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Everything posted by Wittles

  1. I did it one time in my english class when I was bored and started reading it, and my friend just looked at me like I was crazy. It was great
  2. Lyrics from a song by Black Eyed Peas? Wasing the not of having was?
  3. There isn't really a way to flex more than just pulling out a stormlight book in public.
  4. the funny one was totally ridiculous and absurd, my favorite kind of humor. the part with the unexplained curse made me laugh(more than the other parts) The serious one actually made me kind of emotional. It hit hard. Awesome job!
  5. "Oh, that makes a lot more sense. At least you don't like killing for fun or something psychotic like that."
  6. Emerik looked at her quizzically. "If you don't mind me asking, do you just enjoy killing or something?"
  7. "I think after this is all over, I'd want to go there. If you'd like to show me around I wouldn't object."
  8. "Townihaveyettonamebecauseifidoiwillforgetit sounds like a fun place."
  9. Emerik just laughed. "Relax, I don't take things from people I know, or people who don't seem to have a lot of money. It's usually things like an ornate bracelet on someone with fancy rings and necklaces, they don't need it all."
  10. "I tend to just do whatever happens to be the most interesting thing at the moment, Usually if I see someone who looks wealthy I'll see if I can snatch something from them."
  11. "I guess I could make it work. Who knows, maybe I'll accidentally learn to play if I pretend." He smiled. Even though he could tell she was hiding something, He found himself liking her.
  12. Emerik grinned. "That sounds like fun. I don't think she does, but I could do vocals. Or maybe some sort of background noise."
  13. Emerik looked at her inquisitively. "What were you planning?"
  14. "It was probably just the captain trying to brace himself against the wall as he fell."
  15. "I don't think it was one of us. Aolicei, Par, and I turned up at the scene at the same time after hearing a scream. Par doesn't handle blood well, so he would've fainted. When we heard the scream, Aolicei and me were within sight of each other."
  16. Emerik began flipping his coin. "I guess it could have been one of the guards."
  17. "She didn't say, but some guards tried to drag her off, and they said he was their captain."
  18. "The guy was her own father, so I don't think she could have killed him, but I do think it is very likely she saw who did."
  19. "Yeah, we have no idea what happened."
  20. Emerik turned to face her. "Yes," his eyes narrowed in concentration. "And you are Abihal?"
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