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Posts posted by Quiver

  1. On 8/9/2020 at 2:01 PM, Aminar said:

    Not to mention the fact she's 17 years older than he is. Still gross and still shouldn't be something we're seeing at the focal point of a story. 

    Not sure I quite agree with this as the reason not to have it happen. There is a long-standing trope in fiction for male characters to be paired off with female characters who are younger than them, or (to use on screen examples) for men to play the long-interests to much younger women. 

    Now, I admit, I'm a bit unclear on what the ages of the characters involved here are - my Cosmere knowledge is a lot more lakcing than it should be - but I don't think this ship should be ruled out on the basis of age difference, particularly since Jasnah seem's like the type of character who would be attracted to someone due to their intellect and personality rather than any kind of physical attraction.

    (There are still potential consent and rank issues involved, given she's a monarch and he's not, but still.)

    Anyway, point is, I don't think the age gap is a reason this romance couldn't work out. Granted, I also low-key shipped Kaladin/Jasnah back when I started reading the books, so I am far from objective on this.

  2. 19 hours ago, Delightful said:

    I mean there are joke stereotypes about different identities but I dont think they make someone a better or worse person for like, cuffing their jeans or wearing flannel or w/e.

    So does anyone have queer Cosmere headcanons? I've got

    1. Wit is not straight and probably not cis either. He's weird and he's been around a long time. 
    2. Jasnah is asexual and/or aromantic
    3 Semi-confirmed that Shallan is accidentally bi

    I hope we get some Vorin gender non-confirming and non-binary characters messing with cultural expectations. We do already have the people who work with the horses, but eh, I want to see more. Trans women learning to read later in life, ceremonial soldier uniforms with big safe hand sleeves.......

    Now, as far as queer head canons go... it's not a headcanon, exactly, but I want a bisexual male protagonist at some point, because I feel like that is a group that get's so little exposure, especially as heroes.

    And while I may not think that Vorinsm quite makes sense as a queer positive place, I have no doubt that Nalthis is all about that, and I'm curious how being Returned might interact with someone's idea of gender and identity. The examples we see in the book are very much idealised perfection of an ideal, so I wonder what would happen if someone who was trans or non-binary returned.


  3. I've left enough messages around the board that I should proooobably introduce myself on this. So.

    Hi. I'm Quiver. And this year I finally realized I was bi-.

    I'm sort of flipping on what tag to put at the end of that label though, and I'm maybe leaning more towards biromantic (with a preference for women). I think the fact I facilitate on what to call myself qualifies me as a disaster :P

    (And hey, I'm cool with memes)

  4. Obviously, Fox is Vin.

    … I mean, isn't that obvious to anyone else? The blaster's are reskinned as coin shots, his UP+B move is Vin dropping a coin to "fly", the defclector shield is pushing metals away from her, and the dash attack is using Pewter for a burst of speed.

    Falco, presumably, would be Kelsier or Zane. Same abilities, slightly tweaked stat line.

    I vote for Zane, so that I can punch him in the face.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Invocation said:

    Throw enough recessive genes into the pool, eventually something will come about. 

    That is the point I was getting at, and I blame my lack of scientific interest on not being able to phras eit more succinctly.

    Can alomancy work like a recessive gene and throw up again at later opportunities, or does the weirdness of it being magical supersede that in some way?

  6. 13 minutes ago, Karger said:

    Allrianne is not an allomancer even though her father is not.  Feruchemy absolutely can(Reshek once transformed all living feruchemists ignoring the latent potential).  Steris has the potential to have misting children even though she is not one(hence the kidnapping).


    11 minutes ago, Invocation said:

    I think the circumstances could arise in which a recessive sDNA Allomantic trait could reappear down the line, but it depends on a lot of things, including the other half of the genetic pair.

    That's the part I'm wondering about, and why I was discounting Allrianne in this scenario. As far as I'm aware, we don't know what her mother was - in terms of what abilities, if any, she may or may not have had - so I wasn't sure if we can use a non-powered father as evidence on it's own.

