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Posts posted by BlackYeti

  1. @dnavenom, I suggest rereading chapter 1 of WoK, it's a goldmine for examples like these .


    The darkeyed spearmen wore equipment like Cenn’s: leather jerkin and knee-length skirt with a simple steel cap and a matching breastplate.


    [Kaladin] wore the common leathers of a spearman, but under them was a pair of dark trousers. That wasn't supposed to be allowed.


    “Should I have my shield out?” Around Kaladin’s team, the other ranks were unhooking their shields. But Kaladin’s squad left their shields on their backs.


    A pocket had opened in the enemy forces, and a man rode there on a white horse, swinging about him with a wicked mace. He wore full plate armor, polished and gleaming silver.

    “A Shardbearer,” Cenn said.

    Dallet snorted. “No, thank the Stormfather. Just a lighteyed officer.

    There may well be others that I missed while skimming through as well.

    Hope this helps. :)

  2. On 1/10/2018 at 6:42 AM, Llarimar said:

    You can easily tell the difference, for example, between someone like Lyn and someone like Rysn, just in the way that they are characterized and written.  They are in the book about the same amount, but for some reason you can just tell that Rysn is more "real" - more important to the story, more well fleshed-out, more genuine.  I can easily see Rysn becoming very important moving forward, whereas it would seem very strange if Lyn became significantly important to the story.  If I didn't know that Lyn was based on a real person, and I had to guess between Lyn and someone like Rysn which one was, I would immediately guess Lyn.  The same goes for other minor female characters like Isnah or Aesudan.  (Although... just watch - Brandon's going to announce that Rysn is actually named after a friend of his, and my whole theory will crumble).   

    Out of curiosity, did you have the same feelings regarding Vasher (I'm assuming that you've read Warbreaker)? His name is, after all, also based off of someone in the real world.

    And what about Sarene (again, assuming that you've read Elantris)? Parts of her character were borrowed from a real person as well.

  3. 12 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

    I subscribe to the belief that each flasback character represents one Radiant order. The Oathbringer ‘Avengers Assemble’ scene has been talked about in other threads, so I know there are differing viewpoints on the matter, but I hold that each character is also specifically a representative of a Radiant Order. With Szeth becoming a Skybreaker, Renarin bonding a corrupted Truthwatcher spren, and there being some pretty strong signs that Venli will be a Willshaper, the only controversial point of this is Ash as a Dustbringer.

    I actually doubt this interpretation, mainly because of this WoB:



    What are the other books in The Stormlight Archive going to be about?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well each one is going to cover a flashback sequence for one of the characters and each one will focus on a different order of the Knights Radiant. And that's not always the same, like the flashbacks for the first one were Kaladin and it was also Windrunners, but we won't always have them be the exact same.

    This doesn't completely invalidate the idea, of course, Brandon could always swap a pair of flashback characters with respect to the books focusing on their Orders, e.g. make Renarin the flashback character for the Elsecaller book and make Jasnah the flashback character for the Truthwatcher book. But either he's doing a weird switch like that or Ash isn't going to be swapping Orders (or he's changed his plans since that WoB, but since that came from the end of 2014 when he had already decided on the current set of flashback characters, I think that's unlikely).

    12 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

    I’m gonna jump ahead and do Jasnah, because I think I see some hints, especially in Oathbringer, of interesting secrets going on with her. First is her brokenness. We learned she suffered from an illness when she was younger, but we don’t get many details. I suspect this is the source of her brokenness, some long-term physiological effects of this disease. She gives no sign of any physical handicap (the crazy idea popped into my head that she’s unable to feel, but I haven’t looked to see if that’s consistent with the text, regardless of how thematic it might be), but I’m reminded of Helen Keller, and how a childhood illness left her blind and deaf. Her backstory is another peculiar aspect, since I get the feeling we’re in her backstory right now. Jasnah is hiding things from the other characters and from us as readers (her possible Shardplate in Thaylen City being the most egregious). It makes me think her flashback sequence will not end where we meet her in Way of Kings, but extend through the first five-book arc Secret-History-style, possibly including the planned gap years between SA5 and SA6. Oh, and lastly, the WOW factor. I’ve seen it floated that Jasnah seems like a perfect worldhopper candidate, right in the vein of Khriss. I think that would be a fitting way to set her apart from the other Elsecallers.

