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Posts posted by Voidmaker

  1. Just gonna give my two cents here, Alder's handling most of it.

    15 hours ago, Heilven said:

    Except everything was made from investiture originally when adonalsium created the cosmere, and when adonalsium was shattered, all investiture was divided amongst the shards.

    Small clarification, but Scadrial was created after the Shattering. Ruin and Preservation created Scadrial alone, Adonalsium did create all Investiture, but Ruin and Preservation, with their individual Investiture, worked together to create Scadrial after Adonalsium's death.

    15 hours ago, Heilven said:

    Anyway that isn't the real problem, the real problem is in duplicating the power. Feruchemical ability is binary, you either have it or your don't. So what does compounding necrosil do when you have a feruchemical ability stored? If the answer is power duplication, than in principle, creating an infinite number of full feruchemists is simple.

    Allomantic power, on the other hand, is not binary. It controls your burn rate for metals. If you are correct, and you store the innate ability to burn metals, than compounding should increase the strength of the allomantic ability. That should absolutely let you create more allomancers. You almost certainly should be able to only pull off part of the power (or else storing an allomantic ability would be pretty useless) so getting all of your original power back, and giving the rest to someone else, would be easy given the knowledge they already have. The simple fact that they haven't done this tells me it can't be possible. Something in this chain of assumptions has to be impossible. All you would need is one misting of each type, a nicrosil compounder, and an aluminum ferring.

    Allomancy and Feruchemy are both binary (in the 'do-you-have-it' sense) and nonbinary (in the 'how-good-are-you-at-it' sense). Allomancy has raw strength- one guy's steelpush can be better or worse than some other guy's steelpush, varied by training, 'gene purity' (idk how to word this properly, essentially if you're a lerasium Mistborn or if you got it from your parents). Feruchemy has a similar thing (but no discovered Lerasium equivalent)- but it's referred to as Feruchemical 'efficiency'. The greater your efficiency, the less you 'lose' in the transferral process. When the attribute goes from 'attribute' to 'Investiture', it loses a small percent, returning to the Spiritual Realm. When the attribute goes back from 'Investiture' to 'attribute', another small percent is lost. A theoretically perfectly efficient Feruchemist would not have this loss, or have this loss be so neglible it's not even there. An extremely weak Feruchemist would lose a lot in this process, instead of an average Feruchemist losing little by little. I'm going off of memory here, and I don't have any WoB to prove it (I'm bad at finding them) so feel free to disregard this if there's no evidence, but I swear it worked like this. Sorry for not giving proof.

  2. 12 hours ago, icefenix7198 said:

    Radiant Order - Lightbenders (Ilumination/Abrasion) 

    Nice work! You're practically the only person keeping this thread alive at this point, so thanks. 

    On 1/24/2024 at 3:18 PM, icefenix7198 said:

    Radiant Order - Stonebinders (Cohesion/Adhesion) 

    Good work here as well. I particularly like the use of Commands more clearly, which is fun. I like it when magics accidentally emulate other magics.

  3. 1 minute ago, Koloss17 said:

    I think this means I’ve succeeded. In allomancy, you have gnats, which are just straight up useless unless you’re a Mistborn. With Feruchemy, there’s a use to everything. 

    I feel like Gnats are going to play a big part later down the line. Within their own, solitary magic, they can be useless, but medallion tech and eventually off-world magics/magitech/tech will make them a lot stronger.

    3 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

    Well, given the popularity of this thread, after a suitable break, I could totally do a Daily Allomancy or Feruchemy Deep Dive if folks want! First, I must make my ultimate Feruchemy ranking post.

    You probably shouldn't do this for 'if the folks want'. We don't want to force you into anything, even by peer pressure- if you want to take a break and continue this thread, then that's up to you, but if you want to take a break and not come back to this thread, that also works. We'd be happy either way.

  4. 7 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

    By the way, do you think you'll do a thread about all the Allomantic powers at some point?

    Honestly, we could just change this thread to a run-through of all Metallic Arts. We start with Feruchemy, then Allomancy, and maybe Hemalurgy. Up to Koloss in the end, though.

