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Quiver last won the day on December 6 2016

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    The Green Arrow
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  1. Did you see GotG 2?

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    2. Quiver


      Well, I think that's the interesting thing. Between Guardians, Doctor Strange and Ragnarok, I think Marvel is starting to tap into that zany Kirby well.

      Honestly, I just hope the MCU doesn't do what the comics have done, and decide that Doom is the most and only important part of the Fantastic Four franchise. Doom is cool, sure... but it's kind of frustrating for me seeing him everywhere without the Richards.

    3. Jedal


      Yeah, but they do it with Magneto in the Ultimate Universe. They always seem to need some kind of guy to take that ultimate villain role. 

      They've made it Thanos, which really is a good decision, but I don't see the franchise outliving him. It's the same problem with all comic books. They eventually get boring.

    4. Quiver


      Yeah. And, to be fair... Doctor Doom is kind of the best villain in Marvel's house. I just wish the Fantastic Four were still around.

      I guess the question is, "What is the plan for the MCU-post Thanos". They've been building to Infinity War for... what, about ten years now? They obviously have no plans to stop making the films, so hopefully they have an idea of where they are going in the future.

      (Galactus might make a cool thing they could build up for years... but it also ight seem like a repeat of Thanos, so. I dunno.)

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