    Steris is actually a better example, but I also imagine that the... experiments were going to be conducted with proven Mistings. Then again, if they planned on mixing and matching bloodlines descended from Spook, maybe they were willing to wager that two non-Mistings were capable of having a powered child due to their legacy.

    (...I feel like I maybe need to apologise for the really dark implications and aspects of this question.)

  7. So, we know that -short of hemalurgy or weirdness like the Well of Ascension - that the metallic arts show up in families. I mean, it's an important aspect of the first novel, regarding Vin's father and Elend/Straff's relationship.

    It's the latter I'm most curious about, though. We know that Elend wasn't a Misting, despite Straff's… uh... best efforts.

    What I'm wondering, though, is whether that means that Elend's children couldn't be Mistings (or even Mistborn). Since Elend himself wasn't a Misting, does that preclude anyone he's the father of from becoming a Misting?

    (Ignoring the mother in this, partly because I'm assuming under this scenario that she doesn't have abilities).

    So, basically, can Allomancy skip a generation, or was Elend "the end of the line", so to speak.

  8. 11 hours ago, LadyLameness said:

    Maybe I'm just used to looking for subtle potential queer relationships (even if they're fanon instead of canon)

    I know that Brandon has commented that Shallan is (or might be, or can be interpreted as) bisexual... but I would really, really like it if we had some canon bi!male's in the cast. It's a demographic that tends to get overlooked, I think, and OB has established that queer couples are treated as a normal thing in Alethkar*, and having a bisexual guy as THE lead of the story would be a pretty cool step.

    *I'm not entirely sure if that makes sense from a world-building perspective, just given some of the weirdness about Vorinism, but that's a side point

  9. Kasnah. Jalladin? Not sure what the ship name is, but KaladinxJasnah.

    It's actually one of the ships I've had since the Way of Kings, because I feel it's a relationship which would have to be based on intellectual understanding. I can picture Jasnah being very interested in medicine, and getting a chance to focus on his medical training rather than as 'a soldier' wouldn't be a bad thing for Kaladin. While it's not as much of an obstacle these days, I also feel like Jasnah would have been one of the few people who wouldn't care about Kaladin's status, at least not enough to let them stop her from pursuing a relationship.

    And, of course, there is the irony of Kaladin falling for not just any Lighteyes, but one of the most important Lighteyes on Roshar, which would be amusing. 

  10. 1 hour ago, DramaQueen said:

    Should I create a "Ask DramaQueen anything" thread?

    Sure, why not? Lot's of people do and it's a fun and easy way to introduce yourself to people, or to let them know stuff about you.

  11. Okay, so, this thread is old, but necromancy seemed the better option than creating  asuperfluous, second AQA thread, so I hope people don't mind. If the mods do object, feel free to delete or lock this one.

    Anyway, since I never answered the latest questions...

    On 09/02/2017 at 8:56 AM, Edgedancer said:

    To stay on topic, who's your favourite undead, Quiver?

    Do Heroic Servants count as Undead? If so, I'm gonna go with them.

    And if they don't, still going with them, this is an old question anyway.

    On 16/03/2017 at 3:55 AM, Captains Domon said:

    Do you watch Doctor Who, Quiver?

    If yes, who's your favorite Doctor?

    If no, are British actors and actresses just those people you happen to bump into in the street?

    I do watch Doctor Who, but I've only really seen the new series (and listened to a couple of the audios).

    It's hard to pick a favourite Doctor,, though; they all have good points and bad points. Eleven was the first one I started watching, but Ten is iconic for a reason. I actually am a big fan of Six and his arrogance, Seven's chess-master tendancies, and Eight's general all around.. Eightness. So I don't really have a favourite.

    And it's audacious of you to assume I go out into the street to begin with :ph34r:

  12. I don't know if boring is correct, but I find Kaladin to be the least interesting of the main cast. I feel like he get's a lot of very standard hero moments and tropes - such as being able to replicate a Last Clap on his first try in combat conditions - or that he has a lot of moments where the narrative works hard to absolve him of responsibility. I'm on the record as rather disliking the direction Amaram's character went in, and I feel Kaladin play's a role in that.