    10 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

    Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 16:


    Certainly, a metal that doesn't seem too useful, but maybe it can be. Trusk'our brings up many of the points I could make, but I also think it's quite useful for anything. 'The toughest choices require the strongest wills' kinda thing, maybe? The determination given by Electrum might make it so you can push past literally everything in the direction of what your goal is, including pain, strain, or even your own emotions.

    Plus, maybe there are some cognitive bonuses to this relating to perception and taking control of Hemalurgic creatures, as Trusk'our slightly mentions. However, beyond that, there may be more. What if determination isn't actually 'determination' in the emotional sense, but a strengthening of your cognitive aspect? That would most likely manifest as determination so it would be named determination, but since we haven't really seen any single-emotion magics (as far as I can tell, feel free to correct me) I doubt that Electrum only affects determination.

    If my crack theory of cognitive aspect strengthening is correct, I don't really know what that end result would be. Stronger Intent and Commands for magics relating to those, maybe? Perception certainly will be affected, whether or not it strengthens your cognitive aspect or just strictly gives you determination, which isn't that useful but for things like SP3 and Stormlight, it can be.

    My added analysis wasn't really an analyzation and more of just a cool little 'what if', but I figured I'd try my best with theories.

  5. 10 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

    Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 15:


    I have to retype this entire thing, so I'm mostly just going to do a summary since the site was weird for a moment. Feruchemical Gold also offers the ability to heal beyond the Physical self, IIRC. It is the best Scadrian healing art, only Pewter being able to truly heal in an Invested fashion, at a significantly slower rate.

    The ability to manipulate diseases is important for Feruchemical Gold. When you get sick, you don't necessarily have to heal it away instantly. If you allow that disease to exist inside you, you could be very valuable for scientific reasons- curing diseases and whatnot. Need to test a disease's effect on a person with a weak immune system? Start storing, and see how it goes. Is a disease affecting you a little too much? Heal up a tad, and get rid of the damage. Testing over, no need to be sick? Heal up completely, accept your payment, and get out of there. You'd help science a lot when you can be a test subject for diseases that easily- and assumably the pay is good, allowing you to get more Goldminds.

    You can also become a pseudo-Kandra if you want. Hide a blade in your arm, and tear it out in a pinch. Maybe a gun in your thigh to rip free and fire. Or, if you don't fancy a deadly weapon under your skin, maybe a key embedded in your flesh? No need to worry about losing it then. Another option is to store the ammo itself under your skin, so that way you can refill your bullets at any sime. If necessary, you can break your bones and body to get out of bindings, like breaking your wrists and thumbs to slip out of handcuffs- and then heal it back easily. Maybe you can even kind of get a True Body of your own, by swapping out a few of your bones for stronger things- and hopefully, with a little bit of perception and Intent, you won't kick them out by accident.

    And if storing your health is an issue, don't forget that a lack of health does not instantly give you a disease. If you were to exist in a perfectly sanitized room for your period of storage, you could speed it up easily. Maybe there are perfectly sanitized hotels for Gold ferrings? That'd be fun. Just don't stub your toe! All in all, health has a lot of painful purposes that help a lot, but I think that's all I can mention for my overanalyzation.

    Also, does anybody know what that weird glitch was? I hit Shift and Enter twice to skip two lines, so I can space out my paragraphs- but for some reason, it completely deleted my text. It might've been my finger slipping and hitting the wrong key, but I'm still curious. That's why I had to rewrite this.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

    Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 7:


    The only downside is the way that Copperminds can be changed by strong enough forces, like Ruin. Certainly not too handy when you can't even trust your own memory.

    As an Archivist, though, I think the more important ability is not to be able to remember anything, but also able to forget anything. Bad breakup? Actually, what breakup? Don't want to sign an NDA? Toss those memories away. Or, for more day-to-day things, you can reread your favorite books. Want to rewatch a good movie? Actually, you've never seen it before! The possibilities just keep climbing, with a fully malleable memory storage.