    Firstly, Jasnah is most definitely not unable to feel. There are a number of passages that make this clear, here's one from WoR:


    Jasnah’s eyes were haunted, her expression haggard.

    This was not the Jasnah that Shallan was accustomed to seeing. The confidence had been overwhelmed by exhaustion, the poise replaced by worry. Jasnah started to write something, but stopped after just a few words. She set down the pen, closing her eyes and massaging her temples. A few dizzy-looking spren, like jets of dust rising into the air, appeared around Jasnah’s head. Exhaustionspren.


    ‘You’re worried,’ Shallan said, meeting Jasnah’s eyes.

    The woman turned away. She pushed a book over something wiggling on her table – a small purple spren. Fearspren. Only one, true, but still.

    ‘No . . .’ Shallan whispered. ‘You’re not worried. You’re terrified .’ Stormfather!

    Words of Radiance - Chapter 6, Terrible Destruction

    Secondly, I do really like the idea that Jasnah's flashbacks might be threaded through the first arc. It would be quite a twist if this reading Brandon did in 2014 was actually a reading from Stormlight 10 (or whichever book ends up being Jasnah's).

  4. 3 minutes ago, Wax said:

    Thanks... you can be the new Arcanum expert.  I looked for it but obviously didn’t use the right keywords....

    I don't know I'd go that far. :lol: But, that WoB was really tricky to find since it doesn't use the word prologue at all, and isn't tagged. Fortunately, I remembered it well enough that I was able to search for "You will get five", and then it was the only result. :)

  5. 13 hours ago, Nale said:

    There is a WoB from November 13, at the Oathbringer signing party, in which Brandon confirms that Nightblood's sheath is made of Aluminum.   Brandon has also previously noted that Vasher (and I assume at least also shashara if not all the scholars) where on Roshar to study investiture, leading them to attempt to duplicate shardblades on Nalthis (resulting in Nightblood).  He also noted separately (sorry for not having this WoB's linked) that Nightblood's sheath was present upon Nightblood's creation to serve its obviously necessary purpose (though he does make it sound like they aren't sure what will happen).  However we can pretty obviously infer there, that the five scholars are aware of at least some properties of Aluminum for them to have used it as the metal to be sure they could put Nightblood inside if they needed to.  Compounding this knowledge with the presence of Iyatil (who is, I believe, a confirmed southern Scadrian) on Roshar to prove that worldhopping between the planets is fairly conceivable, it seems to me to be fairly certain that the scholars would have also visited Scadrial on their trip and brought the aluminum back with them.  Do we have any other confirmation that they went to other planets? Or do we only know for sure that Vasher at least has been to Roshar and Nalthis? 

    As others have said, welcome to the Shard!

    I do like your reasoning, but there's a couple of things that you're missing. Firstly we have this WoB:



    Has Vasher ever been to a world other than Nalthis or Roshar, or was this his first time worldhopping?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Vasher has only been to Roshar and Nalthis, beyond places in Shadesmar.

    This obviously doesn't preclude any of the other Five Scholars from having been to Scadrial, nor from Vasher having been to the Expanse of the Vapours, but it does go somewhat against your idea.

    Secondly, Iyatil isn't actually Scadrian:



    Is Iyatil from Southern Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Iyatil has heritage along those lines, but she is not.




    Obviously the world covers different planets, but most people on all the individual planets don't know about the other planets. Is there a planet within the cosmere where worldhopping is common knowledge?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Is there a planet in the cosmere where worldhopping is common knowledge. Um… it's not a planet.


    It's a space station? *laughter* That's no moon!

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's not as far off as people laughing think that it is. *laughter* It's not a space station, it's not that futuristic, but there is a place in the cosmere where a lot of worldhoppers have settled, is where Iyatil is from, even though her ethnicity is not from there.


    Clarifying question… Is that place in the Physical Realm?

    Brandon Sanderson

    *laughs* RAFO!

    Footnote: Brandon has since confirmed that the worldhopper colony, named Silverlight, is located in the Cognitive Realm.



