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Posts posted by Aether

  1. I don't think he did anything to Hemalurgy, nor that he would have wanted to change it. Only a selected few knew of it prior to Sazed's ascension, and they didn't know the specifics they would have had to known to make it work (where to place the spikes, etc.).


    Nowadays,most likely no one except the Kandra is around that knows about it, neither is Ruin around to manipulate people into using it, so Harmony would have little inclination to do anything about it, even if he could.

  2. I find it more likely that the Shattered Plains was destroyed by something else. Especially considering the very few quotes we have about Urithiru. Someone around here suggested that Honour's Shardpool might have been located in Old Natanatan, and that it was the Shattering of his shard that made the plains.

  3. This seems like a bit of a stretch. We aren't even sure if Urithiru is corporal or not, so you have no reason to assume it is made of stone. Stormlight is also sacred, according to Szeth. By your logic, couldn't Urithiru also be made out of Stormlight, and that Szeth could expelled for having used some of it up?

  4. [Out of game] I somehow just assumed you meant his own Interlude. He has proclaimed he might have to go to the Shattered Plains, so there's a chance we might see him there at some point[/out of game]


    Sell. I think it is just a tad too early. Book three might be it, though.


    Joshin Yomen and Mi'chelle Ostlin will turn out to be Worldhoppers (how else is Hoid suppose to know them personally).

  5. In my opinion he did push the parshendi back using stormlight, the wiki note that Honor spren give a person access to atmospheric pressure. What is atmospheric pressure? Well in short its differences in the pressure that the air have on a person at any given place. So why can’t it mean that he have the ability to make a emptiness that drags people to him or more useful in a fight an increase in pressure that blast away from him. I am having trouble using physics to explain it. It’s magic so. But to me the power of atmospheric pressure is logically the ability to make shockwaves. It probably cost a lot of stormlight to do it. As someone noted her it who’d be fun to see a line of windrunners blasting down hundreds of men before carving them up with shardblades.

    Well, you're basically making my argument from my first posts on this thread. I agree, it was probably not Stormlight that pushed them back, but a hitherto unknown application of the Pressure Surge (fuelled by Stormlight, mind you), thereby my "Pressure Surge = Force Push" hypothesis.


    And in the spirit of reiterating past arguments, it would make sense too, for the Windrunners to have this ability. In-universe, they seem to make up what would be the KR Shock-Troopers - the avant-guarde - meant to run ahead the main body of an army to disrupt enemy lines. What better way for them to do this than randomly dropping from the sky and just shoving back every uninvested enemy trooper around them? ODSTs can go and cry silently in a corned somewhere - they are severely outclassed.

  6. I didn't say the splintering of Honour wasn't problematic - far from it. I was merely suggesting that the Splintering didn't necessarily result in a huge boom in the Honourspren population, just Spren in general. Quite possibly it manifested in other unknown ways too, such as making the Highstorms stronger or something.


    Also, we don't know that what we call Honourspren is the only form of Spren that are only of Honour. We don't even know if they are only of Honour in the first place. It could be safely assumed, sure, but apart from what the name suggests, we don't really know much about its composition.


    And please refrain from name-calling. My arguments aren't "lazy", and even if they were, it is not your place to say so.



    EDIT: Removed the last sentence, as per next post.

  7. You seem to again operate under a false premise: the splintering of Honour wouldn't necessarily just produce uniformly sized splinters. From what I understand, when Tanavast's Shard was destroyed, it was thoroughly smashed to pieces (presumably) to prevent anyone from picking it up again within the foreseeable future. I can't find the quote right now, but IIRC, WoB state that there are a lot more spren around now than before the splintering, so it seems that most of the variants we see now (Flamespren, Windspren, Luckspren, Passionspren, etc.) are a result of this. There might be more Honourspren around now then pre-splintering, of course, but I'd wager most of the pieces of his power are reduced to the small pockets of Investiture without much power or sentients that most spren seem to be.


    Also, even if the splintering ended up creating more literal Splinters, they most likely aren't just "Honourspren" per se, but different types of "honourable Spren". We might very well end up with more members of particular KR Orders than others, but probably not just Windrunners.

  8. [Out of game]

    @Ookla the Omniscient (Aether?)
    About the Wax and Wayne pun, it's like the phases of the moon, they wax and wane :) no one on Scadrial will get it because they don't have a moon.

    (Aether, yes. I can't for the life of me remember your name-tag) I did not know this. I cannot believe there are verbs for this in English! We have adjectives for describing the phases of the moon in Norwegian, sure, but who in their right mind would actually make verbs for it???