  7. I shall leave my mark here, as the Emperor of Health, that this Cult is wonderful. I would wish to join it, if not for my own obligations as the Emperor of Health. Very powerful and varied capabilities.

    I do... dislike the presence of Hemalurgy, but I shall set aside my convictions for the purpose of a good greeting. If a member ever regrets the impact of Hemalurgy on their life, we shall try our best to heal them.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

    As a believer of health and goodness, how does the cult reconcile the fact that to obtain proper resistance to disease and injury, you must first be more susceptible to disease and illness? And how would you recommend to your members on the best places and times to store health?

    Greetings, Overlord of Senses. You ask a good question, but it is an easy one. In order to have that Health stored up, we must undergo dangerous proceedings involving disease and injury, as you say. However, we are not against the concept of disease and injury. We embrace it, as it is a part of Health- there is no true definition of Health without the potential of, as you could say, 'Unhealth'. We embrace this Unhealth to fully recognize the power of true Health. Our goal is not to force every individual to only be healthy, but to embrace the fact that accidents, injuries, and events WILL happen- Unhealth WILL happen- and we prepare for it. We help ourselves through it via the wonderful power of our Goldmind, but for members of other Cults that are not innately blessed by Feruchemical Gold, we care for them as if we are Goldminds ourselves. We treat them, comfort them, reassure them, and heal them in any way we can- but we do not blame them for being injured, we do not insult them for being sick. We spread Health among all we can.

    Unhealth will strike us all eventually, so it is better to confront it head-on, embrace it, and prepare so the Cult of Health will last through it. This is the same reason we frown upon those that cause Unhealth upon others- it should be one's own choice to embrace Unhealth and confront Unhealth, not the whims of a Hemalurgist or thief.

    On the idea of times and places to embrace Unhealth, that is when we feel most comfortable and prepared. Sometimes, we do not have the energy to embrace Unhealth, and this is okay- we will wait for a time to be comfortable. Whether that is in bed, alone, or sitting with other members of the Cult of Health, or whatever group they wish to be a part of. We help ourselves through Unhealth, we help each other through Unhealth, and we help others through Unhealth, in order to reach a state of Health that can be truly appreciated. The time and place for this embracement of Unhealth is based on the person alone, and what they value in relation to time and place.

    Of course, some people will never be ready to embrace Unhealth. While we do eagerly encourage confronting it head-on, we understand. Unhealth will strike us all, willing or unwilling, but no matter the situation, our prime directive is to aid.

    41 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

    I will be keeping a close eye on the development of this organization. I will keep careful watch, and see whether you are to be an ally or a rival. For the time being, I have no reason to oppose your cult, as we appear to have different goals in mind. 

    Indeed, but our cooperative nature I know will be valuable. Your wondrous Feruchemical capabilities allow you to escape the pain of an injury or sickness- but it will not cure the issue itself. We will leave the choice of alliance or enemy to you, but no matter what, we will aid you when the Unhealth strikes.

  9. As said in the title, this cult will have potential Cosmerogical spoilers, most likely pertaining to Mistborn (but could be from other books or series as well). As the Emperor of Health, I shall order upon our soon-to-grow numbers that we use spoiler boxes for non-Mistborn material, in order to be friendly with newcomers, or only reference it vaguely enough to not spoil important plotlines.

    I shall thank the Overlord of Senses, @Koloss17, for giving me the inspiration and idea to craft this community. On that note, I shall establish an alliance, potentially temporarily, with all members of the Cult of Senses. Come in, relax, and embrace sickness and Health. Currently, I have no opinion on any other Feruchemical, Allomantic, or Hemalurgical Cult. However, as long as you don't cause trouble and make us waste the valuable Health in our ever-expansive Goldminds, we don't care (yes, you may spy on us).

    On that note, let me dive into the reason this cult exists. As Emperor of Health, it is my duty to provide all with reasons to join this wonderful Cult- and the first and foremost is survivability. Health is a valuable thing to any living creature's life, no matter where it is from. Animals of the lowest intelligence to entities of the highest all respect and value the Health of themselves and others. From disease to plagues, from scratches to dismemberment, we can heal all. Our Goldminds may be pricey, but people's lives, as stated by one powerful war general, are priceless. It is a great bargain to be able to buy one's life back with only gold.