    12 hours ago, Talanelat'Elin Stonesinew said:

    Welcome to the Shard Nale! Really interesting post. I think you are right. I think the “Scholars” in Five Scholars is because they just traveled all around the Cosmere, and then they established on Nalthis. Because I don’t think they are from Nalthis. Judging by their names, I’d guess they come from different parts of the Cosmere, and they just formed like a little group and they shared all their knowledge and stuff, because names like Shashara don’t sound like they come from Nalthis. Maybe Denth/VaraTreledees is Nalthis native, but anyways, I’m going off topic. I do think they worldhopped all around the Cosmere, and when they went to Nalthis, people thought they were really smart, and that they invented things like other kinds of investiture.



    In Words of Radiance, we have Vasher showing up... One of his aliases on Nalthis is Kalad, which is very similar to the name of one of the Heralds on Roshar. So I was wondering how far back this connection between him and Roshar goes.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It goes pretty far back, in fact when I wrote Way of Kings, the 2002 version; he was a main character and was Kaladin's swordmaster. I wrote Warbreaker to jump back and write out his backstory, Vasher's. So to me Warbreaker actually came after Way of Kings. But the connection goes back pretty far, further than you would first guess.


    Did he actually come from Nalthis and not Roshar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm not going to actually answer that one-- Well I can answer that: yes he does come from Nalthis. It's pretty obvious that the way that the Breath's working, the reason he moved is because it's easier to get Stormlight than Breaths, and Stormlight can fuel being a Returned like him. And so yes, he was born on Nalthis. Becoming Returned without being born on Nalthis would be really hard.


    Again, this only rules out Vasher, but it seems very unlikely that any of them are (and corroborates what @Crazy1993 said).

  6. Welcome to the Shard. It's great to have another theorist here.

    On 12/12/2017 at 5:16 AM, TNTman20 said:

    Whilst skimming the book after having read it my first time, I found myself reading one of Hoid's little bits with Shallan in Kholinar. On page 676, Shallan notices that Hoid has a small sealed jar that was mostly black, but with a white part facing her. (Let me be plain here. I have scoured the Coppermind wiki a lot on the topic of Hoid so I'm mostly just reaffirming what I read there, forgive me if this information is already known by you fellow 17th Sharders.) I remember reading in Warbreaker Hoid telling Siri and Lightsong a story. In this story he used sand that could transform from white to black. Since we know that there is a sand based power on Taldain, this leads me to believe that Hoid must have gone there and learned sand mastery.

    The jar which Shallan finds is most likely sand from Taldain, however, in Warbreaker, Hoid is not using Sand Mastery on the sand there, per WoB:



    Does the sand storytelling Hoid uses in Warbreaker have anything to do with your future possible trilogy "White Sand" written about in a recent blog?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, it does not. This is a storytelling method that Hoid developed on his own. It does have a relationship to The Liar of Partinel.

    On 12/12/2017 at 5:16 AM, TNTman20 said:

    While I must admit that I am uncertain about how sand mastery works, we do know that Investiture can be "replaced" (Stormlight can fulfill the need for Breath, as we see with Nightblood on Roshar.) This makes me wonder if you could use Stormlight to re-energize sand that has been used, or if you can draw upon the Investiture stored within the sand.

    We know from WoB that this is possible:



    You've mentioned in the last couple of afterwords that you get interesting results when you mix types of investiture.

    Brandon Sanderson



    Twinborn and Surgebinders on Roshar. Can you mix a form of magic with a source of investiture? Can say Vasher use Stormlight in place of Breaths or would that require tampering via Hemalurgy or something like that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Most of them require tampering. Some of them are a little bit easier than others. It depends on really what you mean. For instance, white sand can be charged in the presence of any Investiture right? It's just-- But that's not really using the magic, it's just charging it with other Investiture. But, you know, it would be very easy, for instance, if you can get yourself Invested-- Like, for instance, it'd be very easy to use Breaths to fuel Windrunning right? Because the oath and the bond and things like that are going to make it pretty easy. However fueling Allomancy with something else is going to be a lot harder. So it really depends on the magic. It's the sort of thing that there will be lots of science in the books dedicated to making happen in the future and you will find some of the processes these work easier than other ones.