    To be fair, he has some interesting aspects to him, and I can see why other people would like him... but of the main characters thus far, he's the one I am the least interested in.

  13. 8 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

    This is a great idea, though for some reason threads about tabletop RPGs in the Shard rarely take off from what I've seen. Hopefully this one will.

    I have little to no experience with this, meaning I get to participate like in two oneshots a year or so but I've loved every second of it.

    I'm looking for a way to replicate the Nasuverse too, and the best I've found is World of Darkness. My current plan is to try and get a bit of experience mastering with a simpler system and then try out the World of Darkness games to in the end be able to adapt them to the Nasuverse. Kind of ambitious for someone who hasn't even tried to master in his life but hey, trying won't kill me.

    Yeah, I'm hoping this maybe goes a little differently, but I'm not getting my hopes up too high. Still, nothing ventured nothing gained and all that. :P

    I remember seeing someone pitch World of Darkness as a good system for the Nasuverse; the specific one I had heard of was using Mummy to replicate Servants. I admit, when it comes to sheer potential breadth of the setting, I am a little more inclined to maybe just settle for running it in FATE Core or just freeforming things.. but that rather takes away from the fun of throwing some dice around.

    If you ever do figure out a cool way to do a Nasu game though, please let me know. I've been on a Nasu-kick for a while now, and it would be all kinds of crazy fun to get to play an actual game in that 'verse.

    (to be completely honest, though, I haven't looked much into World of Darkness, and when I have, it's been because of an idle curiosity to give Princes:The Hopeful a try :ph34r:)

    7 hours ago, Voidus said:

    I'm something of an eternal GM who rarely gets to play, mostly in the D&D 5e space though I've done some Pathfinder and had several Vampire games start and then immediately fall.
    I'm an enthusiastic worldbuilder and homebrewer as well so always happy to discuss anything related to those particularly, I have an unreasonably massive library of homebrews for 5e.

    I've never GM'd, but it something I want to try to do, so, if you don't mind me asking, do you have any advice on how to do that? Or how to build a campaign, for that matter? I've had an idea for a Pathfinder campaign I've been trying to work on, but honestly I keep running into little plot problems that keep stalling me.

    On a related note, any advice for worldbuilding? The only advice I've seen on creating worlds in an RPG came from the Order of the Stick's article section (very useful, if unfinished), and some of the PF 2nd edition Game Mastery book which is obviously trying to be as broad as possible in it's approach.

  14. 7 hours ago, Adran Oathbreaker said:

    Oooh. Iove the magic system in Warbreaker. BioChromatic Breath just blew my mind. 

    Hah. So, back when I joined, everyone's favourite book was either Mistborn or Stormlight Archive, so I am very defensive over Warbreaker being the best cosmere.

    Which it is. The magic system is interesting, but it's the world and the tone of the novel itself that I really love. I've argued for a long time that Warbreaker reads like Brandond's riff on old pulp novels, due to the way he either re-uses concepts from them - Nightblood being the Cosmere equivalent of Stormbringer - or the way he has characters weaponize the troeps and expectations of that style of story.

  15. The Pathfinder Society is a globe-spanning organisation based out of Absalom, the largest city in the world. At least, it is if you live on Golarion.

    I don't think they have internet access though, so if you're seeing this thread, you probably live on Earth, in which case the Pathfinder Society is the name used by Paizo Publishing for the Pathfinder RPG Organised play. I like the name though, and it fit with the guilds and society theme, so I'm stealing it for my own use.

    So, what is the 17th Shard's Pathfinder Society? It's a place for people to talk, share stories and fish for parties for role-playing games, whether that's Dungeons & Dragons, FATE Core, World of Darkness, Legend of the Five Rings, Pathfinder, or anything else you can imagine. There are a lot of tabletop RPG's by this point.