    Indeed, it is surprising the amount of power a simple earring, bracelet, or wristband will hold. You may stay weak for a week, in order to recover from a lost limb. You may gain a cold or sore throat, in order to shrug off a nasty gash. Even greater, you may stay weak and frail for maybe even a year- in order to heal back the wounds from a Hemalurgical attack or other Spiritual damage. Indeed, even the power of a (Stormlight / Warbreaker)


    Shardblade, Honorblade or (theoretically, with a small and short enough graze) Nightblood.

    Any damage at all, we shall stay strong as you store and recover in order to embrace true Health.

    There are a few rules to being a member of the Cult of Health, but do not fret, they are not many.

    First and foremost, we seek not violence. Of course, we will also not tolerate any sort of harmful language towards one another, as even Cognitive damage we'd like to heal. On that note, we will not allow any religious insults, and we seek not to replace any person's religion, as the Cult of Health has no true religion. We wish for all members of our Cult of Health, and even members outside of it, to stay as healthy as possible- Physically, Cognitively, and Spiritually with some leeway for those who are storing. Speaking of, our second rule:

    We care for the injured, sick, or otherwise unwell. Whatever plagues one's body, mind, or soul, we seek to heal and care for. Whether it is a simple cold that is ruining your day, or a sore throat making you feel unwell, we will sympathize as you heal. Whether it is a stressful day at your place of work or a bad argument with a close friend, we will give advice and help you relax. Or maybe a moral dispute, threatening your very worldview, has you panicked and confused? Be not afraid, we are here for comfort and Health.

    Third, as the Overlord of Senses mentioned, we seek to improve all from a state of Unhealth, but in order to do that, many of us will seek Unhealth to prepare and embrace it. Health cannot be understood without Unhealth, and Unhealth cannot be feared without Health. We must experience both in order to truly be a part of the Cult. Even if you only experienced it years ago, you still know that state of Unhealth- and that proves a valuable resource, as it lets you be truly grateful for our Health.

    Overall, we seek not to waste the Health of any individual. We spread comfort to all members, and the only thing we frown upon is those who willingly hurt others, in any way. As the Emperor of Health, though, I also promote forgiveness- if a member were to accidentally harm another or an outsider, a simple apology should set everything right.

    I am very new to leading a Cult, and am afraid I may not be the greatest leader- so any additional rules you'd like to add, whether relating to our capabilities or our mindset in relation to others shall be accepted. I seek to grow this group into a wonderful community, but even if I stand alone, I will be happy promoting health. Please do not think of my words as offensive if they offended you, and instead, give advice for improvement.

  10. 41 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

    Join the social guilds! That’s where mine is located.

    I see. I might reconsider my picking if I do make it that official, as F-Chromium is mostly cool due to the fact we don't even know anything about it. (Plus, while reading through your F-Tin thread, somebody had already picked up F-Duralumin, so I might have to double-dip in a category, as the Cognitive category doesn't seem all that appealing to me.)

    Thanks for the advice, even if we become cult leader enemies (or have an alliance) :)

  11. 12 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

    and I do apologize for the very short and snappy posts, but for the last few posts I’ve basically rushed to get em down last moment. And frankly, at least for these ones, the analysis is pretty low. I mean, how much can ya really do with regulating body temp besides the obvious? Not too much. At least I don’t think so….

    Scadrian Arts really only seem exemplary when there's another one- of the same variety or not- to throw in the mix. F-Steel and F-Zinc, for example, work well together, allowing you to store at similar rates to make reality seem normal, even when you move and think slower. F-Iron and A-Steel, as shown by Wax, allow for some neat tricks relating to how Steelpush force works. On their own, unless you go super in-depth, they aren't that exciting to look at.

    However, to benefit this thread:

    12 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

    Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 6:


    Good analysis! I feel like there's more to be said for survivability, as with the proper Intent or whatnot you could be able to heat up your hands to a superhuman level and potentially cook food, or at least neutralize some bacteria. Being able to control what part of your body to heat and cool, potentially simultaneously, works well for that two-handed example.