    On 12/12/2017 at 5:26 AM, Ookla the oathgate said:

    Unfortunately, sand mastery is genetic.

    Actually, I don't think that we can say that for sure right now. It's certainly implied in White Sand:



    But characters in-world have been wrong about these things before, and in Elantris' Ars Arcanum, Khriss (our most authoritative source) seems to think otherwise:


    How, then, is a practitioner of AonDor Initiated? It does not appear to be tied to family descent, as one finds on Scadrial, nor is it a specific Shard’s Decision, as on Nalthis. Even Taldain’s and Vax’s methods do not seem to apply here.

    In other words, Khriss thinks that Taldain's method of Initiation is different from Scadrial's which is genetic. As such, I don't think that we can say anything for definite about how a person gains sand mastery

  7. 16 minutes ago, Bort said:

    @BlackYeti Ah, you were the guy down by the front then? I didn't get to ask a question although you may have heard me if you were close to the end of the line for the signing. 

    I was the guy that exclaimed about three signings and two RAFOs.

    The question I asked in Oathbringer was:

    Do Geranid and Ashir have anything to do with the creation of new Shardplate?

    The answer, of course, was RAFO.

    Yes, that was me. :) When Brandon next comes back, we'll have to see if we can't work out a better system for us Sharders to meet up. My description of myself was woefully inadequate, clearly (not least because I described myself as being tall and the person I ended up sitting next to ended up being far taller than me).

    I was actually the very last person in the signing line, but I didn't overhear you. The signing room was very good at keeping the sound in, unfortunately.

    A shame about the RAFO (though on the bright side, we don't need to worry about it being paraphrased). Let's hope he comes back to do a tour for The Lost Metal, and answers all of our questions then. :lol:

  8. I presume you're referring to the "By Purity's Eye" reference in the "Alethi Glyphs Page 1" diagram. Remember that this is written by Nazh who is from Threnody, so it's actually far more likely to be a reference to the planet Purity in the Threnodite system. The only Purity that has ever been referenced on Roshar itself is the Devotary of Purity, and I don't see how that could be what's being referenced here.

  9. He's absolutely Selish. In addition to what you've pointed out, his name is clearly based around Aon Rii which means Wealth or Affluence. Also remember, Shin do not have epicanthic folds on their eyes, which most people on Roshar do. The Aonic people do not have epicanthic folds which is probably why Kaladin assumed him to be Shin (and by the same reasoning, why Dalinar thought Odium looked Shin when Rayse would have been from Yolen).

  10. So, I've now made it into town and am just having a coffee before heading to the venue. 

    Hopefully I will manage to get my act together for the event, because things I've been making a mess of things so far (presumably due to nerves). First I managed to miss my bus, so I arrived here half an hour later than I intended. Not a disaster really, since I planned to get here 2 and a half hours early, in case something like that happened, but it did mean standing for half an hour at the bus stop in the freezing cold, carrying 7kg worth of books, which wasn't pleasant. Then when I was on the bus I realised that I'd forgotten my Lightweaver pin, despite having put it out last night so that I wouldn't forget it.:angry:

    Still, at least I haven't forgotten anything really important (I hope). I've remembered my ticket, my questions list, my books to be signed, my audio recorder, and my backup audio recorder (aka my phone). Now I'm starting to get really excited. 


    The talk/reading/Q&A portion is now completed,  and I'm waiting at the back of the signing line. I think I got the audio okay, and I was able to leave my recorder on the signing table, so that's should be recording as I type this.

    There wasn't anything of particularly major significance that I noticed in the Q&A, save for one thing:

    Brandon recognised me! :D

    Something that I found interesting though, Brandon mentioned that he's already written the Rithmatist 2... but it was bad and so he threw it away, came up with a new outline, and will write it again at some point.

    It looks like the queue still has a long way to go yet (as expected), so I'll report back some point after it's finished.

    Update 2:

    I'm now on the bus back after the event. Some bad news I'm afraid, at some point during the signing my recorder died, and as I couldn't be monitoring it I wasn't on hand to switch to my backup recorder.  I have no idea how much audio I was able to get. :( I don't know how it happened, the batteries should have had more than enough charge, I fear that I might have to replace the device. :wacko:

    @Bort, @Joe ST, and anyone else who was there, you can't rely on the audio, please post your questions as soon as possible while they're still fresh in your minds.

