enough spren for them to be functional, but not reproduce.
  6. Given how well my previous one of these went, I decide to do another. “Congratulation on your promotion, Highprince(ss)” You look around in confusion. One moment you were sitting at your computer, reading possibly the most brilliant thread you’d ever seen, and the next moment, you’re standing in an infinite plain of black under a white sky, being congratulated by an incredibly handsome young man you’ve never seen. “My condolences on the death of your father. He was a good man.” The amazing gentleman standing in front of you says. Now you’re confused. Your father was alive. Or maybe he wasn’t. I, er, you, don’t really know. Point is, this is a pretty confusing experience. At this point, pretty much anything is just throwing fuel on the fire. “You have been selected for a… social experiment.” The man said. “You will be sent to Westeros, in an attempt to head off the end of that world.” “But wait.” You say. “How am I going to save the world?” You might be wondering how I know what you’re going to say. I don’t. Cultivation is better at that than I am. Pretend you said whatever you would have said. It’s not important, unlike everything else you will say in the near future. I’ll get to that in a second. “You will be given assets.” The man says. “Given your completely justified interest in the Stormlight Archive, you’ll them from there.” “What kind of assets?” You ask. A wall of light appears in front of you, quickly resolving itself into readable text. “The assets are available on a point buy system.” I say. Er, he says. “You have 250 points to spend, and will appear on Westeros at a location of your choosing, approximately at the time of the death of Jon Arryn. Choose wisely.” POINTS REMAING: 250 YOUR PERSONAL ARMY All options include all equipment and supplies needed for chosen options to perform their trade in wartime, and 60 days’ worth of food and supplies. Everyone has also been working out, and is ready to hit 28 feet/second2 gravity running. Alethi Soldiers (Per Battalion) – 15 Points Includes 1000 assorted darkeyes infantry, equipped as you see fit. Within Reason. Includes a Battalionlord and 20 lighteyes officers. Also includes the minimum number of Camp Followers required to support the troops. Alethi Soldiers (Per Division) – 50 Points Includes 5000 assorted darkeyes infantry, equipped as you see fit. Within Reason. Includes a lighteyes commander, 5 battalionlords and 120 lighteyes officers. Also includes the minimum number of Camp Followers required to support the troops. Alethi Cavalry (Per company) – 20 points Includes 150 lighteyes horsemen, equipped as you see fit. Intentionally overpriced; horses are rare on Rosahar. Stormwardens – 10 points 50 of the best illiterate scientists in the Cosmere, who probably know a lot more than they’re letting on. Ardents – 10 points 100 extra priests of Vorinism. Covert the locals, boost morale, and be assured of the righteousness of your cause. Artifabrians and such – 15 points More literate magic-scientists that might be able to work something out, but making more fabrials will be very difficult. Extra Craftsmen and Artisans – 10 points 500 trained craftsmen, artisans, and such of all flavors above and beyond the minimum required to support your troops, each with one specialty of your choosing. Peasants – 5 points 1000 darkeyes Alethi peasants loyal to you, to the extent that they care about politics. Mysteriously skilled in Werstrosi agriculture. Surgeons – 5 points 100 Kharbranth-trained surgeons, who (somehow) know how to practice their trade with Werstrosi plants and materials. SPECIAL EQUIPEMNT All options include personnel trained in the use of relevant equipment, or in the case of Shards, you may opt to receive three years of training in their use in lieu of a trained Shardbearer. Each option also includes a supply of self-infusing gemstones to provide Stormlight Shardblade – 15 points Kills things. Shardplate – 15 points Stops people from killing you. Plate & Blade – 25 points Why not both, at a discount! Soulcaster – 15 points A full-power Soulcaster, able to turn things into most other things. Worth a Shardblade? You’d be surprised. No, you may NOT create gold or silver and crash the economy. Because Cognitive Realm. Spanreed – 2 point per pair Like a telegraph, but without those pesky wires and Morse code. So really, nothing like a telegraph. Assorted other Fabrials – 5 points 20 of the finest fabrials, other than spanreeds, that you feel you need. ASSETS Political goodwill – 25 points One house or equivalent organization starts off inexplicably friendly to you, or as friendly as they’re going to be to a weirdo like you. Warcamp – 15 points Spawn with a semi-defensible Warcamp and all relevant buildings needed for your army. If you want an asset that I haven’t listed for, ask and I’ll give you a price quote. CHALLENGES These add points to your total available, but impose some form of penalty. Ghost blood infiltration – 25 points The Ghostbloods have infiltrated your army and followers, and are up to… something, Probably no good, though. Eminity – 25 One major house or equivalent organization doesn’t like you. They won’t immediately bum rush you, but they will act against your best interests. Delay – 25 Don’t spawn until Nedd’s head is off and the War of Five Kings has begun. Honorable – 25 Follow the Alethi codes of war to the best of your ability, and generally be a decent person (yes, in Werstros). Your men may not particularly like it, though… If you want a drawback I haven’t listed, ask and I’ll give you a price quote. Tell me what you'd buy, and how you would go about accomplishing your objectives. HAVE FUN!
