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Everything posted by Oracle

  1. What happens when you find a stranger in the alps?
  2. I had written and sent my whole reply when I saw your post and couldn't figure out how to edit a quote into a post I already made It's been forever since I've been on a forum
  3. Absolutely! Who doesn't?
  4. I had planned on reading Mistborn first - but seeing how highly praised Stormlight was on Booktube made me pick it up! Plus, I had just spent a lot of time playing Elden Ring which made me positively ache to get back into the high fantasy genre. But the short answer is 'yes' - I definitely plan on reading other Cosmere series, likely starting with Mistborn. So far Kaladin is probably my favorite of the main characters, but he's also the one I feel has gotten the most narrative depth in the first 150ish pages. Szeth seems fascinating. On Shallan, I must admit I'm more than a bit bored with female fantasy characters whose primary personality traits are 'bookish and sensitive' but her conflict has certainly grabbed me and I'm very interested in where her relationship with Jasnah goes. Honestly, I hope Jasnah gets fleshed out - the religious systems of this world seem pretty rich and I'm curious how an atheist fits into all of this, especially considering how overtly fantastical this setting is.
  5. Hi everyone! Total fantasy geek here. I'm very new to Brandon Sanderson's work but I picked up 'The Way of Kings' this week and have been absolutely tearing through it. It's been a really long time since I've read or written anything (former fanfiction writer here) but it's a world I've been eagerly jumping back into. I really missed being engaged in fandom communities and I'm excited to be here! Hoping to join you all on the other side in spoiler-land soon!
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