    Anyway, as a result I can only give you paraphrases of my questions (I'm sorry). Also he initially only allowed me 3 questions, though he ultimately allowed me a 4th.


    Q) In Oathbringer, Kaladin sees a painting from the Court of Gods which, it is claimed, shows something different to every person who sees it. However, as I understand it, the Returned only see things in the paintings because of their Divine Breath, there isn't anything intrinsically magical about the paintings themselves; what then is going on with this painting?

    A) He was very evasive here, ultimately he only said that not everything that you see is in the painting.


    Q) If an Awakener were born deaf, could they Command using sign language?

    A) RAFO. He initially said yes, but then couldn't remember if he changed it or not, so changed it to RAFO.


    Q) According to Derethi doctrine, does having a cracked soul make one evil?

    A) They are not Cosmere aware enough to know about this, but if they were then probably yes. He also indicated that their perspective is skewed and we shouldn’t really trust what they think about it.


    Q) If a gemstone infused with Stormlight were left inside a bendalloy or cadmium bubble, would the gemstone appear to go dun faster or slower respectively to the outside observer?

    A) Yes it would.  Time is actually changing, the same thing would be observed if it were brought near to a singularity. 

    Finally, for my personalisation in Oathbringer, I asked him to draw Nazh's tattoo. This confused him since he hadn't realised that Isaac had put that annotation in there, and he had to ask me what the tattoo was (to which I could only reply that it was embarrassing and give him the page number of the diagram so that he could see what it said for himself). He finally drew the following image, but warned that it's not necessarily canon. 



    I apparently can't upload this on mobile internet,  will edit this in when I get back home.

    I still cant upload the image, apparently it's got nothing to do  with mobile internet after all. Once it's apparently uploaded, it instead pops up with a error message saying "There was a problem processing the uploaded file. -200". @Chaos, do you have any idea what's going on here?

    Apparently it was file size, it uploaded fine when I cropped it such that it was below 5MB.

    Update 3:

    It looks like I managed to get the first 40 minuets of the signing line recorded. My recorder picks up everything, so it's not the best quality (though the audio for the actual talk is very good). I've got them uploading to the Arcanum now.

  11. 45 minutes ago, Stark said:

    I think this was discussed in the original trilogy at some point.  I think when Kelsier was training Vin, he explained that a cloud would hide your Allomancy, but only protect the smoker from emotional allomancy.  I think.


    I do remember it being discussed in the book though.

    You basically remember correctly, however, I believe that it is only ever very strongly implied that copper only protects the one burning it. It is also implied to be that way in the Ars Arcana for The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages, Shadows of Self, and The Bands of Mourning. This would be good enough evidence for me, but for the fact that The Alloy of Law's Ars Arcanum entry for Allomantic Copper reads thus:


    Coppercloud Mistings (also known as Smokers) burn copper to create an invisible cloud around themselves, which hides nearby Allomancers from being detected by a Seeker and which shields nearby individuals from the effects of emotional Allomancy.

    This apparent contradiction has been irking me for a while, hence why I included the question.

  12. 23 hours ago, WeiryWriter said:

    The continent itself was formed by Adonalsium, presumably with mountains. Crem build-up has also likely played a role. There is no great secret here.

    Well, I'll grant you that this makes sense, and I can't actually think of an alternative hypothesis. Also, there's certainly precedent for this sort of thing since Ruin & Preservation must have done the same on Scadrial: the planet was created far too recently for mountains there to have formed naturally. But at the same time, Brandon's said before that Roshar is a supercontinent specifically because of the lack of tectonics, it feels weird that that would demand a natural explanation, but this can be handwaved away with "Adonalsium did it".

    Regardless, I'll drop the question to the end of the list. Thanks for the feedback.

    10 hours ago, Argent said:

    I like this. I suspect the answer will have something to do with Kaladin's Nahel bond, but it's a good question.

