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Canada Lover

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Everything posted by Canada Lover

  1. "Sure..." Ezrium walked forwards, then immediately fell. He stood back up groggily.
  2. "We need to fix her right away. She needs to know what the truth is. I don't want you to have to go through this." Charlie whispered back softly.
  3. "Oh... nothing..." Ezrium appeared to be lost in thought.
  4. "No... it's best you don't do one on me." Ezrium noticed his wounds were all healed. However, his Scar was still there.
  5. Charlie looked at Lilyana suspiciously. "Are you sure she's okay?" He whispered to Eddie. "She seems... off, somehow." Charlie noticed Lilyana's hand squeeze, and deducted she was in a relationship with Aster.
  6. Ezrium patted Elan awkwardly on the back. "Say, what exactly was in that blast past you was shot with?"
  7. Charlie squeezed back. It was good to have friends like Eddie.
  8. Ezrium looks at Elan Jr. "Well, the love potion it is I guess."
  9. "Interesting..." Charlie looked at her strangely. "I don't think your friends like me..." Charlie whispered to Eddie.
  10. Charlie looked at Eddie's... friends? "Hi, I'm Charlie!" He said enthusiastically, extending out a hand.
  11. "Um... you could lock her in a room, and suffocate her. You could throw her in jail... you could report any secret plans of revolting against the current government and making one that is a copy and paste to Madame President... you could fully embrace it and date the snake lady. Ooh! You could use a love potion to make the snake lady fall in love with someone else! Ooh, or better, you could use the love potion on yourself to make you fall madly in love with the snake lady." Ezrium suggested.
  12. I steal the sandwich and put it in the toaster, laughing evilly, then walk away, leaving the sandwich, to be slightly toasted for whoever finally eats it. But by that time it won't feel toasty and it will be strange.
  13. *hugs* I know what it feels like to be made fun of. Also to look for a new friend group. I didn't have trouble with it, as I knew a lot of people, but the best way I find is to simply introduce yourself and ask if they want to be friends. I know sometimes school is very small, with not a lot of different groups in it, and, well, if that's the case, just sit alone.
  14. There was no way to dodge it, and Napoleon's remains were launched into the sun.
  15. "Wait, what? Where's your mom? Who are they? Are those your friends you would always talk about in school?" Charlie looked at Lilyana and Aster. Ezrium noticed interaction, and decided to listen in on the conversation. It was Eddie.
  16. Waiter went around, serving everyone their orders.
  17. Charlie pulled Eddie into a kiss. Ezrium was alone in the forest, he started to head back to the inn, worried something big might happen.
  18. Charlie looked at Eddie lovingly, then blushed.
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