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Skyhunter Commander

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Everything posted by Skyhunter Commander

  1. Last year there were at least three that I recall, including Brandon. Though I don't know if they were officially guests, they did do panels, etc.
  2. If only the NYC Comic Con wasn't always in the middle of October. Between school and the Jewish holidays I've never been able to go even though it's a quick subway ride away. On an unrelated note though, is anyone here planning to go to JordanCon in April? While it's not necessarily geared toward writing, and there is not likely to be an editor presence there (apart from Harriet, of course) it is, in my opinion, a great first convention for people to go to-it's small and the people are nice-, and there is a good writing track, which includes a workshop session. The only thing that hurts the workshop is everyone is reading each other's work for the first time, so there isn't much chance to get a lot of feedback. It would be cool though if several Reading Excuses members attend, to have maybe a separate, in-person workshop, as we're more likely to have read each other's work before. And, of course, there are writers there. Unfortunately Brandon Sanderson isn't attending this time, but Mary Robinette-Kowal is, and I would assume they would invite at least one other author. As this may lead you to believe, I really enjoyed it when I went, and I'm likely going to attend again this year. And if anyone else is planning to go, it can only help to make it known in advance.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to leave comments. Unfortunately, school is taking up more of my time than it has a right to. Hopefully things will settle a bit in the next couple weeks so I can resume regular commenting and writing. I think it's great that you all notice the little inconsistencies, which I never would catch on my own. It should make revision easier, with a nice list of inconsistencies I need to address. Of course, I need to finish the thing first...
  4. ^^That's impressive. I'm not much of a note taker, so I basically absorb what I can, and if I want to brush up on something, I'll go and rewatch the relevant episode (only 15 minutes long...). I feel the same way in class-I have to resist an urge to facepalm every few minutes, and I hardly talk because I don't feel like stating the obvious. I actually recommended the podcast to one of my writing teachers (the best one I've had thus far), and he seemed interested, though I'm not sure how it would be worked into a class.
  5. I don't think it would be possible to list everything I have learned from Writing Excuses. It has definitely helped my writing tremendously, and it also provides insight on writing as a career which is always important. Only downside is that creative writing classes in college (including more advanced ones) feel amateurish now- like I know more before the class than I will learn from it.
  6. Thanks for the feedback-and for recreating this thread. I understand your feelings about Darkclaw's emotion flashes at this point. I'm still working out how exactly to show them at this point-where he does not fully recognize the emotions he feels. As they progress though, he will recognize the feelings (or will have the feeling before realizing that he is feeling anything). I should have an easier time showing that, I think. (That begins in chapter 10, I think. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it at some point soon.) About the Snevans, with your feedback now opinions are at a deadlock-two feeling that their dialogue was fine, two finding it irritating. As of now, I think I will keep it in, mainly because I'm pretty sure that this chapter was where they speak the most-later on it will only be a little bit here and there. In the next Dalcon chapter, which I believe is chapter 11, we will learn more about the Galactic Alliance's reasoning behind the attacks. What I will say now, however, is that I am aware that the Galactic Alliance's actions here do not make complete sense, and there is a reason. The battle scene probably will get changed a bit-at the last minute I decided to have Darkclaw arrive during, rather than after, the battle, so it probably can use some work. However, I intended for him to arrive at a point where the battle was already pretty far along, and the Alliance attack was already faltering a bit, since I didn't want it to go on for too long. That may not have been clear enough, though.
  7. I'd agree with everyone that five is a good number. Particularly now, when school is starting, many of us will have less time to write and critique, and while I might be able to keep up with five a week, more would be too much.
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