    This could well have something to do with the Nahel bond, but the spren saying that everyone supposedly sees something different makes me suspect otherwise. I'm actually thinking that it might have something to do with the painting being in Shadesmar, i.e. closer to the Spiritual Realm than the Physical. Either way though, it doesn't explain why Kaladin doesn't see anything in any of the other pieces of art in the shop, maybe something to do with it being abstract? This was also the case for "The Battle of Twilight Falls" painting that Lightsong saw, after all.

    10 hours ago, Argent said:

    I don't know if this has become public knowledge yet, but Brandon has referred to the Dor as plasma-like. But that's also not in the Physical Realm, so... But that's between us, don't tell the other Arcanists :P

    Er... my lips are sealed.

    This is incredible, no wonder Sel is isolated! If you were to go to Shadesmar there, it'd be like jumping into the storming sun! Just how is anyone surviving this!? :o

    I may have to rethink this question now, though. When I was coming up with it I was actually thinking about whether the supergiant star that's Investing Taldain actually contains physical Investiture. Instead, it could end up at the Dor.

    10 hours ago, Argent said:

    I believe we have a confirmation that this is the case.

    We have, how did I miss that? I'll cross this one off of the list then, thanks.

    10 hours ago, Argent said:

    Been asked, been RAFO'd.

    I'm actually not surprised that this has already been RAFO'd, when I mentioned that some of the questions were RAFO bait, this one was top of that list. I guess this makes my Dakhor/kandra question my new main RAFO bait question instead.

    10 hours ago, Argent said:

    Overall, good questions. See if you can stick around after the event and harass Brandon for more answers, I am personally curious about the answers to many of these :)

    So, I'm definitely staying to the end of the signing, don't worry about that. I always try to do this whenever possible and it's worked well for me in the past, I'm usually the only one who does this so I get a little more time to ask him questions while he signs the shops stock. Also, on one occasion, I think the store's staff took pity on me since I was right at the back of the queue, and they ended up giving me the event's promotional poster which I got signed (and then spent £140 getting it framed). :D

  13. So, I've delayed posting here for a while now, mainly because I didn't want to say I was coming only for something to come up and prevent me. But since that is now highly unlikely, I should definitely be there. And I anticipate that this week is going to be torture waiting for it. If anyone is interested in saying hi, I should be the tall idiot with a beard and long hair, wearing mostly black with a red Lightweaver pin.

    @Bort, I'm very much looking forward to hearing what you ask Brandon this time: I still very vividly remember his reaction to your Returned horse question, and I'm pretty sure that it's the best reaction that I have ever seen or heard from him.

    Now, some questions for the Arcanists (e.g. @Ookla the Indefatigable) since I will be recording the audio for this event, as per usual. I'm still a little unfamiliar with the Arcanum, so how do I go about uploading the audio there? Also, is there any restriction on the file type that I can upload (e.g. could I upload a WAV file, or is that too massive)?

    And finally, I figured that I might post my question list this time (so @Argent, if you want to complain that my questions are "rookie" again, you can do so before the event instead of afterwards :ph34r:). Despite being numbered, these questions are actually unordered, some of them are RAFO bait, some are intentionally a bit silly, and I don't expect to be able to ask most of them, but I figured that it's better to have too many than too few.

    Spoilers for all Cosmere works including Oathbringer.

    1. Have you ever considered releasing the rules for any of your in-world games (e.g. Tarachin)?

    2. In Oathbringer, Kaladin sees a painting from the Court of Gods which, it is claimed, shows something different to every person who sees it. However, as I understand it, the Returned only see things in the paintings because of their Divine Breath, there isn't anything intrinsically magical about the paintings themselves; what then is going on with this painting?

    3. It has been established that Roshar does not have plate tectonics, how then did its mountain ranges form?

    4. What does Nazh's tattoo depict?

    5. Could a larkin suck out an Awakener's breath?

    6. If an Awakener were born deaf, could they Command using sign language?

    7. If a kandra were to attempt to infiltrate the Dakhor monastery by impersonating one of the monks, would the monk's bones enhance the kandra as they do the monks?

    8. We know that Investiture in the Physical Realm can take the form of one of the three classical states of matter. Would it be possible for it to instead take the form of an exotic state of matter such as a plasma or a Bose-Einstein condensate?

