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Tea Leaf

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Blog Comments posted by Tea Leaf

  1. I love everything I have read so far of your setting, here are some of my thoughts:


    My solution? BS it. BS everything. Come up with a few ideas and just roll with it. Experienced DMs will tell you not to make stuff up as you go along

    I have DMed for about 4 years now and recently set the record for longest campaign, 25 sessions (the old record was roughly 18, the second best was 4.). My whole policy this time was 'Nothing should be planned' if they want something Logical, give it to them, at a steep price. Give your players plot points and let them shape the world in their own way.


    Though I might have messed mine up, though they at level 1 asked for being attacked by bandits, so the cart was attacked by 6 bandits, they almost died, complained they got nothing even though they actually got 29GP from that. Second plot point was to fill a room with torches, a boss room, Which I did nope (it was effectively a darkness dragon).

    Yeah, in my opinion Improv is better than writing it all out. Feel free to prove me wrong, but you won't stop me. My campaign actively running is: Irish landscapes on an Alderson Disk, filled with ancient civilisations. Now it is about fighting an evil bard, I think. And stopping the Apocalypse.


    Only the false one so far


    They are going to accidentally start the actual one, I think.






    • Sapping: Damage that directly weakens the target. -1 Str.
    • Leeching: Damage that slows the target. -1 Dex.
    • Draining: Damage that reduces the target's vitality. -1 Con.
    • Psychic: BRAIN. -1 Int
    • Blocking: Anti-chakra. -1 Wis
    • E m o t i o n a l : -1 Cha

    You might want to check out ability damage back in 3.5e. 


    Dwarven Vending Machine: I already mentioned this up above, but I recently backed a kickstarter for a brand-new D&D campaign book inspired by Ghibli and Zelda, which is like... awesome. And there are rules in there for magical vending machines! Obviously I couldn't wait and just took it upon myself to make some for this campaign early...



    Last session we got about half an hour of walking in before it devolved into Clash of Clans and watching Lord of the Rings. Our games are not organized, our games are not professional, and our games are not planned.

    I feel your pain, Last session for me:


    Delayed by about 7 hours (I am not kidding, planned to be at 1 PM, ran at 8 PM, I was waiting on calls on and off for almost the whole time). I was Narrating the apocalypse, Player No. 1: 100% invested, Player No. 2: Trying to play a strategy game against me the DM, Player No. 3: Playing a game about crabs fighting and ignoring the DM the whole time. 

    Do you do in person sessions, play by post, or over call.
    In persons sessions work well: Because everyone is going to know the time and won't randomly leave because: 'I'm going to watch [Insert Show]'
    On Discord: Use events, these are what has held my campaign together, I think, be consistent with timing
    Play by Post: These aren't always easy to hold together if the players aren't too dedicated, though they do work well if the players are


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