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  1. He can certainly break some wind...
  2. Thank you Seonid for warm greetings! Everyone who knows me probably is already sick of my fascination with Mr. Sanderson. Thankfully, we don't have his books here sold in hardcopies so they cannot smack me with those in my face.
  3. Some cookies have leurasium beds inside instead of hemolurgic spikes, so you kinda have just take your chances my friend. Also, Sazeds voice is strangely similar to Morgan Freemans...
  4. Hi Stormgate, I believe cookies grant you power but for a price. But if they are the only way for me to become an allomancer, i am ready to take them. I wonder where do 17th sharders get so many hemolurgic cookies though...
  5. Hi everyone! I have been a member for a long time, but this is actually my first post. I have read almost all of the BS works (haven't read White Sand though, waiting for the official graphical novel). I believe I am the only cosmerian from Turkmenistan, though I try to recruit some people from time to time. Mostly, the problem is with the language barrier and generally not everyone likes fantasy genre here. I am generally an emotional reader, so I seem to never be able to spot all the foreshadowing, all the cosmere easter eggs and other cosmere awareness stuff in BS books while I read, so I pick it up later on the forums. It has been a great pleasure to read all your comments and posts for so many years, I am really proud of how strong our family is. So once again, hi everyone! If any of you plan to come visit Turkmenistan, just let me know, I will be glad to meet you guys!
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