  7. Are self-plugs allowed? Because I write a fair bit of fanfiction (here, mostly), and I'd like to get some feedback from members of this site, partically on this story, my current project, which is for Aldnoah.Zero (a fairly new anime) if anyone has heard of that.
  8. Looks awesome. As for limiting their powers, I considered that, but given that Taticals, who are squires who have not yet chosen an order, roll on the basic tables in the BRB, I though that it would make more thematic sense for them to have the option to roll of the general tables. However, I'm trying to configure the power tables for each order such that you would want to roll on them at least once, because you're garrenteed to get a useful power; for example, Spatial Funnel is always useful to Dustbringers, as they should be trying to shoot every turn. I'm also trying to create the power charts for each order, if you missed the association thread, this is how the orders corrspond to the roles in a Space Marine force: Truthwatchers: Apothecaries Skybreakers: Bikers Lightweavers: Chaplains Elsecallers: Librarians Stonewards: Terminators Willshapers: Scout Commanders Dustbringers: Devastator Marines Windrunners: Assault Marines Edgedancers: Vehicle Commanders Pilots Bondsmiths: Techmarines If you have any ideas for powers for any orders, please post them.
  9. Windrunners (Assult Marines) - 110 Points Jump Infantry Sargent is Jump Infantry (Charater) Stats: WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 4 W:1 A: 1 Ld: 9 (10 Sergeant) Wargear: Power Armor Bolterguns Bolt Pistols Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Special Rules: Immortal Words Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1) Combat Squads Bulky Psyker: Dustbringer Squads generate their powers from the Biomancy, Telekensis, and Windrunner(Gravity/Pressure) Disciplines Options: May take up to 5 additional Windrunners................................................22 pts/model The Squad may upgrade to Mastery Level 2..........................................30 pts May upgrade the Space Marine Sergeant to a Veteran Sergeant...........10 pts Up to two Winrunners may replace their bolt pistols with one of the following: - Flamer...................................................................................................5 pts/model - Plasma pistol.........................................................................................15 pts/model The entire squad may remove their jump packs, changing their unit type to Infantry. The Space Marine Sergeant or Veteran Sergeant changes his unit type to Infantry (Character) instead. They may then take a Drop Pod or Rhino for free as a Dedicated Transport. Windrunner Powers (UNDER CONSTRUCTION): 1: Gravity Charge: Increases Charge Distance by d6 inches, and the squad gains Hammer of Wrath, +1 Attacks, and +1 initiative. 2: Full lashing: This unit gains +3 initiative and during the Fight Sub-phase (NEEDS MORE BENEFITS) 3: Reverse Lashing: All shots fired at this unit this turn are Snap Shots. A template that would cover the squad scatters an extra 2''.