    [/out of game]


    It quickly became a bit cluttered, so I'll just kick-start the game again:

    Sometime in the far future the name "Bridge 4" will be used for the most elite soldiers of the alethi army. (in the sense that noone remembers Kaladin or the others but the name stuck)


    Chapter 2 of tWoR more or less already confirms this, since they throw away the Cobalt Guard name and takes Bridge 4 as the name for their elite unit (given that it survives the events of the series, of course).


    There will be Dragonriders of some sort in Dragonsteel, and it will be awesome.

  9. [Out of game] I have no idea how I ended up with four FeatherWriter quotes here....

    @Will: This is what happens when you start shipping Shallarin. I am contractually obligated to upvote every post in support of Shallarin. I cannot resist.

    *Testing, testing* A Shallarin romance would be nice. As long as Renarin gets to blow stuff up!


    Axies the Collector will meet up with one of the main viewpoint characters. IE, we'll see him outside of an Interlude.

    It isn't confirmed, I believe,  but

    I always just assumed that Axies is the Aimian hanging from the tree in the Rysn WoR Interlude.


    No one on Scadrial will ever figure out that Wax and Wayne's names together are punny.

    Could someone please explain to me how it is punny? I get that "Wax" might have some funny implications, but how does it relate to "Wayne"?


    (On a side note, before actually reading tAoL, I always assumed Wayne was female. Listening to a Brandon reading of Chapter 1 of tSoS got rather confusing).


    I'd hope Seventeenth Shard has a recruiting policy of "No Sadistic Psychopaths." Last thing I want is Tonk Fah on any of the other worlds!


    Vivenna strangle Tonk Fah to death?

    [/out of game]


    EDIT: My scientific experiment seems to have worked. FeatherWriter (presumably) did up-vote my post!

  10. I agree that it's probably this. Shallan makes a huge deal over Jasnah saving lives, but Syl never calls Kaladin out on bribing people or threatening Gaz to make him bridgeleader.

    I wouldn't say Syl doesn't call him out - she does voice her disagreement in some instances and shows discomfort at some of the things Kaladin does. However, she does recognize that there are morally grey areas, and that there are instances where reality forces you to do questionable things to achieve necessary goals. Journey before destination, but life before death and whatnot.

  11. Actually, all of the new Alloy of Law-era metals  - Bendalloy, Cadmium, Nicrosil and Chromium - existed pre Harmony's ascension, but the technology wasn't advanced enough to produce them (at least partly because of the Lord Ruler), and they thus remained largely unknown. Atium and Duralumin Malatium isn't really even part of the Allomantic metals, but in a group called "the God metals" which, along with Lerasium, are direct pieces of the power Ruin and Preservation.


    Presumably, there are still Atium-mistings (Seers) around post-Harmony Ascension, but without any Atium around, there is no way for them to know what they are.


    EDIT: Somehow mixed Duralumin with Malatium.

  12. Well, I respect your reasons for not wanting to set this precedence, so unless I am able to come up with a very good counter-argument, I shall let it be - at least for now. I am not sure I want to launch a epigraph discussion without its own sub-forum though, but I'll look into other ways of organizing it.


    But thank you all for giving it serious thought and giving me a good and respectable answer. B)

  13. You make some good points. It could be worth noting too, that the different kinds of Spren are, according to WoB, determined by what people perceive about things (see his comments upon Dungspren. Can't find the link right now). They are formed and defined by our impressions of them. Flamespren exist, for example, because we have a cognitive relationship with them. It isn't composed out of "Heat-" and "Lightspren" because we do not perceive the flames as composed of those things, but as a combination of those separate things: a flame. By the same token, we have Windspren, and not also "Gustspren", "Typhoonspren", etc. because we view them as all variations of the same cognitive aspect; and we do not have Spren for things which we do not perceive or care about.


    The act of measuring them and thus locking them into the different states is just a special case of this - as Edgedancer hinted at.

  14. Thanks. And be reassured, I am not interested in creating 60 separate threads. The point is to have an area where there is the possibility to create several smaller threads without cluttering up the other sub-fora. As Windrunner pointed out, far from every (maybe even most) of the epigraphs are of any interest, but enough of them are.


    While this is of particular interest for me, as I think it could be rather fun and enlightening, it is however not of high importance. It could be an interesting experiment, but if you feel like it would set a bad precedence, then I'll survive.

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