    With one hand, each punch will cook their flesh. With the other, each punch will bleed out a bit of the opponent's body heat. Combine that with an already hot/already cold environment, and a Firesoul can become quite effective. Beyond that, it might be able to have a similar effect to A-Tin, where if you are in danger of being knocked unconscious, you can store all your heat in a burst to give you the effect of dumping a bucket of ice on your head to wake you up. 

    Another note, and this one is purely speculative, but the only hard limit for the temperature would be the Brassminds themselves melting, and if you can control what aspects of your body are superheated or whatnot, then you can exceed that as well. This begs the question that since it is technically a 'Physical' metal (since it was originally a hybrid metal but got swapped with Electrum, and Hybrid is 'essentially another physical category'), what effect would the body grow to have once it reaches a superhuman level?

    Could it reach a level of insulation that could serve as a protective shell? Would it just put the sweat glands into overdrive? Maybe it won't have that much of an effect, as overtapping Health or Breath or Nutrients doesn't physically alter the body to make it able to withstand such things (however, maybe there's a change on the organ level? For nutrients, maybe they have a more effective/less effective digestive system? For health, more effective/less effective immune system? Breath, obviously bigger/more effective or smaller/less effective lungs? And to that extent, maybe heat/cold only affects the body's sweating rate, or production of hair as an insulator, or whatever?)

    I'm no biologist or anatomy specialist, so I have a feeling I'm out of my depth here (and am welcoming corrections), but there are plenty of theories to be made about Firesouls. Just gotta test the limits a little, and let people prove you wrong in some areas, and right in others. 


    5 hours ago, Njvodin said:

    Still nowhere near as impressive as Cadmium. The true cult of F-cadmium will rise. Mark my words.

    Well, it seems we're starting up a lot of Feruchemical Cults, one in each category. Koloss has F-Tin, Njvodin claims F-Cadmium, so I shall claim F-Chromium, in order to keep our cults separate. Now time to find out how to start a cult around a metallic art...:ph34r:

  12. 13 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

    Well, I have officially returned to the Shard

    Welcome back!

    13 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

    Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 1: 


    Good analysis. I feel like we should dedicate more time to intricacies, as there'll only be 17 total analyses (but, to be fair, the Spiritual category seems daunting if we go as in-depth as possible). On that note, are you including Era 1 Atium's Feruchemical properties or not? I said 17 since I assumed you were, but I just want to confirm the plan laid out for us. You said Feruchemy table, and Atium isn't on there, so maybe only 16. Up to you!

    14 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

    Namely: what metals and abilities are the best?

    Can you clarify this? Sorry to add more questions to this reply, but I feel like this is crucial to clarify. Are we looking for a combative metal, or an overall, multi-use metal? Are we looking for a metal that can counter another world's Invested Art or just one that can fend off a Misting or Ferring (or Hemalurgist, assuming one spike or something)? Basically, what counts as your definition of 'the best'? Sorry for all the questions, and not much contribution. Good luck with the Feruchemy Analyses, and have fun!

  13. Great work! If you're looking for critique, there are some minor punctuation errors, but I'm not gonna be your English teacher today.

    1 hour ago, witless hoid said:

    this is my very first rough draft, so it's not great

    the idea came from the "new surge combos: Now Daily!" thread by @Argenti (check it out)

    I know that it doesn't make any sense in the cosmere, I just thought it was a fun story. I might eventually change it to make more sense in the cosmere, but I might not.

    I like nightblood, and was considering this the nightblood class, mostly for the joke

    Don't limit yourself to Cosmere-fitting stuff only! Write what you want to write, and while some may find the fun part in the accuracy, some others just like to write, probably like yourself.  I like the Nightblood references, even if it was just for the joke. You write very well, punctuation and clarity seems to be your only shortcomings, and even then it's still great.

    11 minutes ago, Argenti said:

    Ohhhh spicy! Nightblood is such a silly sword. I love him

    Very silly, but also very deadly, as shown here. Just wait until more of them are made...

