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The Aspiring Archivist

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Posts posted by The Aspiring Archivist

  1. 35 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "i need you to talk to hades. he only listens to his own children. also as a child of hades you have the right to bring any one into his domain uninvited."


    I think you missed my last post


  2. 2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

    Clinic: Ash's Office (Ash)

    Ash looked thoughtful for a moment. "I doubt it. Never seen a dead person appear the way you are. And one a person is dead I've always lost the ability to help them. Though I suppose it could be possible. I highly doubt it though."

    "They wanted to hurt me... and they succeeded. Why? Maybe I am..."

  3. 1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "i can try not to stab you again... we will need you to fight again soon..."

    "one that you can also see in return."

    "No. I have no idea what you saw."


  4. Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "then tell me what it is like!?"

    "I can't. The point is, you can't just figure it out and fix me, just like that. And I can't experiment on you."

  5. 2 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "yes it will. i know it will."

    "oh this is gold*laughting* look jenny he clearly wants me to trust you so he is asking you to ask a question that you think would work. he is asking you to not say it word for word."

    "You don't know the first thing about what this is like!"

  6. 5 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "then i can tell you. can you show anyone else what we both will see? if so then they could help work it out for you."

    "No. This idea will not work."

  7. 2 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "well now that that is cleared up. hello cronos. how are you today?"

    "why not?"

    "Because I don't know. It could go wrong faster than I expect."

  8. 1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "what about? who is talking jenny or master?"

    "and why not?"

    "Because if it goes wrong, you might kill someone, or yourself!" Terrance was growing indignant.

  9. Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "i wont go insane that quickly. beside we can have roy with us during the experiments."

    "You don't know how quickly and how severely you'll be affected. One time..." He shook his head. "No."

  10. 5 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "you have a point but at least he can prevent other people from facing the same fate."

    "I doubt that. And ether way, I can't trust you not to cause problems once you go insane at first, even if you could get healed."

  11. Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

    “Me and Roy are on good terms at the moment. He can cure any madness or insanity.”

    Terrance raised an eyebrow. "I'm not convinced Roy himself is completely sane."

  12. Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

    “Because now you have a test subject.”

    Terrance frowned for a moment, then seemed to understand. "No. You'll go insane."


    Terrance is correct about this, though it's up to you whether Jace will accept it.


  13. 2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

    Clinic: Ash's Office

    "That's a very nice name. I like it. How do you feel about going to the library to see if we can find more information to help Turing? You can look at some books and such for yourself while we are there?"


    Turing seemed to now be looking at the two of them silently, though he didn't have any distinct eyes.

    "Am I dead?"


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