  10. I'll be posting units here whenever I manage to come up with halfway decent stats. Commentary and criticism are not only welcome but requested. And probably necessary. First up are Devastator Marines Dustbringers Cost: 100 Points. Unit Composition: 4 Dustbringers, 1 Dustbringer Sergeant Stats: WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 4 W:1 A: 1 Ld: 8 (9 Sergeant) Wargear: Power Armor Bolterguns Bolt Pistols Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Signum (Sergeant) Special Rules: Immortal Words Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1) Combat Squads Psyker: Dustbringer Squads generate their powers from the Pyromancy, Telekensis, and Dustbringer (Division/Friction) Disciplines Options: May take up to 5 additional Dustbringers...............20 pts/model Up to 4 Dustbringers may take Weapons From the Heavy Weapons List For every 2 extra Dustbringers purchased, 1 additional Dustbringer may buy Heavy Weapons The Squad may upgrade to Mastery Level 2.........30 pts The Dustbringer Sergeant may take melta bombs.Free The Space Marine Sergeant or Veteran Sergeant may replace his boltgun with a chainsword ............................................................Free The Space Marine Sergeant or Veteran Sergeant may take items from the Melee Weapons and/or Ranged Weapons lists................Free The unit may select a Drop Pod, Rhino, or Razorback as a Dedicated Transport. Special Rules: Immortal Words: Not really sure what this will do yet, but it needs to replace Chapter Tactics and And they Shall Know No Fear, so it better be pretty good. Dustbringer Powers (Under Construction): 1. Spatial Funnel (Warp Charge 1): Channeling the power of Division to split space, a tunnel is created that make it easier to aim weapons at range. Increases the units Ballistic Skill by one, and increases the range of its shooting attacks by 50%. 2. Divide and Burn (Warp Charge 2): Shooting Witchfire. May use either of 2 fire modes listed below. For every 3 (or 4) models in the squad, an additional shot is fired using the same profile. • Blaze: Assault 1 S5 AP3 Large Blast 24'' Range • Lance: Assault 1 S10 AP2 36'' Range
  11. Another idea I had: the Ryshadium Pattern Jet ‘bike'. Basically a vastly oversized jetbike, the Ryshadium possess a powerful, some would say sentient, machine spirit, and will only be ridden by those it chooses. It also serves as a psychic catalyst for its rider, who must be a powerful psyker. Ryshadium Pattern Jet ‘bike’ ------------------------------------------200 points Armor: 13/13/12 HP 3 or 4 Unit Type: • Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer, Chariot) Unit Composition: • 1 Ryshadium Pattern Jet ‘bike’ Wargear: • 2 Plasma Accelerators • 2 Coaxial Assault Cannons • Flux Shielding Special Rules: • Psionic Steed • Chariot Transport Capacity: • 1 Independent Character Options: • May replace its Assault Cannons with one of the following: - 2 coaxial Psycannons------- +20 (or 40?) points Wargear: Plasma Accelerator: S 10, AP 2, Range 48’’, Heavy 1, Gets Hot! -The Plasma Accelerator is a devastating weapon from the Great Crusade Era, capabale of accelerating already dangerous plasma to extreme speeds while encasing it in a field that keeps it coherent as it bores through armor. Flux Shielding: 4+ invulnerable save on the front and side arcs Psionic Steed: This unit serves as a psionic resonator for its pilot. Anytime the pilot suffers a Perils of the Warp, you may remove 1 hull point from the Ryshadium to negate this. In addition, the pilot knows the following power, which is added after powers are generated but before the game starts: -Repair steed: Restores 1 HP to the user’s chariot for each Warp Charge harnessed for this power.
  12. I know what you mean about that making you happy, and I feel the same way . Agreed about the Tac Marines not really fitting any particular order. I've come up with what might be a workable list, but it shoehorns the Edgedancers as vehicle commanders, which I'm really not very happy about. Still, friction could world well with a vehicles, I guess. Anyway: Truthwatchers: Apothecaries Skybreakers: Bikers Lightweavers: Chaplains Elsecallers: Librarians Stonewords: Terminators Willshapers: Scout Commanders Dustbringers: Devastator Marines Windrunners: Assault Marines Edgedancers: Vehicle Commanders? Bondsmiths: Techmarines Anyway, the fluff for these guys is basically as follows. A rouge trader is investigating a Space Hulk, when he enters a derelict Strike Cruiser. He makes his way toward the center of the craft, where some power signatures are still active. He gets there, and discovers a couple hundred Thousand Sons Marines in stasis. Basically, when the rest of the Sons decided to get their Heretic on, these guys decided that the whole 'betraying mankind' thing might not be such a good idea an decided to GTFO. They raided the armory, stole a bunch of geneseed, and evacuated. Tzeentch didn't like this, and decided to use the back of his psychic hand. Every non-marine on the ship was kill in his counterattack, and without enough survivors to even begin to attempt to effect repairs, the Marines retreated to Stasis pods. Needing to get rid the 'Thousand Sons' brand immediately, the Marines adopt the Chapter name Knights of Arcana, but they need to find some way to beat their Mutagenic tendencies. I'm trying to find some way to tie the Spren in here, but so far, I'm drawing a blank.