  14. 10 minutes ago, Alumínio said:

    about the automatic translation I don't think it's the website, I'm from Brazil so maybe it's a grammatical error on my part, my English came from games

    Ah, okay. It's no big deal, your English is still very good, but I have a tendency of not fully elaborating on my points (assuming the overall thought gets across) which might have made it harder to read.

    And again, Alder saves the day :D. I wonder if my original theory, that destiny can still be changed, could affect something like the stealing of destiny (in both Hemalurgy and Bondsmith cases).

  15. Just now, Alumínio said:

    it makes sense, I don't like the idea of destiny either, it takes the fun out of the plot, I'm going to see destiny as the approximate result of what the Scadrians and Khriss think this is.

    Agreed, I never liked destiny all that much, but it clearly exists, just usually small scale (Atium shadows foretell destiny, accurate Futuresight foretell destiny, etc.) but since there are ways of countering it, it's not 'true' destiny.

    2 minutes ago, Alumínio said:

    and don't worry, why should your answer displease me? I asked a question precisely because I don't know LOL

    I might've just phrased it wrong or it was a translation error (I think the forums auto-translate because I noticed your quote was in a different language), I just meant I've never done anything relating to MAG so if it had knowledge of some form that invalidated what I said, sorry in advance for potential confusion, but I don't think that's the case since usually the books are most accurate.

  16. Fortune and destiny are most likely different in the way that Fortune pertains to Futuresight, and destiny pertains to the future itself. Fortune could allow you to see the future, but stealing one's destiny would allow you to have the future of the individual you stole it from, not just see the future. Not to mention, the Hemalurgy chart says 'might steal destiny', not 'steal destiny', so it might be unconfirmed. I'm sure someone with more in-depth knowledge will probably have a better explanation, but this is kinda the 'short and simple' one. Considering 'destiny' hasn't really been an aspect of any magic, I'm reluctant to consider it as a valid part of the Cosmere, especially with the whole 'might' thing.

    EDIT: Wanted to add, I rely on Coppermind and book knowledge, not anything related to MAG, so sorry if there's something countering it.

  17. 55 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

    If we got to see Rayse in the cognitive realm fading into the beyond, that would be crazy.

    I don't think Nightblood-killed people get to go to the Beyond, sadly. Nightblood tends to leave nothing left to even die properly. A pre-death Rayse interlude would be nice, though.

  18. 22 hours ago, alder24 said:

    I have that only when a bot spams topics with massively long titles in that subforum.  After they get banned and the forum is cleared, everything is back to normal.

    Having a character limit for titles would probably solve this issue, but maybe the issue is already solved in the new update.

    Yeah, that seems most likely, I'll be on the lookout for the next time a bot spams a forum.

    17 hours ago, Argenti said:

    Nope it's gone. <_<

    And so are the spam bot posts. Alder's theory seems pretty correct to me.

  19. 14 minutes ago, Argenti said:

    Does this page have a weird aspect ratio for anyone else or is just me?

    Yes, most definitely. I have to scroll just to read responses (and give rep). Very strange.

    1 hour ago, icefenix7198 said:

    I thought their spirit web would be more broken due to their madness (Mistborn HoA)

      Reveal hidden contents

    That’s the reason Ruin could also comunícate with “crazy” people like Zane or that beggar without having and spike

    Although it make sense that not all Ruinholders would be equally broken or maybe not broken at all, when I have time I will rework a little bit the resonance, thanks for the feedback

    Ah, I wasn't really thinking about insanity. Yes, madness does cause cracks in the Spiritweb, but as you brought up yourself, not all Ruinholders will have that same insanity.

    1 hour ago, icefenix7198 said:

    The Mistborn reference part was pure luck in the combinations of the two :D, the first one was intentional, specially with the resonance 

    Makes sense, I figured as much.

    1 hour ago, icefenix7198 said:

    Don’t worry for posting, school always go first, I also don’t have a lot of time so probably I would disappear a little for a time.

    Yeah, I have a big test today even, won't be on for long. Feel free to disappear for a bit, we'll still be here when you come back.

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