    9. If a Nalthian were to have a child with a non-Nalthian, would that child be born with a Breath?

    10. Is it a coincidence that Aon Opa resembles an eye?

    11. How many letters are there in the modern Aonic alphabet (not the Aons), and how many of them are vowels?

    12. If a gemstone infused with Stormlight were left inside a bendalloy or cadmium bubble, would the gemstone appear to go dun faster or slower respectively to the outside observer?

    13. Could an Awakener of the fifth Heightening who knew what they were doing spend 2000 Breath to heal someone, like a Returned can do with their Divine Breath?

    14. In Words of Radiance, Syl says that the Honourblade requires dangerous levels of Investiture in order to use. Is she referring to the possibility of savantism here?

    15. According to Derethi doctrine, does having a cracked soul make one evil?

    16. Why do the stars of the Taldain system as depicted in the system's map in Arcanum Unbounded have only 14 points of light, when every other star depicted in these maps each have 16 points (or grouping of points)?

    17. Is there any guide on how to pronounce Thaylen names?

    18. If a mistwraith were to travel to Roshar, would they be able to bond a spren to achieve sapience?

    19. Regarding the Cognitive Realm: are the terms "expanse" and "subastral" synonyms?

    20. In Stormlight, we see that Taln is reciting some kind of mantra. Is this related in any way to the mantra of the Hoed of Elantris?

    21. In Mistborn, what was it that concerned Kelsier about OreSeur potentially encountering a Steel Inquisitor?

    22. Was Miles' Resonance as a Twinborn his inability to feel pain?

    23. One of the effects of Copperclouds is that they protect the Allomancer generating them from being affected by emotional Allomancy. Do they also provide the same protection for other people in the Coppercloud?

    24. Is Khriss correct in her classification of the stars in the Taldain system as a white dwarf and a blue-white supergiant?

    25. We know that if something is Invested then it resists the effects of other Investiture, hence why it is often harder to affect a person with magic than it is something else. How much harder than affecting a regular person would it be to affect a Returned with no Breath other than their Divine Breath, in both the instances when they are hiding their Divine Breath, and when they are not?

    26. Nightblood has been confirmed to have been an attempt to recreate Rosharan Shardblades by means of Awakening. Has a similar attempt been made to recreate Shardplate?

    27. Was the transformation into Hoed worse for existing Elantrians than for those who became Hoed when the Shaod came upon them following the Reod?

    28. Did all of the surviving Hoed recover following the restoration of Elantris?

    29. If you were to use Haemalurgy on a world other than Scadrial, would Ruin/Harmony know about it?

    30. Are there precisely 256 Haemalurgic bind points in the human body?

    31. Do a person's Haemalurgic bind points have any significance outside of the domain of Haemalurgy?

    32. Could a Forger heal the damage to the soul suffered by a victim of Haemalurgy?

    33. What caused the coastline of Arelon to form so unnaturally straight?

    34. When a person's shadow is cast in the "wrong direction", along which dimensional axis is it being cast?

    35. Was Bavadin originally a dragon?

    36. Which is more dangerous: a nightmaw or a whitespine?

    37. Regarding the Cognitive Realm: does the dimensional axis running orthogonal to the "ground" of Shadesmar run coincident to any of the dimensional axes of the Physical Realm?


  14. So, just finished Part 3 and haven't read anything else on here yet. I really have only 3 reactions to share about this part, mainly because everything else seems so trivial by comparison. I'm going to try this a bit differently this time, you see, I've got a friend who I've been introducing to the Cosmere, and he's recently finished WoR, but hasn't started Edgedancer or Oathbringer yet. Through this part, I've been sharing a few of my reactions (sans spoilers) with him via instant messaging, perhaps a little unfair since he had no idea what I was talking about, but I figured that he wouldn't mind. I thought that I may try copy-pasting these reactions (with explanations in square brackets if necessary) here:

