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CuratorOTL IG

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Everything posted by CuratorOTL IG

  1. This sounds something like a Stormlight epigraph and I freaking love it.
  2. I'm going to preface this with I am a Protestant Christian from a Lrotestant Christian house. My family has always been very involved in the church. However, as might be common, growing up with Christianity all around you can so exiles make you numb to all of that, to the point where you believe it but don't really feel it. This happened to me, and during the heights that numbness, my life nearly fell apart. I grew apathetic and uncaring to most things, including my friends and family. I didn't care about God or anything. Thankfully, God wouldn't give up on me. I've recently experienced a religious awakening in my life, and have grown much closer to God. My life has been so much better since then. Christianity influences almost out everything in my life, from my relationships to my work. Since the 3rd grade, I've always wanted to be a writer. After my religious awakening, I've allowed God to speak through me in all of my books. Oftentimes I will put religious imagery or symbolism, but not so much that it ruins the story. This is the sweet spot that I think for Christian fiction. I'm also a very logically minded person, and I've obviously had my doubts. I've done my research and determined that my faith is logical. As a side effect of this, I've grown very interested in the intricacies of the Beliefs of other religions. My faith has literally been a life saver at certain points through my life, dragging me back up from the deep of depression and despair
  3. I recently went down a cosmere rabbit hole(which I do on occasion) and I discovered that Design and Hoid somehow got off of Roshar to get to Komachi without breaking their bond. But I've also seen several articles state that that would be a bit of a problem for Hoid. How does this happen? I haven't read Yumi yet, if it's a spoiler, please don't tell me the answer, but if it isn't, I need answers.
  4. I forgot that Kal was related to royalty. Anything you said could be possible, of course. I just feel like Dalinar is going to try to reforge the Oathpact, as it's already stated that's what he's trying to do in RoW. Maybe it'll be different this. It probably will be, if he does. It's all just speculation, though. Hopefully we'll find out in SA5
  5. That would also be a good prediction, although Brandon might pull a sneaky one on us. This particular Death Rattle seems a pretty strong sign, though. Also, it just struck me that Moash could have a redemption arc and become the Herald of the Windrunners rather than Kal. Not that I would support it, of course, but it's not out of the question.
  6. This theory started out when I was rereading tWoK, and an epitaph stood out to me. It read: "He must pick it up, the fallen title! The tower, the crown, and the spear!" - Dated Vevahach, 1173, 8 seconds predeath. Subject: a prostitute. Background unknown. What stands out to me here is the clear allusion to the Kholin family crest: two glyphs in the shape of a tower and a crown. But then there's the odd duck: the spear. Why is the spear being grouped with the Kholin Crest? I think that this is the prediction that Kaladin is going to have to take up the mantle of the Kholin house. This got me to thinking: why would Kal have to do this? The obvious answer would be that all the Kholins die. And I think that's part of it. Navani, Renarin and Adolin I believe are going to die. This makes Dalinar believe he is the perfect candidate to be a Herald: used to war, already set up to take up Ishar's mantle, and now completely numb through heartbreak. I think Brandon's already been hinting that Dalinar is going to become a Herald, along with several other characters(Szeth for instance), and this would give him the perfect opportunity to do so. Shallan, now completely heartbroken over Adolin's death, refuses to take up the Kholin mantle, and Jasnah is already the queen. It would be possible for her to do it, but it doesn't seem in character for her to do it to me. So who's next in line? Kaladin. The former head of the Cobalt Guard, and the man who Dalinar trusted more than anyone. Also the most experienced Windrunner on Roshar at this point. So that's my prediction/theory. I don't know if anyone has caught this, or if Brandon has said it won't happen. Let me know your thoughts.
  7. 1. Words of Radiance- By far my favorite SA. The character development was incredible, and Kal swearing the third ideal literally sent shivers down my body. Absolutely impeccable. 2. Way of Kings- This might be simply because it was the first one and introduced me to all of the characters. The action and setup for the rest of the series was great 3. Oathbringer- This book is lower because it felt like it was just everywhere for a good portion of the book, with no real direction. The Sanderlanche was great, especially with Dalinar renouncing Odium("You cannot have my pain!" Is one of the most profound lines in the series imo) but the rest of the book just didn't do it for me like the others. It was still good, but no WoR. 4. Rhythm of War - I don't like Navani's PoVs, and there were just WAY too many of them. Give me more Kal fighting Fused, Adolin politicking his way through the honorspren capital and bonding with Maya, more Shallan(I know THAT'S controversial) edit: put RoW at the bottom.
  8. It actually has potential. Instead if an individual cost to the magic, it's a collective cost(which I think is the most interesting part of this). You could probably drop the yarn premise and still have a solid world. The only problem is the Weavers sound a bit too much like soulcasters, but the method is different enough that you could probably pass it off. Overall, really nice! I like it
  9. Literally ALL of my book/world ideas have come to me in spontaneous bursts of inspiration, save one when I sat down and said, "I want to write an epic fantasy that starts in another world"(because up to that point I had been doing portal fantasies). But after you get the ideas, then it's time for the methodical development of that idea.
  10. Read it. Liked it. The only thing I would change is the second sentence. (Just a copy edit basically) Two sentences in a row separated by commas seems sort of clunky. The mist also doesn't have much to do with the rain. I would divide the second sentence into two different sentences, so it would read, "Rain poured down in a thin drizzle. Mist swirled through the skies."
  11. Why do I feel like this is exactly what hold would say?
  12. Oh my word, this was me exactly I was so confused as to what a Gabriel was, what a soulcaster was and what the difference was
  13. This might a bit(or a maybe a lot) clichéd, but I really like Kaladin
  14. Thanks you for the warning. I will tread carefully
  15. My favorite is probably Words of Radiance, just cause the ending was exquisite
  16. I'm a little new to Brandon Sandersons books as a whole. I've read the first two books of reckoners(I'm getting around to calamity) . Right now I'm reading Rhythm of War and Warbreaker. I love Sandersons writing style and rich world building. I really want to know more about the Cosmere, cause I feel a little lost right now,
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