    Which goes to the keypoint: this is not a roleplay thread in itself. Think of it as a hobby chatpoint, or an OOC thread at most. If people talk stuff and decide they have a cool idea for an RPG to play - either here or on Discord - then cool; I'd be lying if I said that wasn't what I was sort of hoping would happen :ph34r: But this in itself is a discussion place, and not an actual roleplay in itself.


    So anyway, with that part out of the way, welcome to the Pathfinder Society! As my bias in the title probably gave away, I'm a fan of Paizo's Pathfinder RPG system; I had just started collecting a few of the books when the world more-or-less shut down. Aside from that, I've read the FATE Core, Legend of the Five Rings and Adeptus Evangelion rulesets, but I never got a chance to play an actual play of any of them.

    I did play a couple sessions of Exalted back in university, though, which were fun.. even if the gaming group dissolved far too quickly for me to get a proper handling on the rules. On the side, I also like trying to find rule sets for franchises I'm a fan of. Right now, I'm trying to find some kind of system to replicate the Nasuverse, and I've starting work on building a setting for a potential Sailor Moon-themed RPG (probably running in Fate Core).

    Also, I've never DM'd, so the above plans are almost certainly doomed to failure.

  16. 20 hours ago, Delightful said:

    So, if I made a Disaster Gay thread in the groups and guilds section, would I be accidentally stepping into backstabbing cookies in dark allies or is that more in the RP sub forum?

    I actually think that would be a good idea, honestly! Having a topic for queer folks and allies of all persuasions to talk, hang out, discuss that media and support one another might help to generate a bit more traffic and attention, and make it easier to keep all this stuff in one place rather than it being in a number of different threads across the whole forum.


    Also, I still haven't seen past season five of RWBY, so I can't contribute meaningfully to that discussion. I do think Bumblebee has more textual evidence for it than White Rose does as a ship... but I'm also not entirely sold on the affections going both ways. I can believe that Yang has something for Blake, I'm just less convinced that Blake's feelings for Yang are romantic. But then, I need to get caught up on the seasons where the two of them are actually in the same room for extended periods of time again.

  17. 58 minutes ago, Mist said:

    I thought I recognized your username! Welcome back! Did you mean to put your intro in the tag too?


    That was absolutely intentional, and I'm not trying to deflect from a mistake now by saying that my plan all along. Certainly not.


    34 minutes ago, Slowswift said:

    Yay Quiver! :D Glad to see you back; it's been too long!


    32 minutes ago, The First Post said:

    Welcome back! 



    Well, I guess I was away long enough I need to reintroduce myself, huh?

    Hi there. I'm Quiver, and I'm back. Long-term Brandon Sanderson fan, starting with the Mistborn series; Vin really struck a chord with me as a character I could see myself in, and I ended up reading the rest of the Cosmere pretty quickly after that. As someone who wants to be a writer, I'm always impressed and amazed by Brandon's worldbuildng.

    Also jealous. The jealous is very important.

    Anyway, between one thing and another, I feel off the grid for a while but.... guess I'm back? So, hope to see you guys around.

    (Warbreaker is still best Cosmere)


  19. 1 hour ago, frett said:

    So, I've only just now heard about Skyward and Sanderson's alien race called the Krell. However, the Krell are also the alien race from the old Forbidden Planet movie from the 50's.

    Did Sanderson do this on purpose? Is this the same race? Or a coincidence and mistake? 

    I searched all over the Forum and couldn't find any mention of this.  Forbidden Planet is a pretty famous movie, so I am kind of surprised it hasn't come up. (Or my GoogleFu is not very good... which is more likely.)

    It could always just be a homage; I can't say I've seen the film, so no idea how relevant they might to Skyward.

    ...though it could also just be a coincidence, of Brandon deciding on a word which fits for his race without intending to comment on the film at all. I'm pretty sure I've seen Krell (or slight variations of it) used as generic, fantasy-themed stuff before. 

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