  13. Yeah, but the Orders are all too specfic to fit Taticals very well, so making them squires would make more sense.
  14. Thanks for contributing. OK, so I like the idea of making Tatical Marines squires, whatever the Codex Astartes says, as it makes sense that the generalists who have not speclized would be the newest guys. However, I had a fairly hard time reaching 10 'orders' of Marines as is, and bumping Taticals down to squire might leave me with only 9 orders, and that's terrible. So, the ones we're all in agreement with are these: Dustbringers as Devastators: This one just makes perfect senses.The name fits to a 'T', and the powers work out nicely as well. Friction gliding could be used to 'skate' across the battlefield to quickly reposition for optimial firing, and division could be used to soften armor before shooting or to 'divide' space to create a 'tunnel' around the muzzle of their guns for more accute shooting. Locking this one in. Stonewards as Terminators: Again, the name fits very nicely, and the personality if fitting to the role they serve. Totally Confirmed. Truthwatchers as Apothecaries: Agreed, this is probably where they're going to fit best. Healing powers are obviously useful here, and I'm sure I can come up with something useful for illumination. I'm confirming this one to. OK, so that's good. I was originally thinking of Edgedancers as Scout Commanders, as Edgedancers can heal, and thus preserve wounded scouts, as they are a valuable chapter resource, but after checking my notes on Willshapers, I think that they fit here better, and I'll defer to someone who's actually served as for the personality of Scouts. I was thinking of the Bondsmiths as vehicle commanders, but on second thought, anything with 'smith' in it needs to be a techmarine, and the Power Armor a Techmarine cares for is one of the strongest unifiying factors of a Chapter. I was initally thinking Skybreakers as the Chaplins and Lightweavers as Libraians, as 40k Chaplins tend to dress all in black and be even scarier than the guys they advise, but that quote about 'providing spirtual sustinace' for the Radiants Chapter makes me question that. Still, as I had the Windrunners as Assult Marines, I'm not sure what the Skybreakers would be, if not Chaplins.
  15. Thanks for contributing. Stonewards definitely fit Terminators. "Resolve, strength, and dependability" are exactly what you want in a Terminator, and I think that psychic powers centered on Cohesion and Tension could be useful for Terminators. For example, a Cohesion power could be used to buff their armor (to protected them from AP2 attacks, perhaps) or Tension could be used to... buff the artificial muscle fibers in their TDA suits, perhaps? I was thinking of making Apothecaries Truthwatchers, given that they also have the surge of Progression, and thus (probably, Ym was able to heal someone, and he was most likley a Truthwatcher) have regrowth, and mostly that I feel like Edgedancers fit Scout Sergeants so much better. See, Edgedancers 'remember the small things' (“I will remember those who have been forgotten.”), which I think fits a Marine who chooses to stay with the scouts pretty well. They pass up on the glory of being a fully armored Battle Brother to help the Scout Marines progress. In addition, I think the Edgedancer powers of Friction and Progression would be more useful to a Scout Marine. I was thinking the Skybreakers would be the Chaplains. The Skybreakers were the lawkeepers and 'Military Police' of the Radiants, and I think they would fit the Chaplains of my chapter pretty well. I was thinking that the Windrunners would be Assault Marines, given that you are right about the Gravity control fitting Jetpacks, and that Adhesion could be useful in CQC to stick enemies, decreasing their number of attacks or initiative characteristics. Kaladin certainly used it well in CQC. As it happens, this would require a highly modded Vanilla Marines codex, given that everyone has psychic powers (this chapter is a group of Loyalist Thousand Sons). It would more likely use either an extremely modified Grey Knights codex or require one to be built from the ground up. This would be awesome (and slightly cheesy), because I could set things up that all your Stonewards roll on the 'Stonewards Powers' table to generate their psychic powers, which I could ensure were all useful to Terminators. This would present problems like, for example, a shooty unit generating assault buffing powers or an assault unit generating Witchfire powers that they can't use when in CQC. Therefore, the effectiveness of there psychic powers would increase without their psychic powers becoming mechanically better.