    1. Oh, of course, she's [REDACTED]! How did it take me this long to figure that out?!?! I knew that she was going to be in the book after all. Still, at it hasn't yet revealed her identity, so I still get to say: "Called it" [This, of course, refers to Vivenna which I figured out when she used Zahel's "white on black" idiom. Annoyingly I noted in an earlier chapter that her Shardblade sounded a little like Nightblood, so I'm really annoyed that I didn't figure it out then.]
    2. Oh, Wit, you beautiful, wonderful, brilliant person! That was perfect! Sorry, just finished chapter 82, and it was incredible. I'm not one to pick up on foreshadowing much, except after the fact, but I think I might have worked out what's going to be happening with Szeth in Shinovar later in the book, at least in part. Not to mention, the immediate effects of that story, just sublime.
    3. WAIT! IT ENDS THERE!?! 
      Part 3 ends there!
      How dare you, Brandon! That is one cliff-hanger too far!
      Now I need to finish the Interludes (5 of them!) before I can get some resolution to this :angry:
  15. 3 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

    Sorry for the double post. He was described by Dalinar as looking Shin but I am not convinced on this yet but I can see the correlation. 

    Thanks, it took me an embarrassingly long while to figure out that you meant Odium's avatar there. But that's most helpful. Like you, I'm still unconvinced at this point though.

  16. 28 minutes ago, dantlee said:

    I am so impressed by whoever came up with the “Shin are of Odium” theory. Spot. On. 

    Where was this confirmed? I don't remember it.

    14 minutes ago, Govir said:

    On a general note: Is there a place to see the Part 2 Epigraphs combined, that won't lead into spoilers about later parts of the book? If not, I suppose I'll have to do it myself.

    All the Oathbringer epigraphs will eventually be posted here, but it hasn't been updated past Part 1 yet.

  17. 1 minute ago, Leyrann said:

    He specifically asked after it, and additionally it is revealed in Part 2, so spoilers aren't needed. :P

    No, he said that he's finding it difficult to not read ahead to find out what it is, that's not the same thing as asking for the answer.

    It may be permissible to post spoilers for part 2 in this topic, but that's not really the same thing as responding to someone who hasn't read up to a certain point and telling them what happens, whilst quoting them so they definitely see it. 

  18. 1 minute ago, Aleksiel said:

    Hm, I am rushing through the book and didn't think about the lashing. He could be a weird contrast to Nale, no? He gave his family to the authorities after all. Regardless, even if it's an honorspren (I agree it's unlikely one can be surgebinder and squire) I expect someone else to bond honorspren since they showed up. No point in introducing us to a bunch of honorspren observing practice if there won't be new Windrunners.

    Hmm, I guess that a highspren would be possible, it's just that I don't think Syl would have stayed quiet about that. We've already seen that she was reluctant to talk about which recruits might become the next squires, so it wouldn't surprise me if she kept quiet about one of the squires bonding an honourspren. Another thing is, if he's a Skybreaker, then he couldn't perform a full lashing which is the easiest lashing to master, and I would have expected him to demonstrate this first, even if it was offscreen. I think it would have been noted if he'd never done this.

    As for your point about other squires going on to bond spren, I definitely agree there, and I certainly hope that Lyn is one of them: I really like what I've seen of her thus far.

  19. 2 minutes ago, Aleksiel said:

    He has, which I honestly didn't see coming, however is it an honorspren? I couldn't decide from the description and shouldn't Syl have noticed? She's supposed to be the only one defying the SF, I don't recall any hints there was someone before her. Lyn feels to be set for something more than a squire, which would be radiant. After all, new honorspren came looking for people to bond, so we should see it happen. 

    I didn't think it sounded much like an honourspren, however we definitely see Teft performing lashings later on, so unless he's both a Radiant and a Windrunner squire (which I doubt is possible), it surely has to be an honourspren.

  20. 7 minutes ago, Leyrann said:

    He may have come across a spren, but I am positive he hasn't bonded a spren by part 2.


    Reflected in the waters of the well, a face appered over his shoulder. A woman with pale white skin, glowing faintly, and hair that hovered around her head like clouds.

    "You leave me alone," he said, slapping his hand into the water. "You just... you just go find someone who cares."


    When he looked up, he found that spren standing in front of him

    Teft... she whispered. You've spoken oaths...

    So he's used to seeing the spren, and she's talking to him, referring to him by name, something that we haven't seen any spren do besides Radiant spren...

    Edit: that quote's from Chapter 41.

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