  16. So, I was creating a Chapter of Adeptus Astartes (Warhammer 40k Space Marines) who all happen to posses magic powers, when I realized that, hey, these are badass, superhuman (space) knights clad in power armor, just like some other awesome dudes I know. So I figured, why not make one a reference to another. However, I ran into a problem, and I was hoping to get some help. Basically, I've distilled the forces of the Space Marines into 10 distinct groups, and I want to name one after each order of the Knights Radiant. The categories are as follows: Tactical Marines: All-around ground forces armed with rapid-fire rocket-propelled explosive bolt launchers and a chainsaw sword. Devastator Marines: Heavy Weapons Guys, they are armed with a variety of long-ranged and powerful weapons. I'm thinking Dustbringers for these dudes. Assult Marines: Marines specialized in Close Quarters Combat, they are armed with pistols, enhanced CQC weapons, and equipped with Jetpacks. Techmarines: Responsible for monitoring the technologic aspects of the chapter, they repair vehicles in battle and fight with the rarest and most advanced weapons. Apothecaries: Responsible for healing their Battle-Brothers and enhancing new Marines, they heal their wounded brothers in battle and give innates the implants that turn them into Space Marines. Chaplin: Responsible for the Spiritual health of their Battle-Bothers, they are among the scariest members of the chapter and improve the morale of other Marines, and monitor them for corruption. Librarian: They have the strongest Magic Powers of the Chapter. The blow things up with their brains (and do a bunch of other things, but those are boring). Terminators: Marines specially trained in the use of the superheavy Tactical Dreadnought Armor, a heavier (and awesomer) version of normal power armor. Biker Marines: Space Marines on Jetbikes or Attack Motorcycles. What's not to love? Scout Commander: While Neophyte Marines crew vehicles and serve as scouts, some full marines chose to stay as Scouts and lead squads of innates into battle. Vehicle Commander: While Neophyte Marines crew vehicles and serve as scouts, some chose to stay a vehicle commanders, directing the various armored combat vehicles the Chapter fields in combat. So, which orders of Knights Radiant should each of these groups of Marines be named after?
  17. If I do Omakes for this story, which of these crossovers would you like to see? 1) Pacific Rim 2) Evangelion 3) Something else Obviously, for the first two, I'd the Cuirassiers would be magically scaled up a bit. What do you think?
  18. Link to the complete first chapter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fyzoXEIhGu3Q40Zg5lXjpGYBwwKlRfCqi1RSL2UIsms/edit?usp=sharing
  19. I don't know. Maybe it's because there are enough people on this site who read fanfiction to give the upvotes needed for a popular tag? As for ferrings storing weight while conneceted to a Cuirassier, I haven't fully ironed it out yet, but what I'm thinking is that the Cuirassier gets lighters, as does the pilot. He can then tap weight to make his machine heavier, but only using weight stored while in the Cuirassier. That covers Feruchmey for most metals, but I'm not sure how gold would work. What do you think?
  20. Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I'm glad you think the fusion went well, they don't always. As for part II? Please. This isn't even all of chapter I. I juat wabted to post it here to see if the idea was stupid, which apparently it isn't. As for the large plot, I have a vauge idea of the MistOpps squad chasing a case of leasuriumm around the frontier. That, or figuring out what the deal with these cults is... I'm always glad to see someone who plays a game I like. Titanfall is awesome (smiley face)
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